Posts Tagged ‘Danielle Kekoa’

JonBenet Ramsey, Planned Parenthood shootings, missing children, and more…

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on August 11, 2016, 7:21 A.M. CST

Dismiss everything you’ve read in the tabloids and hoax media about the JonBenet Ramey murder.

Re-visit what you’ve seen on TV about the mass shooting at Planned Parenthood in Colorado Springs and attacks on abortion clinics across the nation.

Take a second look at the ‘sale of baby body parts’ scandal that shocked the nation.

Prepare to re-think the actual origin of the horrendous abortion videos.

Forget what you thought you knew about missing and slain children in the United States.

Clear your mind…put on your seat belt…because…

The FBI knows more – far more – and now, for the first time, the world will see what the Department of Justice has been investigating.


An original production by – producers Curtis and Danielle Kekoa are releasing “Expect It” – FBI Probe: Planned Parenthood Shooting & JonBenet Ramsey Murder Connection – “Pastor” Bob Enyart.

Released by the Kekoa’s on August 11 in honor of JonBenet Ramsey murder Detective Lou Smit, who died on that day in 2010, the daring fifty-seven minute documentary blows the world-wide whistle on some of the biggest and most horrendous secrets kept from the public about ritualistic atrocities against the unborn, children, and others.

“Expect It” – a reference to the miraculous prediction made by FBI informant Danielle Kekoa to the Denver FBI Task Force during an interview three days before the mass shooting attack at Planned parenthood in Colorado Springs by Robert Lewis Dear, showcases in two simple words, the depth of knowledge held by the producers about Denver Bible Church and Rev. Bob Enyart.

The epic documentary features exclusive recorded FBI interviews between Danielle Kekoa, who along with her husband and six children, Curtis Kekoa, defected from the Colorado church, which the Kekoa’s describe as a satanic cult.

The documentary, years in the planning, provides a seamless stream of jaw-dropping facts that are certain to shock and disturb viewers.

In one bombshell segment of the video, the public will hear for the first time, recordings of Rev. Bob Enyart, the bizarre pro-life activist shock-jock and convicted child abuser that interjected him self into the JonBenet Ramsey murder investigation, being questioned in a court of law about his DNA being at the JonBenet Ramsey murder scene.

In another segment, recordings of Columbine Massacre parent Brian Rohrbough feature the former U.S. Vice President candidate discussing his former pastor, Rev. Bob Enyart, who he describes as an “evil guy” that is “liar” obsessed with getting people to worship him.

In the face of regular death threats, harassment, and retribution, the Colorado producers have assembled gigabytes of exclusive recordings, FBI records, documents, and never before seen information into a riveting audio-visual journey through astonishing evidence that has been kept from the public.

“Expect It” – FBI Probe: Planned Parenthood Shooting & JonBenet Ramsey Murder Connection – “Pastor” Bob Enyart is a historical act of bravery and whistle-blowing that will change how you look at the JonBenet Ramsey murder forever.


by Timothy Charles Holmseth on June 15, 2016 at 11:35 P.M.

Is Donald Trump planning justice for JonBenet Ramsey with a DOJ investigation?

Are the culprits in the decade’s old murder case being protected under the guise of ‘National Security’ – connected to the strange on-goings within state and federal law enforcement that Donald Trump began confronting after the Orlando Massacre?

JonBenet Ramsey

JonBenet Ramsey

The case is heating up.

Write Into Action confirms Trump’s team has been approached regarding the brutal torture-murder of the little six year-old who was found dead in her parent’s basement in 1996; bound, sexually assaulted, and covered with stun-gun burns.

Donald J. Trump

Donald J. Trump

On June 15, Radar online reported the office of Boulder City Attorney Tom Carr responded to a Freedom of Information Act request saying the records are not public because they “are part of an ongoing criminal investigation.”

Radar also published a letter from the FBI that asserts the release of JonBenet murder records could reasonably be expected to “interfere with enforcement proceedings.”

In 2015, Write Into Action received a tip that a Colorado couple believed JonBenet was murdered by their former pastor, Rev. Bob Enyart.

Emerging information shows the bizarre murder case, which did not fit any known FBI profile, is beginning to make sense.

Write Into Action conducted multiple interviews with Curtis and Danielle Kekoa, former members of Denver Bible Church, which they describe as a “satanic cult” run by Enyart who they say is a “serial killer.”

In November of 2015, after multiple articles were published by Write Into Action, the Denver FBI contacted Danielle Kekoa seeking information about Enyart and his church.

Enyart is a person of interest to the FBI on multiple levels including Planned Parenthood mass shooting attacks, and his possible involvement in the creation of live abortion videos that are actually satanic snuff films.

Enyart, a convicted child abuser, inexplicably interjected himself into the JonBenet murder case when he published a disturbing narrative of the crime entitled ‘The Clue That Breaks The Case’.

The truth about JonBenet’s murder may be more explosive than ever imagined and involve both of the child’s parents, as well as other adults in the home.

Evidence strongly suggests JonBenet died while being tortured during a trauma-based mind-control session where she was being ‘programmed’.

Cathy O’Brien, a survivor of a CIA mind control program, said she believes a video she was used in was found in the Ramsey home and seized.

Cathy O' Brien

Cathy O’ Brien

O’Brien spoke with Write Into Action.

“[The video] was reportedly identified as the military video I was used in titled “How to Create a Mind Control Slave using a Stun Gun,” O’Brien said.


by Timothy Charles Holmseth on May 25, 2016 at 7:58 A.M.

How can the rape and abuse of a child be deemed a matter of National Security?

Cathy O’Brien, a de-programmed victim and survivor of a CIA mind control program asked the question that may solve the murder of JonBenet Ramsey.

Millions knew immediately that ‘something wasn’t right’ about the circumstances surrounding the murder of JonBenet.

Something was wrong – and everyone knew it.

Police responded to the Boulder, Colorado home of John and Patsy Ramsey on December 26, 1996 after receiving a 911 call from Patsy Ramsey who reported she’d found a ransom note for her kidnapped daughter.

Several hours later JonBenet, 6, was found dead in the basement wine cellar by her father.

JonBenet had been bound, gagged with duct-tape, sexually assaulted, systemically asphyxiated with a sophisticated choking device called a garrote, shocked with a stun-gun, and suffered a fractured skull.

John and Patsy Ramsey said they heard nothing.

According to the Ramsey’s, the horrendous and complicated crime that involved a sophisticated torture tool, as well as a long rambling ransom note written with a pen from their home, all took place inside the house as they slept soundly.

Two decades passed.

Was JonBenet killed by a stranger or by her parents?

The question raged.

Write Into Action’s ongoing investigation has now led to a question that needs an answer.

What if…

What if JonBenet was killed by her parents, as well as a third party?



Cathy O' Brien

Cathy O’ Brien

Cathy O’Brien is a surviving victim of a trauma based mind control program and her memories were restored by Mark Phillips, a former U.S. Government contractor familiar with the Top Secret program used on her.

O’Brien and Phillips are whistleblower and co-authors of the books ‘Access Denied – For Reasons of National Security’ and ‘Trance-Formation of America’.

O’Brien’s observes the evidence of the JonBenet Ramsey murder as the result of a torture session involving controlled asphyxiation, electric shock, and sexual assault during a mind-control programming session.

According to the FBI, the evidence surrounding the JonBenet Ramsey murder did not fit any known profile.

Or did it?

Did the evidence actually fit the profile of a top secret government program that was subsequently deemed a matter of National Security?

In an exclusive interview with Write Into Action, Cathy O’Brien discussed astonishing information about the Ramsey murder.


“Alan Dershowitz referred to a military video found in the Ramsey house that was censored under National Security,” O’Brien told Write Into Action.

The revelation is profound.

Attorney Alan Dershowitz is a high profile legal scholar and Harvard professor famous for his work on cases including Patty Hearst, Mike Tyson, Jim Baker, and the O.J. Simpson case. He was also implicated in the pedophile island scandal involving Jefferey Epstein and Bill Clinton, among others.

Indeed – John Ramsey was a multi-millionaire affiliated with the military.

In 1989, John Ramsey formed the Advanced Product Group, one of three companies that merged to become Access Graphics. He became president and chief executive officer of Access Graphics, a computer services company and a subsidiary of Lockheed Martin.

O’Brien said she was used in a military video; and a military video was found in the Ramsey home.

“It was reportedly identified as the military video I was used in titled “How to Create a Mind Control Slave using a Stun Gun,” O’Brien said.

She continued.

“Dershowitz stated on televised news that justice would never be obtained in the Ramsey case for “Reasons of National Security,” O’Brien said.

O’Brien then asked the hundred thousand dollar question. “The abuse and cover up of that child’s death raises the question what National Security has to do with the death of a child.”


In October, 2013 FOX NEWS reported, “Ramsey grand jury accused JonBenet’s parents in death, but prosecutor declined to bring charges.”

The news report is nothing less than astonishing.

“Court documents released Friday reveal that a 1999 grand jury voted to indict John and Patsy Ramsey of child abuse resulting in death and being an accessory to a crime, including murder, in connection to their 6-year-old daughter JonBenét, but a prosecutor declined to sign it citing a lack of evidence,” FOX reported.

It continued.

“The grand jury’s indictment papers did not indicate who killed the young beauty queen. The charges didn’t directly accuse the Ramseys of killing their daughter, but alleged they permitted JonBenét to be placed in a dangerous situation that led to her death and it accused them of helping the killer, who has never been brought to justice,” FOX reported.

“…they permitted JonBenét to be placed in a dangerous situation that led to her death.”


Cathy O’Brien said she born into multi-generational incest and was sold into the government mind-control program by her father after he was caught sending child pornography of her through the U.S. Mail.

O’Brien said her father was offered the opportunity to escape criminal charges if he sold her into the program. The sale was brokered by Gerald Ford; the man who would later become the un-elected President of the United States.

“My father and JonBenet’s father were actually documented together on a ferry ride from Traverse City to Beaver Island (so-called “religious” center) near Charlevoix, Michigan,” O’Brien said.

The Ramsey’s had a home in Charlevoix.

“Also, Patsy Ramsey as Miss West Virginia was associated with my owner US Senator Robert C. Byrd,” O’Brien said.

O’Brien openly names and implicates very high profile politicians including George Bush, Rick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Ronald Regan, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and may others.

O’Brien said she was sexually abused by Hillary Clinton.


O’Brien said her daughter Kelly has yet to receive rehabilitation for her shattered personality that was programmed through the high tech sophistication of Project Monarch, which uses trauma-based mind control procedures.

“Due to the political power of our abusers, all efforts to obtain her inalienable right to rehabilitation and seek justice have been blocked under the guise of so-called ‘National Security’. As a result, Kelly remains untreated in the custody of the State of Tennessee,” O’Brien said.

And the question again becomes…

How can the rape and abuse of a child be deemed a matter of National Security?


“It is my patriotic respect for the principles of truth, justice, and ultimately that freedom on which America was founded that compels me to expose the world domination motivations of those in control of our government, commonly referred to as the Shadow Government,” O’Brien said.

O’Brien’s mention of the Shadow Government is compelling.

In 2015, Danielle Kekoa, Northglenn, Colorado was contacted by a special agent of the Denver FBI regarding information she had about Denver Bible Church (DBC).

It’s a big deal.

Danielle Kekoa, and her husband, Curtis Kekoa, are defectors of DBC that fled with their children after realizing Rev. Bob Enyart, the church pastor, was a Satanist and cult leader that was committing murders.

The Kekoa’s accountings of Enyart being a serial killer are similar to recollections of O’Brien.

O’Brien said she personally witnessed a figure in the country music industry shoot a homeless man right between the eyes and then cut off his hands; the hands were then given to mercenaries as a mind-control cue for what the handlers wanted done.

The Kekoa’s categorically told the Boulder Police Department and FBI that Enyart was involved in the murder of JonBenet Ramsey.

Enyart is the author of a written manifesto wherein he describes his plan to overthrow the United States Government – the treasonous manifesto is published on Enyart’s website


In 2013, Write Into Action (Timothy Charles Holmseth) conducted extensive interviews with a victim of Satanic Ritual Abuse.

The victim described how at six years-old (same age as JonBenet), her father asphyxiated her (same as JonBenet) by holding her head under water in the bath tub while anally raping her (JonBenet was sexually assaulted). She also recalled being rolled up in a large carpet by her father; passed through the basement window; placed in the car trunk and driven to a location where men with hoods and robes were doing some kind of ritual.

Near death by asphyxiation is used during sessions of trauma-based mind control and Satanic Ritual Abuse to create psychological compartments in the human mind for what was once known as multiple personalities – now known as Dissociative Identity Disorder.

The content of Timothy Holmseth’s interviews with the victim were memorialized and time-stamped on You Tube in rough acoustic demos of two songs written immediately after interviews.

The song entitled “Vibrate” is based upon the victim’s recollection that when she was a little girl she would stand in the mirror and sing for hours because she wasn’t sure if she was alive or not – but when she sang she could feel herself vibrate (thus she knew she was ‘there’).


The song entitled “Turpentine” is based upon something the victim’s mother once told her about her father.


O’Brien and Phillips are whistleblower and co-authors of the books ‘Access Denied – For Reasons of National Security’ and ‘Trance-Formation of America’.


Donald Trump Justice Department key to solving JonBenet Ramsey, Caylee Anthony, and Dylan Redwine murders

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on May 21, 2016 at 9:51 P.M.

Write Into Action (Timothy Charles Holmseth) is excited to recommend Investigative Journalist Conchita Sarnoff’s new book “TrafficKing.”


In her new book, Conchita exposes the child sex underground operated by satanic billionaires and focuses on the notorious Wall Street hedge fund manager and convicted pedophile Jeffery E. Epstein.

“Conchita is a child sex trafficking story of epic proportions and the longest running human trafficking case in U.S. legal history; more poignant than the Lewinsky Scandal, Watergate Scandal and Profumo Affair combined. Epstein’s team of attorneys included: Alan Dershowitz, Kenneth Starr, Roy Black and Gerald Lefcourt. HRH Prince Andrew, former President Bill Clinton, Alan Dershowitz and others were implicated in the case,” said the book synopsis.

“A decade after Epstein’s arrest, Virginia Roberts Giuffre vs. Ghislaine Maxwell is pending, along with two more related cases. It’s a tug of war between lust and power and decency and human rights. The revelations in this book could have serious implications in the upcoming 2016 Presidential elections,” the synopsis said.

Write Into Action believes Conchita’s book will show the American public how a non-Luciferian Justice Department can, and will, blow the lid off the secrets behind the satanic ritual abuse and missing children cases that have turned America into a perpetual blood ritual and sprawling un-marked graveyard.

Contained in a lawsuit involving Jeffery Epstein, were claims that former President Bill Clinton was friends with an unnamed woman who ‘kept images of naked underage children on her computer, helped to recruit underage children for Epstein… and photographed underage females in sexually explicit poses’.

Timothy Holmseth interviewed, and has been perpetually stalked, by some of the child ‘procurers’ that supplied Epstein and Pedophile Island.

In 2009, during the course of interviews, Timothy Holmseth inadvertently captured the child and infant ‘procurers’ on audio. The pedophile underground network members were discussing secret naked photographs that had been taken of a missing child from Florida named HaLeigh Cummings.

Holmseth was interviewed by the Minneapolis FBI in 2010 and the feds have information about pedophile priests and private investigators that traffic children and openly claim to be with the FBI and CIA.

Holmseth provided the FBI the actual names he’d been given of the lawyers, clergy impersonators, government agents, police, and Mafia that were selling infants to purchasers in Europe.

Holmseth soon learned he had crossed the path of the now infamous convicted Ponzi schemer Scott W. Rothstein. Holmseth was, and is to this day, threatened by everyone from police, mercenaries, lawyers, and mentally ill sexually obsessed freaks.

During Write Into Action’s investigation of the HaLeigh Cummings and Caylee Anthony cases which began in 2009, Timothy Holmseth was regularly copied on emails from lawyers of the missing child’s legal team, which included Rothstein, Rosenfeldt, and Adler.

Holmseth was threatened and told to shut-up and received an email from Rothstein attorney, Pedro Dijols.

Rothstein’s infamous $1.4 Billion Ponzi scheme was erected in part by Rothstein’s claims that involved former President Bill Clinton and other high profile names.

Conchita’s book, which is receiving widespread acclaim, is exposing the international sex ring that has been threatening Timothy Holmseth and his family for seven years.

The satanic network includes fake pastors such as Bob Enyart, John Regan, and Richard Grund.

The network spiders out into a child procurement network comprised of pedophiles embedded into nearly every facet of American government, including state and federal courts, and child protective services.

Satanic cult defectors Curtis and Danielle Kekoa, Colorado, have provided the Denver FBI with information about a bizarre network of Satanists that leads to the JonBenet Ramsey murder; Columbine School massacre; and Planned Parenthood attacks.

The most trusted organizations, such as the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and Crimestoppers are actually information harvesting centers assisting the network.

Florida Governor Rick Scott, Attorney AG Pam Bondi, and members of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement are deeply involved in the cover-up of the child procurement apparatus in Florida.

The Jacksonville FBI, Minneapolis FBI, and Denver FBI have a collective database that could easily solve the murders of JonBenet Ramsey, Caylee Anthony, Dylan Redwine, Jessica Ridgeway, and the still missing child HaLeigh Cummings.

It may require a Donald Trump Justice Department.



FBI investigation of Center for Medical Progress is murder investigation  

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on April 28, 2016 at 12:00 P.M.

Carly Fiorina captured the national attention during a presidential debate when she referenced a horrific video of a baby’s live birth that eventually ended in the murder of the baby.

Carly Fiorina

Carly Fiorina

But – an FBI investigation into David Daleiden and Center for Medical Progress indicates a murder investigation is underway for the producers of that and/or other videos and photos showing the murder of babies.

Ironically – the producers of the graphic murder footage is believed to be a satanic cult based out of a Colorado church that projected the video taped murder onto Planned Parenthood.

ORIGINAL STORY – – – FBI investigating ‘snuff film’ production of murdered babies – – – ‘Snuff film’ footage real focus of FBI investigation into Center for Medical Progress


‘Snuff film’ footage real focus of FBI investigation into Center for Medical Progress

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on April 26, 2016 at 1:35 P.M.

The FBI is investigating the murder of babies depicted in videos and images published by fake pro-life groups that protest Planned Parenthood.

Emerging information sheds new light on a raid carried out in early April, 2016, by the California Department of Justice against David Daleiden, an investigative journalist working for the Center for Medical Progress (CMP).

Daleiden was catapulted into the national spotlight after video he covertly captured during conversations with Planned Parenthood was published. The video appears to reveal negotiations for the sale of baby body parts.

David Daleiden

David Daleiden

Daleiden has been heralded as a hero by many for infiltrating Planned Parenthood to expose what is going on. However, a larger and emerging truth shows he is not what he appears to be.

The real story is hell on earth.

Agents seized Daleiden’s computers at his apartment in Huntington Beach, which contained footage and images from his 30 month investigation into Planned Parenthood.

There’s a reason for the search and seizure.

The FBI investigation into Daleiden and the CMP is not focused squarely on covert recordings the self-described journalist captured of Planned Parenthood executives discussing the sale of baby body parts.

It focuses on ‘snuff film’ footage that was not filmed by Planned Parenthood.

The implications could reveal Daleiden and his co-conspirators are actually cold-blooded murders – wolves in sheep’s clothing.

Horrific abortion video footage that graphically shows a struggling baby being murdered is believed to actually be “snuff film’ footage produced by CMP members. The horrific images are sexually arousing to satanic cult members that believe they achieve power from torture, death, and mutilation.

The images have been cleverly associated with Planned Parenthood in a perception-deception campaign that implicates Planned Parenthood in the public eye.

But – there are actually two separate issues in play – and depending on the evidence – two completely separate crimes taking place. One crime is the illegal sale of baby body parts by Planned Parenthood; the other crime is murders committed by Daleiden and/or his group.

Write Into Action can confirm the FBI was investigating Daleiden and the original source of aborted baby photos as early as November, 2015.

In November, 2015, the Denver FBI interviewed Danielle Kekoa, Northglenn, Colorado. The FBI Task Force was directed to Kekoa by Planned Parenthood.

Danielle Kekoa, and her husband, Curtis Kekoa, are former members of the radical pro-life movement that staged major abortion protests in Colorado such as Operation Rescue; the anti-abortion movement headed up by the organization’s president, Troy Newman.

The Kekoa’s have blown the whistle on a satanic cult and shadow government operation of unprecedented scale.

The Kekoa’s and their six children fled the pro-life movement in Colorado after becoming members of the radical community’s  deep inner circle where they realized they were surrounded by pedophiles, fraudsters, child abusers, and murderers.

Curtis and Danielle Kekoa

Curtis and Danielle Kekoa

Danielle Kekoa was interviewed by Denver FBI in November, 2015, regarding an ongoing federal investigation into attacks on Planned Parenthood.

The FBI investigation centered primarily on Denver Bible Church (DBC); a church that the Kekoa’s attended for several years until they fled.

The Kekoa’s say DBC is actually a secret satanic cult using a pro-life façade to conceal a death machine run by radio shock-jock and convicted child abuser Rev. Bob Enyart.

According to the Kekoa’s, Enyart is connected to radical pro-life extremists such as Troy Newman, Keith and Jennifer Mason, Kenneth and Jo Scott, Lila Rose, and others.

The Kekoa’s said after becoming involved in the pro-life community, they soon learned the ‘right to life’ movement they were involved in was actually a satanic façade created to cover for ritual murders and serial killings being committed by the group.

Special Agent Kimberly Milka, Denver FBI, asked Danielle Kekoa about Daleiden.

“Do you know how the group got – and most recently talking about the doctor at Planned Parenthood – she was recorded covertly by David [Daleiden] … Do you know how they got her home address,” Milka said.

Danielle Kekoa referred to Keith Mason who is the president of Personhood U.S.A.

“Keep in mind that Keith and Jennifer Mason; you may or may not know this; but they were ordered by Bob Enyart to move their entire family to Wichita, Kansas to stalk [Dr.] Tiller’s every move – to watch his patterns – to find out where he works – I wouldn’t be surprised if somebody just followed her right to her house,” Danielle Kekoa said.

Dr. George Tiller was a late-term abortionist murdered by anti-abortion extremist Scott Roeder on May 31, 2009.

The abortion issue is extremely polarizing, which super-charges a person’s emotions, and hinders the average person’s inclination to apply critical thinking, and has allowed a satanic cult to slyly roll in their “Trojan Horse” and blacken true Christianity, said Curtis Kekoa.

The countless graphic photos of butchered babies being paraded about on a vehicle called the ‘Truth Truck” were an area of FBI interest during their interview with Danielle Kekoa.

The ‘Truth Truck’ is a vehicle plastered with horrific images of aborted fetuses and driven around as part of a shock campaign organized by Mason. It is the proverbial ‘Trojan Horse’ that Curtis Kekoa described.

The 'Truth Truck'

The ‘Truth Truck’

“You said that the infants they have depicted on their banners and what not – you think they took those photos,” Milka said.

Danielle Kekoa told Milka not only did they take the photos; but they murdered the babies.

Danielle Kekoa said Enyart and his cult are obsessed with projecting their demonic perversions and crimes against humanity onto Planned Parenthood. “You have to project your evil onto your enemy,” she said.

Danielle Kekoa said Enyart was excited about the release of Daleiden’s covert recordings. “Now he’s able to put out a snuff film and blame it on Planned Parenthood,” she said.

Danielle Kekoa said she believes Enyart and other cult members become sexually excited by the images which she called “ultra conservative porn”.

“The pastor that is saving babies – is killing babies. It’s really ingenious how they do it,” Danielle Kekoa said.

She gave an example.

“You can also go to a website called And on there – when you go there – you will be forced to watch a live abortion. The video starts playing within eight seconds. You will be given a brief warning and then you will see what we call ultra-conservative pornography, where it is a woman with a video camera up her crotch and a baby being aborted, right? In front of your face. Now, I highly doubt Planned Parenthood is allowing some radical right to lifers in their clinic to film the procedure,” Danielle Kekoa said.

The Kekoa’s experience in the death cult mimics the back-story of David Daleiden.

The Kekoa’s said that while they were part of DBC, they were asked by Enyart to infiltrate Planned Parenthood along with a group of other cult members that were given assignments, which included instructions to purposely get themselves arrested.

Danielle Kekoa said on one occasion, Enyart asked her to go undercover with a hidden camera at Planned Parenthood and seek a late-term abortion while she was actually pregnant with her sixth child.

She refused.

The FBI’s focus on abortion murder videos may be an international investigation.

“[Bob Enyart] has Keith Mason – and he has everybody – travel globally. And who knows what the hell they’re doing – they went to the Dominican Republic – they went to Europe – they’re in bed with Catholics,” Danielle Kekoa said.

Keith Mason traveled to the Vatican, Danielle Kekoa said.

But the colossally deceptive satanic scheme appears to be coming unraveled.

In April, 2016, California DOJ agents seized four computers and hundreds of hours of video footage from Daleiden’s apartment in Huntington Beach. The equipment reportedly contained all of the video he filmed as part of his 30-month project, “including some very damning footage that has yet to be released to the public,” Daleiden said.

But damning to who?

The suspicious nature of Daleiden’s 30 month ‘project’ and horrendous videos published by Enyart was something Danielle Kekoa discussed with the FBI Task Force.

“What you do need to look at – Bob Enyart has an interesting snuff film that he put on his You Tube page – Bob Enyart Live. It’s a live abortion that he has and it’s a picture of a live fetus, probably, you know, three months, four months gestation, moving in a glove; a blue glove with a blue table cloth; and he is saying this something that Planned Parenthood has done.


“He is indeed a big scary satanic serial killer. And he does actually does cut up kids and disembowels them and take their hearts out and sell their organs on the black market. Why do think he wants to blame that on Planned Parenthood? He’s the organ trafficker. He’s the one that takes out the organs and sells them and eats them and disposes of the evidence. And then he can blame it on Planned Parenthood,” Danielle Kekoa said.

Bob Enyart

Bob Enyart

Danielle Kekoa said what is happening was warned about in the biblical text of Matthew 24:5. “For many will come in my name claiming ‘I am the messiah’ – and deceive many”,” she said, explaining how Satan will proclaim Jesus as the savior while doing unthinkable evil.

The Kekoa’s believe Enyart is behind the murder of JonBenet Ramsey, Dylan Redwine, Jessica Ridgeway, and countless others.

Enyart published a treasonous Manifesto declaring his own government.

“You judge a tree by its fruits,” Danielle Kekoa said.



FBI investigation into Planned Parenthood ‘sale of baby body parts’ and mass shooting connected to JonBenet Ramsey murder?

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on April 14, 2016, 2:17 P.M.

Colorado officials are gravely afraid of a Donald Trump ‘Justice Department’ uncovering a secret death cult responsible for all the unsolved murders in the State.

Write Into Action has learned that as Colorado readies for protests regarding the governments cancelling of primary voting in the Donald Trump vs. Ted Cruz match-up – the State’s disturbing history of corruption looms heavy.

Something is very wrong in Colorado.

And – Colorado officials don’t want a Trump ‘Justice Department’ investigating a satanic death cult that controls Colorado behind the scenes.

JonBenet Ramsey

JonBenet Ramsey

Yesterday, Daily Mail and countless other media outlets published a fake announcement regarding the JonBenet Ramsey murder case – claiming a private investigator “is now revealing” who he believes killed the child.

“It has been almost 20 years since the body of JonBenet Ramsey was found in the basement of her family home in Boulder, Colorado just one day after Christmas, and the investigator hired by her parents to find the person or persons responsible for her death is now revealing who he believes killed the child beauty queen.”
– Chris Spargo / Daily Mail / April 13, 2016

It’s not true.

The announcement is fake.

Ollie Gray and John San Agustin, the investigators referenced by Spargo, were interviewed by FOX News in 2006 regarding their investigation of Michael Helgoth.

Contrary to the fake Daily Mail story, San Agustin states they are not being paid for their services, and provided the Fox reporter with no real explanation for their involvement. Airing in 2006, Daily Mail and others have re-generated the very, very old news and presented it as fresh.

Which begs the question.

Why is there a media machine, which involves Daily Mail, in place to plant false information about a six year-old girl that was sexually assaulted and murdered nearly two decades ago in Boulder, Colorado?

There is an answer to that question.

It involves the FBI investigation into attacks on Planned Parenthood, including the 2015 mass shooting in Colorado Springs by Robert Lewis Dear;  as wells as the recent raid on David Daleiden, the journalist that secretly recorded conversations with Planned Parenthood officials discussing the sale of fetal tissue.

The FBI, as well as law enforcement in Texas, has centered their attention on Daleiden, which, to many on-lookers, seems to be a misplaced focus, considering what the journalist appears to have uncovered and exposed regarding the sale of fetal tissue.

But it might not be quite that simple.

Sources tell Write Into Action the FBI possesses information about Center for Medical Progress and its associates, which rivals even the horrors of selling baby parts.

And it may lead to the killer of JonBenet Ramsey.

The connection between the FBI Planned Parenthood investigation and JonBenet’s murder is Danielle Kekoa, Northglenn, Colorado. Denver FBI interviewed Kekoa in 2015 only days before the shooting at Planned Parenthood in Colorado Springs.

The FBI was trying to stop the shooting before it happened.

The FBI Task Force contacted Kekoa for information about Denver Bible Church, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. The church is headed by Rev. Bob Enyart, a radical abortion-activist, radio shock-jock and convicted child abuser who authored a Manifesto detailing the new secret government he is forming.

Danielle Kekoa, along with her husband, Curtis Kekoa, is a former member of Enyart’s church and provided information to the FBI about Enyart and his strange congregation.

Danielle Kekoa told the Task Force that Enyart’s church is actually a satanic cult, and Enyart is posing as a pro-life Christian to cloak his satanic practices and ritual serial killings. The Kekoa’s say Enyart murdered JonBenet Ramsey and is involved in countless other unsolved murders.

San Agustin and Gray interjecting them selves into the JonBenet Ramsey murder appears curious to some.

San Agustin is a former Commander with the El Paso County (Colorado Springs) Sheriff’s office.

“In 2012 when we first found out about JonBenet Ramsey, San Agustin was the first person we called, not the Boulder PD,” Curtis Kekoa told Write Into Action.

“San Agustin led us to believe that he was interested in the information we had and agreed to meet, however, subsequent calls from me to him were ignored,” Curtis Kekoa said.

While San Agustin chose to not accept any information from the Kekoa’s; FBI analysts advised the Task Force to contact the Kekoa’s in 2015.

Curtis Kekoa said the endless Colorado corruption and cover-ups surrounds the “shadow government” Enyart described in his Manifesto

“Former El Paso County Sheriff Terry Maketa and San Agustin (and most likely Ollie Gray) are connected to the shadowgov,” Curtis Kekoa said.

The interjection of San Agustin and Gray as private investigators into the case is not the first time former law enforcement officers have interjected them self into a high profile unsolved child murder in Colorado.

Pete Klismet, a former FBI agent turned author, has repeatedly interjected himself into the Dylan Redwine murder investigation and was present at a location shortly before ‘new’ evidence was found.

Corporate news outlets such as the Denver Post have reported Klismet being credited by La Plata County Sheriff Dan Bender as instrumental in the Redwine case. However, it is not known why Bender’s office doesn’t enlist assistance from the real FBI.

Klismet was also interjected himself into the Planned Parenthood shooting case in Colorado Springs. KRDO in Coloardo Springs published an ‘analysis’ peformed by Klismet of shooter Robert Lewis Dear and actually allowed Klismet to diagnose Dear as schizophrenic based upon an audio recording Klismet heard of Dear talking.

In 2015, Klismet appeared on a basement-type Web radio program hosted by a very troubled young man named Levi Page. Page published a career bio on the Web claiming to be a ‘34 year-old’ “criminal investigator” that was covering missing children cases.

The Levi Page back-story is very disturbing and provides insight into a multi-state pedophile kidnapping and child porn ring – spresd out across the Country as described in Enyart’s Manifesto.

An investigation by the East Grand Forks Police Department in Minnesota revealed Page was actually only 20 years old when he published the disturbing bio claiming to be a 34 year-old criminal investigator.

Klismet and Colorado media were unphased.

Klismet appeared on Page’ show despite knowing the upcoming program was being promoted on a website that published xxx videos and concocted sex stories about small children.

Multiple sources tell Write Into Action Klismet is a “freak” in the underground.


FBI investigation into Planned Parenthood ‘sale of baby body parts’ and mass shooting connected to JonBenet Ramsey murder?

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on April 14, 2016, 2:17 P.M.

Colorado officials are gravely afraid of a Donald Trump ‘Justice Department’ uncovering a secret death cult responsible for all the unsolved murders in the State.

Write Into Action has learned that as Colorado readies for protests regarding the governments cancelling of primary voting in the Donald Trump vs. Ted Cruz match-up – the State’s disturbing history of corruption looms heavy.

Something is very wrong in Colorado.

And – Colorado officials don’t want a Trump ‘Justice Department’ investigating a satanic death cult that controls Colorado behind the scenes.

Donald Trum JonBenet Ramsey

Yesterday, Daily Mail and countless other media outlets published a fake announcement regarding the JonBenet Ramsey murder case – claiming a private investigator “is now revealing” who he believes killed the child.

“It has been almost 20 years since the body of JonBenet Ramsey was found in the basement of her family home in Boulder, Colorado just one day after Christmas, and the investigator hired by her parents to find the person or persons responsible for her death is now revealing who he believes killed the child beauty queen.”
– Chris Spargo / Daily Mail / April 13, 2016

It’s not true.

The announcement is fake.

Ollie Gray and John San Agustin, the investigators referenced by Spargo, were interviewed by FOX News in 2006 regarding their investigation of Michael Helgoth.

Contrary to the fake Daily Mail story, San Agustin states they are not being paid for their services, and provided the Fox reporter with no real explanation for their involvement. Airing in 2006, Daily Mail and others have re-generated the very, very old news and presented it as fresh.

Which begs the question.

Why is there a media machine, which involves Daily Mail, in place to plant false information about a six year-old girl that was sexually assaulted and murdered nearly two decades ago in Boulder, Colorado?

There is an answer to that question.

It involves the FBI investigation into attacks on Planned Parenthood, including the 2015 mass shooting in Colorado Springs by Robert Lewis Dear;  as wells as the recent raid on David Daleiden, the journalist that secretly recorded conversations with Planned Parenthood officials discussing the sale of fetal tissue.

The FBI, as well as law enforcement in Texas, has centered their attention on Daleiden, which, to many on-lookers, seems to be a misplaced focus, considering what the journalist appears to have uncovered and exposed regarding the sale of fetal tissue.

But it might not be quite that simple.

Sources tell Write Into Action the FBI possesses information about Center for Medical Progress and its associates, which rivals even the horrors of selling baby parts.

And it may lead to the killer of JonBenet Ramsey.

The connection between the FBI Planned Parenthood investigation and JonBenet’s murder is Danielle Kekoa, Northglenn, Colorado. Denver FBI interviewed Kekoa in 2015 only days before the shooting at Planned Parenthood in Colorado Springs.

The FBI was trying to stop the shooting before it happened.

The FBI Task Force contacted Kekoa for information about Denver Bible Church, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. The church is headed by Rev. Bob Enyart, a radical abortion-activist, radio shock-jock and convicted child abuser who authored a Manifesto detailing the new secret government he is forming.

Danielle Kekoa, along with her husband, Curtis Kekoa, is a former member of Enyart’s church and provided information to the FBI about Enyart and his strange congregation.

Danielle Kekoa told the Task Force that Enyart’s church is actually a satanic cult, and Enyart is posing as a pro-life Christian to cloak his satanic practices and ritual serial killings. The Kekoa’s say Enyart murdered JonBenet Ramsey and is involved in countless other unsolved murders.

San Agustin and Gray interjecting them selves into the JonBenet Ramsey murder appears curious to some.

San Agustin is a former Commander with the El Paso County (Colorado Springs) Sheriff’s office.

“In 2012 when we first found out about JonBenet Ramsey, San Agustin was the first person we called, not the Boulder PD,” Curtis Kekoa told Write Into Action.

“San Agustin led us to believe that he was interested in the information we had and agreed to meet, however, subsequent calls from me to him were ignored,” Curtis Kekoa said.

While San Agustin chose to not accept any information from the Kekoa’s; FBI analysts advised the Task Force to contact the Kekoa’s in 2015.

Curtis Kekoa said the endless Colorado corruption and cover-ups surrounds the “shadow government” Enyart described in his Manifesto

“Former El Paso County Sheriff Terry Maketa and San Agustin (and most likely Ollie Gray) are connected to the shadowgov,” Curtis Kekoa said.

The interjection of San Agustin and Gray as private investigators into the case is not the first time former law enforcement officers have interjected them self into a high profile unsolved child murder in Colorado.

Pete Klismet, a former FBI agent turned author, has repeatedly interjected himself into the Dylan Redwine murder investigation and was present at a location shortly before ‘new’ evidence was found.

Corporate news outlets such as the Denver Post have reported Klismet being credited by La Plata County Sheriff Dan Bender as instrumental in the Redwine case. However, it is not known why Bender’s office doesn’t enlist assistance from the real FBI.

Klismet was also interjected himself into the Planned Parenthood shooting case in Colorado Springs. KRDO in Coloardo Springs published an ‘analysis’ peformed by Klismet of shooter Robert Lewis Dear and actually allowed Klismet to diagnose Dear as schizophrenic based upon an audio recording Klismet heard of Dear talking.

In 2015, Klismet appeared on a basement-type Web radio program hosted by a very troubled young man named Levi Page. Page published a career bio on the Web claiming to be a ‘34 year-old’ “criminal investigator” that was covering missing children cases.

The Levi Page back-story is very disturbing and provides insight into a multi-state pedophile kidnapping and child porn ring – spresd out across the Country as described in Enyart’s Manifesto.

An investigation by the East Grand Forks Police Department in Minnesota revealed Page was actually only 20 years old when he published the disturbing bio claiming to be a 34 year-old criminal investigator.

Klismet and Colorado media were unphased.

Klismet appeared on Page’ show despite knowing the upcoming program was being promoted on a website that published xxx videos and concocted sex stories about small children.

Multiple sources tell Write Into Action Klismet is a “freak” in the underground.


by Timothy Charles Holmseth on March 15, 2016, 8:54 P.M.

The mysterious Colorado church founded by shock-jock Bob Enyart, which is under investigation by the FBI for possible involvement in Planned Parenthood attacks, is now facing fresh accusations from within his own family.

Bob Enyart

Bob Enyart

Shaun Williams, Enyart’s nephew, recently uploaded approximately 30 videos to You Tube that contain specific information detailing extortion, bribery, kidnapping, and physical assault taking place behind the doors of the sketchy church.

Williams claims Enyart extorted tens of thousands of dollars from him, in exchange that Enyart would not file a complaint against Williams regarding illegal real estate dealings.

Williams said he was hustled by Enyart as a young man. “Bob coerced us to go to a protest when I was young. I was roped into the whole – Bob’s idea – make money by putting other people down – acting dramatic,” Williams said.

Danielle Kekoa, a former member of Denver Bible Church (DBC) that was interviewed by the FBI in November, 2015, shortly before the Planned Parenthood shootings in Colorado Springs, discussed what she remembered hearing about the mortgage fraud scheme while at the church.

“Josiah, Bob’s son, and Brian Jr., Bob’s nephew, got caught up in a mortgage fraud scheme with Shaun leaving them in debt hundreds of thousands of dollars with bunk property in the ghetto. Bob was behind the whole thing and made a profit, but he never spoke out against Shaun publicly—it was all pretty hush-hush and swept under the rug. We got most of our information first-hand behind the scenes through other members in the Enyart family, but at church everything was business as usual and no one spoke of it,” Kekoa said.

Enyart asserts that Williams’ threatening to sue him, online, could possibly result in life in prison for Williams. During a recent radio program Enyart ranted about a federal cyber-stalking case in Pennsylvania that resulted in life in prison for two people because the case involved a death.

Enyart said Williams is guilty of making threats that could potentially end in a life prison term because Williams ‘threatened’ to file a lawsuit against Enyart. Enyart said Williams was making “constant threats – threats of lawsuits.”

Enyart also suggested Williams was wanted by police. “The police have been looking for him because of his harassment of young women in the Denver metro area,” Enyart said.

The recent accusations against Enyart by Williams and other DBC members is nothing new.

Brian Rohrbough, former VP candidate for president of the United States, President of Colorado Right to Life, and Columbine school shooting parent, is a former member of DBC and a business associate of Enyart. “He is perhaps the most dishonest and deceptive man I have ever met in my life. He is a blatant liar … He’s an evil guy,” Rohrbough said, describing Enyart.

Brian Rohrbough’s wife, Lisa Rohrbough, said Enyart is dangerous and compared him to the infamous Rev. Jim Jones.

The recent developments have served to provide insight into how Enyart perceives reality and the word around him.

“This (tentative application for a restraining order) is for someone that has been posting online that my family owes him $30,000 – $15,000 – or $50,000 – it varies by the day – but that’s not sufficient for a restraining order – it’s far more than that – this man has been diagnosed with bi-polar – he tried enlisting in the military and was rejected – he married a number of young women under false pretenses – including one here in the Denver metro area,” Enyart said, on-air.

Enyart stated he might obtain a retraining order against Williams so he (Williams) could not own a firearm, which Enyart said, would be a good thing for society.

However – Enyart, through his own words, has impeached his own testimony in any case he may ever testify in. During a recent radio program Enyart provided a significant narrative about how it is okay to lie because God, too, has done it to deceive the enemy. “Lies, are at times, the exactly right thing to do,” Enyart said.

Court records may provide insight into what drives Enyart’s incessant ramblings and his apparent mental decline.

While waging a morality war on his family, friends, and church members, Enyart himself has been convicted of criminal child abuse; the child that was not his son.

“Bob Enyart has been married and divorced twice. Bob’s brother Brian Enyart Sr. and his son Josiah Enyart have also both been married and divorced twice. Same with his nephew Shaun Williams. Many people in the cult have been divorced more than once. Bob Enyart has also been ordered to undergo mental health exams, parenting classes and domestic violence classes. Bob also had a restraining order placed against him by his first ex-wife Krista Lynn Crisler,” Danielle Kekoa said.

Danielle Kekoa told the FBI that she and her husband, Curtis Kekoa, fled the church with their children after realizing it was a criminal satanic cult disguised as a pro-life activist organization.

Kekoa told Kimberly Milka, Denver FBI, that member of the church would often volunteer to babysit their children, which the Kekoa’s would not agree to because they had begun to suspect many in the church were pedophiles.

“The Enyart family is a sexually deviant, satanic enterprise with dark secrets that go back generations, so there really must be some bad blood between them for Shaun to come out against the family like this. Shaun has been cut off and disowned, not because he’s “mentally-ill” but because he has some “proof” that would likely destroy the Enyart family, and he’s willing to risk his own neck to expose it,” Danielle Kekoa said.

The Kekoa’s have publically stated they believe Enyart is involved in the murders of JonBenet Ramsey, Dylan Redwine, Jessica Ridgeway, and others.

Enyart authored a manifesto declaring his own government.


by Timothy Charles Holmseth on March 4, 2016 at 12:50 P.M.

Doug Hagmann, Northeast Intelligence Network, told radio show host Alex Jones his federal sources in the government say there is a war within the American government.

“There’s a war going on inside the FBI right now,” Hagmann said, today.

Doug Hagmann

Doug Hagmann

Jones said there is a “group above Homeland Security” that has criminally hijacked the United States Government.

Write Into Action contacted Hagmann in December, 2015, after he Hagmann announced he would be featuring Rev. Bob Enyart on his program.

Write Into Action expressed serious concern that Hagmann was associating with Enyart – a known domestic terrorist and alleged satanic cult leader.

That letter is re-published here:

* * * * *

Hagmann and Hagmann,

I often listen to your show and enjoy it.

I feel inclined to contact you regarding Rev. Bob Enyart. I understand he is scheduled as a guest on an upcoming show.

You should know he is under investigation by the FBI.

I know this for a fact because I possess the entire FBI interview between Special Agent Kimberly Milka and Danielle Kekoa, Northglenn, Colorado.

Planned Parenthood contacted the Denver FBI before the shooting in Colorado Springs. The FBI then contacted Danielle Kekoa, a survivor of Bob Enyart’s cult.

Danielle Kekoa and her husband, Curtis Kekoa, left Denver Bible Church after realizing Enyart was a “satanic cult leader”.

You will see these assertion are confirmed on audio recording I have of Brian Rohrbough, founding president American Right to Life, Columbine parent, and former candidate for VP of the United States. See links below for those stories and audio.

Special Agent Kimberly Milka told Danielle Kekoa the FBI wanted to avoid another “Dr. Tiller” incident. Kekoa warned Agent Milka to “expect it” because Bob Enyart had been outed. Listen to audio on link provided below.

Three days later Robert Lewis Dear opened fire on the Planned Parenthood in Colorado Springs.

Bob Enyart is using you.

Your credibility could be irreparably damaged if you present Bob Enyart as a credible pro-life activist. His true activities are so disturbing and evil I am not going into detail but he is under investigation. You can read his Manifesto to start his own “shadow government” below.

Bob Enyart is an extremely sick and dangerous man.

Respectfully yours,
Timothy Charles Holmseth
Investigative Journalist

Here is a link to the Special Agent Milka and Kekoa interview:

Here are my stories leading up to the shooting: