Posts Tagged ‘Vets4ChildRescue’

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on September 15, 2017, 11:43 P.M. CST

As military buffs certainly know, the U.S. Navy and Air Force used certain pilots and aircraft during the Vietnam War to fly dangerously low as they baited the North Vietnamese Army to activate their radar-guided anti-aircraft missiles launchers – the pilots did it so the enemy’s location could be exposed.

The pilot would actually allow the enemy to lock their radar onto his aircraft – it required nerves because he had to dodge the enemy missile at the last second (or never see his family again).

That said…

I am proud to say that beginning in 2009 I conducted over one hundred hours of recorded interviews with key figures (including law enforcement officers) in the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping, and Caylee Anthony murder case (some recordings were requested from me during my interviews with the FBI).

Here’s the awesome part.

Between 2011 and 2017, I have had Polk County, Minnesota deputy sheriff’s at my door to serve me not one; not two; but THREE domestic violence restraining orders, which were placed against me by judges in the State of Florida.

I have NEVER personally met any of the three petitioners in my life.

Why I am proud of that?


The bogus court orders, obviously, were not really requested for the reason stated in the petition.

Each bogus petition contained very specific requests for the Florida judge to force me to retroactively remove content that I had already legally published about the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping. Flight of the Intruder

The information I published was always based upon actual recorded interviews, and other media I acquired, during the fact gathering process. I have everything on tape and in multiple secure locations.

I’m particularly proud of the Broward County order because it was filed in the divorce division (DVCE) by an actual divorce attorney, and issued against me by a divorce judge that the divorce attorney personally knew. Flight of the Intruder

The Broward judge even ordered that I not advertise or sell my hard copy book about the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping online. Flight of the Intruder

The bogus nuisance orders are free (no cost) for anyone to request by simply walking into a courthouse and filling it out – claiming anything – winning if the Minnesotan does not travel to Florida.

But here is what these bogus orders have EXPOSED.

Nobody has ever once attempted to make a claim that I am LYING or publishing false information about HaLeigh Cummings, Caylee Anthony, or a baby sales operation run through the U.S. Embassy to purchasers in Belgium. Such a claim would be done by filing a civil lawsuit against me.

Instead – ‘domestic violence protection orders’ are used to request a judge issue an order to create the illusion that what I have published is not true.

On July 24, 2107, I filed a MOTION in the 9th Minnesota Judicial District that lays out the entire blueprint of the kidnapping and child porn ring that targeted me and my family after I uncovered who they were and what they were doing and how they were working with police. Flight of the Intruder

My sworn affidavit contains a list of participants I can identify as part of the #pedogater group. Flight of the Intruder

After filing my Minnesota case, I was telephoned by Tina Church, president, Specialized Investigative Consultants Inc, Mishawka, Indiana. Church told me she advised everybody I named in my affidavit to file restraining orders against me in their respective states. Flight of the Intruder

On September 15, 2017, William Murtaugh, who is named in my Minnesota court filing, published the following at his website;

‘As the orders pile up against him, Holmseth will be forced to redact name after name after name causing him to be unable to accuse a specific person by name and thus defeat the whole purpose of his defamatory smear campaign against people who he has never met.

That will be, at least a partial victory for all of us who have had to endure the false claims he has made against us for almost a decade.

Timothy C Holmseth has yet to provide one single varifyable piece of evidence to back up his claims. In addition he has also flat out lied when advocating his claims against virtually everyone he has targeted.’

  • William Murtaugh

I have everything on audio but cannot publish much of it or I will be arrested. Call me TMZ – Call me National Enquirer – Call me …

Craig (Sawman) Sawyer, former Marine and Navy Seal, heads a team called vets4childrescue

Sawyer recently appealed to the American public on the Alex Jones radio program, that if these babies and children that are being raped, tortured, and locked in cages must suffer this horror and evil – the least we can do as a people is acknowledge it and fight to compromise their satanic operation.

If my efforts means something to you, I ask you that show it by donating to Craig Sawyer and his team at VETS4CHILDRESCUE –

Please let what I am doing mean something.


Convicted Pedophile Jerry Sandusky

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on April 1, 2017, 1:02 P.M. CST

It appears there is a strong possibility the recipient of the Jerry Sandusky award will be a UND grad.


It could also, possibly be an East Grand Forks police officer.

Here’s the facts.

The Trump Administration’s dismantling of industrial level child sex trade operations across the United States may be turning up names that are familiar to residents of North Dakota and Minnesota?

All across the United States raids are being carried out by law enforcement – thousands of arrests – in California for instance, children were rescued from “cages”.

Craig Sawyer, former SEAL and founder of Vets4ChildRescue, recently told Alex Jones he could no longer stand by while new born babies were being raped to death and has launched his organization, which will focus on getting all the raids that are taking place into the news.

“These rings include members from every level of our society and involve unthinkable trauma inflicted upon innocent babies and children – the soul of our nation,” states.

True that.


Will North Dakota and Minnesota residents be disgraced by local names as this all unfolds?  Are there any local creeps that have participated in allowing these innocent children to be sold, raped, and tortured to death?


Lt. Rodney Hajicek at the East Grand Forks Police Department is definitely at the top of the list for the Jerry Sandusky award.

Creepy Rod is the local darling and liaison of an international child sex trafficking operation that involves former fake news CNN reporter Art Harris. Hajicek and his Department had a hot-line to ‘Renfields’ of a child sex trafficking operation that harvest children at the industrial level.

Hajicek and his gang had secret off-the-record telephone calls with baby-raping perverts.

EGFPD Lt. Rodney Hajicek is a candidate for the 2017 Red River Valley Jerry Sandusky Award

If Creepy Rod does win, he might have to do a group photo with EGFPD Chief Michael Hedlund and EGF City Attorney Ronald Galstad because they have the same blood (and whatever else) on their hands.

Another area to watch is North Dakota’s happy hunting grounds for local pedophiles and child porn addicts – the University of North Dakota.

Very dangerous place.


In February, 2017, UND police officer Paul Bradley Meagher was sentenced after pleading guilty to charges of child pornography following an investigation by the North Dakota BCI and the Department of Homeland Security.

In July, 2016, Robert William Beattie, a former UND chairman of the Family and Community Medicine Department, was sentenced to 12 years in federal prison for having 3,233 images and 100 videos of child porn.

Eric Hewitt Basile, 37, was charged with eight Class C felony counts of possession of certain materials prohibited in Grand Forks District Court on September 8, 2016 after a UND administration request for a computer search revealed multiple images of children between 1 and 3 years old being sexually assaulted.

George Robert Lyons, who is being investigated in both states involving multiple victims, was charged in Polk County, Minnesota with 1st and 2nd degree sexual assault of a minor. Lyons was caught because school employees and social workers did their job – thus forcing Creepy Rod (probably stumbling drunk) out of the shadows to charge Lyons.

However – no records can be obtained on the George Lyons case and he has been running around telling everyone he’s engaged to be married to Grand Forks States Assistant Attorney Jodi Bass. The love birds even published the announcement of their big day on the Bed, Bath, and Beyond marriage registry.

Lyons was once employed at UND…naturally.

And, of course – Lyons’ alleged (adult) girlfriend Jodi Bass also graduated from UND.

Oh – and Bass’s boss, Grand Forks States Attorney David Jones – yep, UND as well.

Grand Forks States Attorney Jason McCarthy was overseeing a supposed child molestation investigation into George Lyons for the States Attorney Office. McCarthy knew the drill because he prosecuted George Lyons’ brother, Matthew Lyons. Matthew Lyons is serving a life sentence because he dressed up a little six year-old girl in a nightie – tied her to a bed and raped her with objects – and continued to do that type of things for some six years.

Jason McCarthy never got around to prosecuting George Lyons because North Dakota Governor Jack Dalrymple appointed him to the Bench.


Judge McCarthy graduated from UND too, but you probably already put that together by now.

Is UND set to become the next Penn State-level child sex abuse cover-up scandal?

The attempted cover-up of the George Robert Lyons child rape case is certainly a bellwether. After all – only pedophiles hide the activities of other pedophiles.

Who will be the recipient of the Red River Valley Jerry Sandusky Award?

Time will tell.