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by Timothy Charles Holmseth on March 1, 2016 at 1:45 P.M.

Florida Gov. Rick Scott and Senator Marco Rubio may both see their political aspirations evaporate as the American public continues to learn the horrific details of a pedophile cult and drug trafficking operation that is being covered up at the highest levels in their state.

Even an endorsement from either man could be damaging.

Sen. Marco Rubio

Sen. Marco Rubio

U.S. District Court records in Minnesota (Holmseth v. City of East Grand Forks et al) shows the Scott Administration possesses indisputable documentation obtained during a journalistic investigation, that an elite pedophile cult inside Florida DCF took rape photos of a kidnapped kindergartener – including close-ups of her vagina.

Some of the audio evidence regarding the HaLeigh Cummings porn was obtained during telephone calls recorded by investigative journalist Timothy Charles Holmseth with William E. Staubs, an informant that has personally met with Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi. Staubs tricked members of the government trafficking network into talking about their sex operation while Holmseth was on a third line.

HaLeigh Cummings disappeared in 2009, is classified as ‘Missing and Endangered’ and her whereabouts is being sought by the FBI.

Scott’s Inspector General for the Florida DCF acknowledged receipt of the evidence, which was submitted to Scott and Florida AG Pam Bondi.

Documents received by Timothy Holmseth from the Officer of the Governor purport that an investigation was launched. However, it now appears they are attempting to hide the child porn and sex trafficking scandal.

And – Sen. Rubio is tangled up in the matter.

Dr. Mark T. Hash, a Georgia doctor and veteran of the armed forces, practicing in Florida, narrowly escaped a long prison term after an FDLE agent, Matt Sears, attempted to cover-up a government drug trafficking network being run through First Impressions weight loss clinic in Tallahassee.

In 2009, Sears fabricated a case against Dr. Hash after the doctor learned what was going on and planned to go to authorities.

After obtaining a lawyer and proving Sears manufactured the case, forcing prosecutors to drop the bogus felony charges, Dr. Hash filed a wrongful prosecution lawsuit against the FDLE. Dr. Hash’s son, Alec Hash, later filed a civil rights lawsuit against the Tallahassee Police Department.

Dr. Hash and his family then became the target of a government sponsored ‘black op’ aimed at kidnapping his youngest child, Alec Hash, using a well established criminal apparatus in the Leon County, Florida courts.

Dr. Hash said he turned to Sen. Rubio for help.

“He was worthless,” said Dr. Hash. “His office claimed they sent the information to the Department of Justice but I never heard another thing from him”.

Dr. Hash’s skepticism about Sen. Rubio’s true ambition appears to be accurate.

During a recent press event, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie endorsed GOP frontrunner Donald Trump while scolding Rubio. “One message to Senator Rubio…unlike the United States Senate, the President of the United States is not a no-show job, so you’re not qualified,” Christie said.

In a recent article published on the Wayne Madsen Report, photos reveal Sen. Rubio is a sexually compromised politician with a prior arrest in a park. Published photos show him male dancing on a stage and he was reportedly close with a man operating an online porn business.

“In 1987, Rubio’s brother-in-law, Orlando Cicilia, was busted by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) for his role as a key figure in a cocaine smuggling ring in south Florida,” the Wayne Madsen Report said.

However – the small mystery surrounding Sen. Rubio and Gov. Scott’s indifference to the Hash and HaLeigh Cummings cases would not last.

Write Into Action (Timothy Charles Holmseth) obtained medical charts from the clinic in Tallahassee where Dr. Hash’s medical credentials had been used without his knowledge or permission.

The facility had been infiltrated by William Staubs and his then girlfriend, Paula Andrews.

The extensive records show the Tallahassee clinic was the ‘go-to’ spot for a very long list of government officials including senators, judges, police, and Gov. Scott’s very own Inspector General.

Write Into Action also obtained photos of Assistant States Attorney John Hutchins leaving the clinic with illegally obtained pharmaceuticals; at the exact same time he was prosecuting that very clinic.

Court records show a Leon County judge, Karen Givers, sits atop a family court kidnapping and extortion scheme that involves a network of pedophiles and satanic cult operatives working primarily in the legal system.

In a December 31, 2014 motion to the court, Attorney Steven Andrews, Gov. Scott’s long time nemesis who represents Alec Hash, said Givers was running a secret “star chamber”.

In 2013, Alec Hash cleverly escaped Gievers’ jurisdiction by traveling to Missouri and marrying his girlfriend – thus becoming emancipated. Desperate – Gievers immediately sprang into action by issuing a juvenile pick-up order for the newly wed and ordering Dr. Hash jailed until his son returned to Florida.

The Appeals Court quickly ordered Dr. Hash to be released from the illegal incarceration.

Only a short time later, Alec Hash’s photo was spread across the nation on a Missing Person poster erected by the FDLE and National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

While the NCMEC later instructed the FDLE to remove the Missing Person poster because it was fraudulently guided, the events that led to Alec Hash’s name being placed in the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) database are very disturbing.

An operative of the underground and reputed friend of Judge Gievers, guardian ad litem Elizabeth Willis, telephoned the Leon County Sheriff’s Office and filed a false police report – telling Detective Joel Weaver that Alec Hash was a “runaway”.

It was a blatant lie.

In reality – Alec Hash was in Georgia, sitting in Attorney Fred Jones’ office, which Willis admitted she already knew.

Willis’ bizarre preoccupation with sex, kidnapping, torture, S&M, and pedophilia suddenly surfaced in a very disturbing email she authored as she and a Florida attorney, Michael Dolce, became desperate to gain physical custody of the married teen (and Plaintiff against the State).

“WHERE IS ALEC??? What is happening to him? is this lawyer a child abuser…is he a rapist? Does he like to diddle with little boys? Or big boys? Has he locked the child in a closet? Is Alec in chains? He told Michel that he is “safe”. What does THAT mean?” Willis said.

The Hash family case file contained absolutely no issues involving sex.

Witnesses in the Florida cases have received death threats and extortion demands to shut up.

Write Into Action (Timothy Holmseth) has been threatened with arrest by Florida law enforcement and repeatedly contacted through anonymous videos to remove all of his websites or suffer the consequences.

One video, produced in Florida, included a kidnapping threat against Timothy Holmseth’s grandchild.

Alec Hash remains in hiding.

Police records show Florida operatives and child pornographers have been in communication with law enforcement in multiple states.

Legal proceedings are proceeding on multiple fronts against the State of Florida by multiple parties in both state and federal court.