Posts Tagged ‘Thomas Norman Olsen’

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on August 17, 2017, 10:14 P.M. CST

In United States law, federal question jurisdiction is the subject-matter jurisdiction of United States federal courts to hear a civil case because the plaintiff has alleged a violation of the United States Constitution, federal law, or a treaty to which the United States is a party.

Murtaugh claims that Thomas Norman Olsen, Milton, Florida is requesting a ‘stalking’ order against me (Timothy Charles Holmseth).

According to Murtaugh, documents authored by Olsen, a convicted felon and self professed (he literally boasts and brags on the Web) cyber bully, said, “I ask that you rule for not only this injunction, but for the respondent remove all mention of me online dating back to August 2015. I also ask that he keeps from mentioning me on line or anywhere from now into the foreseeable future.”

If such a Petition has been filed in Florida State court, there is going to be a ‘Federal Question’ for the U.S. Court regarding the Constitutionality of Olsen’s claim of stalking.

Here’s why.

According to Murtaugh (who is not trustworthy) Olsen asked the Court to force me to retroactively remove all mention of him dating back to August 15, 2015.

Take a look at this.

Santa Rosa County blackmail scheme linked to HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping – Evidence turned over to FDLE attorney James Martin
by Timothy Charles Holmseth on September 2, 2015 at 1:51 P.M.

Olsen is colluding with an attorney (and Murtaugh) to hide from the world what is revealed in the article by falsely claiming he is being stalked.


by Timothy Charles Holmseth on August 17, 2017, 3:48 P.M. CST

Timothy Charles Holmseth
320 17th Street N.W.
Unit # 17
East Grand Forks, MN
218.230.1597 (cell)

In Re: Holmseth v. City of East Grand Forks et al

August 17, 2017

Federal Judge
United States Courthouse
316 North Robert Street
STE 100
St. Paul, Minnesota

Dear Federal Court,

I am requesting permission from the U.S. Court to re-open HOLMSETH V. CITY OF EAST GRAND FORKS ET AL – in a limited scope.

If I am not able to obtain immediate relief from the U.S. Court I am at risk of suffering irreparable damage to my entire life.

I am presently the target of an active and imminent assault upon my First Amendment rights by multiple members of a interstate group that are retaliating against me for filing a Motion to Vacate in the 9th Minnesota District Court Family Court which is set for hearing on September 13, 2017 in Polk County, Minnesota (Court File Number 60-FA-13-468).

I am under siege by several members of a group who were named in the Affidavit of the Minnesota action.

I filed the Motion to Vacate because I obtained new evidence that was not available at the time of trial. The evidence proves members of a group operated by Tina Church, president, Specialized Investigative Inc., Mishawaka, Indiana, and REDACTED REDACTED Law Office P.A., Fort Lauderdale, Florida, conspired with Lt. Detective Rodney Hajicek at the East Grand Forks Police Department to violate my rights.

I acquired emails from the personal/private Gmail account of Lt. Rodney Hajicek that show in 2009 he began secretly conspiring against my rights with REDACTED REDACTED and her agents, after the Minneapolis and Jacksonville FBI began acting upon information they received from me regarding the kidnapping of HaLeigh Cummings.

Lt. Hajicek hid a 22-page FBI report that was emailed to him by REDACTED REDACTED’s agents. The FBI report was authored by me. The FBI report contained the names and activities of a group that had contacted my publication. The group members told me about their illegal activities in the search for HaLeigh Cummings. The FBI report included the names of REDACTED REDACTED, her media consultant Art Harris, and others. One private email from Harris to Hajicek dated July, 2011 said the FBI in Florida was using information from Timothy Holmseth and said, “He’s got to be stopped”

I also obtained new information that proves a police report made to the East Grand Forks Police in July, 2011 by Tina Church, who told police I claimed to have HaLeigh Cummings in my apartment, was a planned operation by the group that involved planning in advance with somebody at the East Grand Forks Police Department.

The whole thing was a set-up.

I’ll explain how I know that using new evidence.

In October, 2016, Tina Church abruptly telephoned me after many years of no contact and told me (call recorded) she did not make the police report in 2011. She claimed she was impersonated by a woman from Interlachen, Florida named REDACTED along with a man from Dover, Tennessee named Levi Page (call recorded).

Tina Church also told me in 2016 that although she did not make the July, 2011 police report, the East Grand Forks Police had telephoned her on occasion and they discussed me, and what she called my “obsession” with HaLeigh Cummings. There are no records of those conversations between Tina Church and the EGFPD. Tina Church said REDACTED talked to the EGFPD and there are no records of that either.

In May, 2017 I went to the EGFPD and filed a police report. I gave the officer a CD with the phone calls from Tina Church wherein she claims she was impersonated on the false police report.

This week I obtained the records regarding my May, 2017 report to the EGFPD and it shows the EGFPD did not take one step beyond receiving the report from me. The officer did not note in his narrative anything about the calls or even that I gave him a CD. That is greatly alarming if for no other reason – it involves information about a kidnapped missing child.

In August, 2017, after I filed my Motion to Vacate, Tina Church telephoned me and asked me for the name of the judge on the Minnesota case. I told her it was Tamara Yon. She called me back a few hours later and told me she “called” and talked to Judge Tamara Yon. Tina Church said the judge “wasn’t too impressed” with my court filing. Tina Church kept telling me she was trying to give me the opportunity to withdraw my court filings.

In August, 2017, Tina Church told me she had been recently calling the EGFPD, Polk County Attorney Greg Widseth, and East Grand Forks City Attorney Ronald Galsatd. She said she put the “City of East Grand Forks” on “notice” that if the City did not involuntarily commit me into a mental institute she was going to have her attorney from “Chicago” sue the City of EGF.

Tina Church told me she has advised everybody that I named in my Minnesota case to file restraining orders against me.

Tina Church is blackmailing the City of East Grand Forks because she has officers on tape and she can prove they conspired with her, REDACTED REDACTED, and others against me in private.

After I filed my Motion to Vacate in Minnesota, a publishing agent and law client of REDACTED REDACTED named William Murtaugh published an article that announced Thomas Norman Olsen, Milton, Florida, who too is a law client of REDACTED REDACTED, had petitioned a Florida court for a “stalking” order against me and showed screenshots.

REDACTED REDACTED is using her friends, and law clients, to file bogus court actions and publish articles that say Timothy Holmseth needs to be investigated for the kidnapping of HaLeigh Cummings.

Thomas Norman Olsen, Milton Florida, and REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED, Fort Lauderdale, Florida are conspiring against my rights in a ‘restraining order’ scheme, which utilizes Florida state courts, to subvert my First and Second Amendment rights.

Thomas Olsen is a convicted felon from Milton, Florida. Thomas Olsen is a personal friend of REDACTED REDACTED (she bailed him out of jail when he stole money, a car, and a gun) in Santa Rosa County, Florida. REDACTED REDACTED is also Thomas Olsen’s lawyer. REDACTED REDACTED is a licensed divorce attorney in Florida (no criminal law license).

REDACTED REDACTED and Thomas Olsen are BOTH named in my Affidavit supporting my Motion to Vacate (Court File Number 60-FA-13-468) that I filed on September 24, 2017 in the 9th Minnesota District Family Court, which is set for hearing on September 13, 2017.

The Motion I filed in the Minnesota court details facts that show how REDACTED REDACTED, a civil divorce attorney, (fraudulently) obtained a domestic violence protection order against me in a Broward County Divorce Court (DVCE) in 2011, despite my never having met her in person (much less being married to her).

The Order for Protection against Domestic Violence ordered by the Florida Divorce Judge in 2011 required me to retroactively remove everything from the Web that I ever wrote about REDACTED REDACTED – and ordered that I never write about her again.

My recent Motion is filed in the Minnesota ‘Family’ Division because in 2009, after I interviewed REDACTED REDACTED and her staff about her involvement in a kidnapping investigation that involved REDACTED REDACTED possessing child rape pornography of the missing child, she and her agents began contacting my three year-old son’s mother, REDACTED, and encouraging her to file motions against me in Minnesota Family Court. It was an improper/illegal way to gain Venue against me and my publication in a court – through a ‘Best Interest of the Child’ scheme.

I was not able to attend the Florida protection order hearing in 2011 because I was warned by REDACTED REDACTED’s private investigator, William Staubs, that I would be murdered my “mob boys” if I showed up. I reported the death threat to East Grand Forks Police Department Lt. Detective Rodney Hajicek who took no action whatsoever.

The EGFPD has willfully and deliberately withheld evidence from me that I would have used at the time of trial(s).

I would not be in this position if it were not for the misconduct and illegal actions committed in an individual capacity against me by Rodney Hajicek at the EGFPD.

Each new out-of-state protection/harassment order against me is being used to piggy-back new ones by new petitioners and are going to be continuously filed until I appear to be a criminal.

The EGFPD refuses to investigate any crimes against me which include threatening telephone calls from people using telephone numbers of Former President Bill (and Hillary) Clinton (Clinton Global), President Donald Trump (Trump Organization, Mar-A-Lago Resort, Doral Resort), and many others, as well as voice changer messages that threaten my grandchild is going to be taken.

There is Federal Question concerning multiple areas of this illegal scheme against me that involves persons in several states.

I humbly request the U.S. Court allow me to obtain relief.

Respectfully submitted,
Timothy Charles Holmseth

Attached: Hajicek email


by Timothy Charles Holmseth on August 15, 2017, 3:23 P.M. CST

It’s just get’s crazier for the bad guys at a Minnesota police department.

There is reportedly a bizarre attempt by a Florida divorce attorney to interfere with a Minnesota court action, by using her own Family Law client to file a protection order against said attorney’s own legal adversary in the pending Minnesota action.

The attorney is accused of conspiring with rogue officers at a Minnesota police department.

The Florida civil divorce attorney (name withheld) has been categorically accused of corrupt and fraudulent actions, which were set forth in a very detailed Statement/Affidavit filed by Timothy Charles Holmseth (me) on July 24, 2017.The Motion is scheduled to be heard in the Minnesota District Court on September 13, 2017 at the courthouse in Crookston, Minnesota.

There now appears to an attempt by the Florida attorney to use her personal friend and Family Law client, to file a protection order against me – claiming stalking.

The bizarre case has become a fraud to cover a fraud to cover a fraud to cover a fraud and the claims of ‘stalking’ are a broken record.

On July 24, 2017, I (Timothy Charles Holmseth) provided the court new evidence that shows officers of the East Grand Forks Police Department in Minnesota, a private corporation called Specialized Investigative Consultants Inc, in Indiana, and an attorney from Florida, conspired to obtain a bogus domestic protection order against me in 2011.

All accusations I made are supported by SECRET EMAILS and other evidence, including a RECORDED CONFESSION, that I obtained.

The 2011 protection order that has now been exposed as a fraud, was obtained to (illegally) force me to remove any and all content I had written regarding an attorney I interviewed who was connected to the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping case.

In 2009, I began assisting the Minnesota and Jacksonville FBI’s investigation of the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping.  I provided the FBI very detailed information about the attorney and a group she worked with that was impersonating federal agents.

My July 24, 2017 Affidavit to the Minnesota court details how a domestic violence protection order was (fraudulently) obtained against me in a Broward County Divorce Court (DVCE) by an attorney I never met – but interviewed – at the very request of the attorney.

The 2011 Florida petition was fraudulently filed using a Florida dating law in the divorce division.  I was telephoned and told I would be murdered if I showed up at the hearing. I reported the death threat to Lt. Rodney Hajicek at the EGFPD who took no action. Hajicek is also implicated in the Minnesota court action.

In 2009, the Florida attorney contacted me and told me she/he was a member of the HaLeigh Task Force and was coordinating leads with “Captain Piscitello” and “Peggy Cone” – both detectives at the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office in Florida.

The Sheriff’s office denies his/her claim.

Today, William Murtaugh, another law client of the Florida attorney, announced at that Thomas Norma Olsen of Milton Florida has requested a stalking order against me from a Florida court.


Thomas Norman Olsen is a convicted felon on probation in Florida for multiple felonies including theft of a firearm.

VISIT WWW.WRITEINTOACTION.COM for more information on this case

– William Murtuagh / July 29, 2017  

The man that allegedly authored the content above about ‘fucking a child death’ and murdering missing child Trenton Duckett works for a Florida attorney and once demanded I provide him informatiion about my children


by Timothy Charles Holmseth on August 13, 2017, 1:29 P.M. CST

Things are looking real, real bad for the East Grand Forks Police Department in Polk County, Minnesota. The corrupt Department that conspired to frame an innocent journalist for murder and now their co-conspirators are holding them to the original plan.

And judgment day is coming.

On July 24, 2017 I announced I filed a 214 page Motion to Vacate to the Minnesota District Family Court per new evidence that was not available at the time of trial. It proves criminal collusion between the East Grand Forks Police, Polk County Attorney, Pine to Prairie Gang and Drug Task Force, a Florida corporation, and a private corporation called Specialized investigative Consultant Inc., Mishawaka, Indiana.

The private Indiana corporation, multiple government agencies, and the Florida corporation conspired to violate my rights for the express purpose of covering up a kidnapping that involved child rape pornography of a five year-old named HaLeigh Cummings.

The conspiracy involved gaining legal Venue to me through civil family courts and domestic law (because I was not breaking any laws), including the Minnesota Family Court, by deceptively tying my publication and journalism projects to my minor son in a fraudulent ‘Best Interest of the Child’ scheme that was created using bogus stories about child abuse that didn’t exist.

My Statement/Affidavit provide the actual names the conspirators and provides very specific details that are supported by un-impeachable exhibits, records, and recordings that implicate the EGFPD and operatives of the private corporations.

The conspiracy set forth in my filings includes details of a diabolical plan to frame me for the kidnapping, rape, child porn production, and murder of HaLeigh Cummings.

The plan began in 2009, and in 2011 the Minnesota Pine to Prairie Gang and Drug Task Force raided my home wearing bullet proof vests in a full-on attempt to frame me – an attempt that flopped – and left all the conspirators with blackmail and extortion content on each other (recordings of their illegal conversations etc.).

Yes – I said cops and attorneys in Polk County, Minnesota are on tape doing illegal things and are being blackmailed by super predators that are possibly working for the notorious CIA Finders (kidnappers that steal kids for sale to the elite).

Jump ahead to 2017 and a court hearing scheduled for September 13, 2017 at the Polk County Courthouse in Crookston, Minnesota.

Here’s what’s happening now…

The original plot that ‘Timothy Holmseth’ is responsible for whatever happened to HaLeigh Cummings is back in full force.

The narrative is being repeated ad-nauseum.

Tina Church, president, Specialized Investigative Consultants Inc., was involved in the original plot and colluded with EGFPD to file a false police report that I claimed to have HaLeigh Cummings in my home. That was done so the police could come to my home and search for her and then generate a report.

In 2016, Church began to claim she was impersonated on that false police report, but noted she spoke with police on occasions when they called her to discuss ‘Timothy Holmseth’s’ obsession with HaLeigh Cummings.

Church telephoned me after I filed my motion and told me she had been recently talking to the police, county attorney, city attorney, and began repeating the old talking points that I needed to be investigated for HaLeigh’s disappearance.

And now…

William Murtaugh (a.k.a. Murt), Florida, is the progenitor of a website called

William Murtaugh

After I announced I had filed with the court, Murtaugh published the following barrage of articles.

July 29, 2017 MURTWITNESSONE  Uncategorized

July 29, 2017 MURTWITNESSONE  Uncategorized

July 30, 2017 MURTWITNESSONE  Uncategorized

August 5, 2017 MURTWITNESSONE  Uncategorized

Murtaugh is the legal client, and a publishing agent, of a civil divorce attorney that was deeply involved in the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping case. The attorney was in EXSTENSIVE documented communications with the EGFPD, City of EGF, as well as with Specialized Investigative Consultants Inc.

And that civil attorney is everywhere you look.

On August 11-12, 2017 I reported that I had alerted both Minnesota and Florida courts of extortion that is now in play against me by multiple members of the group including Thomas Norman Olsen, Milton, Florida.

Olsen is a convicted felon.

I have evidence, straight from that divorce attorney, that that divorce attorney, is Thomas Olsen’s attorney (and friend that bailed him out of jail).

Murtaugh’s act of publishing content that suggests I am involved in the disappearance of HaLeigh Cummings is something that will now certainly come back to haunt him.

Below is a few examples of why.

What you see below was authored and published by William Murtaugh, the agent of the aforementioned attorney, who has been writing stories that I may be responsible for HaLeigh Cummings’ disappearance.

It is what happened to me after I helped the FBI.

And I’m only getting started, folks.




by Timothy Charles Holmseth on August 12, 2017, 9:45 P.M. CST

I am preparing an Affidavit for the Minnesota District Court regarding coordinated extortion being committed against me by persons in three different states that are associates working together to violate my rights.

My Affidavit will accompany a report I will be filing against Thomas Norman Olsen, Milton, Florida, to the State of Florida for the crime of Extortion.

On August 11, 2017 I legally published a press release entitled Threats reported to Minnesota and Florida courts

The press release details the legal and proper steps I took with the Minnesota and Florida courts regarding threats made against me by Thomas Olsen.

Thomas Olsen is a convicted felon that began to threaten me after I filed a Motion to Vacate a prior order with the Minnesota District Family Court. My Motion was filed pursuant to Minnesota Rules of Civil Procedure that allow a judge to vacate an order based upon new evidence that was not available at the time of trial and/or evidence of fraud.

Olsen’s name was mentioned in the Statement/Affidavit that accompanied my Motion.

On August 11, 2017 Thomas Olen published the following letter on my website.

Holmseth, you seriously have issues. You need to be committed. I have absolutely no clue where you keep getting these crazy ass conspiracy theories from stating that every official and citizen in the country is out to get you. Your ramblings are those of a sociopathic, psychotic, lunatic that deserves nothing more or less than incarceration or commitment into a mental health facility. Keep going, and keep putting my name is your stupid fucking court documents and crazy ass conspiracy theories, and you will end up with so many fucking civil suits on your doorstep you will be homeless. In the process I will start filing suits against WordPress and your ISP, Wiktel, if they continue to host these websites without taking action.
– Thomas Norman Olsen / 08/11/17

On August 12, 2017, after reading my press release, Thomas Olsen published the following letter on my website.

Exactly what I wanted you to do. You took every last action I expected, and already planned, for you to take. See you in court dumbass.
– Thomas Norman Olsen / 08/11/17

Olsen’s threatening letter that warned he would cause very bad things to happen to me if I ever named him again in a court document meets the elements of extortion as set forth in Florida 836.05.

Olsen has never accused me of lying about him and has never issued a claim of damages; he simply warned me that he would cause me to be “homeless” and destroy my business relationships if I ever exercised my rights again.


836.05 Threats; extortion.—Whoever, either verbally or by a written or printed communication, maliciously threatens to accuse another of any crime or offense, or by such communication maliciously threatens an injury to the person, property or reputation of another, or maliciously threatens to expose another to disgrace, or to expose any secret affecting another, or to impute any deformity or lack of chastity to another, with intent thereby to extort money or any pecuniary advantage whatsoever, or with intent to compel the person so threatened, or any other person, to do any act or refrain from doing any act against his or her will, shall be guilty of a felony of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

The following screenshots were originally published by William Murtaugh, Florida. The screenshots feature postings by Thomas Olsen who used the name “Popadopolous”.

These images may provide some insight into how I knew to identify Thomas Olsen in my court filings.


by Timothy Charles Holmseth on August 11, 2017, 10:39 P.M. CST

There has been a dramatic upsurge in threats against me since I announced my court filing on July 24, 2017.

On August 10, 2017, I published a press release ‘Kidnapping and child rape porn cover-up center stage in Minnesota District Court – Affidavit is a blueprint to a child sex trafficking ring operating in U.S. and abroad’.

Today I was threatened in writing by Thomas Norman Olsen, Milton, Florida.

Thomas Olsen is a convicted felon on probation for larceny which included stealing a motor vehicle, money, and a gun.

Thomas Olsen was mentioned in my court filing to the Minnesota Court.

Today, I submitted an Affidavit to the Minnesota Court regarding Thomas Olsen which included the name of an attorney, and business colleague, that bailed him out of jail when got arrested.

The Affidavit contains exhibits and information that illuminate an extortion scheme Thomas Olsen ran on Santa Rosa County after he was arrested, which included a threat he published and disseminated regarding law enforcement corruption in Santa Rosa County, Florida that he was going to expose through a lawsuit.

Extortion and blackmail is a common tactic used within the cult of career criminals where everybody has something on everybody else – including compromising information about rogue police, correctional officers, and judicial officers.

The extortion and blackmail of government officials by Thomas Olsen closely resembles threats recently made by Tina Church, president, Specialized Investigative Consultants Inc., Mishawaka, Indiana, to Ronald Galstad, Galstad Jensen and McCann (the private attorney that contracts for the City of East Grand Forks, Minnesota).

Galstad and the City of EGF are compromised.

Church said she recently telephoned Galstad and put the City of East Grand Forks on “notice” that either the City involuntarily commits me (Timothy Holmseth) into a mental institution or her attorney from “Chicago” is going to sue the City of EGF.

That would be called ‘kidnapping’ but in the cult of career criminals it is regular talking point.

Church also claims to be talking in private with police officers at the East Grand Forks Police Department and Polk County Attorney Greg Widseth.

Church claims she gave the East Grand Forks Police investigative information about me pertaining to a kidnapped child named HaLeigh Cummings. However, the EGFPD categorically states they have no “record” of the conversations that Church says took place.

That’s because the conversation were not official and were done in the course of a criminal conspiracy by government employees in a personal capacity to cover up a kidnapping and production of rape porn of a five year old girl.

I submitted a copy of the Affidavit to Thomas Olsen’s probation officer.


by Timothy Charles Holmseth on May 28, 2017, 9:42 P.M. CST

On May 17, 2017, very powerful evidence was reported to the police department in East Grand Forks, Minnesota regarding an unsolved child kidnapping in Florida.

And it keeps coming.

Multiple law enforcement agencies are involved in investigations including the Office of the Indiana Attorney General, Florida Department of Licensing, Mishawaka Police Department (Indiana), East Grand Forks Police Department (Minnesota).

Evidence strongly suggests an Indiana corporation is nefariously involved in the kidnapping and interstate transportation of HaLeigh Cummings. The Florida kindergartener was five years-old when she reported missing from her bed on February 10, 2009.

The key to finding HaLeigh Cummings appears to be a shadowy group of charlatans running a trafficking operation in a scheme that involves a licensed private investigation firm called Specialized Investigative Consultants, Inc., Mishawaka, Indiana, along with The Other Victim’s Advocacy, which is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3).

Members of the group can be linked to many kidnappings and murders across the United States including the cases of HaLeigh Cummings, Trenton Duckett, Dylan Redwine, Kyron Horman, and Caylee Anthony.

In 2011, Tina Church, president, Specialized Investigative Consultants, Inc., telephoned the police department in East Grand Forks, Minnesota, claiming a local author, Timothy Charles Holmseth, had just claimed to have the missing child in his home. Police were dispatched to clear the call.

Timothy Holmseth is an award-winning news reporter and wrote a book about interviews he conducted regarding the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping after being interviewed by the FBI in 2010. Holmseth and his family have been targeted with death threats and non-stop harrassment and intimidation since 2009.

Following the police report in 2011, Tina Church’s name came up again in February, 2016.

In February, 2016, Timothy Holmseth learned bombshell information about the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping from the missing child’s mother’s former advocate Wayanne Kruger, and reported it in an article entitled – – – ‘HaLeigh Cummings Bombshell: ‘Specialized Investigative Consultants, Inc’ reported to FBI’


In October, 2016, Tina Church telephoned Timothy Holmseth, nervous, and told him she did not make the false police report. She said she was impersonated by a Florida woman, who claimed to be a psychic, and who claimed to hold ownership in Specialized Investigative Consultants, Inc.

Church then asked Holmseth to remove the HaLeigh Cummings Bombshell: ‘Specialized Investigative Consultants, Inc’ reported to FBI article.

But – Church had already admitted to making the police report on several occasion including on a Web radio program broadcast by her own group members.

Recordings of Tina Church, which are now in the custody of law enforcement, reveal a very disturbed person that appears to be an extremely dangerous sociopath who lies continually, and viciously threatens nearly everybody she comes into contact with. Tina Church warned Timothy Holmseth that he ‘doesn’t know who he was messing with’ and advised Holmseth that her son is higher than the FBI.

The story is becoming increasingly bizarre because documents and evidence exists to show that many members of Tina Church’s group have been in private communications with multiple law enforcement agencies across the United States, including the East Grand Forks Police Department (Minnesota) and Putnam County Sheriff’s Office (Florida).

There also exists proof that members of the group actually identified themselves as agents of state and federal law enforcement officers while ‘interrogating’ and intimidating people.

Tina Church reportedly contacted Chelsea Croslin, a witness in the HaLeigh Cumming kidnapping case, and claimed she had been involved in some capacity with the JonBenet Ramsey case.

If anyone has information regarding missing children that pertains to the following individuals they are encouraged to contact law enforcement:

Levi Page
Alexandria Goddard
Thomas Norman Olsen
William Murtaugh 
Tina Church 
Kimberly Kay Bowman 
Pete Klismet 
William Staubs
John Regan 
Jeremiah Regan 
Art Harris

Today, Timothy Holmseth sent a letter to Police Chief Michael Hedlund at the East Grand Forks Police Department. The letter can be read in its entirety at – – – Report to Minnesota police chief details interstate kidnapping and child porn operation



May 15, 2011 – Tina Church stated on a radio broadcast that she called and talked to the East Grand Forks Police about Timothy Holmseth
August, 2011 – Tina Church telephoned Timothy Holmseth and admitted making the July 26, 2011 police report to the EGFPD and described what she said to the police officer etc.
August, 2011 – Levi Page provided confirming witness that Tina Church made the July 26, 2011 police report to the EGFPD


October, 2016 – Tina Church telephoned Timothy Holmseth and denied making (or even knowing about) the July 26, 2011 police report – (she then asked Timothy Holmseth to remove a story he wrote and published about her corporation being reported to the FBI for transporting HaLeigh Cummings across state lines)
November, 2016 – Tina Church telephoned Timothy Holmseth and denied making the July 26, 2011 police report, but then also stated that she RECEIVED a call from the police and talked about Timothy Holmseth’s “obsession” with HaLeigh Cummings
November, 2016 – In a final call, Tina Church denied making the July, 26 2011 police report and said she was impersonated by REDACTED REDACTED with Levi Page on another phone line – she states she has a recording of the  call – she then once again stated she never talked to the police at all

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on May 28, 2017, 9:29 A.M. CST

Timothy Charles Holmseth
320 17th Street N.W.
Unit# 17
East Grand Forks, MN
218.230.1597 (cell)

In Re: HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping / Specialized Investigative Consultants, Inc.

May 27, 2017

Michael Hedlund
Chief of Police
East Grand Forks Police Department

Chief Hedlund,

In May, 2017 I filed a police report to the East Grand Forks Police Department with Officer R. Douglas. My report was in regards to a prior police report made to your Department by a person from out of state who alleged I once claimed to have a missing child named HaLeigh Cummings in my apartment.

You are familiar with the aforementioned report because you walked into the police station and looked into my eyes when I was making the police report.

HaLeigh Cummings was five years-old when she was reported missing from her bed in Satsuma, Florida on February 10, 2009 and her whereabouts are still sought by the FBI.

There is a police report on record at the EGFPD that says on July 26, 2011, Tina Church, Mishawaka, Indiana, made a police report against me. Tina Church is the president of Specialized Investigative Consultants, Inc.

I have new evidence regarding the aforementioned crime I reported regarding the false police report made about the whereabouts of a missing child.

When I spoke with Officer Douglas, I reported that Tina Church, a licensed private investigator from Mishawaka, Indiana, telephoned me and told me she was impersonated on a July 26, 2011 police report to the EGFPD, wherein the caller stated I claimed to have the missing child HaLeigh Cummings in my apartment.

I advised Officer Douglas that Tina Church told me she was impersonated by REDACTED REDACTED, Interlachen, Florida. Church further advised that Levi Page, Dover, Tennessee was on the call to the police as well. Church referred to the police report as “false” and said she has a recording of the false police report. I provided the officer a CD with three audio clips that proved what I was saying was true.

I have now located yet more recordings.

I have located a recording of a Web radio program held by Levi Page in May, 2011 wherein he brought on Tina Church and REDACTED REDACTED as guests. Tina Church states on the broadcast that she spoke with the East Grand Forks Police about me. That precedes the July 26, 2011 police report. 

I spoke with Wendy in records at your Department and she said there is no record of any other communications between Tina Church and the EGFPD other than the July 26, 2011 call. That means either Tina Church is lying, or officers from your Department were secretly discussing me with Specialized Investigative Consultants, Inc.

Regardless, other evidence I will discuss further on in this letter, shows that Lt. Rodney Hajicek was in fact secretly discussing me with operatives of Specialized Investigative Consultants, Inc. and placed me under secret investigation for my journalism on the HaLeigh Cummings case.

I recently found a recorded telephone call placed to me by Tina Church and Levi Page. In this call, which appears to be dated August, 2011, Tina Church brings up the July 26, 2011 police report and ADMITS she MADE the police report. Additionally – Levi Page CONFIRMS, during the call, that Tina Church made the police report.

That means – recording I possess, show, in chronological order, that Tina Church has given multiple versions of a story about the false police report made to you police department regarding the missing child HaLeigh Cummings.



May 15, 2011 – Tina Church stated on a radio broadcast that she called and talked to the East Grand Forks Police about Timothy Holmseth
August, 2011 – Tina Church telephoned Timothy Holmseth and admitted making the July 26, 2011 police report to the EGFPD and described what she said to the police officer etc.
August, 2011 – Levi Page provided confirming witness that Tina Church made the July 26, 2011 police report to the EGFPD


October, 2016 – Tina Church telephoned Timothy Holmseth and denied making (or even knowing about) the July 26, 2011 police report – (she then asked Timothy Holmseth to remove a story he wrote and published about her corporation being reported to the FBI for transporting HaLeigh Cummings across state lines)
November, 2016 – Tina Church telephoned Timothy Holmseth and denied making the July 26, 2011 police report, but then also stated that she RECEIVED a call from the police and talked about Timothy Holmseth’s “obsession” with HaLeigh Cummings
November, 2016 – In a final call, Tina Church denied making the July, 26 2011 police report and said she was impersonated by REDACTED REDACTED with Levi Page on another phone line – she states she has a recording of the  call – she then once again stated she never talked to the police at all

You are certainly familiar with Levi Page because on July 15, 2016 I filed a report to the EGFPD that Levi Page was publishing fictional sexual stories about my children, as well as ominous videos warning me to remove all my websites or face horrible consequences including the kidnapping of my unborn grandchild.

When Officer Douglas spoke with me in May, 2017, he asked me how I ever came into contact with Tina Church in the first place. I told Officer Douglas I was contacted by a woman from Florida named Chelsea Croslin.

Chelsea Croslin is the sister-in-law of Misty Croslin. Misty Croslin has been called “They Key” to the HaLeigh Cumming case by the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office. Misty is the alleged ‘babysitter’ that was supposedly with HaLeigh the night she was kidnapped. Misty is presently in prison in Florida for drug crimes.

Here is what I learned from Chelsea Croslin.

  • Chelsea Croslin told me she was living in Massachusetts, when she was proactively contacted by REDACTED REDACTED, Florida. She said REDACTED REDACTED contacted her and offered to help her find her missing niece, HaLeigh Cummings. Chelsea Croslin accepted the offer for help.
  • Chelsea Croslin told me REDACTED REDACTED advised her she would be receiving a call from Tina Church, a private investigator from Indiana.
  • Chelsea Croslin told me Tina Church called her and claimed to work many big cases including the “JonBenet Ramsey” case.
  • Chelsea Croslin told me Tina Church conducted an interview with her to form a family profile etc.
  • Chelsea Croslin said she believed Tina Church was her private investigator.
  • Chelsea Croslin, her father-in-law, Hank Croslin, Florida, and Charles Lee, Florida, all told me Tina Church told them the FBI had found HaLeigh Cummings during a child porn raid in Louisville, Kentucky. I received calls from Florida news stations regarding that matter. Tina Church then told the Croslin family that HaLeigh’s DNA was found in the home of Danny Druck during a child porn bust.
    • Facts show Tina Church somehow knew in advance that the home of Danny Druck was going to be raided by the  FBI for child porn
  • Chelsea Croslin told me she had a heated dispute with Tina Church after she found out Tina Church had been lying about being her private investigator, and said Tina Church was a “poser” that was harvesting information from her and giving it all to Levi Page.
    • Recordings left on Chelsea Croslin’s answering machine by Tina Church reveal Tina Church reminded Chelsea Croslin that if she wanted Tina Church’s help she was supposed to “shut the fuck up”
  • Tina Church told me in the August, 2011 call that she once facilitated a three-way call with Chelsea Croslin and “law enforcement” officials in another State in advance of Chelsea Croslin wearing a “wire” into a Florida state prison to secretly record Misty Croslin.
  • Tina Church said she (Tina Church) was once investigated by law enforcement in Texas, as well as the Mishawaka Police Department in Indiana, regarding her involvement in a scheme to smuggle cell phones into a Texas prison that involved an inmate that threatened to murder a Congressman.

On October 8, 2016 I received an ominous call from the telephone number of President Donald Trump’s Mar-A-Lago resort in Florida. The caller spoke using voice-changing software and threatened me. The caller listed names of people I was “forbidden” to talk about which included Tina Church and Levi Page. I am attaching the audio of that call and you can also view it at – – –


You, and your police department, began criminally conspiring with Specialized Investigative Consultants, Inc.  to violate my rights and cover up the kidnapping of HaLeigh Cummings, beginning in approximately, June, 2009.

Despite the many public records requests I made to your Department, you never turned over the 56 pages of secret email communications exchanged between Lt. Rodney Hajicek (using his personal Gmail account) and Art Harris, and Polk County Attorney Greg Widseth.

The secret 56 pages included 22 pages of documents I prepared and delivered to the FBI regarding a staged crime scene and planted evidence by a self-proclaimed FBI/CIA agent named John Regan, Hastings, Florida.

John Regan dressed as a pastor and told witnesses he was an “undercover pedophile” for the FBI. He said the FBI “already had HaLeigh”. I obtained a background check on John Regan that revealed he is a convicted sex offender.

Minneapolis FBI Special Agent A.J. Eilerman and Major Gary Bowling, director of law enforcement, Putnam Count Sheriff’s Office, both told me I was correct about the staged crime scene. Agent Eilerman told me the people that did it wanted people to “stop looking” for HaLeigh.

Wayanne Kruger told me John Regan poses as a pastor, and works with a group, who using medical dossiers, traffics infants and small children through the United States Embassy, on flights, to be delivered to purchasers in Belgium.

In June of 2009, I had already identified the FBI/CIA operatives (or impersonators) that kidnapped HaLeigh Cummings and created child rape pornography of her.

At that very time, your police department began to secretly and ambitiously assist those very kidnappers, while collectively plotting to shut down my publication, terrorize my family, stop the sale of my book, destroy my reputation, and have me arrested.

The terrorizing and threats continues to this day.

It is my opinion that at this point, Mr. Hedlund, you are personally involved and invested in covering up crimes against children and rights violations, and you are not protected by immunity.

Timothy Charles Holmseth
Investigative Journalist/Author/Publisher

Bcc: Minnesota District Court Officer

Attached: 1 MP3 Telephone Call Mar-A-Lago, 1 JPG Mar-A-Lago


by Timothy Charles Holmseth on April 25, 2017, 4:07 P.M. CST

Specialized Investigative Consultants, Inc., Mishawaka, Indiana has been reported to the Mishawka police for making a false police report against a Minnesota author regarding the whereabouts of a missing child from Florida named HaLeigh Cummings.

Timothy Charles Holmseth (Write Into Action) turned over evidence to the Mishawaka Police Department, today. Police Chief Kenneth Witkowski, Jr., said the information has been assigned to his detective bureau.

The report contains recordings of Tina Church, president, Specialized Investigative Consultants, stating she was impersonated by a Florida woman on a police report made to the East Grand Forks, Minnesota police on July 26, 2011.

Holmseth told police in part:

On July 26, 2011, Tina Church, president, Specialized Investigative Consultants, Inc., Mishawka, Indiana called the East Grand Forks Police Department in Minnesota and told the police I claimed to have HaLeigh Cummings in my apartment. Police responded to clear the call and a police report was generated. SEE ATTACHED REPORT

On October 4, 2016, Tina Church telephoned me and said she did NOT make the July 26, 2011 call to the police (I recorded Church’s call(s)) and can give them to your investigator). 

Church told me the false police report was made by a woman named [REDACTED] (Florida) and Levi Page (Tennessee).  Church told me she has a recording of the false police report being made by [REDACTED[ (and Page).

Holmseth has a plethora of evidence that shows Specialized Investigative Consultants is child trafficking operation and can prove the identity of many of the members.

“I have discovered enough evidence to soundly conclude Specialized Investigative Consultants, Inc is a ‘front’ for a child sex trafficking and child porn operation. The group works through Church’s corporation to transport missing children across state lines, interfere with investigations, file false police reports, and engage in blackmail and extortion,” Holmseth told Mishawka police.

Holmseth provided the following You Tube for review by detectives.

This is a developing story.


by Timothy Charles Holmseth on March 10, 2016, 12:40 P.M.

Multiple court actions filed in North Carolina against individuals in several states resulted in a threatening telephone call to the Petitioner – the person claimed to be connected to the ‘federal government’.

Deric Lostutter, once featured in Rolling Stone magazine, captured the bombshell evidence after issuing subpoenas, signed by a judge, for telephone records of persons he believes are threatening his family and mocking the death of his baby girl.

Deric Lostutter photo courtesy of Rolling Stone

Deric Lostutter
photo courtesy of Rolling Stone

Lostutter has been working with state prospectors in multiple cases.

Two of the individuals subject to the subpoenas are believed to be Thomas Norman Olsen, Florida, and Alexandria Goddard, Ohio. Both Olsen and Goddard openly boast and brag on their Twitter accounts that law enforcement will never find them to serve the court papers.

“I have issued well over 10 subpoenas in his case to various companies, a criminal summons for [Thomas Norman Olsen] to come to court, as well as an ex-parte’ restraining order demanding that the site be taken offline,” Lostutter said.

After Lostutter issued the subpoenas for telephone records, he was telephoned by a person frantically demanding the identities of everyone served. During the call, which Lostutter recorded, the person openly admitted to not filing a ‘Notice of Appearance’ or being the ‘Attorney of Record’ on the case(s).

The person had no authority to make court document of information demands of Lostutter.

The bizarre telephone call quickly escalated into assertions that Lostutter was the subject of ‘investigations’ and warned that the ‘federal government’ wants Lostutter to stay off the computer.

Lostutter was then warned that if he did not ‘voluntarily’ produce the information to the frantic person, he would be reported to the ‘Sheriff’ and ‘federal government’.

The ominous references to police and feds hit a bizarre fevered pitch when the person suggested all the files regarding Lostutter’s case had disappeared from the courthouse.

“I am sure that [REDACTED] knows that fabricating legal proceedings is a crime, but nevertheless [REDACTED] proceeded to tell me that my files had been confiscated by the federal authorities, possibly F.B.I., from Forsyth County Courthouse or by the Sheriff’s office, and were no longer at the courthouse,” Lostutter said.

Lostutter states he is filing reports to authorities including the BAR Association.

Thomas Olsen was reported by Timothy Charles Holmseth to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and FBI for his involvement with videos published on You Tube demanding Holmseth remove all his websites or suffer severe consequences.

The videos and publications sexually threatened Holmseth’s children and spoke of his grandchild being taken – in the Lostutter matter, the stalkers mocked the death of the Lostutter couple’s baby girl.

Imagery and statements on Twitter accounts associated with the matters in dictate the people threatening the children worship Satan.

Just as in the case of Lostter, Holmseth has received threats that included warning he was under ‘multiple private investigations’ in Florida by someone that was talking to “Officer Hajicek” at the East Grand Forks Police Department, Minnesota.

Holmseth, an investigative journalist, was interviewed by the FBI in 2010 after receiving information from Teresa Neves, the grandmother of the missing child HaLeigh Cummings involving photographs. He also obtained information about a man named John Regan who claimed to be a pastor and “undercover pedophile” working for the FBI – Regan said the FBI had HaLeigh but was hiding her.

In the Holmseth matter, members of the syndicate contacted his employer in Grand Forks, North Dakota and attempted to have him terminated after he refused to succumb to the extortion demand for him to remove all his publications from the Web.

Both Olsen and Goddard are named in the Amicus Brief filed to the Florida Court this week regarding the post conviction motion filed by Misty Croslin – the girl believed to have information about the kidnapping of HaLeigh Cummings and the child pornography created of her.

Records contained in the files of the East Grand Forks Police Department, Minnesota, Grand Forks Police Department, North Dakota, Polk County Sheriff’s Office, Minnesota, and the United States District Court – Holmseth v. City of East Grand Forks et al, connect all these cases to only a few people.


by Timothy Charles Holmseth on March 2, 2016 at 10:03 A.M.

The identity of the person(s) that recently erected a website to accept donations for Misty Croslin may hold clues to the 2009 kidnapping of HaLeigh Cummings.

Misty Croslin is presently serving a 25 year sentence for drug trafficking and has been called the “key” to HaLeigh’s disappearance by the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office.

Misty Croslin

Misty Croslin

The website, which is located at was erected for the express purpose of providing a Pay Pal feature where the public is encouraged to donate money to help pay for Misty Croslin’s new attorney.

Misty now has an attorney!
Misty Croslin has hired an experienced criminal law attorney to represent her in her legal battle to reduce her sentence. As is customary, her attorney fees, $17,500, were paid up front by a friend of the family, and Misty’s mother and father, Hank and Lisa Croslin, have approved this website as a way to repay those funds through donations from her friends and supporters.

The website is peppered with irregularities.

The website does not name Misty Croslin’s new attorney. It does not name the “friend of the family” that paid her retainer, nor does it provide any information regarding the identity of the person(s) actually receiving the donations.

Cursory background checks on the website trace it to North Carolina under what appears to be a non-existent zip code.


After being set up and published, the ‘Justice for Misty’ site was promoted on a website called – a cyber-harassment website based on an off-shore server and used to threaten and sexually harass individuals online – including children.

The Radionewz Blog is operated by multiple users including a convicted felon, Thomas Norman Olsen, Milton, Florida. Olsen is presently on probation facing significant prison time.

Thomas Norman Olson

The Radionewz Blog is also operated by Levi H. Page, Tennessee. In 2010, Page erected an online professional media bio claiming to be a 34 year-old criminal investigator covering child kidnappings. In 2015 an investigation by the East Grand Forks Police Department in Minnesota revealed Page was only 20 years old in 2010 and had no education or credentials of any kind.

EGFPD Report Narrative Levi H. Page 1


EGFPD Narrative Levi H. Page 2

Levi Page Blog Talk Radio Bio Fake Age

Page has spent his entire adult life interjecting himself into child kidnapping cases.

Page has repeatedly telephoned and contacted investigative journalist Timothy Charles Holmseth and threatened him to shut up and warned him to stop saying the missing child HaLeigh Cummings is alive.

In a 2010 interview with the Minneapolis FBI, Special Agent A. J. Eilermann told Timothy Holmseth there are people that want everybody to stop looking for HaLeigh.