Posts Tagged ‘JonBenet Ramsey’

Former members: ‘church is a cult – satanic pastor murdered JonBenet Ramsey in 1996’

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on November 26, 2015 at 11:08 A.M. C.S.T.

On November 12, Write Into Action reported Curtis and Danielle Kekoa, Northglenn, Colorado, were contacted by the Denver FBI.

Write Into Action is now confirming Denver FBI is actively interviewing witnesses regarding Denver Bible Church (DBC).

JonBenet Ramsey Investigation 2015

The Kekoa’s believe JonBenet Ramsey was murdered by the leader of DBC, Rev. Bob Enyart. The Kekoa’s describe the church as a “cult” and say Enyart is a “satanic serial killer” involved in many murders including Dylan Redwine.

According to sources, the FBI is investigating “all members of Denver Bible Church and the Right to Life movement”.

Former American Right to Life president, Columbine school shooting parent, and former candidate for Vice President of the United States Brian Rohrbough, said Enyart is “evil” and “perhaps the most dishonest and deceptive man I have ever met in my life. He is a blatant liar and his whole thing is to try to get people into worshipping him”.

“He wants to control everything you (Danielle and Curtis Kekoa) say and do because he’s afraid of something that you’re going to say,” Rohrbough said.

Write Into Action’s journalistic investigation into the JonBenet Ramsey murder is presently focusing on two questions:

  1. Did Rev. Bob Enyart know John and/or Patsy Ramsey in 1996?
  1. Has state or federal law enforcement requested a DNA swab from Bob Enyart to compare to the unidentified DNA found under JonBenet’s fingernails and at the Ramsey murder scene?


by Timothy Charles Holmseth on November 24, 2015 at 10:24 A.M. C.S.T.

FBI Denver is asking questions about Denver Bible Church (DBC).

The reasons and implications for federal authorities to have an interest in DBC could be far reaching.

Evidence shows American Right to Life (ARTL) (formerly Colorado Right to Life) is a fraudulent front providing cover for homicidal, anti-government, and unconstitutional activities being staged out of DBC by Rev. Bob Enyart.

Evidence shows an FBI investigation and intervention is required for purposes of potentially solving unsolved murders and kidnappings; preventing future murders and kidnappings; as well as disrupting possible plans to subvert national security.

Rapidly emerging evidence, which includes statements from a former candidate on the U.S. presidency ticket, reveals shocking evidence that supports claims by former DBC members of extortion, blackmail, and mind-control.

Witnesses, documents, and records suggest Enyart, who is also a radio talk-show host and anti-abortion activist, is doing little more than posing as a pro-life pastor while executing an on-going underground criminal operation in what he calls his ‘shadow government’.

Former DBC members say Enyart is a sadistic serial killer that murdered JonBenet Ramsey in 1996, as well as being involved in many other crimes.

JonBenet Ramsey

JonBenet Ramsey


Write Into Action reported on November 16, 2015, that Enyart’ church was under the scrutiny of Denver FBI. This fact was established after a special agent contacted Danielle Kekoa, Northglenn, Colorado, regarding any information she may have about DBC.

Danielle Kekoa and her husband, Curtis Kekoa, are former members of DBC, which they describe as a dangerous “cult”. The Kekoa’s publically state their former pastor, Rev. Bob Enyart, is a “serial killer” that masquerades as a Christian pro-life activist.

According to the Kekoa’s, Enyart’s professed Christian belief systems are a complete sham that he wildly projects out as a smoke screen to keep his true self from being revealed.

Multiple witnesses have stated Enyart is running a cult and engages in extortion and blackmail of church members. One control method described is the gathering of private information about members and their families by Enyart during private marital counseling. After Enyart possesses intimate information, he uses it to blackmail them. If members defy him or he feels threatened he will use other mind-controlled members of the church to file false CPS reports against the targeted member.

The Kekoa’s believe Enyart murdered six-year old JonBenet Ramsey in 1996, as well as being diabolically involved in many other murders and crimes.

On November 18, 2015, Write Into Action filed an update revealing the American ‘pro-life’ movement had been infiltrated by Luciferian’s posing as Christians that claim to be against abortion. The assertion was supported by audio of founding American Right to Life (ARTL) president Brian Rohrbough, who described Enyart as “evil” and the most dishonest and deceptive man he’d ever known.

Rohrbough’s condemnation of Enyart in 2012 is very significant.

In 2008, America’s Independent Party nominated Rohrbough to its first-ever presidential ticket. He was the running mate of Alan Keyes, Maryland. Brian and Lisa Rohrbough are the parents of Columbine school shooting victim Daniel Rohrbough.

Brian Rohrbough and Enyart once co-signed a scathing letter, which they sent to Dr. James Dobson, Focus on the Family, after a Supreme Court ruling.

During recorded conversations with Danielle Kekoa in 2012, Lisa Rohrbough compared Enyart to the infamous cult leader of People’s Temple, Rev. Jim Jones, who orchestrated the mass-murder suicide of 918 of members (including 300 children) in 1978.

While both Brian and Lisa Rohrbough’s beliefs and feelings about Enyart and DBC are abundantly clear; there is also an abundance of evidence that Brian Rohrbough is still associated with Enyart. Rohrbough’s failure to completely divorce himself from Enyart publically may be extortion related.

On November 22, 2015, Write Into Action reported that Enyart authored and published a detailed synopsis of the JonBenet Ramsey murder that includes a bizarre scenario of how Enyart claims DNA evidence was gathered by John Ramsey to be planted at the scene and placed under JonBenet’s fingernails.

Upon close examination of Enyart’s published timeline and version of the JonBenet Ramsey murder, it is evident Enyart subtly suggested JonBenet may have been in the physical company of the person that killed her, only a few days before she was murdered.


Write Into Action has discovered an indisputable connection between Brian Rohrbough, Bob Enyart, Curtis and Danielle Kekoa, and Denver Bible Church, which is all presently published on the American Right to Life (ARTL) website.

The aforementioned dynamic is problematic because the Rohrbough’s and Kekoa’s are both on record describing Enyart, a so-called ‘pastor’ as being “evil”.

The ARTL website and entire mission is focused on saving the lives of unborn babies, cites biblical scripture, and proclaims Christian values (which are not evil).

All existing evidence indicates Enyart is running an extortion scheme that is effective enough to silence principled people such as the Rohrbough’s.


The Rohrbough’s, Kekoa’s and Enyart are all connected on the ARTL website through its heralding of a colossal anti-abortion protest sign project called ‘Sheets of Shame’ that was conducted in 2008.

The huge protest sign was created in the DBC gymnasium to be erected on a mountain in Golden, Colorado, in effort to break the Guinness’s Book of World’s Record.

Curtis and Danielle Kekoa say they are still haunted by their involvement in the project because they came to realize they were part of a massive façade being created by a serial killer to cloak his true self (i.e. – nobody would ever believe Enyart would murder little kids if his whole life’s work is to save the unborn).

The ARTL website features a ‘Who We Are’ page that features Brian Rohrbough as the founding president of ARTL and calls out several of his works and accomplishments.

Brian Rohrbough

Brian Rohrbough

It appears Rohrbough and Enyart are still colleagues despite Rohrbough saying, “[Bob Enyart] is perhaps the most dishonest and deceptive man I have ever met in my life. He is a blatant liar and his whole thing is to try to get people into worshipping him.”

The ARTL website features a link to ‘ARTL Unfurls World Largest Protest Sign’.

The ‘protest sign’ webpage provides press release information from 2008 regarding the attempt to break the Guinness Book of World’s Records for the largest protest sign.

Focus on the Strategy Enyart

The P/R Web press release features a statement from Rohrbough, which plays off his connection to the Columbine school massacre.

“Columbine dad Brian Rohrbough, whose son Daniel was murdered at that high school massacre, as the president of the non-527 group American Right To Life, has said: “When we tell kids that unborn children can be killed if their parents don’t want them, we rob them of the knowledge of the God-given right to life and we destroy their moral foundation. Abortion is wrong because it’s a baby; it’s always wrong to intentionally kill an innocent baby.”

Rohrbough’s slain son is being used to protect Enyart’s image, which is evidenced by Rohrbough’s sentiments of Enyart in 2012. “He is perhaps the most dishonest and deceptive man I have ever met in my life. He is a blatant liar and his whole thing is to try to get people into worshipping him,” Brian Rohrbough said.

The photograph below is published on the ARTL website to show the massive sign that was erected on a mountain as a pro-life gesture against the DNC during what was called Operation Rescue. The pattern (see below) provided to Write Into Action by the Kekoa’s demonstrates the depth of involvement the Kekoa’s had in the project, and their position in DBC before they abruptly fled.

destroys unborn children w statue of liberty

destroys unborn children pattern

“Yes, we helped with the DNC sheets of shame project. It was a huge event—at least a three month long project.  The entire church gym was turned into a sweatshop with sewing machines everywhere and cult members working round the clock sewing the sheets into each shape,” Danielle Kekoa said.

“Curtis [Kekoa] actually did the bulk of the work by going up in the middle of the night at 1:30am the night before to layout all the marking points for each letter for the 666 feet wide sign on a mountain,” Danielle Kekoa continued.

“Overall, there were dozens of cult members from all over the country and from Operation Rescue and elsewhere who helped finalize it. Most all the photos seen online were taken from our camera as well,” Danielle Kekoa said.


Curtis and Danielle Kekoa have been relentlessly and institutionally stalked by CPS, police, government entities, and weird strangers knocking on their door since their departure from DBC and speaking out about JonBenet Ramsey. They have received death threats and ominous emails from a person they believe to be Enyart – boasting he will break the world’s record as a serial killer.

Officers with the City of Northglenn, and the Northglenn Police Department (NGPD), were caught on video attempting to open the door on the Kekoa’s home without a Warrant; a NGPD officer told Curtis Kekoa she was not a police officer despite being in a police uniform while she told him that.  READ ARTICLE

Despite the Kekoa’s alerting law enforcement to Enyart, including reports to the Boulder Police Department, as well as letters to John Ramsey and his team of lawyers, there has been an ominous 20 year silence from absolutely everyone regarding the man who authored ‘THE CLUE THAT BREAKS THE CASE‘.

Nobody will utter the name Bob Enyart.

“He wants to control everything you (Danielle and Curtis Kekoa) say and do because he’s afraid of something that you’re going to say,” Brian Rohrbough said.

Write Into Action is presently investigating the JonBenet Ramsey murder and Bob Enyart’s extortion model in relation to the existing Ramsey case evidence; including the infamous ransom note.




Probable cause established for FBI to test DNA?  

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on November 22, 2015 at 8:51 A.M. C.S.T.

Does the FBI need to test and compare the DNA of Rev. Bob Enyart to the unidentified DNA found at the JonBenet Ramsey crime scene?

Enyart publically states the unidentified DNA found under JonBenet Ramsey’s fingernails was either “collected” by John Ramsey and planted there, or was the natural result of several days of child’s play.

Enyart’s suspicious statements began receiving new scrutiny in November, 2015, after it was learned Denver FBI was asking questions about his Denver Bible Church.

In 1999, Enyart interjected himself into the Ramsey murder case when he abruptly published a bizarre synopsis of JonBenet’s murder entitled “The Clue that Breaks the Case”.

Inexplicably assuming the role of crime scene investigator, Enyart saw fit to publish a detailed theory containing a timeline of the night in question, explaining how John Ramsey went out and obtained pubic hair to plant at the crime scene.

Enyart’s careful words suggest that JonBenet may have been in the physical company of her killer only days before her murder?

“John found a pair of unused shoes, and made a footprint next to the body.  He then took those shoes, the oversized underpants, and other damning evidence with him as he left the house around 1:30 a.m.  He went out of find a public restroom, at a nightclub, a gas station, a diner, or even at a striptease joint or, preferably, an adult bookstore with video stalls.  Somewhere along his journey he dropped the damning evidence in the trash.  At the restroom, he used the panties that Patsy had recently purchased to pick up a pubic hair, and then rubbed a stain onto the underpants,” Enyart said.

He continued.

“Later, Mr. Ramsey returned to the house, planted the lone pubic hair on the blanket, put the stained underwear on the body, and broke the basement window and disturbed the sill (which he later pointed out to Fleet White,” Enyart said.

Enyart then says something very odd.

“The unidentifiable DNA material under the fingernails was likewise collected by John, or by a few days of normal child’s play,” he said.

Enyart’s statements create serious questions that need to be answered.

How did Enyart propose John Ramsey physically “collected” the “DNA material” found under JonBenet’s fingernails?

Moreover, how did Enyart propose John Ramsey could plant that same DNA (skin gathered while JonBenet scratched and fought with her killer) up underneath JonBenet’s little fingernails?

But, perhaps the most incriminating part of Enyart’s statements are realized when he states John Ramsey planted pubic hair at the crime scene that could potentially match that same DNA that was under JonBenet’s fingernails?

Read again what Enyart said:

The unidentifiable DNA material under the fingernails was likewise collected by John, or by a few days of normal child’s play,” he said.

Write Into Action’s Opinion: It is not reasonable to believe Rev. Bob Enyart or any person could believe random pubic hair diabolically gathered from a “striptease joint” could then possibly match ‘skin particles/DNA’ found under a murdered child’s fingernails.

Lest we ignore the alternative Enyart provided:

“…or by a few days of normal child’s play…”

On December 23, 1996, the Ramsey’s hosted a Christmas party is their home. At 6:47 P.M. a 911 call was made from the Ramsey home. The caller hung up without saying anything. An officer was dispatched at 6:54 and left at 7:09 after being assured there was no emergency.

Did six year-old JonBenet Ramsey make that 911 call after scratching somebody?

JonBenet Ramsey

JonBenet Ramsey

Former Denver Bible Church members Curtis and Danielle Kekoa have described Enyart as a “satanic cult leader” and believe he is involved in JonBenet’s murder, as well as many others including Dylan Redwine.

The Kekoa’s have erected countless websites directly accusing Enyart of murder while featuring his photograph.

Brian Rohrbough is a former candidate for Vice President of the United States, parent of Columbine school shooting victim Daniel Rohrbough, and founding president of American Right to Life.

Rohrbough is an associate of Enyart.

“When Bob is being accused of something that he’s not guilty of he goes on the offensive with both barrels – and publically. And he likes to talk about how he’s being unfairly attacked and you’re not supposed to bear false witness and on and on and on,” Rohrbough said.

Enyart has never denied the accusation that he murdered JonBenet Ramsey.

“He is perhaps the most dishonest and deceptive man I have ever met in my life,” Rohrbough said.

“He’s an evil guy,” Rohrbough added.


American Right to Life president captured on tape describing colleague as “evil” – FBI investigating Denver Bible Church  

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on November 18, 2015 at 10:29 P.M. C.S.T.

The ‘Right to Life’ movement in the United States has been infiltrated by Luciferian’s posing as Christians – pretending to be activists against abortion.

Emerging evidence shows one name amongst those fraudulently posing as a ‘right to life’ Christian is Rev. Bob Enyart, pastor, Denver Bible Church, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.

Enyart may also be engaging in serious criminal activity.

In November, 2015, it was discovered Denver FBI was focusing on Denver Bible Church after a special agent contacted Danielle Kekoa, Northglenn, Colorado, regarding any information she may have regarding Enyart’s church.

Danielle Kekoa and her husband, Curtis Kekoa, are former members of Denver Bible Church and describe it as a dangerous “cult”.

The Kekoa’s have publically stated they believe Enyart is “satanic serial killer” and believe he is involved in the murder of JonBenet Ramsey, Dylan Redwine, and many others.

The Kekoa’s have long stated Enyart’s radical and unnatural obsession with abortion activism is a Christian ‘front’ for his true satanic cult activities that involve a network that engages in ritual abuse, kidnapping, and murder.

On November 16, 2015, Write Into Action reported that former church members described Enyart as “evil” but did not disclose the source of the quotes.



As the FBI is probing Denver Bible Church, Write Into Action has obtained exclusive audio that reveals former candidate for Vice President of the United States, father of Columbine shooting victim Daniel Rohrbough, and president of American Right to Life, Brian Rohrbough, once described Rev. Bob Enyart as “evil”.

FBI Investigation

Brian Rohrbough and Enyart have been close colleagues over the years in the pro-life movement, which includes Brian Rohrbough co-hosting Enyart’s radio program and co-signing letters with him, thus, creating very serious questions about what is actually going on behind the scenes.

The recordings, which are dated February, 2012, contain staggering information about the real ‘Pastor Bob Enyart’ and what he is really doing in a Christian organization that values life and the love of Jesus.

“He is perhaps the most dishonest and deceptive man I have ever met in my life. He is a blatant liar and his whole thing is to try to get people into worshipping him,” Brian Rohrbough said.

“You’re not dealing with a Christian entity. He’s an evil guy,” Brian Rohrbough said.

“[Bob Enyart] started his church because his radio show went under and he needed money,” Lisa Rohrbough, wife, Brian Rohrbough said. “We’ll never have anything to do with him again,” she added.

Brian and Lisa Rohrbough’s knowledge of Enyart’s true character is extremely problematic for a multitude of reasons.


An open letter sent to Dr. James Dobson, Focus on the Family, concerning the April, 2007 Gonzales v. Carhart ruling by the United States Supreme Court was signed by Brian Rohrbough, president, Colorado Right to Life (later, founding president, American Right to Life).

The letter was co-signed by Bob Enyart, pastor, Denver Bible Church.

The letter, which take Dr. Dobson to task for his position on the Court’s ruling, contains the names of 30 individuals listed as “Leaders Condemning this Evil Ruling”.

The letter is published on the ‘American Right to Life’ website to this very day.

Brian Rohrbough was standing side by side with Enyart in 2007. However, in 2012, Rohrbough was describing Enyart as “evil” and a “blatant liar” while talking to Danielle Kekoa about a false CPS report that had been filed against the Kekoa family out of Denver Bible Church.

Lisa Rohrbough pointed out to Danielle Kekoa that others had left the church in the past, but had not been stalked in the obsessive way Enyart was stalking the Kekoa’s. She observed the Kekoa’s know something that has Enyart very scared.

“He wants to control everything you say and do because he’s afraid of something that you’re going to say,” Brian Rohrbough said.

The Rohrbough’s discussed Enyart’s well known extortion tactics and how he exploits his title as clergy.

“A long time ago Bob Enyart told me how he was counseling [Curtis and Danielle Kekoa] for a problem that he shouldn’t have mentioned to me or anyone else,” Brian Rohrbough said.

“Let me tell you one of his little tricks you may or may not know about it. He likes to write the letters and asks others to sign them,” Brian Rohrbough said, explaining how Enyart executes a campaign against a target using members of his congregation.

Brian Rohrbough appeared to view Enyart as complete degenerate with no redeeming qualities.

“This is a guy that once told Steve Curtis and I that he has someone in the office review his internet use every week to make sure he’s not looking at pornography – we were both laughing about it – like he wouldn’t know how to delete what he’s really looking at,” Brian Rohrbough said.


In December, 2012, Danielle and Curtis Kekoa, and Lisa and Brian Rohrbough, experienced a falling out when the Kekoa’s joined the ongoing efforts underway to bring public attention to evidence that at least one of the Columbine shooters had been anally raped by a Jefferson County Sheriff’s officer, and the rape was the root cause for the Columbine school massacre.


The Kekoa family’s life has been a bizarre plight since exiting Denver Bible Church and demanding law enforcement test the DNA of Rev. Bob Enyart, Kenneth Tyler Scott, and Arapahoe County Deputy Gordon Carroll against the unknown male DNA found at the JonBenet Ramsey murder scene.

On October 28, 2015, Write Into Action published ‘Video captures officer attempt to enter home without a warrant – second officer lies to homeowner about being a cop – – – Targeted homeowners claim they know who murdered JonBenet Ramsey’.

The article shows the on-going terrorization of the Kekoa’s and their six children. Evidence shows the Kekoa’s are being terrorized by government entities including the police and CPS.

Write Into Action is investigating information that a Luciferian network has infiltrated the ‘Right to Life’ movement and multiple facets of law enforcement.


Rev. Robert Enyart described as “evil” ‘not a Christian entity’ by multiple former church members

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on November 16, 2015 at 6:49 P.M. C.S.T.

On November 12, 2015, Write Into Action reported Denver FBI was focusing on Denver Bible Church.

Danielle Kekoa, Northglenn, Colorado, was contacted by a special agent on November 5 regarding any information she may have regarding the Church, which Danielle Kekoa and her husband, Curtis Kekoa, describe as a cult.

The Kekoa’s have publically stated they believe Robert Enyart, the pastor of Denver Bible Church, is a serial killer involved in the murder of JonBenet Ramsey.


Write Into Action has been contacted regarding the November 12, 2015 story.

Multiple individuals, including a highly respected person with a nationally recognizable name, have come forward with information regarding Enyart.

Per any pending FBI investigation, Write Into Action is withholding all the names (except Danielle and Curtis Kekoa).

FBI Investigation

Multiple individuals described Enyart as “evil” and “dangerous”.

“He started his church because his radio show went under and he needed money,” one former church member said. “We’ll never have anything to do with him again,” the person added.

“He is perhaps the most dishonest and deceptive man I have ever met in my life. He is a blatant liar and his whole thing is to try to get people into worshipping him,” the source said.

“You’re not dealing with a Christian entity,” he/she added.

The following information was received by eyewitnesses and/or former church members regarding Enyart’s practices as they relate to Curtis and Danielle Kekoa.

  • Curtis and Danielle Kekoa know something that has Robert Enyart very scared.
  •  “[Robert Enyart] wants to control everything [Curtis and Danielle Kekoa] say and do because he’s afraid of something [they are] going to say”.
  • Enyart provides marital counseling, within his capacity as a pastor, to his church members, and then uses the confidential information to his advantage moving forward.  He harvests very sensitive and private information from married couples about their private lives during sessions, and then uses the information to craft extortion and blackmail campaigns.
  • Enyart provided marital counseling to the Kekoa’s. He then shared information from the private marital counseling sessions with others.
  • Enyart diabolically initiated a (false) CPS complaint against the Kekoa’s using members of the church to assist him (the Kekoa’s were completely cleared upon a CPS investigation).
  • Enyart’s motivation to file a false CPS complaint against the Kekoa’s was to discredit the Kekoa’s as witnesses regarding something they knew/know about him.
  • Enyart was confronted by multiple male church members after it was discovered he was meeting alone with a female church member to provide marital counseling and recommending she divorce her husband.
  • Enyart claims to have his office computer checked routinely to assure he is not looking at pornography.
  • Enyart is obsessed with mind-controlling his members and was repeatedly compared to the infamous Rev. Jim Jones.



America’s missing children a mass satanic serial ritual?

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on November 12, 2015 at 12:06 P.M. C.S.T.

The FBI in Denver recently telephoned Danielle Kekoa, Northglenn, Colorado, to discuss any information she may have regarding Denver Bible Church.

It is not known what suddenly prompted the Denver FBI to contact Kekoa on November 5, 2015.

Coalescing evidence suggest federal authorities may be recognizing the JonBenet Ramsey murder was a satanic ritual sacrifice by a serial killer, and the murder was an organized event by a larger group that falls under the jurisdiction of ongoing domestic terrorism.

Kekoa telephoned the FBI several times over the years in effort to provide federal authorities with information about the JonBenet Ramsey murder, and her belief that her former pastor, Robert Enyart, murdered the child; but Kekoa was hung up on each time she called.

FBI Insigna

Danielle Kekoa and her husband, Curtis Kekoa, made reports to Colorado law enforcement on multiple occasions after finding themselves the target of death-threats and harassment from various entities and agencies ranging from local police, CPS, to suspicious strangers knocking on their house door – asking for help – pretending that their (working) car had broken down.

Their problems started when they exited Enyart’s Denver Bible Church.

The Kekoa’s have publically stated they believe Enyart is a “satanic cult leader” and “serial killer” and describe him as a “shot-caller” such as a Mob boss that directs murders, while diabolically setting up family members, friends, and others to be framed or implicated for the crime.

The Kekoa’s possess evidence they believe can be articulated to show Enyart is responsible or involved with murders on a mass scale. For instance, they receive emails from a person they recognize as Enyart, taunting them by name, while boasting he is a brilliant serial killer that is going to break the world’s record.

On June 7, 2014, a person the Kekoa’s believe to be Enyart impersonating Curtis Kekoa wrote to Danielle Kekoa taunting her. “Let’s look at the bright side of having been associated with Bob, honey. He may be a serial killer but he is OUR serial killer. Do you think he can break the record for the most victims? Go, Bob, Go! Don’t hate the player, hate the game!”

Danielle Kekoa sent the email to the Seattle FBI because the author included information in the email about the infamous serial killer Gary Ridgway who confessed to murdering 71 women.

But the efforts of the Kekoa’s to deliver information they possess and believe to be relevant to the JonBenet Ramsey murder investigation, are not limited to local, state, and federal authorities in Colorado.

On August 19, 2013, the Kekoa’s came upon public pleas for information on a website featuring ‘The Fair Justice Foundation’ and ‘The Discovery Project’. The Fair Justice Foundation was founded by John Ramsey in 2008.

In late 2008, John Ramsey was seeking information from the public via the Web due to his concerns there was a killer on the loose that left his DNA at the JonBenet Ramsey murder crime scene and might strike again.

“Investigators are hoping for a fresh impetus for their quest for justice in this appeal to the public for any information they might have, regardless of how small or insignificant it may seem,” the website said.

“In issuing the public plea, John Ramsey, JonBenet’s father said, “We are hoping to jog memories and in doing so, asking everyone to examine their conscience.” He continues, “We’d like them to share any doubts or information they have about someone they know who may have behaved strangely or acted out of character around the time of my daughter’s murder,” the website said.

It continued.

“This public plea for information regarding the murder of JonBenet Ramsey is part of the foundation’s Discovery Project. The program was initiated in [late] 2008 to serve families of victims of unsolved violent crime. The Discovery Project is uniquely positioned to support law enforcement efforts by generating new information such as in the Ramsey case, where initiative may help to identify the unknown male that left his DNA in multiple locations at the Ramsey crimes scene.”

“We have very good reason to believe the individual that committed the crime may have done so in the past and is absolutely capable of hurting someone else,” said (ret) detective Lou Smit who has worked on JonBenet’s case on behalf of law enforcement and independently since 1997,” the website said.

The Kekoa’s responded to John Ramsey’s request for information.

In a 700-word professional letter, the Kekoa’s provided information to John Ramsey and his lawyer, Lin Wood.

The Kekoa’s explained that they believe Enyart is a serial killer.

“Since October 2012, the FBI, Boulder PD and other numerous federal and state agencies have been investigating at least two suspects in connection with JonBenét’s murder.  The two suspects are ROBERT ADOLPH ENYART and KENNETH TYLER SCOTT,” the Kekoa’s said.

“Both have been criminal partners in Colorado since the 1990’s and are no strangers to the Boulder PD or FBI.  The police have already talked to us about these suspects, but they haven’t yet approached Enyart or Scott or anyone associated with them to at least ask them about their connections to JonBenét’s murder, let alone ask them for a DNA sample, which the police already asked of us,” the letter said.

“Unfortunately, JonBenét’s killers didn’t stop their criminal activities after 1996, and we believe the police haven’t yet approached them about JonBenét because of two other active, high-profile child-kidnapping/murder investigations in Colorado that Enyart and Scott are connected to that occurred immediately after we told the police about Enyart and Scott,” the Kekoa’s said.

The Kekoa’s pointed out an odd coincidence connected to JonBenet.

“As a matter of fact, one kidnapping/murder occurred the same day we first contacted the Boulder PD about JonBenét the morning of Friday, October 5, 2012.  The other child-kidnapping/murder occurred in November 2012,” the Kekoa’s said.

The murder that occurred on October 5, 2012, was the murder of Jessica Ridgeway, 10, Westminster, Colorado. Jessica’s dismembered body was found in a field with a cross placed in her vagina.

The other Colorado child referenced is Dylan Redwine, 13, Colorado Springs, who was last seen by his father in Durango on November 19, 2012. His remains were found in June of 2013 some ten miles from his home.

After the Kekoa’s contacted John Ramsey and his attorney in August, 2013, the website was taken down.

Write Into Action contacted Attorney Lin Wood to inquire whether or not the information the Kekoa’s submitted to The Discovery Project had ever been turned over to the FBI.

Wood did not reply.

It is not readily known what John Ramsey and his attorneys do with the information they harvest from the public on the Web.

However, it’s clear what the message to the public was.

According to the site, “The Discovery Project is uniquely positioned to support law enforcement efforts by generating new information such as in the Ramsey case, where initiative may help to identify the unknown male that left his DNA in multiple locations at the Ramsey crimes scene.”


The timing (late 2008) of John Ramsey’s published focus on DNA from an “unidentified male” is noteworthy. It’s noteworthy because of a missing child from Florida named Caylee Marie Anthony who is about to be found.

CNN reported on July 10, 2008 that Boulder County District Attorney Mary Lacy said DNA tests conducted earlier in the year (March, 2008) point to an “unknown male,” in the 6-year-old child beauty pageant contestant’s December 1996 slaying.

According to those July, 2008 media reports “new DNA collected from a pair of long johns matched a sample previously taken from [JonBenet’s] panties.”

The JonBenet Ramsey murder DNA revelations of 2008 correlate with a sudden explosion of national profile missing child and murder cases that begin with the disappearance of Caylee Anthony, Orlando, Florida. Caylee disappeared and was murdered sometime in the middle of June, 2008.

The Kekoa’s reports to law enforcement and John Ramsey’s attorneys focused on information they possessed regarding ‘Pastor’ Bob Enyart.

However, as early as 2008, the FBI already had information showing a pattern of disturbing similarities that involved three separate pastors emerging out of absolutely nowhere to completely immerse themselves in the cases of missing and murdered little girls.

The following is a previously published synopsis of the strange on goings involving clergy interjecting themselves into child murder cases.

(Originally published October 6, 2015 by Timothy Charles Holmseth)

In the cases of JonBenet Ramsey, Caylee Anthony, and HaLeigh Cummings, there was the cynical and unnatural presence of radical pastors and reverends that became deeply involved with the little girls and embroiled in the criminal investigations that followed.

In October, 1999, Bob Enyart, pastor, Denver Bible Church, conducted his own private investigation into the murder of JonBenet Ramsey.

Enyart, who is also a radio talk-show host and pro-life activist, “seeking justice for JonBenet Ramsey”, published a nearly 2,900 word critical analysis of the murder at one of his websites He aggressively and coldly accused the Ramsey’s of murdering their daughter and covering up the crime.

Enyart went into very elaborate detail about the cover-up, showing no restraint or hesitation regarding his own guess work.

“John found a pair of unused shoes, and made a footprint next to the body.  He then took those shoes, the oversized underpants, and other damning evidence with him as he left the house around 1:30 a.m.  He went out to find a public restroom, at a nightclub, a gas station, a diner, or even at a striptease joint or, preferably, an adult bookstore with video stalls.  Somewhere along his journey he dropped the damning evidence in the trash.  At the restroom, he used the panties that Patsy had recently purchased to pick up a pubic hair, and then rubbed a stain onto the underpants,” Enyart said.

Enyart appeared to follow the case intently through the years.

During a radio broadcast about the Ramsey murder, Enyart said, “If you recall with the JonBenet murder case, FBI agents working on the Ramsey case, observed that sex offenders never leave ransom notes, nor ask for money, and kidnappers for profit, they don’t first molest the child in the home, and they certainly never leave the victim behind”.

Enyart trumpeted how the evidence found at the scene of the Ramsey murder scene made no sense and was confusing. “This is a crime that fits no category,” Enyart said, adding that John and Patsy Ramsey were jus trying to get away with it.

At one point, Enyart claimed John Ramsey had studied the book Mind Hunter by legendary FBI criminal profiler John E. Douglas, suggesting John Ramsey schooled himself in staging a crime scene. Douglas would later refute the assertion about Ramsey reading Mind Hunter and dismiss it completely.

During his radio program, Enyart made observations about the murdered child, JonBenet, calling her a “spoiled brat” and condemning the parents because they did not ‘correct her’.

Court records show Enyart’s idea of correcting a child has resulted in criminal prosecutions and convictions of child abuse against him, which have resulted in protection orders and jail time.

After investigating the JonBenet Ramsey murder in great detail and accusing the child’s parents of murder in both broadcast and print, Enyart never again investigated another murder or crime scene for his Web audience.

He only investigated JonBenet’s murder.

After the Ramsey’s were cleared by the existence of DNA evidence found at the scene from an unknown person, Enyart returned to the subject of JonBenet to explain how John Ramsey planted it at the scene.

Curtis and Danielle Kekoa, Northglenn, Colorado, are former members of Denver Bible Church. The Kekoa’s say they left the church after many years, when they realized Enyart was a sadistic cult leader.

The Kekoa’s say Enyart murdered JonBenet Ramsey; that his DNA will match the DNA on file from the crime scene; and they further claim he is a serial killer behind the murders of Jessica Ridgeway, Dylan Redwine, and others.

Enyart’s proactive involvement in the JonBenet Ramsey murder case and his published theory of how the unidentified DNA got to the crime scene appeared awkward and out of place to many.

But Enyart was not to be the only pastor to interject himself into a child murder case or to make strange claims that DNA evidence was planted – it was to happen again.
It happened in 2008-2009 during the Caylee Anthony/HaLeigh Cummings cases in Florida.

Rev. Richard Grund, Florida, was the father of Jesse Grund, the former fiancé of Casey Anthony. Grund is an online minister and self-proclaimed former worshipper of Satan that operates a paranormal service called The Supernatural Response Team, which travels to location to battle demons in the spirit realm.

Rev. Grund told Timothy Charles Holmseth (this writer) that two year-old Caylee Anthony was a highly sexually child and high-risk for becoming possessed by the devil.
Enyart made similar claims about JonBenet Ramsey regarding her appearances in child pageants.

Grund told Holmseth things during journalistic interviews he did not tell Orange County Sheriff’s investigators.

“[Casey Anthony’s] behavior with men sexually and the immediate I have to attach myself to somebody and find love through sexual intimacy – her obsessive nature – those are all the indicators of somebody who has been molested or abused. Casey was deathly afraid of becoming her mother – I will testify to that. She was deathly afraid of becoming her mother. She became an exaggerated form of her mother. Caylee at the age of two and a half was already becoming both Casey and Cindy. [Caylee] would flirt with men. She would want to be around men. She slept in the bed with Casey and her boyfriend Ricardo Morales. This was a little girl that had four or five pairs of sunglasses – was always in front of a camera. She was on her way to being an exaggerated form of Casey and Cindy,” Rev. Grund said.

Grund said Casey Anthony was demon-possessed and suggested the same of Caylee.
“Cindy Anthony has something inside of her, but what’s inside of Casey right now is bigger than what is inside Cindy, which is why the roles have reversed. Cindy – Casey is in charge now. What’s inside Casey used to be worshipped as a god. And how it was worshipped was by the sacrifice of babies. It was a Hebrew god – it was a Babylonian god called Moloch – that’s what’s inside Casey. As a matter a fact her body – I could send you a statue of Moloch and Casey’s body is taking on the shape of this thing,” Rev. Grund said.

Grund told homicide detectives and Holmseth there was a conspiracy underway to plant DNA evidence, including semen and pubic hair, on the body of Caylee Anthony, to implicate his son and members of his family. He claimed Casey Anthony had attempted to obtain pubic hair from a shower at his son’s apartment to plant on Caylee’s body.

Shortly after law enforcement found Caylee Anthony’s body in December of 2008, HaLeigh Cummings vanished in February of 2009.

And then – another ‘pastor’ appeared.

John Regan, a ‘street-minister’ appeared out of nowhere to assist the family of HaLeigh Cummings with the case. Grund was in telephone contact about the HaLeigh Cummings case with Regan.

Criminal background checks on John Regan show he has been convicted of sexual misconduct.

The background of Regan is off the charts disturbing.

Regan told Judy Lucia, Florida, during a ground search for HaLeigh Cummings that he was an undercover FBI agent. He told HaLeigh Cummings’ mother’s victim’s advocate, Wayanne Kruger, California, he was an “undercover pervert” that was posing as a pedophile to catch other pedophiles. He told Donald Knop, Florida, an employee of a South Florida law office, that he was with the CIA.

Kruger told Holmseth that Regan was involved in an international infant sales operation being run out of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The actual recordings of Kruger’s detailed statements to Holmseth and everybody she implicated have been turned over to the FBI.

* * * * *

The information provided to state and federal authorities regarding Bob Enyart and Denver Bible Church, as well as to John Ramsey and his attorneys with “The Fair Justice Foundation” and “The Discovery Project” would appear to be the tip or lead that all entities and agencies would be hoping to receive.

John Ramsey’s attorney Lin Wood was contacted for this article but did not respond.


July 19, 2015, individual(s) claiming to represent the Hacktavist group Anonymous publish a video warning Timothy Charles Holmseth he has one week to remove all of his websites from the internet or terrible (false/defamatory/sexual) information will be published about him and his children. The threats are reported to police, FBI, and the federal court.

July 19, 2015, individual(s) claiming to represent the Hacktavist group Anonymous publish a video warning/targeting Timothy Charles Holmseth’s daughter. The video says Timothy Holmseth stalked “John Regan” a “preacher from St. Augustine” “until he died”. The video tells Holmseth’s daughter to “persuade your father to remove all his websites by July 26” or terrible things (lies/slander/defamation/sexual) will be published about her. The threats are reported to police, FBI, and the federal court.

July 24, 2015, Lonzie Barton, cousin of missing child HaLeigh Cummings, is reported missing/kidnapped in Jacksonville, Florida.

July 25, 2015, individual(s) claiming to represent the Hacktavist group Anonymous published a video targeting both Timothy Holmseth and his daughter. The video targets the unborn child of Timothy Holmseth’s daughter, warning that the child will be taken away from her after it is born if Timothy Holmseth doesn’t delete his websites.

On September 2, 2015, Timothy Charles Holmseth submitted audio recordings he captured during journalistic interviews of human traffickers to Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi. The audio included a Florida DCF social worker discussing a CD that contained secret naked photographs of the missing child HaLeigh Cummings’ private parts that the social worker said she could not show to her supervisor.

The FBI, FDLE, and Florida AG completely understand the entire apparatus.


by Timothy Charles Holmseth on October 28, 2015 at 8:31 P.M. C.S.T.

The name JonBenet Ramsey is still haunting the state of Colorado.

Curtis and Danielle Kekoa, Northglenn, have publically stated for years they believe their former pastor, Bob Enyart, Denver Bible Church, murdered the child in 1996.

The Kekoa’s bold statements include accusations against law enforcement have gotten the attention of authorities – but not the kind of attention one might think regarding an unsolved murder.

The Kekoa’s state they believe the unidentified DNA found at the scene of the JonBenet Ramsey murder-scene will match Enyart or one of his associates; beliefs they say that are derived from information they learned while they were members of his church, which they say they later learned is a satanic cult.

The Kekoa’s themselves were visited by police and asked to provide DNA samples during law enforcement’s investigation into the murder of Jessica Ridgeway. The Kekoa’s say that while law enforcement asked people that were clearly not suspects in any way, they refuse to ask Enyart or his associates for DNA in either the Ridgeway or Ramsey murder cases.

Records show that after going public about Enyart, the Kekoa’s life became a quagmire of visits from the police and child protective services, while simultaneously, violent death threats against their family went ignored and un-investigated.

The Kekoa’s maintain there has been a concerted effort to shut them up about what they know regarding Enyart and his criminal associates, which include Arapahoe County Deputy Gordon Carroll.

The Kekoa’s life has been a dizzying kaleidoscope of police and social service investigations that have always rendered unfounded results; while state and federal law enforcement in Colorado has overtly ignored evidence regarding international public safety, such as actual e-mails sent to the Kekoa’s from a person boasting to be a “serial killer” that is going to break the world record. The Kekoa’s say the emails are sent by Enyart.

But things changed in August of 2015.

Powerful new evidence now exists to support the Kekoa’s claims they are the target of a rogue police operation intended to silence and intimidate them.

It is staggering.

The Kekoa’s say they have received serious death threats, including threats to be “garroted” (the way JonBenet Ramsey was murdered), without any interest being taken by law enforcement.

Despite ignoring the severity of the threats made against the Kekoa family, records show Colorado law enforcement responds to nearly any social service complaint or call to police about the Kekoa’s; no matter how frivolous.


On August 19, 2015, the Northglenn Police Department received a report that a “pool noodle” (foam rubber pool toy) from the Kekoa’s back-yard (the Kekoa’s have six children) had gotten into the neighbor’s yard.

The City of Northglenn police and community services department responded with a task force against the already traumatized and embattled family under the pretense they were there to help ‘mediate’ the ‘situation’.

The Kekoa’s were ready with fixed and mobile cameras.

On August 20, 2015, the Kekoa’s captured video and audio evidence of Northglenn Police and City officials engaging in clear misconduct, violations of criminal statute, as well as possible violations of their constitutional rights.

Footage captured in the private video-sting set up by the Kekoa’s shows Stephanie Pelster, a neighborhood services officer supervisor, walk up and attempt to open the Kekoa’s house door.

Pelster attempted to open the door before even knocking.

Stephanie Pelster, City of Northglenn, community services officer, is captured on surveillance video attempting to open the door of Curtis and Danielle Kekoa. Pelster is not a police officer; has no warrant; and does not identify herself. Pelster then proceeds to pound on the door some 30 times.

Stephanie Pelster, City of Northglenn, community services officer, is captured on surveillance video attempting to open the door of Curtis and Danielle Kekoa. Pelster is not a police officer; has no warrant; and does not identify herself. Pelster then proceeds to pound on the door some 30 times.

Finding the door locked, Pelster then proceeded to pound on it some 30 times without indentifying herself.

Pelster is a neighborhood service officer, which is not a police officer.

Three community service officers and one NGPD officer converged on the Kekoa home despite them having committed absolutely no violation of any kind. The Kekoa’s then abruptly exited their home and began demanding business cards from every officer present.

“You’re banging on our door like your SWAT,” Curtis Kekoa said to Pelster.


Camera angles captured by Curtis Kekoa then show Michelle Soustek, Northglenn Police Department (NGPD), who was present at the scene, telling Curtis Kekoa she is not a police officer when he asked her about her police badge and emblems.

“No, again, I’m just here; I’m just part of the mediation team; the uniform doesn’t mean anything right now,” Soustek said.

“It kind of does because it says police right on it,” Curtis Kekoa said.

Michelle Soustek, Northglenn Police Department, hands Curtis Kekoa a business card identifying herself as a community service officer, which is not a police department position. Soustek is wearing a NGPD uniform and tells Curtis Kekoa "the uniform doesn't mean nything right now".

Michelle Soustek, Northglenn Police Department, hands Curtis Kekoa a business card identifying herself as a community service officer, which is not a police department position. Soustek is wearing a NGPD uniform and tells Curtis Kekoa “the uniform doesn’t mean nything right now”.

Soustek replies and is heard to say what sounds like, “I have to wear it in the morning”.

Curtis Kekoa asked Soustek for her card and was given a business card that states she is Community Service Officer #438 with the NGPD.

However, according to the City of Northglenn’s police website, Soustek is listed by the NGPD as Animal Control Officer #8807.

The numbers Soustek is using don’t match and the titles are completely different.

The fact is, Soustek – a police officer – was part of a task force that attempted to illegally enter the home of a private citizen without a warrant or probable cause of any kind.


Pelster then begins to question Danielle Kekoa about her politics and belief system.

“What do you guys stand for? I mean are you like, umm, do you acknowledge government and stuff like that,” Pelster asked.


After forcing the Kekoa’s out of their home and into a discussion with law enforcement they did not want to have, Danielle Kekoa mentioned their online campaign to expose Bob Enyart and the satanic cult they say is responsible for the murders of JonBenet Ramsey, Dylan Redwine, Jessica Ridgeway, and others.

Pelster, then told Danielle Kekoa,” You need to be careful”.

The ominous presence created by the four officers was called out by Curtis Kekoa when he asked Carlson about his utility belt and badge that looked like that of a “bounty hunter” as opposed to a friendly neighborhood mediator.

The observation was very relevant to Curtis and Danielle Kekoa and the safety of their family because they have been visited by unknown individuals dressed in uniforms.

Camera angles captured by Curtis Kekoa show Carlson making bizarre statements such as, “We want to try to help you”.

Three community service officers and one NGPD officer converged on the home of Curtis and Danielle Kekoa. The Kekoa's had committed no violation of any statute, rule, or code. The task force had no warrant attempted to enter the Kekoa's home. The Kekoa's were forced out of their home after an officer pounded on their door some 30 times. The Kekoa's were forced to talk about their politcal views and belief systems. The Kekoa's were forced to talk about information the police already have in their records. The Kekoa's were asked if they recognize government. When the NGPD officer was asked about being a police officer, she claimed she wasn't a police officer at that moment and her uniform didn't mean anything.

Three community service officers and one NGPD officer converged on the home of Curtis and Danielle Kekoa. The Kekoa’s had committed no violation of any statute, rule, or code. The task force had no warrant attempted to enter the Kekoa’s home. The Kekoa’s were forced out of their home after an officer pounded on their door some 30 times. The Kekoa’s were forced to talk about their politcal views and belief systems. The Kekoa’s were forced to talk about information the police already have in their records. The Kekoa’s were asked if they recognize government. When the NGPD officer was asked about being a police officer, she claimed she wasn’t a police officer at that moment and her uniform didn’t mean anything.


Danielle Kekoa tried to contact Pelster following the incident but Pelster would not return her calls. She finally made contact with Carlson by telephone many days after the incident.

“We didn’t even commit a code violation and then you come at us and force us out of our home and force us into a confrontation when we’re trying to avoid this. And what the problem is, we have people calling you guys with false allegations and frivolous concerns and you guys respond right away; yet we get death threats and I can’t get anybody from Northglenn to follow up on who is threatening to kill us and now you want to force us out of our home, and these people that have been threatening to kill us Tom, they impersonate police officers,” Danielle Kekoa said.

“If there is a call that is, you know, as far as, any type of a violation, which you know, somebody throwing something over somebody else’s fence could technically be littering,” Carlson said.

Write Into Action is continuing to investigate.

* * * * *




by Timothy Charles Holmseth on October 15, 2015 at 7:21 P.M. C.S.T.

Danielle Kekoa, Northglenn, Colorado, says she and her husband are being taunted and harassed online by a serial killer that has impersonated her husband in hundreds of e-mails.

Kekoa believes the person sending the emails is Robert Enyart, pastor, Denver Bible Church. Danielle Kekoa, and her husband Curtis Kekoa, are former members of the church and say they have since realized Enyart is a serial killer and the church is a cult.

The Kekoa’s have publically stated they believe Enyart’s DNA will match the anonymous DNA found at the scene of the JonBenet Ramsey murder.

Today, Danielle Kekoa submitted an email and chart she received from the anonymous sender to the Seattle FBI, because the sender boasted they were attempting to break a murder record set by infamous serial killer Gary Ridgway, who murdered victims primarily in the Seattle area.


“[This email and chart] was sent to me in June 2014 by a serial-killer here in Denver, Colorado named Robert Adolph Enyart FBI# 678532LA7, who is impersonating my husband by creating another fraudulent email address with his name.  This is only one of hundreds of emails that I have received by this individual over the past four years, but I was recently advised to forward this specific message to the Seattle division of the FBI so you can have it on file for the record,” Kekoa said.

“In the forwarded email below, Robert Adolph Enyart admits that my husband Curtis and I have discovered the truth about who he is and have exposed him as a “serial killer”.  He also boasts that he is trying to “break the record for the most victims”, which includes killing more people than the Green River Killer, Gary Ridgway of Seattle Washington,” Kekoa said.

The note written in the original e-mail to Danielle Kekoa read:

“Let’s look at the bright side of having been associated with Bob, honey. He may be a serial killer but he is OUR serial killer. Do you think he can break the record for the most victims? Go, Bob, Go! Don’t hate the player, hate the game!” the sender said.


by Timothy Charles Holmseth on October 12, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. C.S.T.

Timothy Charles Holmseth is in negotiations with a production company in advance of an epic documentary regarding international human trafficking of children and satanic serial killings.

Holmseth has been contacted regarding licensing and publishing rights of his work-product.




by Timothy Charles Holmseth on October 6, 2015 at 12:19 P.M. C.S.T.

Critical elements surrounding the JonBenet Ramsey murder case have been duplicated at least two times since 1996.

Two other high profile child kidnapping cases; one that contains circumstances presently under investigation in Florida by the Office of the Inspector General, are now providing critical clues that show JonBenet’s case is not unique and involves a Modus Operandi.

JonBenet Ramsey

JonBenet Ramsey

In 2015, Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi obtained evidence regarding secret naked photographs that had been taken of HaLeigh Cummings, a five year-old that mysteriously vanished from her Satsuma, Florida home in 2009.

The secret photos featured the five year-old’s sexually assaulted vagina. The graphic photos had been given to a Florida DCF social worker during an un-official meeting in a gas station parking lot by an employee of a law firm, as part of an underground operation that was not on the record of DCF or law enforcement.

In September, 2015 the evidence was submitted by AG Bondi to Inspector General Keith Parks, Florida Department of Children and Families.

HaLeigh Cummings’ disappearance was preceded by the disappearance of Caylee Anthony, Orlando, whose badly decomposed body was found in December, 2008, only two months before HaLeigh vanished.

Like JonBenet; Caylee had duct tape over her mouth.

Amber Alert

Several common denominators link the cases – primarily, each one of the little girls had been sexually abused and/or exploited.

In each case, pastors and reverends not associated with the families became deeply involved with the little girls and criminal investigations associated with them.


In the cases of JonBenet Ramsey, Caylee Anthony, and HaLeigh Cummings, there was the cynical and unnatural presence of radical pastors and reverends that became deeply involved with the little girls and embroiled in the criminal investigations that followed.

In October, 1999, Bob Enyart, pastor, Denver Bible Church, conducted his own private investigation into the murder of JonBenet Ramsey.

Enyart, who is also a radio talk-show host and pro-life activist, “seeking justice for JonBenet Ramsey”, published a nearly 2,900 word critical analysis of the murder at one of his websites He aggressively and coldly accused the Ramsey’s of murdering their daughter and covering up the crime.

Bob Enyart

Bob Enyart

Enyart went into very elaborate detail about the cover-up, showing no restraint or hesitation regarding his own guess work.

“John found a pair of unused shoes, and made a footprint next to the body.  He then took those shoes, the oversized underpants, and other damning evidence with him as he left the house around 1:30 a.m.  He went out of find a public restroom, at a nightclub, a gas station, a diner, or even at a striptease joint or, preferably, an adult bookstore with video stalls.  Somewhere along his journey he dropped the damning evidence in the trash.  At the restroom, he used the panties that Patsy had recently purchased to pick up a pubic hair, and then rubbed a stain onto the underpants,” Enyart said.

Enyart appeared to follow the case intently through the years.

During a radio broadcast about the Ramsey murder, Enyart said, “If you recall with the JonBenet murder case, FBI agents working on the Ramsey case, observed that sex offenders never leave ransom notes, nor ask for money, and kidnappers for profit, they don’t first molest the child in the home, and they certainly never leave the victim behind”.

Enyart trumpeted how the evidence found at the scene of the Ramsey murder scene made no sense was confusing. “This is a crime that fits no category,” Enyart said, adding that John and Patsy Ramsey were jus trying to get away with it.

At one point, Enyart claimed John Ramsey had studied the book Mind Hunter by legendary FBI criminal profiler John E. Douglas, suggesting John Ramsey schooled himself in staging a crime scene. Douglas would later refute the assertion about Ramsey reading Mind Hunter and dismiss it completely.

During his radio program, Enyart made observations about the murdered child, JonBenet, calling her a “spoiled brat” and condemning the parents because they did not ‘correct her’.

Court records show Enyart’s idea of correcting a child has resulted in criminal prosecutions and convictions of child abuse against him, which have resulted in protection orders and jail time.

After investigating the JonBenet Ramsey murder in great detail and accusing the child’s parents of murder in both broadcast and print, Enyart never again investigated another murder or crime scene for his Web audience.

He only investigated JonBenet’s murder.

After the Ramsey’s were cleared by the existence of DNA evidence found at the scene from an unknown person, Enyart returned to the subject of JonBenet to explain how John Ramsey planted it at the scene.

Curtis and Danielle Kekoa, Northglenn, Colorado, are former members of Denver Bible Church. The Kekoa’s say they left the church after many years, when they realized Enyart was a sadistic cult leader.

The Kekoa’s say Enyart murdered JonBenet Ramsey; that his DNA will match the DNA on file from the crime scene; and they further claim he is a serial killer behind the murders of Jessica Ridgeway, Dylan Redwine, and others.

Enyart’s proactive involvement in the JonBenet Ramsey murder case and his published theory of how the unidentified DNA got to the crime scene appeared awkward and out of place to many.

But Enyart was not to be the only pastor to interject himself into a child murder case or to make strange claims that DNA evidence was planted – it was to happen again.

It happened in 2008-2009 during the Caylee Anthony/HaLeigh Cummings cases in Florida.

Rev. Richard Grund, Florida, was the father of Jesse Grund, the former fiancé of Casey Anthony. Grund is an online minister and self-proclaimed former worshipper of Satan that operates a paranormal service called The Supernatural Response Team, which travels to location to battle demons in the spirit realm.

Rev. Grund told Timothy Charles Holmseth (this writer) that two year-old Caylee Anthony was a highly sexually child and high-risk for becoming possessed by the devil.

Enyart made simliar claims about JonBenet Ramsey regarding her appearances in child pageants.

Grund told Holmseth things during journalistic interviews he did not tell Orange County Sheriff’s investigators.

“[Casey Anthony’s] behavior with men sexually and the immediate I have to attach myself to somebody and find love through sexual intimacy – her obsessive nature – those are all the indicators of somebody who has been molested or abused. Casey was deathly afraid of becoming her mother – I will testify to that. She was deathly afraid of becoming her mother. She became an exaggerated form of her mother. Caylee at the age of two and a half was already becoming both Casey and Cindy. [Caylee] would flirt with men. She would want to be around men. She slept in the bed with Casey and her boyfriend Ricardo Morales. This was a little girl that had four or five pairs of sunglasses – was always in front of a camera. She was on her way to being an exaggerated form of Casey and Cindy,” Rev. Grund said.

Grund said Casey Anthony was demon-possessed and suggested the same of Caylee.

“Cindy Anthony has something inside of her, but what’s inside of Casey right now is bigger than what is inside Cindy, which is why the roles have reversed. Cindy – Casey is in charge now. What’s inside Casey used to be worshipped as a god. And how it was worshipped was by the sacrifice of babies. It was a Hebrew god – it was a Babylonian god called Moloch – that’s what’s inside Casey. As a matter a fact her body – I could send you a statue of Moloch and Casey’s body is taking on the shape of this thing,” Rev. Grund said.

Grund told homicide detectives and Holmseth there was a conspiracy underway to plant DNA evidence, including semen and pubic hair, on the body of Caylee Anthony, to implicate his son and members of his family. He claimed Casey Anthony had attempted to obtain pubic hair from a shower at his son’s apartment to plant on Caylee’s body.

Caylee Anthony

Caylee Anthony

Shortly after law enforcement found Caylee Anthony’s body in December of 2008, HaLeigh Cummings vanished in February of 2009.

And then – another a ‘pastor’ appeared.

John Regan, a ‘street-minister’ appeared out of nowhere to assist the family of HaLeigh Cummings with the case. Grund was in telephone contact about the HaLeigh Cummings case with Regan.

Criminal background checks on John Regan show he has been convicted of sexual misconduct.

The background of Regan is off the charts disturbing.

Regan told Judy Lucia, Florida, during a ground search for HaLeigh Cummings that he was an undercover FBI agent. He told HaLeigh Cummings’ mother’s victim’s advocate, Wayanne Kruger, California, he was an “undercover pervert” that was posing as a pedophile to catch other pedophiles. He told Donald Knop, Florida, an employee of a South Florida law office, that he was with the CIA.

Kruger told Holmseth that Regan was involved in an international infant sales operation being run out of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The actual recordings of Kruger’s detailed statements to Holmseth and everybody she implicated have been turned over to the FBI.