Posts Tagged ‘CIA Finders’

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on August 15, 2017 at 8:47 P.M.

It should be of great interest to STATE AND FEDERAL JUDGES: I have been notified that a large group of persons involved in the criminal organization I exposed to the FBI regarding the kidnapping of HaLeigh Ann-Marie Cummings are now collectively seeking bogus restraining orders against me and this website.

The You Tube videos below contain information the conspirators (many whom I named in my Motion/Statement/Exhibits to the Minnesota District Court on July 24, 2017) are trying to hide about a child sex and porn trafficking operation.

ATTN: AMERICAN PUBLIC: If anybody would like a FREE CD of the 214 page court filing that reveals what happened to HaLeigh; who covered it up, who was involved; and how they did it, send a self-addressed stamped envelope to: Timothy Charles Holmseth, 320 17th Street N.W, Unit #17, East Grand Forks, Minnesota, 56721.

1:10 Seconds “Does it have anything to do with the pictures of HaLeigh’s vagina that you have?”












Affidavit is a blueprint to a child sex trafficking ring operating in U.S. and abroad

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on August 10, 2017, 8:13 P.M. CST

Minnesota law enforcement has actively assisted individuals involved in a child kidnapping that involved rape porn production of a five year-old from Florida.

The horrendous details of a colossal cover-up of crimes against children that include the sale of infants and children through the U.S. Embassy to purchasers in Belgium are contained in a 214-page Motion, Statement, and Exhibits filed with the Minnesota District Court by Timothy Charles Holmseth.

The Motion is set for a hearing on September 13, 2017 at 1:00 P.M. at the Polk County Courthouse in Crookston, Minnesota.

District Judge Tamara Yon is hearing the Motion to Vacate filed by Holmseth in the Family Court Division pertaining to prior orders of the court that improperly linked Holmseth’s publication to the best interest of his minor son.

The filing contains brand new evidence that proves Holmseth and his family have been victims of an illegal scheme, spanning eights years, by organized crime, to silence him, and his publication, regarding critical information he acquired about a kidnapped child from Florida named HaLeigh Cummings who was raped and filmed.

Holmseth began assisting the FBI in 2009 and was interviewed several times at the federal courthouse in Grand Forks, North Dakota.

Evidence shows Rodney Hajicek, a police detective in East Grand Forks, Minnesota secretly received a 22-page report from a conspirator, that Holmseth authored for the FBI, regarding a group involved in the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping – – – the email said Holmseth had to be “stopped” – Hajicek then hid them both.

Hajicek secretly communicated with conspirators via his private Gmail account so the emails would not show up in formal requests for police records.

Holmseth’s 22-page report to the FBI, which is an exhibit in the court filing, included critical information about the very people Hajicek was privately communicating with, and their role in the missing child case. It also included information about their involvement with a man named John Regan who dressed as a pastor and told searcher for the missing child that he was an undercover pedophile for the FBI (and CIA).

Emails and records show Hajicek conspired with multiple players in several states to shut Holmseth up and have him arrested while simultaneously hiding, manipulating, and destroying records.

Holmseth’s evidence shows how the Minnesota Family Court Division was improperly and diabolically used to gain Venue against Holmseth in 2011 after his book about the kidnapping was broadcast on television.

The Family Court was used to gain Venue because Holmseth was not committing any crimes.

Holmseth has obtained BOMBSHELL evidence that shows the East Grand Forks Police Department and Polk County Attorney’s Office conspired with a private corporation called Specialized Investigative Consultants Inc. to hide critical records from the court that showed Holmseth was assisting the Minneapolis and Jacksonville FBI with their search for HaLeigh Cummings.

Holmseth obtained a recorded statement from Tina Church, president, Specialized Investigative Consultants Inc., Mishawaka, Indiana, that reveals she and a group of operatives was SECRETLY working with law enforcement in both Minnesota and Florida, and on one occasion, maliciously had police sent to Holmseth’s home to search for the kidnapped child.

The introduction of Holmseth’s Statement reads:

PETITIONER brings this MOTION TO VACATE because NEW EVIDENCE that was not available at the time of trial shows adverse parties within Minnesota law enforcement and the larger interstate judicial community, criminally and civilly conspired with agents of a private corporation that received support from the U.S. Military to strategically create life-threatening conflict in the life of Parties’ minor child REDACTED; conflict that would be used to justify court actions against Plaintiff’s constitutional rights for the illegal purpose of protecting a criminal enterprise of child sex trafficking and child pornography.  

Holmseth and his children have received non-stop threats for years with no protection whatsoever from the police.

Holmseth receives threats from a group that calls itself “The Deep State” when they telephone using President Donald Trump and Bill and Hillary Clinton’s telephone numbers (among others).

Efforts to shut Holmseth up continue and Tina Church recently telephoned Holmseth and claimed she had spoke with Honorable Yon on the telephone about his court filing. She said Judge Yon was not very impressed with his court filing. Church said she called to give Holmseth an “opportunity” to withdraw it.

Holmseth recently published explosive information about the cover-up in the Jacob Wetterling case and was threatened he might ‘lose his head’ if he continues.

Holmseth will be submitting the Minnesota court filing for review by the defense attorney of accused murderer Mark Redwine who has been charged with murdering his son Dylan Redwine. Holmseth believes the group is connected to the Redwine case.


by Timothy Charles Holmseth on August 10, 2017, 11:32 A.M. CST

Could it be the HaLeigh Cummings case is coming back to haunt former Putnam County Sheriff Jeff Hardy?

Hardy was the sheriff in Putnam County, Florida when HaLeigh Cummings was reported missing in 2009. He did not run for re-election last year and was replaced by Gator DeLoach.

Former Putnam County Sheriff Jeff Hardy

On Monday, July 28, 2017 Hardy was arrested in Florida on suspicion of DUI.


It appears Hardy has lost his favorable status with the good ole boys in Florida.

Hardy may have more troubles than just the Florida DUI.

On July 24, 2017, I (Timothy Charles Holmseth) filed a 214 page Motion to Vacate, Affidavit/Statement, and Exhibits with the 9th Minnesota District Court in Polk County, Minnesota.

PETITIONER brings this MOTION TO VACATE because NEW EVIDENCE that was not available at the time of trial shows adverse parties within Minnesota law enforcement and the larger interstate judicial community, criminally and civilly conspired with agents of a private corporation that received support from the U.S. Military to strategically create life-threatening conflict in the life of Parties’ minor child REDACTED; conflict that would be used to justify court actions against Plaintiff’s constitutional rights for the illegal purpose of protecting a criminal enterprise of child sex trafficking and child pornography.  

One exhibit supporting the Motion was an email I sent to former Sheriff Jeff Hardy, Minneapolis FBI Special Agent A.J. Eilerman, and former Putnam County Director of Law Enforcement Gary Bowling in July, 2011.

And now…

The true facts surrounding the entire case appear to show a criminal conspiracy has existed between Florida law enforcement, Minnesota law enforcement, and a private corporation from Indiana called Specialized Investigative Consultants, Inc. to frame me (Timothy Charles Holmseth) for the kidnapping, rape, child porn production, and murder of HaLeigh Cummings.

Here’s the fact-pattern.

The July, 2011 email to Hardy details a bizarre event that involved an Indiana private investigator, Tina Church, who called the police in East Grand Forks, Minnesota and reported that I “Timothy Holmseth” had just told her I had “HaLeigh Cummings” in my home.

Here’s how that went down.

On July 26, 2011 Tina Church had telephoned me with a very strange little person named Levi Page on a conference line, and the two began acting as if they were law enforcement investigators. The two were brow-beating me about the fact I took the position the missing child HaLeigh Cummings was alive.

“Well, if you say she’s alive, where is she? You seem to be having a lot of information about this little girl. So maybe people need to be looking at you that maybe you have HaLeigh Cummings,” Church said.

Only a few minutes later, Church casually said to Page, “Well, we just need to let the authorities know that Timothy Holmseth knows where that little girl is at.”

Page promptly replied to Church that he was going to call Dominic Piscitello, Chief of Investigations, Putnam County Sheriff’s Office, Florida. “I’ll call Dominic Piscitello and let him know what Timothy said and if it’s false he can be charged with Obstruction of Justice and Impeding and Investigation,” Page said.

I had not said anything whatsoever about having HaLeigh Cummings.

Very compelling evidence now suggests Church and Page were actually acting as agents of law enforcement – something both State of Florida and State of Minnesota are now on the hook for.

The email Exhibit reads:

“Suddenly (as if it were planned in advance) at the end of the call, both Page and Church suddenly started claiming that I had just told them I know the whereabouts of the missing child, HaLeigh Cummings. They both quickly agreed they should both call law enforcement and file a report that Timothy Holmseth said he knows where HaLeigh Cummings is located. It was a strange set-up of sorts. Page said he was going to call Captain Dominic Piscitello at the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office,” Holmseth told Hardy.

“Before I was able to send this email somebody had telephoned the East Grand Forks Police Department and told them I had HaLeigh Cummings. Officer’s #73 and #75 came to my apartment and asked if I had the little girl. I showed the officers this email that was still on my computer screen because I was composing it when they came,” Holmseth told Hardy.

The police report filed with the EGFPD names Tina Church as the caller and identifies her as an “Investigator from Indiana” which means she called in an official capacity.

It’s also clear Sheriff Hardy received my email complaint about Church and Page because I received a profanity laced scream-shout call from Page

“YOU PIECE OF SHIT! What the hell do you think you’re doing? Writing a complaint to Sheriff Jeff Hardy? Do you think he gives a shit what you have to say you stupid son-of-a-bitch!” Page said. Listen – 1:35 Second Marker on You Tube

In 2016, Church telephoned me and said she did not make the false police report. She said she was impersonated by a Florida woman with Levi Page on a third line. She said she has a tape recording of the false police report being made by the Florida woman.

The crime has been reported to both the EGFPD (Minnesota) and Mishawaka Police Department (Indiana) but no actions appear to have been taken. The EGFPD was given recordings of Church’s claims that she did not make the false police report but no action has been taken.

There’s a reason.

The law enforcement agencies are being blackmailed.

Church says she talked to the EGFPD on many occasions when they ‘called her’ to discuss me and my “obsession” with HaLeigh Cummings.

That’s right.


Facts show the EGFPD was involved in a conspiracy to frame me that had been in place since 2009.

Exhibits supporting my Motion prove that in July, 2099, EGFPD Lt. Rodney Hajicek used his private Gmail account to conspire with Nancy Grace’s fake journalist Art Harris, and Polk County Attorney Greg Widseth, to shut down my publication and have me arrested.

The Hajicek emails show they were worried because the FBI received a 22-page report I authored and had begun following leads I gave them regarding photographs of HaLeigh in Florida. “He’s got to be stopped,” Harris said to Hajicek in a secret email.

Hajicek and Polk County Attorney Greg Widseth hid the records so I would not know about them and could not use them in my defense as I was dragged in and out of court for years.

After learning I filed a Motion to the court, Tina Church telephoned me and said she called and talked to the judge – Honorable Tamara Yon.

Church said she was giving me an “opportunity” to withdraw my court filing.


by Timothy Charles Holmseth on August 9, 2017, 8:24 P.M. CST

I am receiving voice changer calls and warnings via email that I am going to suffer big consequences because I have published information about John and Jeremiah Regan.

Yesterday, Jeremiah Regan announced he has retained a lawyer. I don’t know if his lawyer uses voice changing software to harass people – but those are the calls I get regarding poor innocent little Jeremiah.

I have reported that John Regan identified himself as an undercover pedophile for the FBI during the time he was involved in the national profile search for HaLeigh Cummings. He also told witnesses I interviewed he is CIA.

Jeremiah Regan’s ‘supporters’ are contacting me – one silly little man told me I faked Jeremiah Regan’s voice on a recording I published.

Listen to this video that I produced.




Listen in the You Tube below to Jeremiah Regan present himself as an agent of law enforcement as he attempts to solicit false witness statements against Misty Croslin.

Listen to the You Tube below and go to the 11 second marker – listen to Jeremiah Regan smoking pot with William Staubs and Matthew Staubs – listen as Jeremiah Regan when he says something utterly disgusting about “smoking on Ambers twat – packing her mouth” Remember – this is the guy that wanted the world to believe he was bringing awareness to missing children.

READ the official federal investigative report on The Finders.

Visit for extensive information about this case.


 Operative claims Ex Parte communication with Minnesota Judge

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on August 8, 2017, 9:00 CST

Jeremiah Regan, the former employee of a Florida law firm has issued a statement regarding his alleged involvement in a national profile missing child case.

Regan’s statement is published in its entirety below.

Jeremiah Regan is the son of John Regan, formerly of Hastings, Florida. The father-son Regan duo appeared out of virtually nowhere to ‘search’ for HaLeigh Cummings – a child they did not know – who mysteriously vanished from her Satsuma, Florida home on February 10, 2009. Quickly thereafter Jeremiah Regan (who had no driver’s license) became a legal assistant who did ‘investigations’ for a law firm associated with the kidnapping case.

During the search for HaLeigh, John Regan dressed as a pastor and told many people he was an FBI and/or CIA agent. He told Author Wayanne Kruger he was an “undercover pervert” for the FBI and CIA. Kruger said John Regan told her the FBI already had HaLeigh but wanted it kept quiet.

John Regan told Donald Knop, a legal assistant at a Florida law office that he was with the “CIA”. He told Judy Lucia, a dog handler at a search for HaLeigh that he was an “FBI agent”. There’s more witnesses but you get the point.

I obtained eyewitness testimony from Donald Knop that Jeremiah Regan, and an attorney, both physically handled child rape pornography of HaLeigh Cummings. Photographs had been brought to a motel room by Jeremiah Regan.

The child porn was placed on a CD and given to a Florida DCF CPS worker named Bonnie Warner in a gas station parking lot and was never given to law enforcement. I have audio of Warner admitting she received the CD and saying she never gave it to her supervisor. SEE VIDEO – LISTEN AT 1:15 seconds to hear reference to photos of “Haleigh’s vagina”

In 2009, I turned over a trove of information to the FBI in a 22-page report about John Regan, the law office, and Nancy Grace’s fake CNN journalist Art Harris, which included emails with pictures of HaLeigh that the FBI began to use to try to locate the child.

Scumbag Art Harris and several others with the scum bag pedophile operation began secretly conspiring with scum bag East Grand Forks Police Lt. Detective Rodney Hajicek via Hajicek’s private Gmail as they discussed how “Timothy Holmseth” was helping the FBI in Florida and needed to be “stopped”.

I was interviewed several times in 2010 at the federal courthouse in Grand Forks, North Dakota by Special Agent A.J. Eilerman, Minneapolis FBI, regarding information I acquired about HaLeigh.


Hajicek secretly conspired with scum bag Polk County Attorney Greg Widseth to hide the Harris/Hajicek emails, as well as the 22-page FBI report I authored, by hand delivering it to Widseth who kept it hidden from me until 2012. It never showed up in any of my records request to the police department because they were private communications on Hajicek private Gmail.

In the mean time, the Minnesota judicial community conspired with interstate and international factions to destroy my family and suppress my publication through fraudulently obtained domestic violence protection orders, including one obtained in a Florida divorce court by a person I never met.

I did not have the exonerating evidence because Polk County and City of EGF kept it hidden.

The East Grand Forks Police Department, Polk County Attorney’s Office, Polk County Sheriffs, Minnesota Public Defenders Office (Michael LaCoursiere), Minnesota Guardian Ad Litems program (Matthew Petrovich), Minnesota Pine to Prairie Gang and Drug Force, and an entire group of child traffickers called Specialized Investigative Consultants, Inc., conspired to assault me and my family through every conceivable way including threats of death, sexual assault, mutilation, and kidnapping (including a threat to kidnap my granddaughter).

On July 24, 2017 I filed a 214 page court document that includes a Motion to Vacate, Affidavit, and Exhibits that PROVES the before-motioned in SPADES.


In 2011, as part of their plan, Tina Church, president, Specialized Investigative Consultants Inc., Mishawaka, Indiana called the East Grand Forks Police and told them I claimed to have HaLeigh Cummings in my home. In 2016 she abruptly claimed a woman from Florida and a man from Tennessee named Levi Page did it. She said the Florida woman impersonated her.

The pedophile operation I exposed, which appears to resemble the nefarious ‘CIA Finders’ did not appreciate me asserting my Constitutional rights and trying to stop their child death mill that appears to be connected to many cases across the United States including Caylee Anthony and Dylan Redwine.

Tina Church, president, Specialized Investigative Consultants Inc., Mishawaka, Indiana telephoned me and said she had called Minnesota District Judge Tamara Yon and spoke with her about a Motion to Vacate.

I am presently seeking legal counsel regarding Church’s claim to have contacted Honorable Yon, as well as several prosecutors in Polk County, Minnesota whom she openly states she threatened. Church stated to me that she put Attorney Ronald Galstad, Galstad, Jensen, and McCann, (the attorney that contracts for the City of EGF) on notice that if her lawyer from Chicago is going to sue the City of East Grand Forks if I (Timothy Holmseth) am not involuntarily committed into a mental institution by the City of EGF.

Church’s agent, Levi Page, Dover, Tennessee, called me and told me that he was going to have me placed in a psyche ward.




Yesterday, I published ‘Minnesota judiciary and police connected to “CIA Finders”?’

Today, Jeremiah Regan, the son of the undercover pervert announced he has obtained a lawyer.

Jeremiah Regan might hand the following over to his attorney.  

Listen in the You Tube below to Jeremiah Regan present himself as an agent of law enforcement as he attempts to solicit false witness statements against Misty Croslin.

Listen to the You Tube below and go to the 11 second marker – listen to Jeremiah Regan smoking pot with William Staubs and Matthew Staubs – listen as Jeremiah Regan when he says something utterly disgusting about “smoking on Ambers twat – packing her mouth” Remember – this is the guy that wanted the world to believe he was bringing awareness to missing children.

READ the official federal investigative report on The Finders.

Visit for extensive information about this case.

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on August 6, 2017, 11:16 A.M. CST

Is the State of Minnesota’s judiciary and Guardian Ad Litem program aiding, abetting, and assisting the international CIA child trafficking operation known as “The Finders’?

It’s time to ask.

Evidence contained in a 214 page filing submitted to the 9th Minnesota District Court shows law enforcement and judicial officers in the State are assisting in a child sex trafficking operation that resembles a CIA operation exposed in 1987 know as ‘The Finders’. The Finders was a child abduction and international sex trafficking operation that was the‘Pedogate’ of the eighties.

On February 7, 1987 Washington Post reported“Authorities investigating the alleged abuse of six children found with two men in a Tallahassee, Fla., park discovered materials yesterday in the Washington area that they say points to a 1960s-style commune called the Finders, described in a court document as a “cult” that allegedly conducted “brainwashing” and used children “in rituals.””

On July 24, 2017 Timothy Charles Holmseth filed documents with the Minnesota court that show police and prosecutors in Polk County, Minnesota criminally conspired in secret with a private organization called Specialized Investigative Consultants Inc. against him, because he was assisting the Minneapolis and Florida FBI during an investigation into a child kidnapping that involved kiddy rape porn.

Tina Church, president, Specialized Investigative Consultants Inc. claims close contacts to the U.S. military through her son who she said was a “Lt. Colonel in the United States Air Force”.

Holmseth’s Affidavit details very specific information he received from Wayanne Kruger, the victim’s advocate for Crystal Sheffield whose five year-old daughter, HaLeigh Cummings, mysteriously vanished in 2009. Kruger provided Holmseth the names and operating methods of an infant sales operation run in part through Florida DCF that sold babies internationally. The group used a man that dressed as a pastor and identified himself as “CIA” and “FBI”.

Tina Church secretly interjected her operatives into the HaLeigh Cummings case by covertly contacting law enforcement’s witnesses and claiming they could locate HaLeigh and help get law enforcement’s “key” to the case, Misty Croslin, out of prison.

Since learning of the Motion filed by Holmseth, Church claims she has spoken in private with Polk County Attorney Greg Widseth, East Grand Forks City Attorney Ronald Galstad, and Assistant Chief Judge Tamara Yon.

Church said she has put Ronald Galstad, Galstad Jensen and McCann, the private attorney that contracts for the City of East Grand Forks on notice that if he does not involuntarily commit me (Timothy Holmseth) into a mental institution that her attorney from Chicago is going to sue East Grand Forks, Minnesota. Church told Holmseth the judge has the authority to lock him up in a psyche ward.

Privately communicating with a judge is almost always considered illegal Ex Parte communication.

William Staubs, Case Closed Inc., who was a primary focus of the FBI during Holmseth’s interviews in 2010 and an associate of Tina Church, told Holmseth he would telephone judges at home in Florida.

Levi Page, Tennessee, an agent and associate of Tina Church has also repeatedly telephoned Holmseth and parroted Church’s threats about locking Holmseth up against his will in a psyche ward.

On August 5, 2017, Page telephoned Holmseth regarding the murder of Dylan Redwine, whose father Mark Redwine, presently faces murder charges in Colorado. During the call, Page made the untrue and utterly bizarre accusation that Holmseth told somebody that he (Page) planted evidence in the Dylan Redwine murder investigation. “I am going to make sure that you’re in jail or that you’re put on a psychiatric hold and you probably have another psyche eval coming up. Have a great day psycho. Have an excellent day psycho. Bye,” Page said.

Page’s incessant involvement in missing person cases appears to reveal he is a bit player in larger operation. In 2010, Levi Page published a bio for his new radio program about missing children where he stated he was a 34 year-old “Criminal Investigator”. In 2015, a police report made against Page for publishing sex stories about Holmseth’s minor children revealed he was only 20 years-old in 2010 and had no professional background of any kind.

In 2011, Tina Church telephoned the police in East Grand Forks and said “Tim Holmseth” claimed to have a kidnapped child in his home. Church later claimed the false police report was made by a woman from Florida who impersonated Church along with Levi Page on a third telephone line.

READ the official federal investigative report on The Finders.

Visit for extensive information about this case.