Posts Tagged ‘Putnam County Sheriff’s Office’

Law enforcement officers implicated in at least two states

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on May 12, 2017, 9:39 P.M. CST

Suspicious activities of a Tennessee man are causing deep concerns regarding his involvement with missing children in the United States.

Levi Page, Dover, Tennessee, is at the center of very serious criminal activity regarding a missing five year-old girl from Florida named HaLeigh Cummings. The criminal activity very likely involves children all across the United States.

The emerging scandal brings officer(s) from a Florida sheriff’s office and a Minnesota police department into the fray and involves threats made against an FBI witness from telephone numbers of The Trump Organization, Clinton Global, Florida Governor Rick Scott, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi, CNN, Republican National Committee, and others.

Levi Page interjected himself into the high profile investigation into the disappearance of HaLeigh Cummings some eight years ago when he began appearing on Web radio programs as an ‘investigative reporter’.

Page recently began publishing a series called ‘The HaLeigh Cummings Mystery’.


Rapidly emerging facts regarding Page, and his association with a group headed by Tina Church, president, Specialized Investigative Consultants, Inc., Mishawaka, Indiana, are revealing Page is deeply involved in a trafficking operation.

The trafficking is facilitated through a scheme, headed by Church, which deceptively merges a corporation, with a non-profit, run by the same person (Church), and cloaks the activities of human trafficking and organized crime.

Tina Church, a licensed private investigator in State of Indiana, oversees the scheme that involves her PI firm Specialized Investigative Consultants, Inc. She operates it alongside a parallel entity called The Other Victims Advocacy (TOVA) – a non-profit 501 (c) (3).

The two entities effectively form a crime syndicate that traffics children.

Here’s how it works.

Church toggles her activities between the non-profit organization (TOVA) and her licensed PI firm (Specialized Investigative Consultants, Inc.) to criminally interfere with law enforcement investigations.

The execution of the operation is not overly complicated.


  1. Tina Church presents herself (or has a colleague make an introduction for her) to a Targeted Individual as a licensed PI with Specialized Investigative Consultants, Inc.
  1. Church’s PI license establishes trust and confidence in the Targeted Individual.
    • Targeted Individuals are often witnesses, persons of interest by law enforcement, suspects, journalists, reporters, etc. in ongoing criminal investigations and missing child cases.
  1. Acting as a licensed PI, Church and her group infiltrate an unsuspecting person’s life (Targeted Individual) and gather private and sensitive information from the Targeted Individual, as well as their family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, etc.
  1. The group then uses the private/sensitive information to terrorize, gang-stalk, harass, and threaten the Targeted Individual though criminal blackmail and extortion.
  1. However – if confronted with Breach of Confidentiality – Church will maintain she was only acting as an ‘advocate’ or a ‘friend of a friend’ of the Targeted Individual and declares she owed no confidentiality to the person.


Levi Page is an associate that works with Tina Church and many others within the organized crime scheme erected by Church.

In 2010, Page announced his new online radio program where he claimed to be a 34 year-old “criminal investigator” that would be reporting the inside story on missing child cases.

However, in reality, Page’s Web program was simply media (i.e. – fake news) published to advance the interests of the trafficking operation. The media apparatus was being put into place to disseminate propaganda and facilitate criminal blackmail and extortion under the guise of news and media.

“The Nashville, Tenn., native is also a regular on the CNN Headline News show Issues with Jane Velez-Mitchell, where he discusses cases like those of Haleigh Cummings, Caylee Anthony and Kyron Horman,” Page’s show bio said.

It continues.

“Levi, 34, says his eponymous show wouldn’t be what it is today without criminal profiler Pat Brown —also a BlogTalkRadio host—who helps get inside the mind of many of the criminals highlighted on his show. Former CNN reporter Art Harris, now freelance journalist, also assists in providing updates and details on cases,” the bio said.

Page was lying about his age and his background.

In July, 2015, I (Timothy Holmseth) reported Page to the police in East Grand Forks, Minnesota after a track-back on a web posting revealed it was Levi Page publishing fictional sex stories about my minor children. The sick stories were accompanied with threats to remove all my websites – or more stories would be published.

The EGFPD police report reveals Page was lying about his age in his bio. “I contacted Austin Peay University and was able to obtain contact information for a Levi H Page DOB 07/19/1990,” reported Officer Corey Amundson, East Grand Forks Police Department.

Page was only twenty years old with no professional background or experience as a journalist when he suddenly appeared out of nowhere to discuss missing children with phony charlatans such as Art Harris, Pat Brown and others.

Page’s claim to be a “criminal investigator” stemmed from his association with Tina Church and Specialized Investigative Consultants, Inc.

Page and Specialized Investigative Consultants had been gang-stalking me and my children for years after I was interviewed by the FBI and wrote a highly publicized hard-bound book on the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping.

In 2011, Page telephoned me screaming and swearing that the missing child HaLeigh Cummings is “dead” and warned that I better stop reporting she is alive. “She was dead in 09’ and she still dead now stupid fucker,” he screamed.

Ironically – in his 2017 series about HaLeigh Cummings, Page is asking the public to call him and tell him what they think happened to the missing child.

During the profanity laced telephone calls, Page warned that I better not ever report him to the Sheriff again, adding that he hoped I would lose total custody of my children.

While the vile nature of Page’s call was certainly very disturbing – something very important was learned from it. The voice of his colleague and superior, Tina Church, president, Specialized Investigative Consultants, Inc., was heard laughing on a third line during the call.

It’s very relevant.

On July 26, 2011, a woman using the name “Tina Church” made a report to the police in East Grand Forks, Minnesota. The report states an “Investigator” from Indiana called to say “Timothy Holmseth” had claimed to her over the telephone he had “HaLeigh Cummings” in his apartment.

The false police report was a Specialized Investigative Consultants operation.

The truth was – Church and Page had strategically telephoned me that day to lay the ground work for the false police report. During the call, Church instructed Page to call the police on me and report that I claimed to have the missing child in my home (which I never, ever, ever said during the recorded call).

It was an illegal plan and reveals a tactic used by Specialized Investigative Consultants, which is to proactively contact Targeted Individuals an set them up for police.

Shortly into the call placed to me by Church and Page, Church began suggesting I must have HaLeigh Cummings in my possession because I maintain the childe is alive.

“Well, if you say she’s alive, where is she? You seem to be having a lot of information about this little girl. So maybe people need to be looking at you that maybe you have HaLeigh Cummings,” Church said.

Only a few minutes later, Church casually said to Page, “Well, we just need to let the authorities know that Timothy Holmseth knows where that little girl is at.”

Page promptly replied to Church that he was going to call Dominic Piscitello, Chief of Investigations, Putnam County Sheriff’s Office, Florida. “I’ll call Dominic Piscitello and let him know what Timothy said and if it’s false he can be charged with Obstruction of Justice and Impeding and Investigation,” Page said.

Church and Page were presenting themselves as agents of law enforcement that were conducting an ‘investigation’.

Page took directives from Church and spoke as if he actually believed he was a member of law enforcement. Page even appears to believe I could be criminally charged based upon statements he would attribute to me – statements he would allege I made during a harassing phone call proactively initiated to me by him and Church.

The optics created by Church and Page are very bad for the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office, because, Page already angrily acknowledged he was aware of the formal detailed complaint I filed to Sheriff Jeff Hardy in Putnam County, Florida.

There is considerable evidence that operatives of Specialized Investigative Consultants have been in considerable communication with the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office.

One promised call to law enforcement is known to have been made on July 26, 2011. It was made to the East Grand Forks Police Department in Minnesota, which resulted in officers being dispatched to my home/office to clear the call.

In 2016, Church telephoned me upset after I published an interview with a woman named Wayanne Kruger. The interview created reasonable suspicion HaLeigh Cummings was transported across state lines in 2009 by Church and her group.

Kruger was the national profile victim’s advocate that assisted HaLeigh Cummings’ mother, Crystal Sheffield, in the days following her daughter’s disappearance.

Kruger told me about a woman named “Christine Church” that traveled with an out-of-state group to meet Sheffield and her mother, Marie Griffis. Kruger said Griffis arranged for the group to travel to the South and that it was very important they be on time for the meeting.

When Church telephoned me in 2016 she said she did NOT make the false report to the Minnesota police in 2011. She said a woman from Florida named [REDACTED] and Levi Page made the call. She said [REDACTED] used her name and further stated she (Church) possessed a recording of the call.

Church said that although she did not make the false police report, she received a “follow up” telephone call from the East Grand Forks Police and discussed me with officer(s). She said they discussed my “obsession” with HaLeigh Cummings.

As with the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office, the optics created by Church’s purported secret communications with the Minnesota police department, are very bad.

The East Grand Forks police have formally stated on two occasions they have no record whatsoever of a “follow-up” call to Tina Church, or any other conversations between Church and the EGFPD, other than the July 26, 2011 police report.

But it appears it may be the EGFPD that is lying.

In 2011, Church appeared on Page’s radio program and publically mentioned conversations she claimed she had with the EGFPD about me. There is no record of those conversations.

Church told me she was angry at [REDACTED] (the Florida woman that claimed to be Church during the false police report) because [REDACTED] claimed to hold ownership in Specialized Investigative Consultants.

It appears the State of Indiana is aware of this, and it could create serious legal issues for the State, because in 2011 I filed a detailed Complaint against Church detailing the scheme she was running.

Church said she had to sort out a mess at the Indiana Licensing Board over the issue of [REDACTED] claiming to hold ownership in her company. Church said [REDACTED} produced many of the corporations internal email passwords as evidence of her relationship with Church and part ownership of the company.

Facts and evidence show [REDACTED] and other operatives are all associated through Specialized investigative Consultants, and it is entirely possible operatives are under the impression they are co-owners.

Page’s Web bio published in 2010 stated he would be receiving updates from former CNN journalist Art Harris.

In 2010, Harris published an interview regarding the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping that featured Tina Church.

And this is where disaster strikes the East Grand Forks Police Department and Polk County, Minnesota.

Records obtained from the Polk County Attorney’s Office in Minnesota reveal that in July, 2009, the ranking officer at the EGFPD had been secretly conspiring with Art Harris via his private email account (as opposed to his government police department email account).

56 pages of secret emails and FBI records were secretly daisy-chained from a CNN journalist involved in a child kidnapping and child porn case, to Lt. Detective Rodney Hajicek, to Polk County Attorney Greg Widseth. The secret documents and private emails reveal Polk County and East Grand Forks law enforcement possessed a 20 page FBI report and privately discussed that Timothy Charles Holmseth needed to be “stopped” because the Florida FBI was acting on information from him that was leading to photographs of HaLeigh Cummings. The FBI document NAMED and INCRIMINATED the VERY PEOPLE that the Minnesota police and County Attorney were secretly helping

56 pages of emails and documents were hand-delivered to Polk County Attorney Greg Widseth by Lt. Detective Rodney Hajicek. Hajicek asked Widseth if there was something that could be done about Holmseth’s “obsession” with HaLeigh Cummings.

Undocumented and/or secret communications between Lt. Hajicek and Art Harris, Tina Church, [REDACTED], Levi Page, strongly suggests officers at the EGFPD were secretly working with Specialized investigative Consultants.

The 56 pages of records that were hand-delivered to County Attorney Widseth by Lt. Hajicek contained a 20 page report I authored for the FBI regarding the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping investigation.

I was formally interviewed by the FBI and had uncovered evidence of child rape porn created of the five year-old.

I was helping the feds.

The mysterious 56 pages of records never turned up during a public records request from the EGFPD (but turned up in a request to the County Attorney).

The private emails reveal Harris told Hajicek the FBI in Florida had visited a Web design firm based upon information they received from me and declared, “He’s got to be stopped”.

The interstate conspiracy and scheme involves collusion between law enforcement officers in several states with a private corporation to protect kidnappers and child pornographers from prosecution and to violate the constitutional rights of a journalist.

I have filed a police report to the Mishawaka Police Department, which, according to the police chief, has been forwarded to the Detective Bureau. The MPD has been provided audio evidence of Tina Church stating she was impersonated on a police report. LISTEN TO YOU TUBE BELOW

The MPD also received a copy of the formal Complaint I filed to the State of Indiana against Tina Church in 2011.


2:25 – Tina Church (Specialized Investigative Consultants) message to William ‘Cobra’ Staubs – multiple operatives heard sounding off at end of the call.

3:33 – Chelsea Croslin describes being contacted by Tina Church who told her she worked on the JonBenet Ramsey case – – – 6:20 JonBenet Ramsey mentioned

12:15 – Messages left on Chelsea Croslin’s answering machine by Tina Church.

15:50 – Hank Croslin discusses Tina Church having advance knowledge of a child porn raid that took place in Louisville, Kentucky – Tina Church claimed the FBI had HaLeigh.

17:50 – Charles Lee discusses Tina Church having advance knowledge of a child porn raid in Kentucky.

18:29 – Levi Page telephones Timothy Holmseth and threatens him for not coming on his radio program. Tina church can be heard laughing at the end of the call.

20:13 – Levi Page calls screaming and swearing and warning Timothy Holmseth to back off the HaLeigh Cummings case. Page insists HaLeigh Cummings is dead.


22:02 – Tina Church and Levi Page call Timothy Holmseth and set the stage to file a false police report that Holmseth has the missing child HaLeigh Cummings in his apartment. This is a SPECIALIZED INVESTIGATIVE CONSULTANTS operation.

24:40 – Tina Church calls Timothy Holmseth and tells him she did NOT make the police report that he had HaLeigh Cummings in his apartment. Tina Church says a woman from Florida impersonated her. Church also pretends she is not aware of the police report. She then says she talked to the police off the record about Holmseth. Church warns Holmseth that he doesn’t know her son is. Church says the FBI tried to recruit her son but he refused because he would take a huge pay cut. Church says the police called her. 33:40 – Tina Church says she has a tape that PROVES she was impersonated on the police report regarding HaLeigh Cummings. She names a woman from Florida and Levi Page as the people that made the false police report.

34:11 – the East Grand Forks Police Department stating they have no record of the follow-up call Tina Church claims she received from the police.

36:28 – Conclusion


by Timothy Charles Holmseth on December 28, 2016, 11:32 A.M. CST

Detectives in Florida investigating the unsolved kidnapping of HaLeigh Ann-Marie Cummings received a substantial lead today.


Susan Earman, Virginia, told Write Into Action she telephoned the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office and directly provided officials with detailed information about several individuals connected to the case.

“I also told her about a licensed PI in Indiana discovering she was impersonated and a false police report filed in connection to the case,” Earman said.

In November, Write Into Action reported that Tina Church, Specialized Investigative Consultants, Mishawaka, Indiana, said she was impersonated during a police report filed to the East Grand Forks Police Department in Minnesota regarding the missing child.

The report to the police in Minnesota was a false claim that the missing child was in an apartment in East Grand Forks.

Church telephoned Write Into Action and said the police report was made by a former HLN pundit named Levi Page and a woman from Florida. “I have a tape that confirms it was not me that made that report against you to the police. It was [REDACTED] acting as me, with Levi Page,” Church said.

“Levi Page of TN and Lisa Floyd Morash were also mentioned,” Earman said, regarding her report to the Sheriff’s Office today.

Lisa Floyd Morash was featured by the Gainesville Sun in 2010 in a story entitled “Children connected to home for unwed mothers struggle to find birth parents”.

The Sun article discussed Floyd-Morash’s involvement with “a black market baby legacy created by Col. Robert Ryan, who ran the home and sold them as infants”.

Earman originally became involved in the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping case when a member of the Florida legal community connected to the kidnapping conned her into wiring thousands of dollars through Western Union under the false pretense it was going to search for the missing child.

Earman also contacted the FBI.

“I told [law enforcement] that anyone who believed the FBI – NCMEC over these people have been targeted for 7+ years,” Earman said.


Write Into Action possesses evidence Dominic Casey telling the truth about drug traffickers

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on May 31, 2016, 9:37 P.M. CST

Spoiler Alert: Florida Attorney Jose Baez is involved in misconduct in epic proportions.

FOX News reports Jose Baez, the attorney that represented Casey Anthony during her murder trial, denies his defense was funded by El Chapo.

“One, ‘El Chapo’ did not finance Casey Anthony’s defense,” Baez said.

El Chapo

El Chapo

Write Into Action possesses evidence that Dominic Casey, Baez’s former private investigator who recently made the powerful claim in an Affidavit to the Court, is in fact telling the truth.

And…Jose Baez is in a world of trouble.

Here’s why.

 Baez and Casey Anthony

Baez and Casey Anthony

The murder of Caylee Anthony is directly related to the unsolved kidnapping of HaLeigh Cummings.

Here’s how and why.

Rev. Richard Grund, the father of Casey Anthony’s former fiance’, Jesse Grund, was afraid forensics was going to find his semen and pubic hair on Caylee’s body when they found it.

You can use your imagination as to why he was worried about that (but you might want to consider he admits he worshipped Satan in the past).

Therefore, Grund began formulating a cover story about a diabolical plot underway to plant DNA on Caylee’s body.

Grund told detectives at the Orange County Sheriff’s Office about the plot when he was interviewed in the fall of 2008 (you can hear it on You Tube).

Rev. Richard Grund

Rev. Richard Grund

Caylee’s body was found in December, 2008.

Grund subsequently made the same claims about semen and pubic hair during recorded interviews with Write Into Action in the spring of 2009 after Caylee’s body had been found.

Here’s what Grund and his associates did, folks.

After Caylee’s body had been found…

Grund conspired with William Staubs (a.k.a. Cobra), Author Wayanne Kruger, and members of an already existing human trafficking operation, to create a missing child event that would sweep the news on February 10, 2009.

Strong evidence also shows that a ‘patsy’ for the kidnapping was pre-selected and murdered. That patsy was Chad Eugene Reynolds, a convicted child molester that disappeared a few days before the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping.

The February 10, 2009 date was chosen for the staged stranger abduction of HaLeigh Cummings because a nationally televised vigil was being held for Caylee Anthony that day in Orlando.

HaLeigh’s kidnapping and Amber Alert was guaranteed to receive massive media exposure.

The seeming kidnapping of five year-old HaLeigh Cummings, Satsuma, Florida, occurred 75 miles north of Orlando and was orchestrated to create the illusion that a kidnapper and killer of little girls was on the loose – ALL WHILE Caylee Anthony was in jail.

It was a plan to create reasonable doubt for BOTH Casey Anthony and Richard Grund.

You can use your imagination as to why BOTH of those two people are implicated – but it involved satanic child sacrifice.

If the public could be convinced that a killer was on the loose it would solve BOTH Richard Grund’s and Casey Anthony’s problem.

Baez knew about all this.


The first mention of drug traffickers being involved with paying fees and services occurred in March, 2009, when Jessica Clark, a reporter with First Cost News, asked William Staubs (a.k.a. Cobra) who was paying his bills.

Staubs told Clark his bills were being paid by a “drug dealer from Miami.”

Write Into Action possess the audio of the interview captured on a secret wire worn by Staubs. Staubs also told Clark he had been sent to search for HaLeigh Cummings by a pastor named Rev. Richard Grund.

William Staubs - a.k.a. Cobra

William Staubs – a.k.a. Cobra

Therefore – Staubs had been sent into the Cummings case by Grund; yet his bills were paying paid by a drug dealer.


Dominic Casey was a private investigator working for Jose Baez in the spring of 2009.

Dominic Casey

Dominic Casey

So what was Baez’s private investigator doing?

Here’s what.

He was shadowing Staubs during Staubs’ fake search for HaLeigh Cummings.


Dominic Casey was working with Sheriff’s detectives in Putnam County, Florida because they knew Staubs was planting evidence.

This all spells serious big trouble for Attorney Baez.

Observe the facts of the following previously published piece by Write Into Action.


Although never reported by the news, PI Casey was heavily involved in the investigation into the kidnapping of HaLeigh Cummings. The five year-old from Satsuma, Florida girl was reported missing from her father’s home on February 10, 2009.

PI Casey was involved in the location of a “bloody sheet” found in the woods and taken into evidence by law enforcement. He was working with Detective Peggy Cone, the lead detective on the HaLeigh Cummings Task Force at the time.

PI Casey and Det. Cone had another private investigator, William Staubs (a.k.a. Cobra), under surveillance.

William Staubs (Cobra) interjected himself into the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping investigation at the direction of Rev. Richard Grund (the father of Casey Anthony’s former fiancé Jesse Grund.)

Grund told both the Orange County Sheriff’s Office detectives and Write Into Action there was a conspiracy to plant semen and pubic hair on Caylee Anthony’s body that would implicate Jesse Grund.

The suspicious assertion by Rev. Grund and Cobra about semen and pubic hair being planted on little Caylee’s remains were dwarfed by the bizarre ‘funding’ of Cobra’s involvement in the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping investigation by a “drug dealer from Miami”.

And…a bloody sheet.

During a recorded interview with Write Into Action, Cobra recalled the moment he, his son Matthew Staubs, and a man named Jeremiah Regan found a bloody sheet in the woods.

“[Dominic Casey] called up Jeremiah Regan on the phone and told him to step away from me. Well when he answered the phone, Jeremiah looked dead at me – my eyes met his eyes and he looked to the ground. And he turned around and he walked off talking on the phone,” Staubs said.

William Staubs said he and his son then left the scene before the police arrived.

“As we were riding up to Mee Maw from the HaLeigh Bug Center I said to [Matthew Staubs] ‘if I’m correct – within about a minute – two minutes – I give them three minutes, this is pretty hot – he’s ‘what dad what’ – I said the cops car as going to go blazing down this fucking road right here – you watch and see. And all of a sudden there goes two cop cars,’” William Staubs said.

William Staubs said Regan was in one of the cars and Matthew Staubs asked him why they had “Jeremiah” in custody.

“I said they don’t have Jeremiah son. There taking Jeremiah over there to that part of the woods to recover that fucking sheet,” Staubs said.

Staubs talked to Regan after the sheet was taken into evidence and asked him who called him on the phone.

“He said that was Dominic Casey. I said what did Dominic Casey say to you? He said step away from Cobra right now. That means that he is – that means that he is watching some place. He said to step away from you and call this lady Peggy Cone. I said who the fuck is Peggy Cone. She’s a detective. I said is that the detective that came and picked you up. He goes ‘yep.’ I said what did she say to you bro? She said I needed to stay away from you or I was going to find myself in jail with you and he started shaking. He said remember that sheet I told you was evidence. I said yeah. He said ‘she recovered it’. I said she did what? I said she took it into custody – I told you it was blood,” Staubs said.


by Timothy Charles Holmseth on May 30, 2016, 11:56 A.M. CST

Dominic Casey, the private investigator who once worked for Casey Anthony, has stated in an Affidavit to the Florida Court that George, Cindy and Lee Anthony me with a convicted drug trafficker for the Mexican Drug Lord “El Chapo.”

“On the way to meet the attorney they were taken to meet Pete (Pedro) Beneviedes, a convicted drug trafficker and money launderer for “El Chapo” – the Mexican Drug Lord and head of the Sinaloa Cartel,” PI Casey said.

El Chapo

El Chapo

The meeting involved “reward money”.

In 2009, William Staubs (a.k.a. Cobra), Rev. Richard Grund’s private investigator that interjected himself into the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping investigation, told Jessica Clark of First Coast News that his bills were paying paid by a “reformed drug dealer from Miami”.

The implications of Dominic Casey’s revelations about El Chap have a profound effect on the evidence stream connecting the Caylee Anthony murder with the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping, which includes a “bloody sheet” taken into police evidence.


Although never reported by the news, PI Casey was heavily involved in the investigation into the kidnapping of HaLeigh Cummings. The five year-old from Satsuma, Florida girl was reported missing from her father’s home on February 10, 2009.

PI Casey was involved in the location of a “bloody sheet” found in the woods and taken into evidence by law enforcement. He was working with Detective Peggy Cone, the lead detective on the HaLeigh Cummings Task Force at the time.

PI Casey and Det. Cone had another private investigator, William Staubs (a.k.a. Cobra), under surveillance.

William Staubs (Cobra) interjected himself into the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping investigation at the direction of Rev. Richard Grund (the father of Casey Anthony’s former fiancé Jesse Grund.)

Grund told both the Orange County Sheriff’s Office detectives and Write Into Action there was a conspiracy to plant semen and pubic hair on Caylee Anthony’s body that would implicate Jesse Grund.

The suspicious assertion by Rev. Grund and Cobra about semen and pubic hair being planted on little Caylee’s remains were dwarfed by the bizarre ‘funding’ of Cobra’s involvement in the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping investigation by a “drug dealer from Miami”.

And…a bloody sheet.

During a recorded interview with Write Into Action, Cobra recalled the moment he, his son Matthew Staubs, and a man named Jeremiah Regan found a bloody sheet in the woods.

“[Dominic Casey] called up Jeremiah Regan on the phone and told him to step away from me. Well when he answered the phone, Jeremiah looked dead at me – my eyes met his eyes and he looked to the ground. And he turned around and he walked off talking on the phone,” Staubs said.

William Staubs said he and his son then left the scene before the police arrived.

“As we were riding up to Mee Maw from the HaLeigh Bug Center I said to [Matthew Staubs] ‘if I’m correct – within about a minute – two minutes – I give them three minutes, this is pretty hot – he’s ‘what dad what’ – I said the cops car as going to go blazing down this fucking road right here – you watch and see. And all of a sudden there goes two cop cars,’” William Staubs said.

William Staubs said Regan was in one of the cars and Matthew Staubs asked him why they had “Jeremiah” in custody.

“I said they don’t have Jeremiah son. There taking Jeremiah over there to that part of the woods to recover that fucking sheet,” Staubs said.

Staubs talked to Regan after the sheet was taken into evidence and asked him who called him on the phone.

“He said that was Dominic Casey. I said what did Dominic Casey say to you? He said step away from Cobra right now. That means that he is – that means that he is watching some place. He said to step away from you and call this lady Peggy Cone. I said who the fuck is Peggy Cone. She’s a detective. I said is that the detective that came and picked you up. He goes ‘yep.’ I said what did she say to you bro? She said I needed to stay away from you or I was going to find myself in jail with you and he started shaking. He said remember that sheet I told you was evidence. I said yeah. He said ‘she recovered it’. I said she did what? I said she took it into custody – I told you it was blood,” Staubs said.


Dominic Piscitello, Chief Detective, Putnam County Sheriff's Office

Dominic Piscitello, Chief Detective, Putnam County Sheriff’s Office

Nancy Grace guided events for missing child’s family

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on January 31, 2016 at 12:53 A.M.

Dominic Piscitello, the chief investigator in the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping case refused to take a police report from Wayanne Kruger, Crystal Sheffield’s official advocate.

Kruger said she had information that HaLeigh was alive and knew who the missing child was with – but Piscitello didn’t want to hear it.

The astonishing revelation regarding HaLeigh was revealed during telephone interviews between Kruger and investigative journalist Timothy Charles Holmseth.

The information is a bizarre odyssey involving Nancy Grace, the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office, and an FBI impersonator named John Regan that claimed to be an “undercover pervert” and “pastor” for the local police department.

Kruger said John Regan pressured her into posing for a photo with Crystal Sheffield, John Regan, and Jeremiah Regan.

Jeremiah Regan, Crystal Sheffield, Wayanne Kruger, John Regan

Jeremiah Regan, Crystal Sheffield, Wayanne Kruger, John Regan

Kruger said John Regan wanted the photograph taken so he could show it to HaLeigh because HaLeigh was with him.

“I believe he wanted to take the picture so he could show HaLeigh – here’s your mom – here’s your mom,” Kruger said.

But according to Kruger, Piscitello went wild on the phone and refused to take her report.

Kruger said she had a very heated exchange with Piscitello.

“And then he asked me how did you – Marie even get here – I said Marie called Nancy Grace and Natisha Lance is the one that told her about me why don’t you ask her? Well why would she do that I go I don’t know why don’t you call Natisha Lance and ask her – I can tell you what Gloria Allred told me not to do. And that was not to go there because they’re all fucking drug addicts,” Kruger said.

The revelations have tremendous implications regarding the fate of HaLeigh Cummings.

Kruger said she telephoned Piscitello at the direction of the Avondale, Arizona police department after HaLeigh’s mother, Crystal Sheffield, and Jeremiah Regan began calling her and blackmailing her to keep her mouth shut about what she knew.

She said she tried to provide the information to Piscitello but he went ballistic.

Kruger said the Avondale policed heard recordings left by Jeremiah Regan and Crystal Sheffield, and expressed their suspicion that Jeremiah Regan and his father, John Regan, could be involved in HaLeigh’s disappearance.

Piscitello’s reaction to Kruger’s attempts to provide information is odd, because she lived with HaLeigh’s mother for a period of time after HaLeigh vanished.

“I’m like dude, the police here told me to call you because it happened in Putnam County while I was on – with the family,” Kruger said.

On March 10, 2009, First Coast News reported:

Haleigh’s Mother Obtains a Spokesperson and Seeks an Attorney
Posted By: Jessica Clark Created: 3/10/2009

SATSUMA, FL — Haleigh’s mother’s side of the family has asked a spokesperson to help them.

Wayanne Kruger from Arizona has come to Satsuma, Florida to help Crystal Sheffield, Haleigh’s mother, while the search for the missing five year old continues.

Kruger told First Coast News Sheffield’s mother, Marie Griffis, sought her out.

According to a private investigator named William Staubs, and Nancy Grace’s reporter on the Cummings kidnapping, Art Harris, Grace also hooked Ronald Cumming up with an attorney while he was under investigation.




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