Posts Tagged ‘Jeremiah Regan’

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on October 22, 2017, 12:16 P.M. CST

The drifter who once interjected himself into a national profile kidnapping case to accept cash donations from the American public is back in business.

Jeremiah Regan, Villano Beach, Florida has published a video on Facebook asking for cash donations for his humanitarian-aid efforts in Puerto Rico. Regan said he is on a mission to save lives (while giving updates via Facebook of his heroic deeds).

Jeremiah Regan

In his latest video, Regan, a Herbal Life salesman when he’s not running around saving lives, quickly turned the topic to President Donald Trump and declared “he let Puerto Rico fall by the wayside. He’s not helping them. FEMA is not helping them,” he said.

Regan said FEMA tried to steal 36 pallets of water from him. He said was assisted by a high ranking U.S. Air Force officer in stopping the theft.

Here’s the problem.

Jeremiah Regan is full of shit.

I acquired irrefutable evidence during a journalistic investigation of a child kidnapping case in Florida that shows Jeremiah Regan is not even close to being the person he wants the world to believe he is.

In 2009, Jeremiah Regan and his father, (fake) Pastor John Regan, appeared from nowhere to involve themselves in the search for a kidnapped child named HaLeigh Cummings.

Jeremiah Regan was interviewed by Florida news teams after he set up a facility called the HaLeigh Bug Center to gather ‘leads’ on the kidnapping, and fund search efforts with donations and trinket sales. He also erected a website called that featured an amateurishly Photoshopped picture created to make it appear Crystal Sheffield held her daughter lovingly (Sheffield actually had NO loving pictures with HaLeigh – so they created one).

Regan did conduct a search – sort of.

Major Gary Bowling, (former) Director of Law Enforcement at the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office spoke with me in 2009 during a recorded interview. Bowling recognized Jeremiah Regan was involved in a fake search for HaLeigh where planted items were found – including a “bloody glove” found by Jeremiah Regan.

Special Agent A. J. Eilermann, Minneapolis FBI, told me during an interview that the fake search by John Regan, Jeremiah Regan, bounty hunter William ‘Cobra’ Staubs, and some of HaLeigh’s family members was orchestrated to make people think HaLeigh was dead.

On June 3, 2009, Simon Barrett, BNN, published an article regarding suspicious activity at the HaLeigh Bug Center.

“Jeremiah Regan, administrator for the center, was contacted and asked about the facility, its purpose, incoming donations, book-keeping, and how the money is being used.” Please do not contact me any further via email, phone or any other way. Any further attempts to contact me will be viewed as harassment,” he said.”
– Simon Barrett / BNN

Wow – requests for information about how donations are being spent are considered by Jeremiah Regan as an act of “harassment”.

Wayanne Kruger, the protégé of Gloria Allred, who represented Crystal Sheffield, the missing child’s mother, spent a great deal of time with Jeremiah Regan and revealed explosive facts that are disturbing beyond belief.

It’s not pretty.

Kruger said Jeremiah Regan’s dad, a convicted sex offender and fake pastor, John Regan, told her he was a CIA and FBI agent working undercover for the feds as a “pervert” to catch pedophiles. William Staubs said John Regan was a “street minister” that had connections at the Jacksonville FBI.

Kruger said she sat with John and Jeremiah Regan while they told her the FBI already had HaLeigh but wanted to keep it quiet. Kruger said Jeremiah Regan assured her that everything his dad said was “true”.

Kruger provided me extensive details of an international baby sales operation being run by a Florida attorney and John Regan. Kruger described horrific damage done to a small child that, who according to Kruger, was raped by John Regan.

Donald Knop, an employee of a Florida law firm, told me about rape pornography of HaLeigh that passed through the hands of Jeremiah Regan and an attorney – but was never given to law enforcement.

I obtained audio of Jeremiah Regan impersonating a member of law enforcement while attempting to secure a false statement from a young girl who had been questioned in the HaLeigh Cummings matter.

I also obtained audio of Jeremiah Regan making a demented vulgar statement about sticking a pack of cigarettes in a case witnesses “twat”.

I possess audio created by Jeremiah Regan which he captured during a conversation with a Florida attorney. He continuously brings up the fact they had sex. The attorney tells him he is simply angry because he had been promised an executive position at her husband’s biofuel company. Jeremiah Regan acknowledged that fact saying the attorney had initially told him the company was hers.

The attorney also told Jeremiah Regan she had received over one-half million dollars and was going to be receiving $231 Million more.

The biofuel company, Alternative Biofuel Technologies (ABT) was seized by federal authorities during the RICO investigation into notorious Florida Ponzi Schemer Attorney Scott W. Rothstein.

“I left crying today from the mountains,” Regan said.

William Murtaugh, publisher, recently published a story about the great Jeremiah Regan – BUT – he removed the story after I exposed him (Murtaugh) for his involvement.

They are now trying to hide Murtaugh’s connection to Jeremiah Regan.


Find out more about William Murtaugh. Florida man indicates he knows the fate of HaLeigh Cummings – pedogate unraveling – – – Television news segment from Caylee Anthony case may provide critical clueby Timothy Charles Holmseth on October 21, 2017, 9:49 P.M. CST



Letter to Putnam County Sheriff details CIA/FBI agent’s claim that sheriff’s detectives ran a child sex operation

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on September 25, 2017, 7:21 P.M. CST

Recorded statements obtained by an investigative author from Minnesota reveal the sheriff’s office in Putnam County, Florida investigating the kidnapping of HaLeigh Cummings are willfully deceiving the American public.

Those recorded statements were provided to Putnam County Sheriff Gator DeLoach, today.

Putnam County Sheriff Gator DeLoach

No less then six witnesses told Timothy Charles Holmseth that a man dressed as a pastor claimed he was CIA and FBI during the national profile search for HaLeigh Cummings.

HaLeigh Cummings, 5, mysteriously vanished 75 north of Orlando on the very same day a nationally televised memorial was being held for slain toddler Caylee Anthony.

Wayanne Kruger, an author and victims advocate who appeared on the news when she assisted HaLeigh’s mother after her daughter vanished, said she was stopped from going to the police regarding sex abuse of HaLeigh, by a man dressed as a pastor named John Regan. “I work for the CIA,” Kruger said, recalling what John Regan told her.

John Regan told Kruger the local police, sheriff’s, community leaders, and church members were operating a child sex ring in the area.

Kruger told Holmseth that Regan told her he worked “undercover” in the “underground” as a pedophile for the FBI; he told her the FBI already had HaLeigh but wanted to keep it quiet.

“He said reported Washington,” Kruger said.

Judy Lucia, a dog handler during a family search for HaLeigh said John Regan told her he was working undercover for the FBI. “He said to me I can’t tell you who I am because I’m working undercover for the FBI,” Lucia said, recalling her encounter with John Regan.

William Staubs, a private investigator working for a federal drug task force (HIDTA), while simultaneously working for the missing child’s mother and a law firm from South Florida, said John Regan was “undercover for real” and working for a “Task Force” with the Jacksonville FBI.

Rev. Richard Grund, a case witness in the Casey Anthony murder trial said John Regan boasted to him that he used a badge to impersonate Aviation Police at Jacksonville Airport.

Donald Knop, a legal assistant for a South Florida law firm connected to the case said John Regan told him he was a CIA agent.

Knop said he (Knop) personally witnessed the lawyer he worked for holding child rape pornography of HaLeigh Cummings.

Tracy Leonard, an Indiana private investigator provided Timothy Holmseth a background report on John Regan that revealed John Regan is a convicted sex offender.

Many of the recordings that reveal what witnesses were saying about John Regan were delivered to Putnam County Sheriff Gator DeLoach, today.

Timothy Charles Holmseth
320 17th Street N.W.
Unit# 17
East Grand Forks, MN
218.230.1597 (cell)

In Re: MEMORANDUM / Evidence / HaLeigh Cummings Kidnapping

September 25, 2017

H.D. “Gator” DeLoach
Putnam County Sheriff’s Office
Palatka, Florida

Sheriff DeLoach,

I am a journalist and author from Minnesota. Here is a link to my bio:

I am contacting you regarding a burgeoning legal matter pertaining to my federal witness status in the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping and a conspiracy against my rights by a group associated with * * * * * * * * * * Law Office, Ft. Lauderdale, and Specialized investigative Consultants Inc., Mishawaka, Indiana.

In 2009, the Florida FBI began following leads they received from me regarding the kidnapping case of HaLeigh Cummings. In 2010 I was interviewed by the FBI regarding the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping. In 2011 I published a book on the case, which was featured across Florida on the news and is in your evidence. Attached you will find a PDF of a report I provided the FBI.

I am providing you a link to a You Tube video I published on September 23, 2017. The video contains interviews I conducted with Wayanne Kruger, as wells as a Florida resident, Judy Lucia. Kruger was featured in the news as Crystal Sheffield’s advocate during the search for HaLeigh Cummings. Judy Lucia assisted with her dog in a ground search for HaLeigh.

Wayanne Kruger told me a man named John Regan from Hastings, Florida prevented her from talking to law enforcement about HaLeigh. Kruger said she had evidence HaLeigh had been molested. Wayanne said John Regan, who was accompanied by his son Jeremiah Regan, told her he was a CIA agent. Kruger said John Regan also told her he was a chaplain for the local police.

John Regan told Kruger he was working undercover as pedophile and reported to Washington D.C. John Regan told Kruger the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office was not going to solve the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping because officers, detectives, and community leaders (and church members) were running a child prostitution house in the area. Kruger said John Regan named officers including Sgt. Ricky LyleCapt. Dominic PiscitelloDetective John Merchant, and Major Gary Bowling as being involved in the child sex ring.

Judy Lucia told me John Regan told her he was working undercover for the FBI.

I obtained recorded statements from multiple others that also said John Regan claimed to be a member of state and federal law enforcement or U.S. Intelligence.

Donald Knop, legal assistant, * * * * * * * * * * Law Office, told me John Regan told him he was with the CIA. Rev, Richard Grund told me John Regan used a badge he carried to get past Aviation Police at Jacksonville Airport. William Staubs told me John Regan was undercover for the FBI and “hiding out”. Staubs said John Regan had a female contact at the Jacksonville FBI and could mobilize an entire task force. Jeremiah Regan told me his dad worked with the FBI to infiltrate a “slave camp”. Jeremiah Regan said his dad worked for many different federal agencies. Here are some recorded clips:

William Staubs told Jeremiah Regan during a phone call I recorded that he (Staubs) worked for HIDTA.

Donald Knop told me during a recorded call that * * * * * L. * * * * *, Ft. Lauderdale, possessed and physically handled photographs of HaLeigh Cummings that showed close-ups of the child’s vagina which was damaged from sexual abuse. Here is a You Tube link to hear Knop’s statement. (listen at 1:10 second marker).

Wayanne Kruger told me she feared HaLeigh may have died from “hemorrhaging” from rape.

I possess overwhelming evidence that officers of the PCSO conspired to deceive the public regarding the welfare status of HaLeigh Cummings.

You can use PACER to view U.S. District Court – Northern District of Florida – Pensacola, Case Number 3:17cv667 (MCR/CJK) wherein my sworn affidavit to the federal court details extensive information about HaLeigh’s kidnapping and child pornography created of her. I can respectfully assure you – I am not going to be arrested for perjury or filing a false statement.

Respectfully submitted,
Timothy Charles Holmseth
Pro Se
Ninth Minnesota District, Family Division, Polk County, Court Number 60-FA-13-468

Cc: Colonel Joseph Wells

Motion filed to Florida Federal Court

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on September 2, 2017, 9:49 P.M. CST

On September 1, 2017, Timothy Charles Holmseth (me) submitted a NOTICE OF REMOVAL to the United States District Court – Middle District of Florida.

The NOTICE OF REMOVAL for FEDERAL QUESTION is a response to a fraudulent claim of cyber stalking filed in the Santa Rosa County Circuit Court in Florida by members of a group that are trying to have my publication removed from the Web.

Too late.

The truth about the Casey Anthony case is going to come out.


  1. REDACTED is conspiring against HOLMSETH’S rights because in 2011, REDACTED’S private investigator, WILLIAM STAUBS, through his attorney Doug Roberts, advised REDACTED that he purged his (STAUB’S) computer and file system off all files that REDACTED was seeking from STAUBS via a subpoena; and that he sent the files to HOLMSETH.
  1. The audio files HOLMSETH received un-solicited from STAUBS contain audio recordings that contain voices that include REDACTED REDACTED, WILLIAM STAUBS, JEREMIAH REGAN, MATTHEW STAUBS, REDACTED REDACTED, and PAULA ANDREWS.
  1. The un-solicited audio files HOLMSETH received have placed HOLMSETH in danger because the content of the files implicates multiple persons in criminal activity. The content is also very embarrassing to many.

Here’s the truth.

The murder of Caylee Anthony is directly connected to the kidnapping of five year-old HaLeigh Cummings who vanished from her Satsuma, Florida home on February 10, 2009.

According to exclusive recordings in the possession of Timothy Charles Holmseth (and in multiple undisclosed secure locations):

  • An attorney (who will be unnamed) involved in the search for the missing child HaLeigh Cummings spoke to Dominic Casey, the PI for the family of Casey Anthony.
  • The attorney said PI Casey was actively tracking the movements of William Staubs, the bounty hunter known as Cobra who interjected himself into the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping in association with Anthony Murder Trial witness Rev. Richard Grund.
  • PI Casey reported Staubs to law enforcement for planting evidence and attempting to frame innocent people for HaLeigh’s disappearance.
  • The attorney believed “Jeremiah Regan” and his father, John Regan, were working for PI Casey and had infiltrated the team of individuals surrounding HaLeigh Cummings’ mother, Crystal Sheffield.
  • John Regan dressed as a pastor and told multiple individuals in the HaLeigh Cummings case that he was an undercover FBI agent and CIA agent who was working as a “pedophile”.

The following is also in Holmseth’s court filing to the Florida court.

  1. HOLMSETH’S rights are being violated because he acquired and possesses evidence TINA CHURCH, in conspiracy and careful forethought with others in THE GROUP, violated 18 U.S. Code § 1512 – Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant, because HaLeigh Cummings was a witness to a murder that occurred at 202 Green Lane, Satsuma, Florida.

Soon I will tell you about Jacob Wetterling, too.

I am providing a clip via You Tune to demonstrate the veracity of my claim.


Times up for the scum – it’s time to press ‘PLAY’

Kings will shut their mouths on account of Him; For what had not been told them they will see, And what they had not heard they will understand.
– Isaiah 52:15

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on August 29, 2017, 6:59 A.M. CST

I, Timothy Charles Holmseth am formally announcing that a NOTICE OF REMOVAL is being filed to the U.S. District Court in response to the latest fraudulent petition filed against my publication by scum in the State of Florida.

My filing cites multiple areas of Federal Question that include murder, child rape, kidnapping, child pornography, convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, convicted Ponzi schemer Scott Rothstein, and a fraudulent multi-million dollar biofuel scam involving a former Florida governor.

As a self-respecting journalist and award-winning news reporter, I chose to never elaborate on the audios that were sent to me that contained key figures in a kidnapping investigation as they talked about who got raped by their own father; who smelled stinky in bed; who had sex in the same room where others were trying to sleep; or how many times somebody ejaculated in one night.

Those things are now relevant as I file a NOTICE OF REMOVAL to the U.S. Court.

It’s time to press ‘PLAY’.

The individual members of the scumbag criminal pedophile organization threatening me and my children and granddaughter might be wise to start finding lawyers (unless of course you already are one).

This is what it looks like when I decided that I’m not taking your shit anymore.


The U.S. District Court has Federal Question Jurisdiction under 28 U.S. Code § 1331 because HOLMSETH has evidence REDACTED’S attorney REDACTED is conspiring with REDACTED, and others associated with SPECIALIZED INVESTIGATIVE CONSULTANTS INC, against HOLMSETH, in violation of 18 U.S. Code § 241 – Conspiracy against rights.

The rights violations against HOLMSETH have been occurring since 2009 when HOLMSETH learned information about the kidnapping of HaLeigh Ann-Marie Cummings and secret details about on-goings within the group that/who caused HaLeigh to disappear.

The rights violations under 18 U.S. Code § 241 – Conspiracy against rights include violations against HOLMSETH by the CITY OF EAST GRAND FORK, MINNESOTA and the EAST GRAND FORKS POLICE DEPARTMENT who conspired with REDACTED and SPECIALIZED INVESTIGATIVE CONSULTANTS INC.

HOLMSETH is receiving very serious threats from someone calling from telephone numbers including numbers from PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP (the President’s resorts and Trump Organization), CLINTON GLOBAL, STATE OF FLORIDA ATTORNEY GENERAL PAM BONDI, FLORIDA GOVERNOR RICK SCOTT, CNN, REPUBLICAN PARTY, NEW JERSEY GOVERNOR CHRIS CHRISTIE, TEXAS EQUUSEARCH, warning him to remove his websites or very bad things will happen to HOLMSETH and his family including a threat to kidnap HOLMSETH’S grand child.

HOLMSETH learned that child rape pornography had been created of HaLeigh Cummings and was in the possession of REDACTED REDACTED LAW OFFICE P.A.

HOLMSETH learned REDACTED REDACTED LAW OFFICE P.A. gave a CD containing the child pornography to a Florida DCF social worker named BONNIE WARNER during an exchange in a parking lot after hours. HOLMSETH captured WARNER on audio admitting receipt of the CD and stating she never gave it to her supervisor.

HOLMSETH was told by WAYANNE KRUGER, who was the official advocate of CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD (the mother of HaLeigh Cummings, 5) that HaLeigh witnessed her father, RONALD CUMMINGS, murder a man in their trailer home shortly before she (HaLeigh) vanished. KRUGER said HaLeigh watched her father drag the man’s body into the woods.

HOLMSETH was told by WAYANNE KRUGER that during the time of the aforementioned murder, there was an argument that involved several adults. During the argument JOHN MARCUS SHEFFIELD who is HaLeigh’s maternal grandfather, yelled ‘he’s letting people fuck my grand daughter!”

REDACTED is conspiring against HOLMSETH because in 2011, REDACTED’S private investigator, WILLIAM E. STAUBS, through his attorney Doug Roberts, advised REDACTED that he purged his (STAUB’S) computer and file system off all files that REDACTED was seeking from STAUBS via a subpoena; and that he sent them to HOLMSETH.

The audio files HOLMSETH received from STAUBS contain audio recordings that contain voices that include REDACTED REDACTED, WILLIAM STAUBS, JEREMIAH REGAN, MATTHEW STAUBS, REDACTED REDACTED, and PAULA ANDREWS.

REDACTED REDACTED was engaged in an ongoing sexual relationship with JEREMIAH REGAN, an unknown drifter that appeared from nowhere to become the co-administrator of a facility called the HaLeigh Bug Center which was set up by REDACTED REDACTED and her convicted felon (federal fraud) husband REDACTED REDACTED to obtain investigative tips and accept donations.

JEREMIAH REGAN and WILLIAM STAUBS laugh and giggle as WILLIAM STAUBS asks JEREMIAH REGAN ‘did you nut’ (ejaculate) (when he had sex with REDACTED REDACTED) and they break out in laughter when JEREMIAH REGAN indicates he ejaculated three times.

JEREMIAH REGAN provided graphic details to others about REDACTED REDACTED’S body and hygiene and called REDACTED ‘nasty’.

JERMEMIAH REGAN threatened to sue REDACTED REDACTED for sexual harassment because he was working for her law office.

JEREMIAH REGAN telephoned REDACTED REDACTED and confessed ‘I fucked your wife’.

REDACTED REDACTED later told HOLMSETH during an interview that WILLIAM STAUBS shoved a gun in JEREMIAH REGAN’S mouth and forced him to call REDACTED REDACTED and falsely confess to having sex with his wife REDACTED REDACTED.

REDACTED REDACTED told JEREMIAH REGAN she secured a $231 Million biofuel contract for a company called Alterative Biofuels Technologies Inc. through (former) Florida Governor Charlie Christ. REDACTED told REGAN he could have an executive position at ABT if he kept his mouth shut.

REDACTED REDACTED telephoned HOLMSETH and said he gave JEREMIAH REGAN a job at his biofuel company.

ABT was seized by the FBI during the federal RICO investigation against now convicted Ponzi schemer SCOTT W. ROTHSTEIN.

SCOTT ROTHSTEIN’S Ponzi scheme involved matters connected to convicted sex offender JEFFREY EPSTEIN who is notorious for allegedly flying wealthy businessmen and political leaders to ‘Pedophile Island’ to commit atrocities against children.

REDACTED REDACTED forwarded internal work-product law office emails pertaining to the search for missing child HaLeigh Cummings from her law office REDACTED REDACTED P.A. to HOLMSETH. The emails were also sent to ROTHSTEIN, ROSENFELDT, and ADLER.

REDACTED REDACTED advised HOLMSETH her lawyer was Pedro Dijols, Rothstein, Rosenfeldt, Adler. Attorney Dijols confirmed to HOLMSETH he was REDACTED’S attorney.

JEREMIAH REGAN confided very sensitive sexual information to REDACTED REDACTED about his childhood and father, JOHN REGAN, which REDACTED REDACTED did not hold secure and told others.

JOHN REGAN is a convicted child molester that dressed as a pastor and told multiple persons during the search for the missing child HaLeigh Cummings that he was working undercover for the FBI as a pedophile. JOHN REGAN also told multiple persons he was a CIA agent.

WAYANNE KRUGER told HOLMSETH that JOHN REGAN told her the FBI had HaLeigh but wanted to keep it quiet.


by Timothy Charles Holmseth on August 17, 2017, 10:14 P.M. CST

In United States law, federal question jurisdiction is the subject-matter jurisdiction of United States federal courts to hear a civil case because the plaintiff has alleged a violation of the United States Constitution, federal law, or a treaty to which the United States is a party.

Murtaugh claims that Thomas Norman Olsen, Milton, Florida is requesting a ‘stalking’ order against me (Timothy Charles Holmseth).

According to Murtaugh, documents authored by Olsen, a convicted felon and self professed (he literally boasts and brags on the Web) cyber bully, said, “I ask that you rule for not only this injunction, but for the respondent remove all mention of me online dating back to August 2015. I also ask that he keeps from mentioning me on line or anywhere from now into the foreseeable future.”

If such a Petition has been filed in Florida State court, there is going to be a ‘Federal Question’ for the U.S. Court regarding the Constitutionality of Olsen’s claim of stalking.

Here’s why.

According to Murtaugh (who is not trustworthy) Olsen asked the Court to force me to retroactively remove all mention of him dating back to August 15, 2015.

Take a look at this.

Santa Rosa County blackmail scheme linked to HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping – Evidence turned over to FDLE attorney James Martin
by Timothy Charles Holmseth on September 2, 2015 at 1:51 P.M.

Olsen is colluding with an attorney (and Murtaugh) to hide from the world what is revealed in the article by falsely claiming he is being stalked.


Affidavit is a blueprint to a child sex trafficking ring operating in U.S. and abroad

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on August 10, 2017, 8:13 P.M. CST

Minnesota law enforcement has actively assisted individuals involved in a child kidnapping that involved rape porn production of a five year-old from Florida.

The horrendous details of a colossal cover-up of crimes against children that include the sale of infants and children through the U.S. Embassy to purchasers in Belgium are contained in a 214-page Motion, Statement, and Exhibits filed with the Minnesota District Court by Timothy Charles Holmseth.

The Motion is set for a hearing on September 13, 2017 at 1:00 P.M. at the Polk County Courthouse in Crookston, Minnesota.

District Judge Tamara Yon is hearing the Motion to Vacate filed by Holmseth in the Family Court Division pertaining to prior orders of the court that improperly linked Holmseth’s publication to the best interest of his minor son.

The filing contains brand new evidence that proves Holmseth and his family have been victims of an illegal scheme, spanning eights years, by organized crime, to silence him, and his publication, regarding critical information he acquired about a kidnapped child from Florida named HaLeigh Cummings who was raped and filmed.

Holmseth began assisting the FBI in 2009 and was interviewed several times at the federal courthouse in Grand Forks, North Dakota.

Evidence shows Rodney Hajicek, a police detective in East Grand Forks, Minnesota secretly received a 22-page report from a conspirator, that Holmseth authored for the FBI, regarding a group involved in the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping – – – the email said Holmseth had to be “stopped” – Hajicek then hid them both.

Hajicek secretly communicated with conspirators via his private Gmail account so the emails would not show up in formal requests for police records.

Holmseth’s 22-page report to the FBI, which is an exhibit in the court filing, included critical information about the very people Hajicek was privately communicating with, and their role in the missing child case. It also included information about their involvement with a man named John Regan who dressed as a pastor and told searcher for the missing child that he was an undercover pedophile for the FBI (and CIA).

Emails and records show Hajicek conspired with multiple players in several states to shut Holmseth up and have him arrested while simultaneously hiding, manipulating, and destroying records.

Holmseth’s evidence shows how the Minnesota Family Court Division was improperly and diabolically used to gain Venue against Holmseth in 2011 after his book about the kidnapping was broadcast on television.

The Family Court was used to gain Venue because Holmseth was not committing any crimes.

Holmseth has obtained BOMBSHELL evidence that shows the East Grand Forks Police Department and Polk County Attorney’s Office conspired with a private corporation called Specialized Investigative Consultants Inc. to hide critical records from the court that showed Holmseth was assisting the Minneapolis and Jacksonville FBI with their search for HaLeigh Cummings.

Holmseth obtained a recorded statement from Tina Church, president, Specialized Investigative Consultants Inc., Mishawaka, Indiana, that reveals she and a group of operatives was SECRETLY working with law enforcement in both Minnesota and Florida, and on one occasion, maliciously had police sent to Holmseth’s home to search for the kidnapped child.

The introduction of Holmseth’s Statement reads:

PETITIONER brings this MOTION TO VACATE because NEW EVIDENCE that was not available at the time of trial shows adverse parties within Minnesota law enforcement and the larger interstate judicial community, criminally and civilly conspired with agents of a private corporation that received support from the U.S. Military to strategically create life-threatening conflict in the life of Parties’ minor child REDACTED; conflict that would be used to justify court actions against Plaintiff’s constitutional rights for the illegal purpose of protecting a criminal enterprise of child sex trafficking and child pornography.  

Holmseth and his children have received non-stop threats for years with no protection whatsoever from the police.

Holmseth receives threats from a group that calls itself “The Deep State” when they telephone using President Donald Trump and Bill and Hillary Clinton’s telephone numbers (among others).

Efforts to shut Holmseth up continue and Tina Church recently telephoned Holmseth and claimed she had spoke with Honorable Yon on the telephone about his court filing. She said Judge Yon was not very impressed with his court filing. Church said she called to give Holmseth an “opportunity” to withdraw it.

Holmseth recently published explosive information about the cover-up in the Jacob Wetterling case and was threatened he might ‘lose his head’ if he continues.

Holmseth will be submitting the Minnesota court filing for review by the defense attorney of accused murderer Mark Redwine who has been charged with murdering his son Dylan Redwine. Holmseth believes the group is connected to the Redwine case.


by Timothy Charles Holmseth on August 9, 2017, 8:24 P.M. CST

I am receiving voice changer calls and warnings via email that I am going to suffer big consequences because I have published information about John and Jeremiah Regan.

Yesterday, Jeremiah Regan announced he has retained a lawyer. I don’t know if his lawyer uses voice changing software to harass people – but those are the calls I get regarding poor innocent little Jeremiah.

I have reported that John Regan identified himself as an undercover pedophile for the FBI during the time he was involved in the national profile search for HaLeigh Cummings. He also told witnesses I interviewed he is CIA.

Jeremiah Regan’s ‘supporters’ are contacting me – one silly little man told me I faked Jeremiah Regan’s voice on a recording I published.

Listen to this video that I produced.




Listen in the You Tube below to Jeremiah Regan present himself as an agent of law enforcement as he attempts to solicit false witness statements against Misty Croslin.

Listen to the You Tube below and go to the 11 second marker – listen to Jeremiah Regan smoking pot with William Staubs and Matthew Staubs – listen as Jeremiah Regan when he says something utterly disgusting about “smoking on Ambers twat – packing her mouth” Remember – this is the guy that wanted the world to believe he was bringing awareness to missing children.

READ the official federal investigative report on The Finders.

Visit for extensive information about this case.


 Operative claims Ex Parte communication with Minnesota Judge

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on August 8, 2017, 9:00 CST

Jeremiah Regan, the former employee of a Florida law firm has issued a statement regarding his alleged involvement in a national profile missing child case.

Regan’s statement is published in its entirety below.

Jeremiah Regan is the son of John Regan, formerly of Hastings, Florida. The father-son Regan duo appeared out of virtually nowhere to ‘search’ for HaLeigh Cummings – a child they did not know – who mysteriously vanished from her Satsuma, Florida home on February 10, 2009. Quickly thereafter Jeremiah Regan (who had no driver’s license) became a legal assistant who did ‘investigations’ for a law firm associated with the kidnapping case.

During the search for HaLeigh, John Regan dressed as a pastor and told many people he was an FBI and/or CIA agent. He told Author Wayanne Kruger he was an “undercover pervert” for the FBI and CIA. Kruger said John Regan told her the FBI already had HaLeigh but wanted it kept quiet.

John Regan told Donald Knop, a legal assistant at a Florida law office that he was with the “CIA”. He told Judy Lucia, a dog handler at a search for HaLeigh that he was an “FBI agent”. There’s more witnesses but you get the point.

I obtained eyewitness testimony from Donald Knop that Jeremiah Regan, and an attorney, both physically handled child rape pornography of HaLeigh Cummings. Photographs had been brought to a motel room by Jeremiah Regan.

The child porn was placed on a CD and given to a Florida DCF CPS worker named Bonnie Warner in a gas station parking lot and was never given to law enforcement. I have audio of Warner admitting she received the CD and saying she never gave it to her supervisor. SEE VIDEO – LISTEN AT 1:15 seconds to hear reference to photos of “Haleigh’s vagina”

In 2009, I turned over a trove of information to the FBI in a 22-page report about John Regan, the law office, and Nancy Grace’s fake CNN journalist Art Harris, which included emails with pictures of HaLeigh that the FBI began to use to try to locate the child.

Scumbag Art Harris and several others with the scum bag pedophile operation began secretly conspiring with scum bag East Grand Forks Police Lt. Detective Rodney Hajicek via Hajicek’s private Gmail as they discussed how “Timothy Holmseth” was helping the FBI in Florida and needed to be “stopped”.

I was interviewed several times in 2010 at the federal courthouse in Grand Forks, North Dakota by Special Agent A.J. Eilerman, Minneapolis FBI, regarding information I acquired about HaLeigh.


Hajicek secretly conspired with scum bag Polk County Attorney Greg Widseth to hide the Harris/Hajicek emails, as well as the 22-page FBI report I authored, by hand delivering it to Widseth who kept it hidden from me until 2012. It never showed up in any of my records request to the police department because they were private communications on Hajicek private Gmail.

In the mean time, the Minnesota judicial community conspired with interstate and international factions to destroy my family and suppress my publication through fraudulently obtained domestic violence protection orders, including one obtained in a Florida divorce court by a person I never met.

I did not have the exonerating evidence because Polk County and City of EGF kept it hidden.

The East Grand Forks Police Department, Polk County Attorney’s Office, Polk County Sheriffs, Minnesota Public Defenders Office (Michael LaCoursiere), Minnesota Guardian Ad Litems program (Matthew Petrovich), Minnesota Pine to Prairie Gang and Drug Force, and an entire group of child traffickers called Specialized Investigative Consultants, Inc., conspired to assault me and my family through every conceivable way including threats of death, sexual assault, mutilation, and kidnapping (including a threat to kidnap my granddaughter).

On July 24, 2017 I filed a 214 page court document that includes a Motion to Vacate, Affidavit, and Exhibits that PROVES the before-motioned in SPADES.


In 2011, as part of their plan, Tina Church, president, Specialized Investigative Consultants Inc., Mishawaka, Indiana called the East Grand Forks Police and told them I claimed to have HaLeigh Cummings in my home. In 2016 she abruptly claimed a woman from Florida and a man from Tennessee named Levi Page did it. She said the Florida woman impersonated her.

The pedophile operation I exposed, which appears to resemble the nefarious ‘CIA Finders’ did not appreciate me asserting my Constitutional rights and trying to stop their child death mill that appears to be connected to many cases across the United States including Caylee Anthony and Dylan Redwine.

Tina Church, president, Specialized Investigative Consultants Inc., Mishawaka, Indiana telephoned me and said she had called Minnesota District Judge Tamara Yon and spoke with her about a Motion to Vacate.

I am presently seeking legal counsel regarding Church’s claim to have contacted Honorable Yon, as well as several prosecutors in Polk County, Minnesota whom she openly states she threatened. Church stated to me that she put Attorney Ronald Galstad, Galstad, Jensen, and McCann, (the attorney that contracts for the City of EGF) on notice that if her lawyer from Chicago is going to sue the City of East Grand Forks if I (Timothy Holmseth) am not involuntarily committed into a mental institution by the City of EGF.

Church’s agent, Levi Page, Dover, Tennessee, called me and told me that he was going to have me placed in a psyche ward.




Yesterday, I published ‘Minnesota judiciary and police connected to “CIA Finders”?’

Today, Jeremiah Regan, the son of the undercover pervert announced he has obtained a lawyer.

Jeremiah Regan might hand the following over to his attorney.  

Listen in the You Tube below to Jeremiah Regan present himself as an agent of law enforcement as he attempts to solicit false witness statements against Misty Croslin.

Listen to the You Tube below and go to the 11 second marker – listen to Jeremiah Regan smoking pot with William Staubs and Matthew Staubs – listen as Jeremiah Regan when he says something utterly disgusting about “smoking on Ambers twat – packing her mouth” Remember – this is the guy that wanted the world to believe he was bringing awareness to missing children.

READ the official federal investigative report on The Finders.

Visit for extensive information about this case.

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on June 23, 2017, 11:00 P.M. CST

JEREMIAH REGAN: “It’s not working like that because this is how it works. The two of you know I’m leveraging this case. You can beat around the bush any way you want but you know.”

WILLIAM STAUBS: “You’re the drop dead answer. That you’re the drop dead answer that’s right.”

JEREMIAH REGAN: “You know that I’m the one that can clear everything up okay.”

WILLIAM STAUBS: “I know. I know.”

WILLIAM STAUBS: Listen to me. You are fucking critical to this case. She is not. If you don’t stop lying we’ll never find fucking HaLeigh. If you don’t come clean and expose the bitch for what she is were never going to find HaLeigh man.

JEREMIAH REGAN: “I’m not lying about anything. I’m not lying about anything. The fact that I’m keeping my mouth shut is not a lie.”

JEREMIAH REGAN: Sorry about that.

WILLIAM STAUBS: That’s quite alright man

JEREMIAH REGAN: My father’s fucking MS  hasn’t flared up in seven years and he’s shaking on the floor right now.

WILLIAM STAUBS: Brother, tell daddy everything going to be alright.

JEREMIAH REGAN: I’ll tell him that but he doesn’t…

WILLIAM STAUBS: Everything is going to be fine brother. Stop this demon man. Stop this demon before you end up fucked up with some bullshit. Because she’s even using this blogging wheel to represent your dad as FBI or some shit. And I know where it came from – I know who heard it – and the FBI – and the only person I know that’s blogging whose blogging on them Websleuthes with Pirate Girl and shit is that. And then all of a sudden she goes…

JEREMIAH REGAN: My dad has worked with the FBI. He’s worked with all forms of government. They have nothing but good things to say about him.

WILLIAM STAUBS: You’re fucking-a right. Do you not think I know who your dad is? You think I don’t know brother? Man I worked fro HIDTA bro (High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas Program). The feds right now are fucking looking at this shit upside fucking down the fucking other – believe it. Believe it. They got their boy jammed up. I’m their fucking boy. Do you know how many big ass fucking moves I pulled off? You aint got no clue man. You got no clue. I know some very powerful people bro that know very powerful people on the outsides of the border. Look what I do I done it for thirty years. Tell your dad men don’t go panicking.

* * * * *

WAYANNE KRUGER: And he said, well, what happened was, one time in Palatka County (i.e. Putnam County, Florida) there was a big pedophiling ring. And three of the officers knew it because they had a house that was in the woods I don’t remember what area he said it was but he said that there was a prostitution ring – where they were putting young kids – teenage girls – in this place and that the police knew about it and they were going there and having sex with them. And he said they’re not going to listen to you – they don’t care – and they’re not going to sole this crime. Because they got shit on their face and they don’t want people to find out. And if anybody goes in there and tries to break the case wide open like the FBI or somebody else takes over they are going to be in a lot of shit and crap is going to go down. And I said well how do you know this John? Cuz I’m the one that busted it up. I went to Washington. I was the headquarter. I went in there for six months underground – as a pervert – until I got evidence on all of them – and then I went to Washington D.C, and I busted the whole thing up.


by Timothy Charles Holmseth on May 28, 2017, 9:42 P.M. CST

On May 17, 2017, very powerful evidence was reported to the police department in East Grand Forks, Minnesota regarding an unsolved child kidnapping in Florida.

And it keeps coming.

Multiple law enforcement agencies are involved in investigations including the Office of the Indiana Attorney General, Florida Department of Licensing, Mishawaka Police Department (Indiana), East Grand Forks Police Department (Minnesota).

Evidence strongly suggests an Indiana corporation is nefariously involved in the kidnapping and interstate transportation of HaLeigh Cummings. The Florida kindergartener was five years-old when she reported missing from her bed on February 10, 2009.

The key to finding HaLeigh Cummings appears to be a shadowy group of charlatans running a trafficking operation in a scheme that involves a licensed private investigation firm called Specialized Investigative Consultants, Inc., Mishawaka, Indiana, along with The Other Victim’s Advocacy, which is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3).

Members of the group can be linked to many kidnappings and murders across the United States including the cases of HaLeigh Cummings, Trenton Duckett, Dylan Redwine, Kyron Horman, and Caylee Anthony.

In 2011, Tina Church, president, Specialized Investigative Consultants, Inc., telephoned the police department in East Grand Forks, Minnesota, claiming a local author, Timothy Charles Holmseth, had just claimed to have the missing child in his home. Police were dispatched to clear the call.

Timothy Holmseth is an award-winning news reporter and wrote a book about interviews he conducted regarding the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping after being interviewed by the FBI in 2010. Holmseth and his family have been targeted with death threats and non-stop harrassment and intimidation since 2009.

Following the police report in 2011, Tina Church’s name came up again in February, 2016.

In February, 2016, Timothy Holmseth learned bombshell information about the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping from the missing child’s mother’s former advocate Wayanne Kruger, and reported it in an article entitled – – – ‘HaLeigh Cummings Bombshell: ‘Specialized Investigative Consultants, Inc’ reported to FBI’


In October, 2016, Tina Church telephoned Timothy Holmseth, nervous, and told him she did not make the false police report. She said she was impersonated by a Florida woman, who claimed to be a psychic, and who claimed to hold ownership in Specialized Investigative Consultants, Inc.

Church then asked Holmseth to remove the HaLeigh Cummings Bombshell: ‘Specialized Investigative Consultants, Inc’ reported to FBI article.

But – Church had already admitted to making the police report on several occasion including on a Web radio program broadcast by her own group members.

Recordings of Tina Church, which are now in the custody of law enforcement, reveal a very disturbed person that appears to be an extremely dangerous sociopath who lies continually, and viciously threatens nearly everybody she comes into contact with. Tina Church warned Timothy Holmseth that he ‘doesn’t know who he was messing with’ and advised Holmseth that her son is higher than the FBI.

The story is becoming increasingly bizarre because documents and evidence exists to show that many members of Tina Church’s group have been in private communications with multiple law enforcement agencies across the United States, including the East Grand Forks Police Department (Minnesota) and Putnam County Sheriff’s Office (Florida).

There also exists proof that members of the group actually identified themselves as agents of state and federal law enforcement officers while ‘interrogating’ and intimidating people.

Tina Church reportedly contacted Chelsea Croslin, a witness in the HaLeigh Cumming kidnapping case, and claimed she had been involved in some capacity with the JonBenet Ramsey case.

If anyone has information regarding missing children that pertains to the following individuals they are encouraged to contact law enforcement:

Levi Page
Alexandria Goddard
Thomas Norman Olsen
William Murtaugh 
Tina Church 
Kimberly Kay Bowman 
Pete Klismet 
William Staubs
John Regan 
Jeremiah Regan 
Art Harris

Today, Timothy Holmseth sent a letter to Police Chief Michael Hedlund at the East Grand Forks Police Department. The letter can be read in its entirety at – – – Report to Minnesota police chief details interstate kidnapping and child porn operation



May 15, 2011 – Tina Church stated on a radio broadcast that she called and talked to the East Grand Forks Police about Timothy Holmseth
August, 2011 – Tina Church telephoned Timothy Holmseth and admitted making the July 26, 2011 police report to the EGFPD and described what she said to the police officer etc.
August, 2011 – Levi Page provided confirming witness that Tina Church made the July 26, 2011 police report to the EGFPD


October, 2016 – Tina Church telephoned Timothy Holmseth and denied making (or even knowing about) the July 26, 2011 police report – (she then asked Timothy Holmseth to remove a story he wrote and published about her corporation being reported to the FBI for transporting HaLeigh Cummings across state lines)
November, 2016 – Tina Church telephoned Timothy Holmseth and denied making the July 26, 2011 police report, but then also stated that she RECEIVED a call from the police and talked about Timothy Holmseth’s “obsession” with HaLeigh Cummings
November, 2016 – In a final call, Tina Church denied making the July, 26 2011 police report and said she was impersonated by REDACTED REDACTED with Levi Page on another phone line – she states she has a recording of the  call – she then once again stated she never talked to the police at all

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on May 28, 2017, 9:29 A.M. CST

Timothy Charles Holmseth
320 17th Street N.W.
Unit# 17
East Grand Forks, MN
218.230.1597 (cell)

In Re: HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping / Specialized Investigative Consultants, Inc.

May 27, 2017

Michael Hedlund
Chief of Police
East Grand Forks Police Department

Chief Hedlund,

In May, 2017 I filed a police report to the East Grand Forks Police Department with Officer R. Douglas. My report was in regards to a prior police report made to your Department by a person from out of state who alleged I once claimed to have a missing child named HaLeigh Cummings in my apartment.

You are familiar with the aforementioned report because you walked into the police station and looked into my eyes when I was making the police report.

HaLeigh Cummings was five years-old when she was reported missing from her bed in Satsuma, Florida on February 10, 2009 and her whereabouts are still sought by the FBI.

There is a police report on record at the EGFPD that says on July 26, 2011, Tina Church, Mishawaka, Indiana, made a police report against me. Tina Church is the president of Specialized Investigative Consultants, Inc.

I have new evidence regarding the aforementioned crime I reported regarding the false police report made about the whereabouts of a missing child.

When I spoke with Officer Douglas, I reported that Tina Church, a licensed private investigator from Mishawaka, Indiana, telephoned me and told me she was impersonated on a July 26, 2011 police report to the EGFPD, wherein the caller stated I claimed to have the missing child HaLeigh Cummings in my apartment.

I advised Officer Douglas that Tina Church told me she was impersonated by REDACTED REDACTED, Interlachen, Florida. Church further advised that Levi Page, Dover, Tennessee was on the call to the police as well. Church referred to the police report as “false” and said she has a recording of the false police report. I provided the officer a CD with three audio clips that proved what I was saying was true.

I have now located yet more recordings.

I have located a recording of a Web radio program held by Levi Page in May, 2011 wherein he brought on Tina Church and REDACTED REDACTED as guests. Tina Church states on the broadcast that she spoke with the East Grand Forks Police about me. That precedes the July 26, 2011 police report. 

I spoke with Wendy in records at your Department and she said there is no record of any other communications between Tina Church and the EGFPD other than the July 26, 2011 call. That means either Tina Church is lying, or officers from your Department were secretly discussing me with Specialized Investigative Consultants, Inc.

Regardless, other evidence I will discuss further on in this letter, shows that Lt. Rodney Hajicek was in fact secretly discussing me with operatives of Specialized Investigative Consultants, Inc. and placed me under secret investigation for my journalism on the HaLeigh Cummings case.

I recently found a recorded telephone call placed to me by Tina Church and Levi Page. In this call, which appears to be dated August, 2011, Tina Church brings up the July 26, 2011 police report and ADMITS she MADE the police report. Additionally – Levi Page CONFIRMS, during the call, that Tina Church made the police report.

That means – recording I possess, show, in chronological order, that Tina Church has given multiple versions of a story about the false police report made to you police department regarding the missing child HaLeigh Cummings.



May 15, 2011 – Tina Church stated on a radio broadcast that she called and talked to the East Grand Forks Police about Timothy Holmseth
August, 2011 – Tina Church telephoned Timothy Holmseth and admitted making the July 26, 2011 police report to the EGFPD and described what she said to the police officer etc.
August, 2011 – Levi Page provided confirming witness that Tina Church made the July 26, 2011 police report to the EGFPD


October, 2016 – Tina Church telephoned Timothy Holmseth and denied making (or even knowing about) the July 26, 2011 police report – (she then asked Timothy Holmseth to remove a story he wrote and published about her corporation being reported to the FBI for transporting HaLeigh Cummings across state lines)
November, 2016 – Tina Church telephoned Timothy Holmseth and denied making the July 26, 2011 police report, but then also stated that she RECEIVED a call from the police and talked about Timothy Holmseth’s “obsession” with HaLeigh Cummings
November, 2016 – In a final call, Tina Church denied making the July, 26 2011 police report and said she was impersonated by REDACTED REDACTED with Levi Page on another phone line – she states she has a recording of the  call – she then once again stated she never talked to the police at all

You are certainly familiar with Levi Page because on July 15, 2016 I filed a report to the EGFPD that Levi Page was publishing fictional sexual stories about my children, as well as ominous videos warning me to remove all my websites or face horrible consequences including the kidnapping of my unborn grandchild.

When Officer Douglas spoke with me in May, 2017, he asked me how I ever came into contact with Tina Church in the first place. I told Officer Douglas I was contacted by a woman from Florida named Chelsea Croslin.

Chelsea Croslin is the sister-in-law of Misty Croslin. Misty Croslin has been called “They Key” to the HaLeigh Cumming case by the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office. Misty is the alleged ‘babysitter’ that was supposedly with HaLeigh the night she was kidnapped. Misty is presently in prison in Florida for drug crimes.

Here is what I learned from Chelsea Croslin.

  • Chelsea Croslin told me she was living in Massachusetts, when she was proactively contacted by REDACTED REDACTED, Florida. She said REDACTED REDACTED contacted her and offered to help her find her missing niece, HaLeigh Cummings. Chelsea Croslin accepted the offer for help.
  • Chelsea Croslin told me REDACTED REDACTED advised her she would be receiving a call from Tina Church, a private investigator from Indiana.
  • Chelsea Croslin told me Tina Church called her and claimed to work many big cases including the “JonBenet Ramsey” case.
  • Chelsea Croslin told me Tina Church conducted an interview with her to form a family profile etc.
  • Chelsea Croslin said she believed Tina Church was her private investigator.
  • Chelsea Croslin, her father-in-law, Hank Croslin, Florida, and Charles Lee, Florida, all told me Tina Church told them the FBI had found HaLeigh Cummings during a child porn raid in Louisville, Kentucky. I received calls from Florida news stations regarding that matter. Tina Church then told the Croslin family that HaLeigh’s DNA was found in the home of Danny Druck during a child porn bust.
    • Facts show Tina Church somehow knew in advance that the home of Danny Druck was going to be raided by the  FBI for child porn
  • Chelsea Croslin told me she had a heated dispute with Tina Church after she found out Tina Church had been lying about being her private investigator, and said Tina Church was a “poser” that was harvesting information from her and giving it all to Levi Page.
    • Recordings left on Chelsea Croslin’s answering machine by Tina Church reveal Tina Church reminded Chelsea Croslin that if she wanted Tina Church’s help she was supposed to “shut the fuck up”
  • Tina Church told me in the August, 2011 call that she once facilitated a three-way call with Chelsea Croslin and “law enforcement” officials in another State in advance of Chelsea Croslin wearing a “wire” into a Florida state prison to secretly record Misty Croslin.
  • Tina Church said she (Tina Church) was once investigated by law enforcement in Texas, as well as the Mishawaka Police Department in Indiana, regarding her involvement in a scheme to smuggle cell phones into a Texas prison that involved an inmate that threatened to murder a Congressman.

On October 8, 2016 I received an ominous call from the telephone number of President Donald Trump’s Mar-A-Lago resort in Florida. The caller spoke using voice-changing software and threatened me. The caller listed names of people I was “forbidden” to talk about which included Tina Church and Levi Page. I am attaching the audio of that call and you can also view it at – – –


You, and your police department, began criminally conspiring with Specialized Investigative Consultants, Inc.  to violate my rights and cover up the kidnapping of HaLeigh Cummings, beginning in approximately, June, 2009.

Despite the many public records requests I made to your Department, you never turned over the 56 pages of secret email communications exchanged between Lt. Rodney Hajicek (using his personal Gmail account) and Art Harris, and Polk County Attorney Greg Widseth.

The secret 56 pages included 22 pages of documents I prepared and delivered to the FBI regarding a staged crime scene and planted evidence by a self-proclaimed FBI/CIA agent named John Regan, Hastings, Florida.

John Regan dressed as a pastor and told witnesses he was an “undercover pedophile” for the FBI. He said the FBI “already had HaLeigh”. I obtained a background check on John Regan that revealed he is a convicted sex offender.

Minneapolis FBI Special Agent A.J. Eilerman and Major Gary Bowling, director of law enforcement, Putnam Count Sheriff’s Office, both told me I was correct about the staged crime scene. Agent Eilerman told me the people that did it wanted people to “stop looking” for HaLeigh.

Wayanne Kruger told me John Regan poses as a pastor, and works with a group, who using medical dossiers, traffics infants and small children through the United States Embassy, on flights, to be delivered to purchasers in Belgium.

In June of 2009, I had already identified the FBI/CIA operatives (or impersonators) that kidnapped HaLeigh Cummings and created child rape pornography of her.

At that very time, your police department began to secretly and ambitiously assist those very kidnappers, while collectively plotting to shut down my publication, terrorize my family, stop the sale of my book, destroy my reputation, and have me arrested.

The terrorizing and threats continues to this day.

It is my opinion that at this point, Mr. Hedlund, you are personally involved and invested in covering up crimes against children and rights violations, and you are not protected by immunity.

Timothy Charles Holmseth
Investigative Journalist/Author/Publisher

Bcc: Minnesota District Court Officer

Attached: 1 MP3 Telephone Call Mar-A-Lago, 1 JPG Mar-A-Lago