Posts Tagged ‘Jessica Clark First Coast News’

Write Into Action possesses evidence Dominic Casey telling the truth about drug traffickers

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on May 31, 2016, 9:37 P.M. CST

Spoiler Alert: Florida Attorney Jose Baez is involved in misconduct in epic proportions.

FOX News reports Jose Baez, the attorney that represented Casey Anthony during her murder trial, denies his defense was funded by El Chapo.

“One, ‘El Chapo’ did not finance Casey Anthony’s defense,” Baez said.

El Chapo

El Chapo

Write Into Action possesses evidence that Dominic Casey, Baez’s former private investigator who recently made the powerful claim in an Affidavit to the Court, is in fact telling the truth.

And…Jose Baez is in a world of trouble.

Here’s why.

 Baez and Casey Anthony

Baez and Casey Anthony

The murder of Caylee Anthony is directly related to the unsolved kidnapping of HaLeigh Cummings.

Here’s how and why.

Rev. Richard Grund, the father of Casey Anthony’s former fiance’, Jesse Grund, was afraid forensics was going to find his semen and pubic hair on Caylee’s body when they found it.

You can use your imagination as to why he was worried about that (but you might want to consider he admits he worshipped Satan in the past).

Therefore, Grund began formulating a cover story about a diabolical plot underway to plant DNA on Caylee’s body.

Grund told detectives at the Orange County Sheriff’s Office about the plot when he was interviewed in the fall of 2008 (you can hear it on You Tube).

Rev. Richard Grund

Rev. Richard Grund

Caylee’s body was found in December, 2008.

Grund subsequently made the same claims about semen and pubic hair during recorded interviews with Write Into Action in the spring of 2009 after Caylee’s body had been found.

Here’s what Grund and his associates did, folks.

After Caylee’s body had been found…

Grund conspired with William Staubs (a.k.a. Cobra), Author Wayanne Kruger, and members of an already existing human trafficking operation, to create a missing child event that would sweep the news on February 10, 2009.

Strong evidence also shows that a ‘patsy’ for the kidnapping was pre-selected and murdered. That patsy was Chad Eugene Reynolds, a convicted child molester that disappeared a few days before the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping.

The February 10, 2009 date was chosen for the staged stranger abduction of HaLeigh Cummings because a nationally televised vigil was being held for Caylee Anthony that day in Orlando.

HaLeigh’s kidnapping and Amber Alert was guaranteed to receive massive media exposure.

The seeming kidnapping of five year-old HaLeigh Cummings, Satsuma, Florida, occurred 75 miles north of Orlando and was orchestrated to create the illusion that a kidnapper and killer of little girls was on the loose – ALL WHILE Caylee Anthony was in jail.

It was a plan to create reasonable doubt for BOTH Casey Anthony and Richard Grund.

You can use your imagination as to why BOTH of those two people are implicated – but it involved satanic child sacrifice.

If the public could be convinced that a killer was on the loose it would solve BOTH Richard Grund’s and Casey Anthony’s problem.

Baez knew about all this.


The first mention of drug traffickers being involved with paying fees and services occurred in March, 2009, when Jessica Clark, a reporter with First Cost News, asked William Staubs (a.k.a. Cobra) who was paying his bills.

Staubs told Clark his bills were being paid by a “drug dealer from Miami.”

Write Into Action possess the audio of the interview captured on a secret wire worn by Staubs. Staubs also told Clark he had been sent to search for HaLeigh Cummings by a pastor named Rev. Richard Grund.

William Staubs - a.k.a. Cobra

William Staubs – a.k.a. Cobra

Therefore – Staubs had been sent into the Cummings case by Grund; yet his bills were paying paid by a drug dealer.


Dominic Casey was a private investigator working for Jose Baez in the spring of 2009.

Dominic Casey

Dominic Casey

So what was Baez’s private investigator doing?

Here’s what.

He was shadowing Staubs during Staubs’ fake search for HaLeigh Cummings.


Dominic Casey was working with Sheriff’s detectives in Putnam County, Florida because they knew Staubs was planting evidence.

This all spells serious big trouble for Attorney Baez.

Observe the facts of the following previously published piece by Write Into Action.


Although never reported by the news, PI Casey was heavily involved in the investigation into the kidnapping of HaLeigh Cummings. The five year-old from Satsuma, Florida girl was reported missing from her father’s home on February 10, 2009.

PI Casey was involved in the location of a “bloody sheet” found in the woods and taken into evidence by law enforcement. He was working with Detective Peggy Cone, the lead detective on the HaLeigh Cummings Task Force at the time.

PI Casey and Det. Cone had another private investigator, William Staubs (a.k.a. Cobra), under surveillance.

William Staubs (Cobra) interjected himself into the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping investigation at the direction of Rev. Richard Grund (the father of Casey Anthony’s former fiancé Jesse Grund.)

Grund told both the Orange County Sheriff’s Office detectives and Write Into Action there was a conspiracy to plant semen and pubic hair on Caylee Anthony’s body that would implicate Jesse Grund.

The suspicious assertion by Rev. Grund and Cobra about semen and pubic hair being planted on little Caylee’s remains were dwarfed by the bizarre ‘funding’ of Cobra’s involvement in the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping investigation by a “drug dealer from Miami”.

And…a bloody sheet.

During a recorded interview with Write Into Action, Cobra recalled the moment he, his son Matthew Staubs, and a man named Jeremiah Regan found a bloody sheet in the woods.

“[Dominic Casey] called up Jeremiah Regan on the phone and told him to step away from me. Well when he answered the phone, Jeremiah looked dead at me – my eyes met his eyes and he looked to the ground. And he turned around and he walked off talking on the phone,” Staubs said.

William Staubs said he and his son then left the scene before the police arrived.

“As we were riding up to Mee Maw from the HaLeigh Bug Center I said to [Matthew Staubs] ‘if I’m correct – within about a minute – two minutes – I give them three minutes, this is pretty hot – he’s ‘what dad what’ – I said the cops car as going to go blazing down this fucking road right here – you watch and see. And all of a sudden there goes two cop cars,’” William Staubs said.

William Staubs said Regan was in one of the cars and Matthew Staubs asked him why they had “Jeremiah” in custody.

“I said they don’t have Jeremiah son. There taking Jeremiah over there to that part of the woods to recover that fucking sheet,” Staubs said.

Staubs talked to Regan after the sheet was taken into evidence and asked him who called him on the phone.

“He said that was Dominic Casey. I said what did Dominic Casey say to you? He said step away from Cobra right now. That means that he is – that means that he is watching some place. He said to step away from you and call this lady Peggy Cone. I said who the fuck is Peggy Cone. She’s a detective. I said is that the detective that came and picked you up. He goes ‘yep.’ I said what did she say to you bro? She said I needed to stay away from you or I was going to find myself in jail with you and he started shaking. He said remember that sheet I told you was evidence. I said yeah. He said ‘she recovered it’. I said she did what? I said she took it into custody – I told you it was blood,” Staubs said.