Posts Tagged ‘Florida super tuesday’

Evidence against Rick Scott rivals Hillary Clinton email scandal

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on March 14, 2016, 9:54 A.M.

Evidence shows Fla. Gov. Rick Scott and Attorneys General Pam Bondi use special operatives that kidnap and torture people.

The details suggest Rick Scott is truly a monster with secrets that rival the Hillary Clinton email scandal.

Evidence shows Scott’s administration has used a secret group of organized crime members that work with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) to commit heinous crimes including torture and water-boarding.

Abu Torture

The information is the latest revelation about the real Rick Scott who reportedly aspires to be Donald Trump’s VP running mate.

Scott’s Administration is reeling from a Florida DCF inspector general report that shows he possessed evidence of secret rape pornography created of the missing child HaLeigh Cummings, which was distributed through a child sex underground that involved a Florida DCF child protection social worker.

But it gets worse.

William Staubs, and another licensed legal professional from Florida, both involved in the child rape pornography scandal, talked about torturing and water-boarding Misty Croslin, the alleged ‘key’ to the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping.

At one point – Staubs put a man on the telephone he referred to as “Sammy the Bull” who told Holmseth they would lay out a large sheet of plastic on the floor (to catch all the blood) and then would “start with power drills”.

During interviews Staubs would become perverse and audibly excited when he talked about taking someone to “fucking torture them”.

Scott’s organized crime associations and cover-ups seem to have no end.

Staubs told Holmseth that he and his girlfriend Paul Andrews infiltrated a pill mill in Tallahassee. However, evidence shows Staubs was part of the drug trafficking operation itself, and was actually obtaining blackmail information against government employees involved.

Multiple pages of medical charts, which Timothy Holmseth plans to introduce as evidence to the U.S. Court, show Scott’s own Inspector General, Melinda Miguel, visited First Impressions weigh loss clinic in Tallahassee and repeatedly obtained prescription drugs without orders from a doctor.

Heather Ross, another attorney working for the Florida Attorney General, is amidst the pages of names that include of law enforcement officers, politicians, and government employees that were illegally acquiring the drugs.

Criminal operatives staging out of Florida have been threatening Holmseth and his family (listen to video below).