Posts Tagged ‘Dominic Casey’

Wayanne Kruger holds the key – illegal adoptions gone wrong

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on October 27, 2017, 10:15 P.M. CST

“We want to deflect the case of Casey Anthony. Get a bigger case to make headline news. And get everybody infatuated with that case – and less on Casey Anthony”
– Wayanne Kruger /  Interview w/ Investigative Journalist Timothy Charles Holmseth

Daily Mail is reporting that George and Cindy Anthony recently told Crime Watch Daily that their daughter Casey is mentally ill as reality series with O.J. Simpson may be in the works.

What the ‘mentally ill’ claims by the Anthony’s REALLY means is – they are very worried Casey is going to start talking about what really happened to Caylee – and they are trying to discredit her.


Rev. Richard Grund (a.k.a. The REAL Nanny???) told me Casey was involved in a diabolical conspiracy to plant ‘Grund’ semen and pubic hair on Caylee’s body – before it was even found.

Why did Grund think semen and pubic hair would be on Caylee’s body?

Perhaps Casey KNOWS why.

Let that sink in.

Emails from Cindy Anthony to PI Dominic Casey revealed Cindy was worried Grund may have killed Caylee in a religious ritual and talked about Caylee having “Nephilim” blood.

Wayanne Kruger expressed the same fear to me during our interviews. She said she hoped Grund didn’t kill the missing child HaLeigh Cummings in another one of his “frickin exorcisms”.

Keep letting it sink in.

Grund told me Casey was possessed by Moloch.

“What’s inside Casey used to be worshipped as a god. And how it was worshipped was by the sacrifice of babies. It was a Hebrew god – it was a Babylonian god called Moloch – that’s what’s inside Casey.”
-Rev. Richard Grund / Interview w/ Investigative Journalist Timothy Charles Holmseth / May, 2009


The beginning of the road to the truth about what really happened to Caylee Anthony is found in a security report dated February 8, 2009 by D&A Investigation Inc.

D&A Investigation was the agency operated by private investigator Dominic Casey who was retained by Casey Anthony’s lawyer, Jose Baez.

In a security report that was prepared in advance of the February 10, 2009 memorial for Caylee at the First Baptist Church in Orlando, the security detail were instructed to watch for certain individuals and deny them access to the memorial.

Among the names were Wayanne Kruger, Rev. Richard Grund, and William (Murt) Murtaugh.

William Murtaugh publically claimed he knew the identity of missing child Trenton Duckett’s kidnapper when wrote a letter to the person – a very disturbing event widely reported. Murtaugh subsequently purcahsed a creep van (old news truck) and became obsessed with Caylee Anthony and HaLeigh Cummings.

Murtaugh contacted me in 2013 and asked me to answer sexual questions about my children per an investigation he said was doing based upon information he said he obtained from a Florida lawyer.

When you listen to my interviews with Kruger you are going to learn the lawyer was selling children and babies.

If you want to know what happed to Caylee Anthony – start with WAYANNE KRUGER and GLORIA ALLRED.

Wayanne Kruger was in contact with her protégé Gloria Allred when she (Kruger) became the official advocate for Crystal Sheffield, the mother of HaLeigh Cummings.

HaLeigh Cummings vanished on the SAME DAY (February 10, 2009) as Caylee’s Memorial.

The children are being gobbled up in a child sex trafficking operation.

Listen to my interviews with Kruger.

You’ll begin to understand.

“…anyone can do anything if they hold the right cards – so I’m thinking about my life now – now – I’m thinking very hard”
-The Who / It’s Hard 


by Timothy Charles Holmseth on September 29, 2017, 7:48 A.M. CST

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on September 28, 2017, 8:37 P.M. CST

In 2016 I published an ebook entitled “Babylonian Funeral – The Satanic Ritual Sacrifice of Caylee Anthony”

In the book, I detail how Rev. Richard Grund told me during recorded interviews there was a conspiracy to plant semen and pubic hair on Caylee Anthony’s dead body to link a ‘Grund’ to the murder.

Richard Grund also told me that Casey Anthony was actually an ancient Babylonian god called Moloch.

I recently obtained this…

Get ready…

On September 30, 2009 talk show host Simon Barrett published the following on Blogger News Network.

“A couple of days ago I heard on the grapevine that a story was circulating that Richard Grund killed Caylee in an occult ritual. In my opinion it is much more likely that Casey

Anthony did it in a Duct Tape ritual!

Some research has revealed the source of this rubbish, and it is none other than from PI Dominic Casey. A man who has the credibility of a three day old donut.

Here is a taste of the exchange, this is Cindy to Dominic talking about Richard Grund:

Isnt he crazy enough to do something to Caylee? Remember we originally thought that him and Deb were helping Jesse hid Caylee. it might sound crazy but what if they did a blood test and found out she was not a nephilim. People do crazy things like sacrifice people for their beliefs

Dominic’s response is equally inane:

You have seen nothing yet. What you have seen is the tip of the iceberg… RG is a Militia Boy, Racist, Demeans women and a total whack job… I will have him on the porno soon”
     – Simon Barrett

Rev. Richard Grund needs to be investigated for the satanic ritual murder of Caylee Anthony.

I have secret audio recordings that are going to further show what happened to Caylee.

The recordings will only be released on a national platform.

Visit to see the efforts being made to silence me.

My book “Babylonian Funeral – The Satanic Ritual Sacrifice of Caylee Anthony” was spot on!

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on September 28, 2017, 8:37 P.M. CST

In 2016 I published an ebook entitled “Babylonian Funeral – The Satanic Ritual Sacrifice of Caylee Anthony”.

In the book, I detail how Rev. Richard Grund told me during recorded interviews there was a conspiracy to plant semen and pubic hair on Caylee Anthony’s dead body to link a ‘Grund’ to the murder.

Richard Grund also told me that Casey Anthony was actually an ancient Babylonian god called Moloch.

I recently obtained this…

Get ready…

On September 30, 2009 talk show host Simon Barrett published the following on Blogger News Network.

“A couple of days ago I heard on the grapevine that a story was circulating that Richard Grund killed Caylee in an occult ritual. In my opinion it is much more likely that Casey

Anthony did it in a Duct Tape ritual!

Some research has revealed the source of this rubbish, and it is none other than from PI Dominic Casey. A man who has the credibility of a three day old donut.

Here is a taste of the exchange, this is Cindy to Dominic talking about Richard Grund:

Isnt he crazy enough to do something to Caylee? Remember we originally thought that him and Deb were helping Jesse hid Caylee. it might sound crazy but what if they did a blood test and found out she was not a nephilim. People do crazy things like sacrifice people for their beliefs

Dominic’s response is equally inane:

You have seen nothing yet. What you have seen is the tip of the iceberg… RG is a Militia Boy, Racist, Demeans women and a total whack job… I will have him on the porno soon”
     – Simon Barrett

Rev. Richard Grund needs to be investigated for the satanic ritual murder of Caylee Anthony.

I have secret audio recordings that are going to further show what happened to Caylee.

The recordings will only be released on a national platform.

Visit to see the efforts being made to silence me.

U.S. Court has evidence – – – You – the American public can determine why Richard Grund thought CSI was going to find Grund semen on Caylee’s body

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on September 4, 2017, 12:56 P.M. CST

Mainstream news reports during the Casey Anthony murder trial never once alluded to a group that all knew what really happened to Caylee Anthony.

The official story was Casey Anthony murdered her daughter and did it all by herself.

That’s simply not true – it was fake news.


Many members of law enforcement, Florida States Attorneys, private lawyers, Florida DCF, as well as Nancy Grace, knew the kidnapping of HaLeigh Cummings on February 10, 2009, 75 miles north of Orlando, was directly connected to Caylee Anthony’s skeletal remains being found on December 11, 2008.

HaLeigh’s kidnapping was staged to create reasonable doubt in the Caylee Anthony murder investigation.

I have the proof on tape.

On September 1, 2017 I submitted a NOTICE OF REMOVAL for FEDERAL QUESTION to the U.S. District Court – District of Northern Florida – which I filed in response to a bogus ‘cyber stalking claim’ made against me in Santa Rosa County, Florida.

It contains information that is the beginning of telling America the real truth about what happened to Caylee Anthony.

My court filing sets forth Federal Question arguments based upon federal statutes regarding child pornography, child exploitation laws, blackmail and extortion, witness tampering, kidnapping, murder, and the First Amendment.

Every statement I made to the federal court is under penalty of arrest if there is any perjury by me (and that’s not going to happen, folks).

Ironically, the fact I use the word “REDACTED” is actually one element of the Federal Question being raised.

  1. REDACTED is conspiring against HOLMSETH’S rights because in 2011, REDACTED’S private investigator, WILLIAM STAUBS, through his attorney Doug Roberts, advised REDACTED that he purged his (STAUB’S) computer and file system of all files that REDACTED was seeking from STAUBS via a subpoena; and that he sent the files to HOLMSETH.
  1. The un-solicited audio files HOLMSETH received have placed HOLMSETH in danger because the content of the files implicates multiple persons in criminal activity. The content is also very embarrassing to many.
  1. The U.S. Court has Federal Question Jurisdiction under 28 U.S. Code § 1331 because REDACTED’S Petition to the Florida State Court includes a direct reference to, and relies upon the credibility of, a domestic violence protection order obtained by REDACTED against HOLMSETH in the Divorce Division (DVCE) of the Broward County, Florida courts, which HOLMSETH maintains and asserts was fraudulently obtained by REDACTED in violation of 18 U.S. Code § 241 – Conspiracy against rights.

The following is a very small sample of audio.

ATTORNEY: I said you know what? He’s probably working for that Dominic Casey guy. Because Dominic Casey has been trying to get Bill (Staubs) arrested. So he can get him thrown out of town and thrown off the case – since day one. So he can go off in his glory and solved this case. I even talked to Dominic Casey about it who’s saying Bill’s going to jail – Bill’s doing this – Bill’s going to jail. And I said, you know, tried to get Dominic Casey to leave Bill alone. And he won’t – he won’t – Dominic Casey wants Bill in jail.

PAULA ANDREWS (Fiancé’ of William Staubs): I thought he was in the Caylee case or doesn’t he supposedly have something to do with Casey Anthony?

ATTORNEY: No, no he’s in the HaLeigh case now. And he’s got CI’s (Confidential Informants) that he claims he’s busted Bill tampering with evidence – that he’s told the police about it – that he’s busted Bill taking down Snodgrass. I had to get – so then I’m thinking to myself this fucking dick Jeremiah is one of Dominic Casey’s CI’s. That he’s got – that he’s trying to get all of us in trouble.

Staubs told me Jeremiah Regan was on the telephone with Dominic Casey when Staubs located a ‘bloody sheet’ which the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office took into custody. Jeremiah Regan told law enforcement that Staubs planted the evidence.

Staubs told me he was being accused of ‘Conspiracy to Create Reasonable Doubt’ in the Casey Anthony case.


Staubs told news reporters he was working for Rev. Richard Grund who is the father of Casey Anthony’s former fiancé’ Jesse Grund.

Richard Grund told me there was a conspiracy against his family by the Anthony’s that involved Casey Anthony attempting to extract seminal fluid and pubic hair from Jesse Grund in a shower so it could be planted on Caylee’s dead body.

You – the American public can determine why Richard Grund thought CSI was going to find Grund semen on Caylee’s body.

The National Enquirer reported Cindy Anthony expressed concern that Richard Grund may have killed Caylee as part of his weird rituals.

It appears that may be the case.

Wayanne Kruger, Crystal Sheffield’s advocate, and associate of Richard Grund, told me she feared Richard Grund may have killed the missing child HaLeigh Cummings in another one of his “frickin excorcisms”.

Dominic Casey’s report to law enforcement that Staubs was planting evidence was true.

Staubs was trying to make it look like HaLeigh Cummings had been abducted and murdered by a roving child killer who also killed Caylee Anthony.

On July 13, 2009, I authored a 22-page report to the FBI that detailed exactly the same thing PI Casey reported to the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office about evidence planting.

I also spoke directly with Major Gary Bowling, the director of law enforcement at the Putnam Sheriff’s Office and Bowling admitted law enforcement knew about the evidence planting by Staubs and others.

The attorney told Paula Andrews, “I’m trying to protect Bill’s ass – talking to State attorneys – talking to four fucking cops – saved his ass from going to jail,” the attorney said.

The corrupt activities of law enforcement involved in concealing the secrets of the Caylee Anthony and HaLeigh Cummings cases were interstate, and involved the police department in East Grand Forks, Minnesota, as well as the County Attorney in Polk County, Minnesota where I reside.

Secret emails from East Grand Fork Police detective Lt. Rodney Hajicek’s private Gmail account have revealed Hajicek was conspiring with Nancy Grace’s journalist Art Harris to have me arrested after learning the FBI in Florida was following evidence they received from me.

On July 10, 2009, Hajicek exchanged emails with CNN Harris via Hajicek’s private Gmail account, as the two men discussed how they could possibly have the Polk County Attorney’s office arrest me.

“I’m in shock, but just heard the FBI actually paid a visit to the Web design firm in Florida that donated their time to the website for the missing child. Based on [Timothy Holmseth’s] absurd accusations he’s now almost gotten a 23 year employee fired for sending the child’s photo on her company email to the pro bono web firm,” Harris said.

The secret emails that never showed up in public records requests I made to EGF Police Chief Michael Hedlund, included my 22-page report to the FBI that detailed the activities of the fake search and planted evidence, and provided the name of a man, John Regan, who dressed as a pastor and told searchers he was an undercover pedophile for the FBI and CIA.

Now observe – Harris was actually working for the attorney.

The attorney told Paula Andrews, “I’m trying to say everything right on the news but I hear one thing to say from Art (Harris) and another thing to say from Bill – I confirm everything with Art which is what I am supposed to say-do – Art sends me bullet points of things I’m allowed to say and not allowed to say and that’s exactly what I fucking say and then when him and  Bill don’t get their messages straight of what they want me to say then I’m blamed every time for saying too much or not enough”.

It was all fake news.

The entire Casey Anthony murder trial was a fake news sham to cover up something MUCH WORSE.

The truth about Caylee’s murder is an atrocity against a child of biblical proportions.


Motion filed to Florida Federal Court

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on September 2, 2017, 9:49 P.M. CST

On September 1, 2017, Timothy Charles Holmseth (me) submitted a NOTICE OF REMOVAL to the United States District Court – Middle District of Florida.

The NOTICE OF REMOVAL for FEDERAL QUESTION is a response to a fraudulent claim of cyber stalking filed in the Santa Rosa County Circuit Court in Florida by members of a group that are trying to have my publication removed from the Web.

Too late.

The truth about the Casey Anthony case is going to come out.


  1. REDACTED is conspiring against HOLMSETH’S rights because in 2011, REDACTED’S private investigator, WILLIAM STAUBS, through his attorney Doug Roberts, advised REDACTED that he purged his (STAUB’S) computer and file system off all files that REDACTED was seeking from STAUBS via a subpoena; and that he sent the files to HOLMSETH.
  1. The audio files HOLMSETH received un-solicited from STAUBS contain audio recordings that contain voices that include REDACTED REDACTED, WILLIAM STAUBS, JEREMIAH REGAN, MATTHEW STAUBS, REDACTED REDACTED, and PAULA ANDREWS.
  1. The un-solicited audio files HOLMSETH received have placed HOLMSETH in danger because the content of the files implicates multiple persons in criminal activity. The content is also very embarrassing to many.

Here’s the truth.

The murder of Caylee Anthony is directly connected to the kidnapping of five year-old HaLeigh Cummings who vanished from her Satsuma, Florida home on February 10, 2009.

According to exclusive recordings in the possession of Timothy Charles Holmseth (and in multiple undisclosed secure locations):

  • An attorney (who will be unnamed) involved in the search for the missing child HaLeigh Cummings spoke to Dominic Casey, the PI for the family of Casey Anthony.
  • The attorney said PI Casey was actively tracking the movements of William Staubs, the bounty hunter known as Cobra who interjected himself into the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping in association with Anthony Murder Trial witness Rev. Richard Grund.
  • PI Casey reported Staubs to law enforcement for planting evidence and attempting to frame innocent people for HaLeigh’s disappearance.
  • The attorney believed “Jeremiah Regan” and his father, John Regan, were working for PI Casey and had infiltrated the team of individuals surrounding HaLeigh Cummings’ mother, Crystal Sheffield.
  • John Regan dressed as a pastor and told multiple individuals in the HaLeigh Cummings case that he was an undercover FBI agent and CIA agent who was working as a “pedophile”.

The following is also in Holmseth’s court filing to the Florida court.

  1. HOLMSETH’S rights are being violated because he acquired and possesses evidence TINA CHURCH, in conspiracy and careful forethought with others in THE GROUP, violated 18 U.S. Code § 1512 – Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant, because HaLeigh Cummings was a witness to a murder that occurred at 202 Green Lane, Satsuma, Florida.

Soon I will tell you about Jacob Wetterling, too.

I am providing a clip via You Tune to demonstrate the veracity of my claim.


by Timothy Charles Holmseth on June 2, 2016, 12:13 P.M. CST

Evidence shows Casey Anthony’s attorney, Jose Baez, knew Caylee Anthony’s death was ritualistic.

When Casey Anthony was acquitted on July 5, 2011 Baez mentioned “ritual killing” in his statement to the media.

“Murder’s not right no matter who does it whether it’s a ritual killing or someone becoming a victim in a drive-by shooting,” Baez said.

Rev. Richard Grund, an admitted (former) Satanist and father of Casey Anthony’s former fiancé Jesse Grund, knew Baez was referring specifically to him.

Write Into Action spoke with Rev. Grund and his private investigator William Staubs (a.k.a. Cobra) following the not guilty verdict.

* * * * *

Timothy Holmseth: It’s also strange that, god-dang-it, I just forgot what I was going to say; there was one other; oh; that Baez felt it necessary to make that comment about a ritualistic killing.

Richard Grund: Oh you caught that didn’t you? You caught that?

Timothy Holmseth: Well, Cobra caught it. He pointed it out to me.

Richard Grund: He took a shot at me and that was – okay, you’re arrogant right now – you think I can’t get you – he took a shot at me – okay you want to go there, let’s go there.

* * * * *

Grund vowed revenge.

“We’re going to the mattresses. I don’t know if you know what that means. That’s what we’re doing. I’m throwing down the gauntlet. Baez knows I’m coming for him. He took a shot at me at his press conference – that’s fine. He’s really arrogant right now. He’s going down. The Anthony’s are going down. This is coming out,” Grund said.

Evidence shows the true facts and circumstances of the Casey Anthony murder trial and little Caylee’s deaths were kept hidden behind the scenes by State prosecutors and defense lawyers alike.

There were deep dark secrets being guarded.

Grund said there was a plot to plant DNA evidence on Caylee’s body before it was found that would implicate his son Jesse Grund.

Rev. Richard Grund

Rev. Richard Grund

Richard Grund said Baez knew about the plot, and that he confronted Baez about it during a deposition with Baez’s co-counsel Cheney Mason.

The assertion by Richard Grund of a plot to plant DNA is evidence the whereabouts of Caylee’s Body was known by select individuals long before it was finally recovered by law enforcement.

Jim Hoover, a private investigator that worked alongside Baez’s private investigator, PI Casey, said PI Casey told him Lee Anthony traveled to Atlanta to surreptitiously obtain DNA from Jesse Grund.

This wasn’t the first time an assertion about secretly aquiring DNA for purposes of planting on Caylee’s body, were made. Richard Grund told Write Into Action (Timothy Charles Holmseth) that Casey Anthony had a plan to obtain semen and pubic hair from Jesse Grund by luring him into the shower with her.

During a conference call between PI Staubs, PI Hoover, and investigative journalist Timothy Holmseth, the following exchange took place:

* * * * *

WILLIAM STAUBS: [On September 29, 2008] “is when (Lee Anthony) arrived in Atlanta attempting to get DNA and fingerprints from Jesse (Grund).

JIM HOOVER: For Jesse – oh yeah I knew all about that I knew he was going up there.

WILLIAM STAUBS: Who sent him? That’s what I want to know. By whose directive did it come from?

JIM HOOVER: Well, I’ll tell you who told me. I think – well – let me see – Dominic told me about it – let me think – I think Cindy sent him – I’m pretty sure Cindy sent him – as a matter of fact yeah I’m sure of it – because yeah, Cindy sent him up there.”

William Staubs - a.k.a. Cobra

William Staubs – a.k.a. Cobra

* * * * *

PI Hoover said PI Casey told him about it on the same day Lee Anthony left for Atlanta to do it.

* * * * *

JIM HOOVER: “[Dominic] said you won’t believe this crap. I said so what’s going on? He said Lee’s on the way to Atlanta. I said for what? And oh we sent him up there to get DNA from Jesse Grund. I said why?”

* * * * *

PI Hoover said PI Casey told him the DNA was to see if Caylee Anthony was Jesse Grund’s biological child. He said PI Casey suggested Jesse Grund wanted Caylee dead so he wouldn’t have to pay “child support”.

Dominic Casey

Dominic Casey

* * * * *

JIM HOOVER: “Dominic lied to me because Dominic said they were going up there to get DNA oh, that lying son-of-a-bitch, I just realized this; he told me they were going up to get DNA to prove Jesse was the father and he was the reason that Caylee died.”

* * * * *

The paternity angle for obtaining DNA from Jesse Grund does not hold water because it was already established through proper and up-front medical procedures Jesse Grund was not Caylee’s father.

“Jesse Grund had more of a reason to kill Caylee than Casey,” Hoover said, recalling what PI Casey told him.

* * * * *

STAUBS: “Richard seemed to think that we heard or we were under the impression that Lee was going to get DNA because he already knew where the body was and they were going to sprinkle, spread, or place Jesse’s DNA on that bag or on that body.”

HOOVER: Wow. Yeah I didn’t hear that but it’s a possibility.

* * * * *

Hoover said PI Casey lied about how many times he went into the wooded area where Caylee’s body was thought to be.

Jim Hoover

Jim Hoover

* * * * *

HOOVER: “Dominic lied about something else. He said he only went in the woods, well he said three times. Twice with me and once by himself. That’s not true. He went in twice by himself. He went on the 17th and 18th he said at Cindy’s orders. And she lied to the police about telling Dominic to go in there.


Hoover said PI Casey and Cindy Anthony were clearly involved in a physical relationship. He said PI Casey would sit with his arm around Cindy Anthony in public and rub her about her breast. He said they would leave alone together in a car and then call later saying they had gotten “lost”.

Hoover said that after Caylee’s body was found, George Anthony wanted PI Casey to leave their home but he still hung around and Cindy was like a “dog in heat”.

In 2016, PI Casey, stated in an affidavit that Baez exchanged legal services for sexual favors from Casey Anthony. He said he once saw Casey run from the room naked when he came in and caught them together. He said Baez once commented he was owed “three blow jobs”.

 Baez and Casey Anthony

Baez and Casey Anthony

More information about the ritual death of Caylee Anthony can be found in ‘Babylonian Funeral’ by Timothy Charles Holmseth.


Babylonian Funeral Amazon



Write Into Action possesses evidence Dominic Casey telling the truth about drug traffickers

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on May 31, 2016, 9:37 P.M. CST

Spoiler Alert: Florida Attorney Jose Baez is involved in misconduct in epic proportions.

FOX News reports Jose Baez, the attorney that represented Casey Anthony during her murder trial, denies his defense was funded by El Chapo.

“One, ‘El Chapo’ did not finance Casey Anthony’s defense,” Baez said.

El Chapo

El Chapo

Write Into Action possesses evidence that Dominic Casey, Baez’s former private investigator who recently made the powerful claim in an Affidavit to the Court, is in fact telling the truth.

And…Jose Baez is in a world of trouble.

Here’s why.

 Baez and Casey Anthony

Baez and Casey Anthony

The murder of Caylee Anthony is directly related to the unsolved kidnapping of HaLeigh Cummings.

Here’s how and why.

Rev. Richard Grund, the father of Casey Anthony’s former fiance’, Jesse Grund, was afraid forensics was going to find his semen and pubic hair on Caylee’s body when they found it.

You can use your imagination as to why he was worried about that (but you might want to consider he admits he worshipped Satan in the past).

Therefore, Grund began formulating a cover story about a diabolical plot underway to plant DNA on Caylee’s body.

Grund told detectives at the Orange County Sheriff’s Office about the plot when he was interviewed in the fall of 2008 (you can hear it on You Tube).

Rev. Richard Grund

Rev. Richard Grund

Caylee’s body was found in December, 2008.

Grund subsequently made the same claims about semen and pubic hair during recorded interviews with Write Into Action in the spring of 2009 after Caylee’s body had been found.

Here’s what Grund and his associates did, folks.

After Caylee’s body had been found…

Grund conspired with William Staubs (a.k.a. Cobra), Author Wayanne Kruger, and members of an already existing human trafficking operation, to create a missing child event that would sweep the news on February 10, 2009.

Strong evidence also shows that a ‘patsy’ for the kidnapping was pre-selected and murdered. That patsy was Chad Eugene Reynolds, a convicted child molester that disappeared a few days before the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping.

The February 10, 2009 date was chosen for the staged stranger abduction of HaLeigh Cummings because a nationally televised vigil was being held for Caylee Anthony that day in Orlando.

HaLeigh’s kidnapping and Amber Alert was guaranteed to receive massive media exposure.

The seeming kidnapping of five year-old HaLeigh Cummings, Satsuma, Florida, occurred 75 miles north of Orlando and was orchestrated to create the illusion that a kidnapper and killer of little girls was on the loose – ALL WHILE Caylee Anthony was in jail.

It was a plan to create reasonable doubt for BOTH Casey Anthony and Richard Grund.

You can use your imagination as to why BOTH of those two people are implicated – but it involved satanic child sacrifice.

If the public could be convinced that a killer was on the loose it would solve BOTH Richard Grund’s and Casey Anthony’s problem.

Baez knew about all this.


The first mention of drug traffickers being involved with paying fees and services occurred in March, 2009, when Jessica Clark, a reporter with First Cost News, asked William Staubs (a.k.a. Cobra) who was paying his bills.

Staubs told Clark his bills were being paid by a “drug dealer from Miami.”

Write Into Action possess the audio of the interview captured on a secret wire worn by Staubs. Staubs also told Clark he had been sent to search for HaLeigh Cummings by a pastor named Rev. Richard Grund.

William Staubs - a.k.a. Cobra

William Staubs – a.k.a. Cobra

Therefore – Staubs had been sent into the Cummings case by Grund; yet his bills were paying paid by a drug dealer.


Dominic Casey was a private investigator working for Jose Baez in the spring of 2009.

Dominic Casey

Dominic Casey

So what was Baez’s private investigator doing?

Here’s what.

He was shadowing Staubs during Staubs’ fake search for HaLeigh Cummings.


Dominic Casey was working with Sheriff’s detectives in Putnam County, Florida because they knew Staubs was planting evidence.

This all spells serious big trouble for Attorney Baez.

Observe the facts of the following previously published piece by Write Into Action.


Although never reported by the news, PI Casey was heavily involved in the investigation into the kidnapping of HaLeigh Cummings. The five year-old from Satsuma, Florida girl was reported missing from her father’s home on February 10, 2009.

PI Casey was involved in the location of a “bloody sheet” found in the woods and taken into evidence by law enforcement. He was working with Detective Peggy Cone, the lead detective on the HaLeigh Cummings Task Force at the time.

PI Casey and Det. Cone had another private investigator, William Staubs (a.k.a. Cobra), under surveillance.

William Staubs (Cobra) interjected himself into the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping investigation at the direction of Rev. Richard Grund (the father of Casey Anthony’s former fiancé Jesse Grund.)

Grund told both the Orange County Sheriff’s Office detectives and Write Into Action there was a conspiracy to plant semen and pubic hair on Caylee Anthony’s body that would implicate Jesse Grund.

The suspicious assertion by Rev. Grund and Cobra about semen and pubic hair being planted on little Caylee’s remains were dwarfed by the bizarre ‘funding’ of Cobra’s involvement in the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping investigation by a “drug dealer from Miami”.

And…a bloody sheet.

During a recorded interview with Write Into Action, Cobra recalled the moment he, his son Matthew Staubs, and a man named Jeremiah Regan found a bloody sheet in the woods.

“[Dominic Casey] called up Jeremiah Regan on the phone and told him to step away from me. Well when he answered the phone, Jeremiah looked dead at me – my eyes met his eyes and he looked to the ground. And he turned around and he walked off talking on the phone,” Staubs said.

William Staubs said he and his son then left the scene before the police arrived.

“As we were riding up to Mee Maw from the HaLeigh Bug Center I said to [Matthew Staubs] ‘if I’m correct – within about a minute – two minutes – I give them three minutes, this is pretty hot – he’s ‘what dad what’ – I said the cops car as going to go blazing down this fucking road right here – you watch and see. And all of a sudden there goes two cop cars,’” William Staubs said.

William Staubs said Regan was in one of the cars and Matthew Staubs asked him why they had “Jeremiah” in custody.

“I said they don’t have Jeremiah son. There taking Jeremiah over there to that part of the woods to recover that fucking sheet,” Staubs said.

Staubs talked to Regan after the sheet was taken into evidence and asked him who called him on the phone.

“He said that was Dominic Casey. I said what did Dominic Casey say to you? He said step away from Cobra right now. That means that he is – that means that he is watching some place. He said to step away from you and call this lady Peggy Cone. I said who the fuck is Peggy Cone. She’s a detective. I said is that the detective that came and picked you up. He goes ‘yep.’ I said what did she say to you bro? She said I needed to stay away from you or I was going to find myself in jail with you and he started shaking. He said remember that sheet I told you was evidence. I said yeah. He said ‘she recovered it’. I said she did what? I said she took it into custody – I told you it was blood,” Staubs said.


by Timothy Charles Holmseth on May 30, 2016, 11:56 A.M. CST

Dominic Casey, the private investigator who once worked for Casey Anthony, has stated in an Affidavit to the Florida Court that George, Cindy and Lee Anthony me with a convicted drug trafficker for the Mexican Drug Lord “El Chapo.”

“On the way to meet the attorney they were taken to meet Pete (Pedro) Beneviedes, a convicted drug trafficker and money launderer for “El Chapo” – the Mexican Drug Lord and head of the Sinaloa Cartel,” PI Casey said.

El Chapo

El Chapo

The meeting involved “reward money”.

In 2009, William Staubs (a.k.a. Cobra), Rev. Richard Grund’s private investigator that interjected himself into the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping investigation, told Jessica Clark of First Coast News that his bills were paying paid by a “reformed drug dealer from Miami”.

The implications of Dominic Casey’s revelations about El Chap have a profound effect on the evidence stream connecting the Caylee Anthony murder with the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping, which includes a “bloody sheet” taken into police evidence.


Although never reported by the news, PI Casey was heavily involved in the investigation into the kidnapping of HaLeigh Cummings. The five year-old from Satsuma, Florida girl was reported missing from her father’s home on February 10, 2009.

PI Casey was involved in the location of a “bloody sheet” found in the woods and taken into evidence by law enforcement. He was working with Detective Peggy Cone, the lead detective on the HaLeigh Cummings Task Force at the time.

PI Casey and Det. Cone had another private investigator, William Staubs (a.k.a. Cobra), under surveillance.

William Staubs (Cobra) interjected himself into the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping investigation at the direction of Rev. Richard Grund (the father of Casey Anthony’s former fiancé Jesse Grund.)

Grund told both the Orange County Sheriff’s Office detectives and Write Into Action there was a conspiracy to plant semen and pubic hair on Caylee Anthony’s body that would implicate Jesse Grund.

The suspicious assertion by Rev. Grund and Cobra about semen and pubic hair being planted on little Caylee’s remains were dwarfed by the bizarre ‘funding’ of Cobra’s involvement in the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping investigation by a “drug dealer from Miami”.

And…a bloody sheet.

During a recorded interview with Write Into Action, Cobra recalled the moment he, his son Matthew Staubs, and a man named Jeremiah Regan found a bloody sheet in the woods.

“[Dominic Casey] called up Jeremiah Regan on the phone and told him to step away from me. Well when he answered the phone, Jeremiah looked dead at me – my eyes met his eyes and he looked to the ground. And he turned around and he walked off talking on the phone,” Staubs said.

William Staubs said he and his son then left the scene before the police arrived.

“As we were riding up to Mee Maw from the HaLeigh Bug Center I said to [Matthew Staubs] ‘if I’m correct – within about a minute – two minutes – I give them three minutes, this is pretty hot – he’s ‘what dad what’ – I said the cops car as going to go blazing down this fucking road right here – you watch and see. And all of a sudden there goes two cop cars,’” William Staubs said.

William Staubs said Regan was in one of the cars and Matthew Staubs asked him why they had “Jeremiah” in custody.

“I said they don’t have Jeremiah son. There taking Jeremiah over there to that part of the woods to recover that fucking sheet,” Staubs said.

Staubs talked to Regan after the sheet was taken into evidence and asked him who called him on the phone.

“He said that was Dominic Casey. I said what did Dominic Casey say to you? He said step away from Cobra right now. That means that he is – that means that he is watching some place. He said to step away from you and call this lady Peggy Cone. I said who the fuck is Peggy Cone. She’s a detective. I said is that the detective that came and picked you up. He goes ‘yep.’ I said what did she say to you bro? She said I needed to stay away from you or I was going to find myself in jail with you and he started shaking. He said remember that sheet I told you was evidence. I said yeah. He said ‘she recovered it’. I said she did what? I said she took it into custody – I told you it was blood,” Staubs said.