Posts Tagged ‘Donna Brock’

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on August 21, 2017, 08:05 P.M. CST

The Indiana private investigator that called a Petitioner of an active court case and ominously claimed she spoke Ex Parte to the judge has made startling new revelations.

Tina Church, president, Specialized Investigative Consultants Inc., Mishawaka, Indiana says she has been visited by police and spoke to a detective.

Church has since admitted she did not really call Honorable Tamara Yon who is the Assistant Chief Judge of the 9th Minnesota District.

But – saying she did might not have been a good idea.

“You didn’t have to turn me in; I had them out here myself,” Church said. Church said she was visited by Sgt. Eric Petersen of the Mishawaka Police Department. She also said she was contacted by Lt. Detective Michael Cleveland.


Church also appears to suggest the Mishawka Police Department is not investigating her – rather, she suggests they are investigating me.

Church said Sgt. Petersen came to her home about a “week and a half ago” and talked to her and made screenshots from her computer.

“A report has been filed with the Mishawaka City Police Department and its on file … and I’m giving you the detectives name – Sgt. Eric Petersen is the Sergeant who came to my home and took the report – the whole my being involved in kidnapping and sex trafficking of children – that was exactly what was handed over to him – he saw it himself – he was appalled – the man has known me for years”

“He took it over to the Detective Bureau – they’re scouring over everything – and then there going to take it to the Prosecuting Attorney,” Church said.

Church said the police are “pretty pissed off” because they’ve known her for years and they are not happy with the “vile” things I write about her.

When I asked Church what exactly the police are investigating she replied they are “investigating your activities”.

Church and her company are the central focus of a Motion to Vacate that I filed in the 9th Minnesota District family court in Polk County, Minnesota.

On July 24, 2017 I submitted astonishing new evidence that shows how Church and her agents targeted my family and children because I assisted the FBI in the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping investigation. The Affidavit is a blueprint to Church’s extensive criminal operation and alleges Specialized Investigative Consultants Inc. is a front for a child trafficking operation.

Church telephoned me last night after midnight and made many starling admissions including one about missing children.

“I help people from all over the country. People with missing children. People with missing family members. Cold case murders. I do it all for free,” Church said.

That is NOT what Church previously and repeatedly stated to me over a period of years. Church has always steadfastly denied working missing child cases – insisting she only works post conviction death penalty cases.

Church flatly disputes using her operatives to make contact with Chelsea Croslin, the sister-in-law of Misty Croslin, who law enforcement has always called the “key” to solving the HaLeigh Cummings case – calling Chelsea Croslin a liar.

It is now clear Chelsea Croslin was telling the truth the whole time.


It appears there is much amiss.

Church telephoned me last night after reading an article I wrote on August 19, 2017 which stated her company was no longer appearing on the State of Indiana license search website.

“Let me give you my PI number that will help you. You want to call the Indiana professional licensing agency – would that help you? Would you like my number? My licensing number? Okay it’s PI20700124,” Church said.

I ran the license number through the Indiana licensing website today and nothing appeared. I contacted the State of Indiana regarding Church’s license but received no reply as of this publishing.

But there may be a bombshell.

Church also proactively mentioned something she has never mentioned before when steadfastly denying she had anything to do with the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping investigation or missing children.


“You’ve had me involved in that case (HaLeigh Cummings) and the only thing that I ever did was talk to Chelsea Croslin about an outstanding warrant. End of story. I never – no – never had anything to do with that case. Tim Miller with Texas Equusearch – did he? Yes. Is he a good friend of mine? Yes. Tim and I have been very good friends for many years and I have done a lot of work with Tim with Texas Equusearch – I don’t do just criminal cases – I’ve worked a lot of missing children and solved cold case murders,” Church said.

That is the exact opposite of Church’s former position.

Texas Equusearch (TES) was contacted by Florida law enforcement on February 11, 2009 to aid in the search for the missing little girl HaLeigh Cummings.

In September, 2010 Donna Brock, who worked for TES, pled guilty to drug trafficking after being busted selling oxycodone pills along with Misty Croslin, to an undercover officer at a truck stop.

At her sentencing hearing where she received 15 years, Brock told the Florida judge how she had searched for other missing children and said she was trying to gain Misty Croslin’s trust to learn about Haleigh’s disappearance.

Brock’s activities in the HaLeigh Cummings investigation fit the exact pattern of criminal mischief described in my Affidavit to the Court.

On January 23, 2010 the Orlando Sentinel reported:

Donna Brock was a volunteer member of Texas EquuSearch and part of initial searches for Haleigh. Eventually she befriended Misty Croslin.

That relationship and trips they took together were initially meant to help investigators and searchers draw out Croslin and get her to tell them where the child was, said Tim Miller, Texas EquuSearch’s founder and director.

The search group paid Brock about $3,000 to entertain Croslin and get her to open up, Miller said this week.

Paying someone to be an informant is not illegal. It is not clear whether Putnam County investigators were aware of Brock’s role with the search group.

Miller paid Brock several thousand dollars during a few months to take Croslin places and to entertain her with the hope the young woman would provide a better explanation of what happened the night Haleigh went missing, he said.

I have reason to believe Church and her group is involved in other well-known cases including Dylan Redwine and Kyron Horman.

Visit to learn the details about this case that involves missing children in the United States.