Posts Tagged ‘Gregory Page’

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on September 19, 2017, 9:00 P.M. CST

Hidden truths continue to emerge about the Caylee Anthony murder cover-up.

In 2009, William Staubs, a Florida private investigator reported a very serious crime and civil rights violation to the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office. He reported a plan by an attorney to frame an innocent black man named Gregory Lewis Page (a.k.a. White Boy Greg) for the disappearance of HaLeigh Cummings.

Page was later targeted for a drug bust and sent to prison for ten years.

Misty Croslin was later targeted and sentenced to 25 years in prison for selling pills.

Staubs was an agent of HIDTA (High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area) working with local, state, and federal law enforcement.

Staubs himself was arrested and charged with felony false imprisonment for trying to frame Daniel E. Snodgrass for the child’s kidnapping.

Staubs told Jessica Clark of First Coast News that was sent into the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping investigation by Rev. Richard Grund, a witness in the Casey Anthony trial.

Grund and Staubs both told Timothy Charles Holmseth there was a plan by the family of Casey Anthony to plant semen and pubic hair on the dead body of Caylee Anthony to implicate a Grund.

The audio in the You Tube was located on back-ups after the East Grand Forks Police Department and agents of the Minnesota Pine to Prairie Gang and Drug Task Force raided my home with guns and bullet proof vests and destroyed my original hard drive.


Timothy Charles Holmseth receiving hang-up calls from Rick Scott’s office

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on March 11, 2016, 10:07 A.M.

As GOP frontrunner Donald Trump announces an endorsement by Dr. Ben Carson, Fla. Gov. Rick Scott’s aspirations to be tapped as Trump’s VP collapse.

The Scott Administration is unraveling amidst an attempt to cover-up a kidnapping that exposes a government child sex and drug trafficking ring that involves the KKK.

This week, a Florida court heard a post-conviction motion filed by Misty Janette Croslin appealing her 25 year sentence on grounds her attorney, Robert Fields, did not present entrapment as a defense.

Evidence shows Fields knew Croslin was facing entrapment.

The primary players involved William E. Staubs, a bounty hunter involved in multiple trafficking operations in Florida.

Staubs told investigative journalist Timothy Charles Holmseth during a recorded call that he attended a KKK meeting, and personally met with Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi at her office.

Email, audio recordings, a letter to the Florida Attorney General in 2009, and a published article from 2009, are now exposing a high level plot to frame Croslin and black man, Gregory Lewis Page, for the disappearance of HaLeigh Cummings.

The published article reporting the plot to the American public was ‘force removed’ off the Web in 2011 by an un-constitutional, fraudulently obtained, domestic violence protection order that was heard against Timothy Charles Holmseth in a Florida divorce court – filed by a person he never met. The Florida Court ordered Holmseth to retroactively remove already legally published content.

The content was exposing the truth.

Holmseth, East Grand Forks, MN, was threatened with murder if he showed up for the hearing in Broward County, Florida. The death threats were immediately reported to Lt. Rodney Hajicek, East Grand Forks Police Department.

The evidence is the latest to surface that shows the Scott Administration has been covering up all the facts about the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping, even after receiving audio of Staubs and child sex traffickers discussing child rape pornography of the five year-old that passed through an agent in the Florida DCF underground.

On September 21, 2015, Inspector General Keith Parks and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement received an email from Florida AG Bondi’s deputy director, Becky Kring.

To: Inspector General Keith Parks
Florida Department of Children & Families
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
Tallahassee, FloridaDear Inspector General Parks and FDLE,The Florida Attorney General’s Office received the attached correspondence from Timothy Holmseth in Minnesota, alleging that he has criminal information about a missing child/child abuse case.Since 2009, Mr. Holmseth has sent numerous emails to this office. According to Mr. Holmseth, he has already contacted your offices and numerous other criminal authorities. In an abundance of caution, we are forwarding you his most recent allegations, along with the reply we are sending him.Please let me know if you need copies of his previous correspondence. You may reach me at (850) 414-3858 or by email at Thank you.

Holmseth is now receiving hang-up telephone calls from Rick Scott’s office.


The State of Florida is providing staging grounds for threatening videos and online sexual harrasment of Timothy Holmseth and his children; samples are contained in the video below.

Write Into Action is re-publishing a redacted version of the article that was originally published.

Evidence in HaLeigh Cummings investigation suggests plans to frame a black man 

Florida [REDACTED] and Putnam County Sheriff’s Department ominously linked 

July 3, 2009

by Timothy Charles Holmseth

On June 19, 2009, Daniel Smith Lookadoo, 41, Palatka, was arrested on drug charges and his bond was set at $25,000. The Florida Times-Union said the formal charge is sale of cocaine.

Lookadoo is the uncle of Gregory Lewis Page (a.k.a. White Boy Greg), 28, Palatka, who was interviewed by police in February in regards to the disappearance of HaLeigh Cummings. Page had spent the days preceding the child’s disappearance with Misty Croslin, the last person to see the child.

Lookadoo’s girlfriend, Tonya Rigdon, Palatka, said she is concerned about the situation her boyfriend is in. She said law enforcement officials take Lookadoo out of his cell everyday to question him about matters regarding HaLeigh Cummings. She said it is impossible he knows anything at all.

Rigdon is an admitted (recovering) drug addict and admits she has done time in prison.
Rigdon said removing a prisoner from their cell to spend time with the police can place the prisoner’s life in danger because other inmates begin to believe that person is an informant – even if they are not. She said it is done by law enforcement intentionally to solicit statements.

Rigdon said she was with Lookadoo on the night HaLeigh Cummings disappeared. She said the two of them were checked into a motel in Palatka. “We was honeymooning,” she said.

Rigdon said she is concerned that although Lookadoo told the police where he was and who he was with on the night the little girl disappeared, it took them weeks and weeks to come and interview her. She said that worries her, because she was able to easily tell them where he was at, and they stalled in asking.

Rigdon said Putnam County Sheriff’s Department (PCSD) detectives are identifying themselves to Lookadoo as federal agents. “They are introducing themselves to [Daniel Lookadoo] as the feds,” she said, adding that she knows who they are and knows they are PCSD officers. She said the situation is strange and the PCSD officers dress in shirts and ties to look like federal agents. “Everybody’s role playing,” she said.

Lynn Lookadoo, the mother of Gregory Page, said she is very concerned about the situation. She said she is aware of what appears to be a plan to frame her son, Greg Page, in the disappearance of HaLeigh Cumming. She said she read an email sent on March 30, 2009, from the email account of [REDACTED], [REDACTED] for Crystal Sheffield, the child’s biological mother.

The email dated March 30, 2009, sent out to [REDACTED] associates, said (printed as written), “OK guys – Enough of this bullshit personal crap. I’m heading to a deposition. I want the shit to stop – Haleigh is still missing. We either need to find her, or bring the bad guys to the police to face the capital murder charge they deserve. So PULL UP YOUR PANTS, BRUSH YOURSELF OFF…IT’S GONNA BE A BUMPY RIDE. I wanna see Misty being led out of her trailer by police in cuffs on national news by the end of the week. THAT’S OUR GOAL. Let’s get this cocky crack dealer off the streets (see below)!”

Frame Page Misty Email REDACTED

Below the text in the body of the email [REDACTED] pasted three photographs of Gregory Page. The photos make Page look like a gangster who is sitting and counting drug money. Rigdon said that is not true. “That was his business,” she said, explaining that he had a store called “All About You” that did screen-printing and the like. She said the business still operates to this day.

“He was trying to act cocky,” Lynn Lookadoo, said. “Like kids do.”
“They don’t even have a body and {REDACTED] is saying find the murderer,” Rigdon said.

Later on March 30, [REDACTED] appeared on the Jane Valez Mitchell show and said REDACTED] had spoken with Page. She said he was under investigation.
A video clip was then played of [REDACTED], Crystal Sheffield: “And I asked [Ronald Cummings Jr.] about it. And I was like, what about the black — the person dressed in black. He said it was a black man dressed in black and he had squeaky shoes, and the couch was bouncing. And that’s just what he told me. And I’m not lying and I have no reason to lie.”

Sheffield’s first version had been that her small son had spoke of a man dressed in black; in this interview she added “black man.”

Lynn Lookadoo said her son Greg had nothing to do with HaLeigh’s disappearance and said she is very concerned about [REDACTED] true character as a person. She said [REDACTED] had come to her house and sat with her and talked – she said [REDACTED] was very charming, friendly, and cordial. “I fixed [REDACTED] a hot meal,” Lookadoo said. “She broke bread at my table, and then she said that about my son (behind our backs).”

Putnam County Sheriff’s Department

Questions of timing have also come into play regarding the arrest and questioning of Daniel Lookadoo.

A week after Lookadoo was arrested, a comprehensive search of property belonging to Marie Griffis, the mother of Crystal Sheffield, was conducted in Baker County, Florida. The search utilized resources from four Florida counties. Heavy machinery, cadaver dogs, divers, and over 40 investigators were involved.

Law enforcement stated publicly they didn’t even expect to find anything.
This statement by law enforcement is troubling to many because of the time, money, and resources that were expend to execute the search many months after the disappearance of the child.

Sheffield knew in advance the search was going to take place.
Following the search, [REDACTED] told the media the Sheffield side of the family requested the search because they wanted all doubt removed about their possible involvement in the child’s disappearance. According to [REDACTED], the police did what they were told.

[REDACTED] stated many times to the media that she was part of the Putnam County Sheriff’s Departments investigative team.

Lt. Johnny Greenwood, PCSD, says that [REDACTED] is not part of their team.

Authorities Alerted

Timothy Charles Holmseth, owner, Write Into Action, had already received information that [REDACTED] solicited assistance from William “COBRA’ Staubs in [REDACTED] plan to place Page somewhere he was not, on the night of the disappearance.

[REDACTED], Donald Knop, also verified such a discussion took place.

Staubs said he told [REDACTED], “No.”

Holmseth filed a formal complaint on June 1, 2009, to the Attorney General of the State of Florida. Holmseth reported he knew of [REDACTED] plan.
The portion of Holmseth’s complaint that addressed [REDACTED[ alleged plan to frame Page read as follows:

Criminal Intent and Illegal Solicitation
Florida Bondsman and Private Investigator William E. Staubs told me Florida [REDACTED] asked him to falsely, and criminally, implicate Gregory Page to authorities in the Haleigh Cummings missing person’s case. Staubs told me he flatly refused. Staubs said he will take a polygraph on this matter.

The State of Florida is providing staging grounds for threatening videos and online sexual harassment of Timothy Holmseth and his children; samples are contained in the video below.