Posts Tagged ‘States Attorney Bill Eddins’

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on November 1, 2015 at 8:12 A.M.

Thomas Norman Olsen, Milton, Florida, is charged with felonies and wanted by police.

According to Florida Department of Corrections: The offender is in willful non-compliance with the following conditions of supervision and the Department is removing the offender from the PTI program effective this date: 10-19-2015; has moved couple of weeks ago from parents house and whereabouts are unknown – failed to report to officer for appt. date of 10-05-2015.

Thomas Norman Olson


On August 17, 2015, Timothy Charles Holmseth emailed States Attorney Jason English in Santa Rosa County, Florida and reported Olsen.

“The purpose of this correspondence is not to provide you with every single piece of evidence I possess, as it would be extremely voluminous. Therefore, I will provide you with prima facie evidence that THOMAS NORMAN OLSEN is in violation of his probation,” Holmseth said.

“I have information that Mr. Olsen is the individual; or is directly involved with a group of individuals, that has published three videos targeting me and my children. The videos contain patently false allegations, and constitute sexual threats upon my children, including my [REDACTED]-old son; one video suggests that my un-born grandchild will be immediately taken (kidnapped) after he/she is born,” Holmseth said.

Holmseth explained to English why he is being targeted.

“I recently published audio interviews I obtained as an investigative journalist. In the audios, members of a child sex trafficking underground are captured discussing child pornography depicting the sexual abuse of the missing child HaLeigh Ann-Marie Cummings. SEE/LISTEN ATTACHED AUDIO FILE,” Holmseth said.

Olsen had been previously charged with serious felonies that included theft of a firearm, but inexplicably placed in a Pretrial Intervention Program.

An investigation by Write Into Action discovered how Olsen was assisted by organized crime in Florida to blackmail the Santa Rosa County States Attorney Office into letting him off the hook.

On March 26, 2015, Olsen boasted on the Web “Pity, some thought that I was finally going to be put in jail or have something done to me by the legal system. Well, think again haters. I’m free and will remain free. And I’ll remain on the internet and remain out of jail to make sure I’m here to continue putting fuckers in check”.

Olsen specifically named a member of the Florida judicial community that assisted him in getting the special deal as a “favor” from the prosecutor.

The aforementioned member of the Florida judicial community has been reported to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and FBI for physically handling secret naked photographs of the missing child HaLeigh Cummings after the child was reported missing.

Holmseth addressed that connection in his report to English.

“Apparently, Attorney English, my [REDACTED}-old son; my pregnant daughter; as well as myself; are among the “fuckers” that are being put in check by Mr. Olsen as result of your special little deal with [REDACTED].

“The reason my law abiding family is being “put in check” is because I acquired evidence that [REDACTED] possessed and distributed naked photographs that featured the vagina of a missing child named HaLeigh Cummings. Witnesses I interviewed, including Wayanne Kruger, told me HaLeigh Cummings had been raped and was hemorrhaging.”

“The FBI is actively requesting information from the public on their website regarding the missing child HaLeigh Cummings. I responded to that request with the child pornography evidence and information that I possessed. THOMAS NORMAN OLSEN, and his cohorts, then attacked my children, including a threat to kidnap my unborn grandchild after he/she is born, and the threats continue to this day.”

I should point out, that although [REDACTED} was [REDACTED] Crystal Sheffield (HaLeigh’s mother) [REDACTED] in 2009, [REDACTED] never actually [REDACTED] any custody action whatsoever in the Florida courts.

“Rather, everything [REDACTED] did regarding [REDACTED] so-called ‘custody’ [REDACTED] was done through underground rogue officials including a DCF social worker.”

“In fact, if you listen to the recording of William Staubs talking to Bonnie Warner (starting point 17:06 on audio) you will hear that [REDACTED] had a meeting with the “State Attorney” and people were getting “throwed under the bus”.

“Very strong arguments could be made that what happened in the HaLeigh Cummings underground rape pornography blackmail scheme was repeated here. “

HaLeigh Cummings is the cousin of the missing child Lonzie Barton.

Thomas Norman Olsen DOC Revocation Letter