Posts Tagged ‘Dominic Piscitello’

Letter to Putnam County Sheriff details CIA/FBI agent’s claim that sheriff’s detectives ran a child sex operation

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on September 25, 2017, 7:21 P.M. CST

Recorded statements obtained by an investigative author from Minnesota reveal the sheriff’s office in Putnam County, Florida investigating the kidnapping of HaLeigh Cummings are willfully deceiving the American public.

Those recorded statements were provided to Putnam County Sheriff Gator DeLoach, today.

Putnam County Sheriff Gator DeLoach

No less then six witnesses told Timothy Charles Holmseth that a man dressed as a pastor claimed he was CIA and FBI during the national profile search for HaLeigh Cummings.

HaLeigh Cummings, 5, mysteriously vanished 75 north of Orlando on the very same day a nationally televised memorial was being held for slain toddler Caylee Anthony.

Wayanne Kruger, an author and victims advocate who appeared on the news when she assisted HaLeigh’s mother after her daughter vanished, said she was stopped from going to the police regarding sex abuse of HaLeigh, by a man dressed as a pastor named John Regan. “I work for the CIA,” Kruger said, recalling what John Regan told her.

John Regan told Kruger the local police, sheriff’s, community leaders, and church members were operating a child sex ring in the area.

Kruger told Holmseth that Regan told her he worked “undercover” in the “underground” as a pedophile for the FBI; he told her the FBI already had HaLeigh but wanted to keep it quiet.

“He said reported Washington,” Kruger said.

Judy Lucia, a dog handler during a family search for HaLeigh said John Regan told her he was working undercover for the FBI. “He said to me I can’t tell you who I am because I’m working undercover for the FBI,” Lucia said, recalling her encounter with John Regan.

William Staubs, a private investigator working for a federal drug task force (HIDTA), while simultaneously working for the missing child’s mother and a law firm from South Florida, said John Regan was “undercover for real” and working for a “Task Force” with the Jacksonville FBI.

Rev. Richard Grund, a case witness in the Casey Anthony murder trial said John Regan boasted to him that he used a badge to impersonate Aviation Police at Jacksonville Airport.

Donald Knop, a legal assistant for a South Florida law firm connected to the case said John Regan told him he was a CIA agent.

Knop said he (Knop) personally witnessed the lawyer he worked for holding child rape pornography of HaLeigh Cummings.

Tracy Leonard, an Indiana private investigator provided Timothy Holmseth a background report on John Regan that revealed John Regan is a convicted sex offender.

Many of the recordings that reveal what witnesses were saying about John Regan were delivered to Putnam County Sheriff Gator DeLoach, today.

Timothy Charles Holmseth
320 17th Street N.W.
Unit# 17
East Grand Forks, MN
218.230.1597 (cell)

In Re: MEMORANDUM / Evidence / HaLeigh Cummings Kidnapping

September 25, 2017

H.D. “Gator” DeLoach
Putnam County Sheriff’s Office
Palatka, Florida

Sheriff DeLoach,

I am a journalist and author from Minnesota. Here is a link to my bio:

I am contacting you regarding a burgeoning legal matter pertaining to my federal witness status in the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping and a conspiracy against my rights by a group associated with * * * * * * * * * * Law Office, Ft. Lauderdale, and Specialized investigative Consultants Inc., Mishawaka, Indiana.

In 2009, the Florida FBI began following leads they received from me regarding the kidnapping case of HaLeigh Cummings. In 2010 I was interviewed by the FBI regarding the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping. In 2011 I published a book on the case, which was featured across Florida on the news and is in your evidence. Attached you will find a PDF of a report I provided the FBI.

I am providing you a link to a You Tube video I published on September 23, 2017. The video contains interviews I conducted with Wayanne Kruger, as wells as a Florida resident, Judy Lucia. Kruger was featured in the news as Crystal Sheffield’s advocate during the search for HaLeigh Cummings. Judy Lucia assisted with her dog in a ground search for HaLeigh.

Wayanne Kruger told me a man named John Regan from Hastings, Florida prevented her from talking to law enforcement about HaLeigh. Kruger said she had evidence HaLeigh had been molested. Wayanne said John Regan, who was accompanied by his son Jeremiah Regan, told her he was a CIA agent. Kruger said John Regan also told her he was a chaplain for the local police.

John Regan told Kruger he was working undercover as pedophile and reported to Washington D.C. John Regan told Kruger the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office was not going to solve the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping because officers, detectives, and community leaders (and church members) were running a child prostitution house in the area. Kruger said John Regan named officers including Sgt. Ricky LyleCapt. Dominic PiscitelloDetective John Merchant, and Major Gary Bowling as being involved in the child sex ring.

Judy Lucia told me John Regan told her he was working undercover for the FBI.

I obtained recorded statements from multiple others that also said John Regan claimed to be a member of state and federal law enforcement or U.S. Intelligence.

Donald Knop, legal assistant, * * * * * * * * * * Law Office, told me John Regan told him he was with the CIA. Rev, Richard Grund told me John Regan used a badge he carried to get past Aviation Police at Jacksonville Airport. William Staubs told me John Regan was undercover for the FBI and “hiding out”. Staubs said John Regan had a female contact at the Jacksonville FBI and could mobilize an entire task force. Jeremiah Regan told me his dad worked with the FBI to infiltrate a “slave camp”. Jeremiah Regan said his dad worked for many different federal agencies. Here are some recorded clips:

William Staubs told Jeremiah Regan during a phone call I recorded that he (Staubs) worked for HIDTA.

Donald Knop told me during a recorded call that * * * * * L. * * * * *, Ft. Lauderdale, possessed and physically handled photographs of HaLeigh Cummings that showed close-ups of the child’s vagina which was damaged from sexual abuse. Here is a You Tube link to hear Knop’s statement. (listen at 1:10 second marker).

Wayanne Kruger told me she feared HaLeigh may have died from “hemorrhaging” from rape.

I possess overwhelming evidence that officers of the PCSO conspired to deceive the public regarding the welfare status of HaLeigh Cummings.

You can use PACER to view U.S. District Court – Northern District of Florida – Pensacola, Case Number 3:17cv667 (MCR/CJK) wherein my sworn affidavit to the federal court details extensive information about HaLeigh’s kidnapping and child pornography created of her. I can respectfully assure you – I am not going to be arrested for perjury or filing a false statement.

Respectfully submitted,
Timothy Charles Holmseth
Pro Se
Ninth Minnesota District, Family Division, Polk County, Court Number 60-FA-13-468

Cc: Colonel Joseph Wells

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on September 23, 2017, 10:46 P.M. CST


by Timothy Charles Holmseth on September 19, 2017, 9:00 P.M. CST

Hidden truths continue to emerge about the Caylee Anthony murder cover-up.

In 2009, William Staubs, a Florida private investigator reported a very serious crime and civil rights violation to the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office. He reported a plan by an attorney to frame an innocent black man named Gregory Lewis Page (a.k.a. White Boy Greg) for the disappearance of HaLeigh Cummings.

Page was later targeted for a drug bust and sent to prison for ten years.

Misty Croslin was later targeted and sentenced to 25 years in prison for selling pills.

Staubs was an agent of HIDTA (High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area) working with local, state, and federal law enforcement.

Staubs himself was arrested and charged with felony false imprisonment for trying to frame Daniel E. Snodgrass for the child’s kidnapping.

Staubs told Jessica Clark of First Coast News that was sent into the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping investigation by Rev. Richard Grund, a witness in the Casey Anthony trial.

Grund and Staubs both told Timothy Charles Holmseth there was a plan by the family of Casey Anthony to plant semen and pubic hair on the dead body of Caylee Anthony to implicate a Grund.

The audio in the You Tube was located on back-ups after the East Grand Forks Police Department and agents of the Minnesota Pine to Prairie Gang and Drug Task Force raided my home with guns and bullet proof vests and destroyed my original hard drive.


President Trump’s telephone numbers used to make threatening calls from “The Deep State”

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on June 24, 2017, 6:53 P.M. CST

President Donald Trump’s telephone numbers have been repeatedly used by a person identifying themselves as “The Deep State” to threaten Timothy Charles Holmseth, a Minnesota journalist that uncovered information about a child sex and porn trafficking operation.


An officer of the United States military has been repeatedly implicated in that domestic child trafficking operation. The un-named officer was a Lt. Colonel in the United States Air Force in 2011.

While the Lt. Colonel’s name is not available; he is identifiable.

Tina Church, the president of an Indiana corporation called Specialized Investigative Consultants, Inc., has ominously warned several people that her son is a Lt. Colonel in the U.S. Air Force stationed in Washington D.C. and it’s not wise to “mess” with her.

Tina Church

Equally as compelling are the names given to Holmseth to never mention which include Florida Congressman Marco Rubio, Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi, as well as Tina Church.


ANSWERING MACHINE: Saturday – 10:26 P.M.

MESSAGE: PERSON TALKING INTO VOICE CHNAGER: “You are hereby forbidden to mention the following names on your website. If you do, you will face consequences. Never mention Donna Wagoner, Pam Bondi, Levi Page, Marco Rubio, Jeremiah Regan, Tina Church…

ANSWERING MACHINE: Saturday – 10:30 P.M.

MESSAGE: PERSON TALKING INTO VOICE CHNAGER: Your voice mail cut me off last time. Continuing. John Regan, William Murtaugh, Alexandria Goddard, Chelsea Hoffman, Dominic Piscitello, John Merchant, Peggy Cone. Them along with the other names mentioned [inaudible] call on your voicemail – you are to delete all references to them on your website and you are hereby forbidden to mention them again. You will face consequences…

ANSWERING MACHINE: End of messages.

In another call the voice says they are “The Deep State”.


ANSWERING MACHINE: You have one new message. Friday, 2:46 A.M.

MESSAGE: PERSON TALKING INTO VOICE CHNAGER: “Hello disgusting pedophile. This is the Deep State. This is Anonymous. Delete your website by Monday midnight or your daughter will be exposed as a child abuser and pedophile. If you don’t comply you’ll be exposed and you’ll be forced into an institution to live a life of hell. We want justice for Jeremiah Regan.”

ANSEWRING MACHINE: End of messages.



Church’s constant mention of her son is extremely disturbing because the U.S. military plays no role in domestic investigations, which is Church’s present situation.

According to Church, her corporation has been under investigation by State of Indiana and State of Florida for her activities involving the kidnapping of HaLeigh Cummings.

The story is disturbing.

Chelsea Croslin, a witness in the Florida missing child case, said Church proactively contacted her in 2010-2011 through an associate of Specialized Investigative Consultants, Inc. and offered to help her find her missing niece, HaLeigh Cummings.

She told me she worked on the JonBenet Ramsey case, Croslin said.

Croslin asked her to be her PI.

Church then became deeply involved with Croslin’s family, which involved Church telling them that the FBI believed they found HaLeigh Cummings in Kentucky as result of a child porn raid at the home of Danny Druck.

Oddly – the Croslin’s told Holmseth about Church, HaLeigh, and the FBI child porn raid BEFORE the porn raid happened. How Church knew in advance is not known.

HaLeigh wasn’t there.

Croslin said she had a serious falling out with Church after learning Church was simply harvesting information from her, and then giving it to others in her organization’s network.

Croslin received several messages from Church of her answering machine warning her that she was “messing with the big dogs” now.

In 2011, Church telephoned William Staubs, a Florida bail bondsman and private investigator, and arrogantly warned him that if he crossed her, he would have to deal with her son who is a “Lt. Colonel in the United States Air Force.”

The mysterious air force colonel that everybody needed to worry about came up often.

And – Church’s suspicious involvement in the unsolved child kidnapping case only increased.

On July 26, 2011, Church telephoned the police in East Grand Forks, Minnesota and “Timothy Holmseth” claimed he had the kidnapped child HaLeigh Cummings in his home.

Police were dispatched to Holmseth’s home to clear the call regarding the missing child.

Five years passed.

In February, 2016, Holmseth published an article about the missing child case based upon an interview with Wayanne Kruger.

Kruger was the national profile victim’s advocate that represented Crystal Sheffield, HaLeigh’s mother. Kruger provided information to Holmseth that appeared to place the missing child with Church’s group in 2009.

It apparently struck a nerve.

In October, 2016, Church telephoned Holmseth and abruptly claimed she did not make the July, 2011 police report to the Minnesota police department. She said she had been impersonated by a Florida woman connected to her company.

However, Church is lying because she repeatedly boasted about making the police report during online radio programs she orchestrated with her corporation’s operative, Levi Page.

Holmseth asked Church if she had been filmed with HaLeigh Cummings shortly after the child vanished in 2009; and suggested the FBI had the video. Church suggested she has full access to government files and information. She said her son could just “walk across the street to the DOJ” and see if they had such a video.

During telephone calls with Holmseth in 2016, Church became furious with Holmseth and said “you don’t know who my son is and I’m not going to tell you”. Holmseth replied, “Am I supposed to be scared”. Church ominously giggled and said her son had been offered a job by the FBI but he turned it down because he would take a dramatic cut in pay.


by Timothy Charles Holmseth on May 28, 2017, 9:42 P.M. CST

On May 17, 2017, very powerful evidence was reported to the police department in East Grand Forks, Minnesota regarding an unsolved child kidnapping in Florida.

And it keeps coming.

Multiple law enforcement agencies are involved in investigations including the Office of the Indiana Attorney General, Florida Department of Licensing, Mishawaka Police Department (Indiana), East Grand Forks Police Department (Minnesota).

Evidence strongly suggests an Indiana corporation is nefariously involved in the kidnapping and interstate transportation of HaLeigh Cummings. The Florida kindergartener was five years-old when she reported missing from her bed on February 10, 2009.

The key to finding HaLeigh Cummings appears to be a shadowy group of charlatans running a trafficking operation in a scheme that involves a licensed private investigation firm called Specialized Investigative Consultants, Inc., Mishawaka, Indiana, along with The Other Victim’s Advocacy, which is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3).

Members of the group can be linked to many kidnappings and murders across the United States including the cases of HaLeigh Cummings, Trenton Duckett, Dylan Redwine, Kyron Horman, and Caylee Anthony.

In 2011, Tina Church, president, Specialized Investigative Consultants, Inc., telephoned the police department in East Grand Forks, Minnesota, claiming a local author, Timothy Charles Holmseth, had just claimed to have the missing child in his home. Police were dispatched to clear the call.

Timothy Holmseth is an award-winning news reporter and wrote a book about interviews he conducted regarding the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping after being interviewed by the FBI in 2010. Holmseth and his family have been targeted with death threats and non-stop harrassment and intimidation since 2009.

Following the police report in 2011, Tina Church’s name came up again in February, 2016.

In February, 2016, Timothy Holmseth learned bombshell information about the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping from the missing child’s mother’s former advocate Wayanne Kruger, and reported it in an article entitled – – – ‘HaLeigh Cummings Bombshell: ‘Specialized Investigative Consultants, Inc’ reported to FBI’


In October, 2016, Tina Church telephoned Timothy Holmseth, nervous, and told him she did not make the false police report. She said she was impersonated by a Florida woman, who claimed to be a psychic, and who claimed to hold ownership in Specialized Investigative Consultants, Inc.

Church then asked Holmseth to remove the HaLeigh Cummings Bombshell: ‘Specialized Investigative Consultants, Inc’ reported to FBI article.

But – Church had already admitted to making the police report on several occasion including on a Web radio program broadcast by her own group members.

Recordings of Tina Church, which are now in the custody of law enforcement, reveal a very disturbed person that appears to be an extremely dangerous sociopath who lies continually, and viciously threatens nearly everybody she comes into contact with. Tina Church warned Timothy Holmseth that he ‘doesn’t know who he was messing with’ and advised Holmseth that her son is higher than the FBI.

The story is becoming increasingly bizarre because documents and evidence exists to show that many members of Tina Church’s group have been in private communications with multiple law enforcement agencies across the United States, including the East Grand Forks Police Department (Minnesota) and Putnam County Sheriff’s Office (Florida).

There also exists proof that members of the group actually identified themselves as agents of state and federal law enforcement officers while ‘interrogating’ and intimidating people.

Tina Church reportedly contacted Chelsea Croslin, a witness in the HaLeigh Cumming kidnapping case, and claimed she had been involved in some capacity with the JonBenet Ramsey case.

If anyone has information regarding missing children that pertains to the following individuals they are encouraged to contact law enforcement:

Levi Page
Alexandria Goddard
Thomas Norman Olsen
William Murtaugh 
Tina Church 
Kimberly Kay Bowman 
Pete Klismet 
William Staubs
John Regan 
Jeremiah Regan 
Art Harris

Today, Timothy Holmseth sent a letter to Police Chief Michael Hedlund at the East Grand Forks Police Department. The letter can be read in its entirety at – – – Report to Minnesota police chief details interstate kidnapping and child porn operation



May 15, 2011 – Tina Church stated on a radio broadcast that she called and talked to the East Grand Forks Police about Timothy Holmseth
August, 2011 – Tina Church telephoned Timothy Holmseth and admitted making the July 26, 2011 police report to the EGFPD and described what she said to the police officer etc.
August, 2011 – Levi Page provided confirming witness that Tina Church made the July 26, 2011 police report to the EGFPD


October, 2016 – Tina Church telephoned Timothy Holmseth and denied making (or even knowing about) the July 26, 2011 police report – (she then asked Timothy Holmseth to remove a story he wrote and published about her corporation being reported to the FBI for transporting HaLeigh Cummings across state lines)
November, 2016 – Tina Church telephoned Timothy Holmseth and denied making the July 26, 2011 police report, but then also stated that she RECEIVED a call from the police and talked about Timothy Holmseth’s “obsession” with HaLeigh Cummings
November, 2016 – In a final call, Tina Church denied making the July, 26 2011 police report and said she was impersonated by REDACTED REDACTED with Levi Page on another phone line – she states she has a recording of the  call – she then once again stated she never talked to the police at all

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on May 28, 2017, 9:29 A.M. CST

Timothy Charles Holmseth
320 17th Street N.W.
Unit# 17
East Grand Forks, MN
218.230.1597 (cell)

In Re: HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping / Specialized Investigative Consultants, Inc.

May 27, 2017

Michael Hedlund
Chief of Police
East Grand Forks Police Department

Chief Hedlund,

In May, 2017 I filed a police report to the East Grand Forks Police Department with Officer R. Douglas. My report was in regards to a prior police report made to your Department by a person from out of state who alleged I once claimed to have a missing child named HaLeigh Cummings in my apartment.

You are familiar with the aforementioned report because you walked into the police station and looked into my eyes when I was making the police report.

HaLeigh Cummings was five years-old when she was reported missing from her bed in Satsuma, Florida on February 10, 2009 and her whereabouts are still sought by the FBI.

There is a police report on record at the EGFPD that says on July 26, 2011, Tina Church, Mishawaka, Indiana, made a police report against me. Tina Church is the president of Specialized Investigative Consultants, Inc.

I have new evidence regarding the aforementioned crime I reported regarding the false police report made about the whereabouts of a missing child.

When I spoke with Officer Douglas, I reported that Tina Church, a licensed private investigator from Mishawaka, Indiana, telephoned me and told me she was impersonated on a July 26, 2011 police report to the EGFPD, wherein the caller stated I claimed to have the missing child HaLeigh Cummings in my apartment.

I advised Officer Douglas that Tina Church told me she was impersonated by REDACTED REDACTED, Interlachen, Florida. Church further advised that Levi Page, Dover, Tennessee was on the call to the police as well. Church referred to the police report as “false” and said she has a recording of the false police report. I provided the officer a CD with three audio clips that proved what I was saying was true.

I have now located yet more recordings.

I have located a recording of a Web radio program held by Levi Page in May, 2011 wherein he brought on Tina Church and REDACTED REDACTED as guests. Tina Church states on the broadcast that she spoke with the East Grand Forks Police about me. That precedes the July 26, 2011 police report. 

I spoke with Wendy in records at your Department and she said there is no record of any other communications between Tina Church and the EGFPD other than the July 26, 2011 call. That means either Tina Church is lying, or officers from your Department were secretly discussing me with Specialized Investigative Consultants, Inc.

Regardless, other evidence I will discuss further on in this letter, shows that Lt. Rodney Hajicek was in fact secretly discussing me with operatives of Specialized Investigative Consultants, Inc. and placed me under secret investigation for my journalism on the HaLeigh Cummings case.

I recently found a recorded telephone call placed to me by Tina Church and Levi Page. In this call, which appears to be dated August, 2011, Tina Church brings up the July 26, 2011 police report and ADMITS she MADE the police report. Additionally – Levi Page CONFIRMS, during the call, that Tina Church made the police report.

That means – recording I possess, show, in chronological order, that Tina Church has given multiple versions of a story about the false police report made to you police department regarding the missing child HaLeigh Cummings.



May 15, 2011 – Tina Church stated on a radio broadcast that she called and talked to the East Grand Forks Police about Timothy Holmseth
August, 2011 – Tina Church telephoned Timothy Holmseth and admitted making the July 26, 2011 police report to the EGFPD and described what she said to the police officer etc.
August, 2011 – Levi Page provided confirming witness that Tina Church made the July 26, 2011 police report to the EGFPD


October, 2016 – Tina Church telephoned Timothy Holmseth and denied making (or even knowing about) the July 26, 2011 police report – (she then asked Timothy Holmseth to remove a story he wrote and published about her corporation being reported to the FBI for transporting HaLeigh Cummings across state lines)
November, 2016 – Tina Church telephoned Timothy Holmseth and denied making the July 26, 2011 police report, but then also stated that she RECEIVED a call from the police and talked about Timothy Holmseth’s “obsession” with HaLeigh Cummings
November, 2016 – In a final call, Tina Church denied making the July, 26 2011 police report and said she was impersonated by REDACTED REDACTED with Levi Page on another phone line – she states she has a recording of the  call – she then once again stated she never talked to the police at all

You are certainly familiar with Levi Page because on July 15, 2016 I filed a report to the EGFPD that Levi Page was publishing fictional sexual stories about my children, as well as ominous videos warning me to remove all my websites or face horrible consequences including the kidnapping of my unborn grandchild.

When Officer Douglas spoke with me in May, 2017, he asked me how I ever came into contact with Tina Church in the first place. I told Officer Douglas I was contacted by a woman from Florida named Chelsea Croslin.

Chelsea Croslin is the sister-in-law of Misty Croslin. Misty Croslin has been called “They Key” to the HaLeigh Cumming case by the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office. Misty is the alleged ‘babysitter’ that was supposedly with HaLeigh the night she was kidnapped. Misty is presently in prison in Florida for drug crimes.

Here is what I learned from Chelsea Croslin.

  • Chelsea Croslin told me she was living in Massachusetts, when she was proactively contacted by REDACTED REDACTED, Florida. She said REDACTED REDACTED contacted her and offered to help her find her missing niece, HaLeigh Cummings. Chelsea Croslin accepted the offer for help.
  • Chelsea Croslin told me REDACTED REDACTED advised her she would be receiving a call from Tina Church, a private investigator from Indiana.
  • Chelsea Croslin told me Tina Church called her and claimed to work many big cases including the “JonBenet Ramsey” case.
  • Chelsea Croslin told me Tina Church conducted an interview with her to form a family profile etc.
  • Chelsea Croslin said she believed Tina Church was her private investigator.
  • Chelsea Croslin, her father-in-law, Hank Croslin, Florida, and Charles Lee, Florida, all told me Tina Church told them the FBI had found HaLeigh Cummings during a child porn raid in Louisville, Kentucky. I received calls from Florida news stations regarding that matter. Tina Church then told the Croslin family that HaLeigh’s DNA was found in the home of Danny Druck during a child porn bust.
    • Facts show Tina Church somehow knew in advance that the home of Danny Druck was going to be raided by the  FBI for child porn
  • Chelsea Croslin told me she had a heated dispute with Tina Church after she found out Tina Church had been lying about being her private investigator, and said Tina Church was a “poser” that was harvesting information from her and giving it all to Levi Page.
    • Recordings left on Chelsea Croslin’s answering machine by Tina Church reveal Tina Church reminded Chelsea Croslin that if she wanted Tina Church’s help she was supposed to “shut the fuck up”
  • Tina Church told me in the August, 2011 call that she once facilitated a three-way call with Chelsea Croslin and “law enforcement” officials in another State in advance of Chelsea Croslin wearing a “wire” into a Florida state prison to secretly record Misty Croslin.
  • Tina Church said she (Tina Church) was once investigated by law enforcement in Texas, as well as the Mishawaka Police Department in Indiana, regarding her involvement in a scheme to smuggle cell phones into a Texas prison that involved an inmate that threatened to murder a Congressman.

On October 8, 2016 I received an ominous call from the telephone number of President Donald Trump’s Mar-A-Lago resort in Florida. The caller spoke using voice-changing software and threatened me. The caller listed names of people I was “forbidden” to talk about which included Tina Church and Levi Page. I am attaching the audio of that call and you can also view it at – – –


You, and your police department, began criminally conspiring with Specialized Investigative Consultants, Inc.  to violate my rights and cover up the kidnapping of HaLeigh Cummings, beginning in approximately, June, 2009.

Despite the many public records requests I made to your Department, you never turned over the 56 pages of secret email communications exchanged between Lt. Rodney Hajicek (using his personal Gmail account) and Art Harris, and Polk County Attorney Greg Widseth.

The secret 56 pages included 22 pages of documents I prepared and delivered to the FBI regarding a staged crime scene and planted evidence by a self-proclaimed FBI/CIA agent named John Regan, Hastings, Florida.

John Regan dressed as a pastor and told witnesses he was an “undercover pedophile” for the FBI. He said the FBI “already had HaLeigh”. I obtained a background check on John Regan that revealed he is a convicted sex offender.

Minneapolis FBI Special Agent A.J. Eilerman and Major Gary Bowling, director of law enforcement, Putnam Count Sheriff’s Office, both told me I was correct about the staged crime scene. Agent Eilerman told me the people that did it wanted people to “stop looking” for HaLeigh.

Wayanne Kruger told me John Regan poses as a pastor, and works with a group, who using medical dossiers, traffics infants and small children through the United States Embassy, on flights, to be delivered to purchasers in Belgium.

In June of 2009, I had already identified the FBI/CIA operatives (or impersonators) that kidnapped HaLeigh Cummings and created child rape pornography of her.

At that very time, your police department began to secretly and ambitiously assist those very kidnappers, while collectively plotting to shut down my publication, terrorize my family, stop the sale of my book, destroy my reputation, and have me arrested.

The terrorizing and threats continues to this day.

It is my opinion that at this point, Mr. Hedlund, you are personally involved and invested in covering up crimes against children and rights violations, and you are not protected by immunity.

Timothy Charles Holmseth
Investigative Journalist/Author/Publisher

Bcc: Minnesota District Court Officer

Attached: 1 MP3 Telephone Call Mar-A-Lago, 1 JPG Mar-A-Lago


Michael Hedlund addresses controversy over George Lyons and HaLeigh Cummings cases

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on April 9, 2017, 11:49 A.M. CST

There is a growing concern about the East Grand Forks Police Department’s handling of cases involving child victims.

The EGFPD has come under critical scrutiny after court records revealed that George Robert Lyons, an accused child rapist, was not charged with any crime whatsoever until nearly two years after a District Judge found he had sexually abused a child.

Records show abuse by Lyons was initially reported to school officials in September of 2012. On March 19, 2014 a District Judge issued an Order For Protection against Lyons and found he had sexually abused a child. However, it was not until December 23, 2015 that the EGFPD filed a formal complaint against Lyons.

I (Timothy Charles Holmseth) recently contacted EGFPD Chief Michael Hedlund.

EGF Police Chief Michael Hedlund

Mr. Hedlund,

I have confirmed the following four facts:

  1. Complaints against George Robert Lyons regarding his sexual abuse of children began in 2012?
  2. Records show George Robert Lyons was raping children and creating child pornography.
  3. Lt. Detective Rodney Hajicek was involved in ‘go nowhere’ ‘investigations’.
  4. On March 19, 2014, Honorable Dennis J. Murphy issued an order for protection against George Robert Lyons and found that he had “sexually abused” a minor.

Q: TIIMOTHY HOLMSETH: Why did the East Grand Forks Police Department wait until December 23, 2015, to file a complaint against George Robert Lyons?

A: CHIEF MICHAEL HEDLUND: As with any criminal investigation we conduct our investigation as thoroughly as possible and when we believe it is complete and/or we have enough information to pursue criminal charges we forward our information on to the County Attorney’s office for consideration. 

But a child rapist being on the loose for over three years is not explained away by Hedlund’s reply.

However – answers may exist upon close scrutiny, which reveals George Lyons was certainly known to the police. He was certainly known to Lt. Rodney Hajicek (a.k.a. Jerry Sandusky Jr.).

On August 9, 2013 George Lyons’ brother, Matthew Lyons, was charged in North Dakota with ‘continuous sexual abuse of a child’. On March 27, 2014 Matthew Lyons was sentenced to life in prison due to the horrendous nature of his acts.

But there’s more.

George Lyons announced on Facebook he is engaged to be married to Grand Forks Assistant State Prosecutor Jodi Bass. The announcement is also featured on the Bed, Bath, and Beyond online wedding registry, which says they were scheduled to be married on May 15, 2016. In 2017, George Lyons was still telling people he is engaged to Bass.

Q: TIMOTHY HOLMSETH: Do you have any comment on George Robert Lyons’ claim to be engaged to be married to Grand Forks Assistant States Attorney Jodi Bass? 

A: CHIEF MICHAEL HEDLUND: No comment.  This has nothing to do with the East Grand Forks Police Department. 

There is more than just a little something amiss with the time it has taken to move against George Lyons.

But the irresponsible way the EGFPD treats cases involving children did not begin with George Lyons.

It began in earnest with a missing kidnapped five year-old from Florida named HaLeigh Cummings.

EGF Police Chief Michael Hedlund recently spoke to Write Into Action after being asked about the George Robert Lyons and HaLeigh Cummings cases.

When asked about the possibility of misconduct within his Department, Chief Hedlund firmly stated “Absolutely not.”

So let’s take a look at the facts.


George Robert Lyons presently faces 1st and 2nd degree sexual assault charges involving a minor child. He was arrested in Grand Forks County, North Dakota on a Warrant issued by the Polk County Sheriff’s Office in Minnesota on December 23, 2015.

The December 23, 2015 Statement of Probable Cause for State of Minnesota v. George Robert Lyons seems to incriminate the EGFPD leadership as much as it does George Lyons. It incriminates the EGFPD because a known child rapist was allowed to be free and continue to rape even after a judge had found it was occurring.

The fact pattern shows the EGFPD was clearly trying to avoid bringing any charges against George Lyons, which is demonstrated by the following facts taken from the Statement of Probable Cause.


On September 22, 2012 a minor child made a report to Pam Gruhot who worked at the East Grand Forks High School. The child reported she was worried about her little sister because George Lyons was “creeping around” and had poked “peep holes” in her bedroom wall. She said Lyons would open the door while the child was in the shower and then stand and watch her. He also made the child wake up in the middle of the night and put on a bikini for him.

On January 24, 2013 Megan Starr, a social worker at Polk County Social Services, interviewed the victim and was told the same story. At that time a “safety plan” was created that required George Lyons leave the residence and not be alone with the child.

On that same day, Lt. Rodney Hajicek, the ranking officer at the EGFPD interviewed George Lyons. Of course – Lyons denied everything.

So a year goes by…

In December of 2013 Social Worker Starr interviewed the child again and learned that George Lyons never did move out as required by the Safety Plan. She told Starr that when she got in trouble George Lyons gave her punishment options of a “blow job” “hand job” or she could “sit on it” which she believed meant to “sit on his dick”. The child also said George Lyons made her take pills late at night but she didn’t know what they were.

On January 20, 2014 the child went to the EGFPD and reported that George Lyons sexually assaulted her. Hajicek learned from the child’s mother that her son had a friend overnight and he (the friend) saw things and heard the sexual assault take place.

It’s interesting to observe that at this point, there is now a non-family member that has witnessed the crime, which very likely complicates any attempt by the EGFPD to suppress the story and cover it up.  

The child victim reported George Lyons came into her room in the middle of the night, which was a violation of an established Safety Plan. He had with him, her cell phone, and told her he found things on it for which she could get in trouble. He told her if she gave him a “blow job” he wouldn’t tell. The child capitulated. According to the visiting child that was staying overnight, he heard the little girl crying that she did not want to take off her shirt and he could hear her gagging.

Lt. Hajicek interviewed George Lyons who initially lied about going into the child’s room but then admitted it. He denied assaulting the child, however.

No criminal charges.

Now watch this.

According to the Statement of Probable Cause, “On March 19, 2014 the Honorable Dennis J. Murphy, Judge of District Court, issued an Order For Protection, found that George Robert Lyons sexually abused [The Minor Child] and awarded custody of [The Minor Child] to her father”.

Criminal charges will certainly be brought now, right? It’s been determined by a Judge that the abuse is occurring.


Over a year later…evidence of another victim.

On June 24, 2015 Lt. Hajicek interviewed another person that had been a child victim of George Lyons. The victim reported that when she was in ninth grade George Lyons came in to her room. He lifted up her shirt – put a pillow over her face – and took pictures of her. She also reported that he “fingered her” and attempted to have sexual intercourse with her.

George Lyons’ act of taking naked pictures of the little girl is in violation of federal child pornography laws.

On December 23, 2015 criminal charges were finally filed against George Lyons.

  • September 22, 2012 – First accusations of sex abuse made to a school official against George Lyons
  • August 9, 2013 – George Lyons’ brother, Matthew Lyons is charged in Grand Forks County with ‘Continuous Sexual Abuse of a Child’
  • March 19, 2014 – District Judge find George Lyons sexually abused a minor child
  • March 27, 2014 – Matthew Lyons sentenced to life in prison
  • December 23, 2015 – Formal charge finally filed against George Lyons

The Lyons brothers were known ruthless pedophiles.

Yet, it took over three years for the EGFPD to file charges against George Lyons; it took nearly two years AFTER a Judge found the abuse was taking place.

And what is the first thing George Lyons does when he is released from jail? He announces he is engaged to be married to a Grand Forks County State Prosecutor.

He sent his message.

If I go down – you all go down.



The conduct of the EGFPD in the George Robert Lyons case is part of a pattern that began to be documented in 2009.

In 2009, the EGFPD inexplicably involved itself with a local journalist’s (Timothy Charles Holmseth) reporting on a national profile child kidnapping case.

Police and court records show Lt. Rodney Hajicek and EGF City Attorney Ronald Galstad were associating with kidnappers and child porn producers, and have used significant EGF city funds to provide aid and support to an organized interstate pedophile syndicate.

First, I will provide a synopsis of what I learned about an international child sex trafficking operation – and then I will show you how the EGFPD conspired with organized pedophiles against me to try to cover it up.


In April of 2009 I (Timothy Charles Holmseth) began receiving emails and telephone calls from multiple members of a ‘group’ that collectively interjected itself into the Amber Alert search for a missing kidnapped child from Florida named HaLeigh Cummings.

I recorded all of the calls.

I was initially contacted by Rev. Richard Grund who was a State’s witness in the Casey Anthony murder trial. He told me that someone planted pubic hair DNA on the body of Caylee Anthony, and hacked photo’s from his computer to implicate his family in Caylee Anthony’s murder. He told me Casey Anthony attempted to obtain semen from his son during a chance shower encounter so she could plant it on Caylee’s body.

Grund told me all of that before Caylee’s body was even found.

Grund wanted me to speak with a bounty hunter named William Staubs (a.k.a. Cobra).

I spoke with ‘Cobra’ Staubs and he told me he had been sent in to the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping investigation by Rev. Grund. Staubs then began implicating a Florida attorney in a plot he claimed she hatched to frame a black man for the kidnapping of HaLeigh Cummings.

I was then contacted by an attorney who spoke nervously to me for hours.

The attorney emailed me and asked me if I would like some hot tips and leads she had regarding the kidnapping investigation. She said she was in direct contact with lead investigators Dominic Piscitello and Peggy Cone. She said she sat in on private law enforcement meetings. She began to copy me on internal law office emails to her client and staff, which included copies to Florida law firm Rothstein, Rosenfeldt, and Adler.

The attorney eventually told me she was in contact with Lt. Rodney Hajicek at the EGFPD and warned me that HaJicek was on her side.

I was contacted by Wayanne Kruger, the author and victim’s advocate that was featured on national television with the missing child’s mother. She told me about a pastor named John Regan who told her he was with the CIA.

Kruger told me Rev. Grund was doing “exorcisms” on little girls and she feared he might have killed HaLeigh Cummings.

Kruger told me John Regan and others including members of a law office were using DCF offices and blackmail to steal babies from teenage mothers (some were scared illegal immigrants) and then moving the infants through the U.S. Embassy for purchasers in Belgium.

Kruger, Staubs, and the attorney all said they were working closely with CNN reporter Art Harris. Harris was Nancy Grace’s reporter on the HaLeigh Cummings case and was strategically putting out fake news on Grace’s tabloid program.

I was told by multiple witnesses that John Regan identified himself during searches for the missing child HaLeigh Cummings as an “undercover pedophile” for the FBI.


I was put on the phone with Donald Knop, an employee of a Florida law office. He told me about naked photographs he had been given (within his duties at the law office) of HaLeigh Cummings. He told me he was instructed by an attorney to give the photos to a Florida DCF social worker named Bonnie Warner. He said he gave Warner the photos in a gas station parking lot after hours.

I then sat silently on a third (conference call) line while Cobra Staubs talked to Warner about the photos. She stated she received them and never gave them to law enforcement.

Note: I cannot use specific names of certain persons that handled the child rape porn of the five year-old or I will be arrested by the EGFPD and/or Polk County Sheriff’s Office.

I have been illegally and unconstitutionally subjected to a “Domestic Violence Protection Order” that was placed on me (a Minnesota resident) in a Florida Divorce Court in Broward County, Florida by a person I never physically met in my life (but interviewed over the phone).

I was telephoned in advance of the Florida court hearing and told I would be murdered by members of the South Florida Mafia and thrown in a swamp if I showed up.

The unconstitutional Order required me to retroactively remove content I had already published regarding the child’s kidnapping. The Order was an attempt to stop distribution of a book I wrote on the case. The Order is diligently enforced by the EGFPD and Polk County Sheriff’s Office.

Polk County authorities are conspiring with child sex traffickers.

I conducted over a hundred of hours of recorded interviews with the aforementioned and many, many others who were seemingly ringing my telephone night and day.

Each individual told me things about others in the group, which was making many members of the group paranoid and nervous. Many of the conversations were group members calling and trying to find out what other members told me.

Essentially – the group is a child abduction team that works with rogue state and federal law enforcement officers as well as Department of Children and Families (FDCF) to kidnap children for sale to the elite. The children and babies are used for sex, torture, and satanic blood rituals.

This Florida abduction team is directly associated with convicted $1.4 Billion Ponzi schemer, Attorney Scott W. Rothstein. Rothstein became the subject of a RICO investigation in Florida and eventually pled guilty.

Rothstein was nefariously involved with convicted pedophile and child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein who operates the notorious Pedophile Island (President Bill Clinton is in Epstein’s flight logs because Bill Clinton is a child rapist).


In 2009, Lt. Rodney Hajicek, EGFPD, began receiving out-of-state telephone complaints from some of the paranoid members of the group.

Hajicek did not become suspicious of the group.


Lt. Hajicek telephoned me (recorded by me) on the group’s behalf, and although he openly stated and recorded in his police incident report that I had committed no crime, he suggested that I not publish anything about certain members of the group.

Not only had I not committed any crime; I was quietly assisting the FBI – and HaJicek KNEW IT!

During that time-window, I had contacted Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum and the Minneapolis FBI regarding information I obtained about photographs of HaLeigh Cummings.

I would later be interviewed by the Minneapolis FBI at the federal courthouse in Grand Forks, North Dakota. The FBI asked for select recordings of my journalism interviews with individuals that were under investigation.

I would later learn, through a public records request to the Polk County Attorney’s Office, that Lt. Hajicek had been in secret email communication with CNN correspondent Art Harris.

Art Harris was Nancy Grace’s reporter for the HaLeigh Cummings investigation (but is actually no more than a pedophile and kidnapping operative that produced fake news for CNN and claims to do contract work for the FBI and DEA).

Hajicek had been communicating with Harris on his private email account and discussing Harris’ desire to have me arrested.

In one email, Harris is fuming mad, complaining to Hajicek that the FBI in Florida, acting on information and evidence from me; that they had just visited the office of a group member regarding photographs of HaLeigh Cummings.

EGFPD Lt. Rodney Hajicek (a.k.a. Jerry Sandusky Jr.)

Harris told Hajicek “He’s got to be stopped”.

Harris asked Hajicek if he had heard anything back (about having me arrested) from the County Attorney (Greg Widseth). Hajicek’s end of the email thread appears to have been removed by a scissors.

In early 2011, I published a book about the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping. The book was printed by a printer in Grand Forks, North Dakota. It was comprised primarily of quotes taken from my recorded interviews. The book was featured on Florida television and widely reported on.

Major Gary Bowling, the director of law enforcement at the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office in Florida requested a copy.

However – Lt. Hajicek and the EGFPD clearly wanted me to shut up and I’ll be arrested if I advertise my book online in Polk County, Minnesota.


In the summer of 2011, officers with the EGFPD came to my home where I was with my two children. They said they received a police report (from Tina Church, Specialized Investigative Consultants, Indiana) that just minutes before, I had claimed to have the missing child HaLeigh Cummings in my apartment.

I would later discover the EGFPD was assisting the group, to create the illusion, that I had possessed the child pornography of HaLeigh Cummings, and at some point had the little missing girl in my home. I.E. – They were setting me up for kidnapping, rape, production of child pornography, and murder.

There is evidence Tina Church is involved in the interstate trafficking of HaLeigh Cummings.

I was told by Kruger that she witnessed and filmed a woman named ‘Christine Church’ at a prayer vigil for HaLeigh Cummings shortly after the child vanished. She said “Christine Church” traveled to the vigil from another state with a group of others.

In the fall of 2011, Lt. Hajicek and EGF City Attorney Ronald Galstad issued an arrest warrant for me, because I published a person’s photograph on my website in violation of a Domestic Violation Protection Order placed on me in a Florida Divorce Court by a person I had never met; at a hearing I could not attend under threat of death.

In 2012, the EGFPD and Minnesota Pine to Prairie Gang and Drug Task Force, wearing bullet proof vests, raided my home office and seized my computer and storage disks.

Polk County Sgt. Investigator Michael Norland would later record in his Sheriff’s Report, as well testify in open court, that he had searched Timothy Holmseth’s hard-drive and found “no sign of illegal activity”.

The EGFPD destroyed my hard-drive before returning it by Order of the Court.

In 2016, Tina Church telephoned me and told me she had been impersonated by a Florida woman on the false police report made against me in 2011. She said Levi Page, who is yet another law enforcement impersonator and associate of Art Harris and Nancy Grace, was also on the telephone line when the false police report was made.

Tina Church told me that she had been contacted ‘off the record’ by the EGFPD during the time window of the false police report. She specifically states that the EGFPD telephoned her (not the other way around).

Evidence shows the EGFPD worked with Tina Church and others in an effort to create the false appearance that I was involved in the rape and murder of HaLeigh Cummings.

Neither the EGFPD nor the Polk County Attorney’s Office will investigate the new statements by Tina Church that she was impersonated, which could potentially lead to the missing child HaLeigh Cummings.

Duplicate police reports obtained from the EGFPD reveal select portions of reports detailing activities of Lt. Hajicek have been literally removed the Report (although I possess the originals).

Records also show Lt. Hajicek destroyed files and audio recordings that were placed in evidence by his own officers.

Polk County, Minnesota needs to be investigated by the United States Department of Justice.


by Timothy Charles Holmseth on October 10, 2016, 02:05 P.M. CST

Clinton Global has been implicated by black operatives that are targeting a Minnesota journalist while using the name and contact information of Donald J. Trump.

Evidence shows Director James Comey’s FBI has been running cover for the operation.


Sex predators claiming association with Clinton Global and Turner Communications (CNN) are using voice changing software to relentlessly telephone investigative journalist Timothy Charles Holmseth, East Grand Forks, Minnesota (see photos below).


The black operation against Holmseth, which is well documented at local police departments in Minnesota and North Dakota, began in 2009 after Holmseth conducted interviews with individuals involved in a child kidnapping in Florida. In 2010 the Minneapolis FBI contacted Holmseth and asked for segments of recorded interviews he conducted with members of a child sex ring suspected of kidnapping and photographing HaLeigh Cummings. 5.



Holmseth turned over audio recordings to Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi that captured a Florida DCF child protection social worker talking to a mercenary child-trafficker and admitting she handled a CD that contained close-up photos of the five year-old missing child’s private area – the CD was never turned over to law enforcement.

The sex operation involved a fake pastor and pedophile named John Regan who interjected himself into the missing child case and told multiple witnesses he was an agent with both the FBI and CIA. Wayanne Kruger, an associate of Regan, told Holmseth during a recorded interview that members of the Florida government and legal community were selling babies to purchasers in Europe and provided details of how infants were being moved through the United States Embassy.

Holmseth also possessed information pertaining to slain toddler Caylee Anthony, which was directly related to the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping.

Holmseth and his children have been relentlessly stalked and threatened since 2009; warned to remove his publication from the Web.

In 2016 the operatives began to use Donald Trump’s telephone numbers.

In September, 2016, Holmseth acquired a written confession authored by a child serial killer that boasted of murdering JonBenet Ramsey in 1996. The confession was published briefly on the Barnes & Noble website before being removed. Holmseth submitted a copy of the confession to Boulder Police Department and Denver FBI.

On September 26, 2016, Holmseth sent a copy of the confession entitled ‘Two Is Too Young To Die’ to Donald Trump’s attorney, Michael D. Cohen.

The operatives telephoned Holmseth and warned him to remove information he published about JonBenet Ramsey.

On October 1, 2016, an operative contacted Holmseth with links the sender claimed would lead to photographs of children being murdered.


Holmseth continues to receive threatening calls from telephone numbers intended to implicate Donald J. Trump.






by Timothy Charles Holmseth on October 9, 2016, 08:35 A.M. CST

Donald Trump has been targeted by organized crime that has repeatedly used his telephone number to threaten a journalist and FBI witness.

Timothy Charles Holmseth, investigative journalist, began receiving threatening calls from telephone numbers listed to The Trump Organization and Mar-A-Lago Resort in March, 2016 – the most recent threat was yesterday.


Holmseth contacted Trump’s attorney, Michael D. Cohen, on September 26, 2016 to alert him that somebody using Trump’s telephone number was committing felonies and federal crimes.

Holmseth recently published a never-before-seen written confession by a person claiming to have murdered JonBenet Ramsey. The sick confession entitled ‘Two Is Too Young To Die’ appeared briefly on the Barnes & Nobles website before it was removed. The confession has been reported to Boulder Police and the FBI.

The call made to Holmseth last night by a person using voice changing software was listed to Trump’s Florida resort.

“You are hereby forbidden to mention the following names on your website. If you do you will face consequences. Never mention Donna Wagoner, Pam Bondi, Levi Page, Marco Rubio, Jeremiah Regan, Tina Church . . . John Regan, William Murtaugh, Alexandria Goddard, Chelsea Hoffman, Dominic Piscitello, John Merchant, Peggy  Cone”.

Piscitello, Merchant, and Cone were all detectives at the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office in Florida and worked the still unsolved case of the missing child HaLeigh Cummings.

Wagoner was interviewed by the FBI based upon a tip from Holmseth.

John Regan told multiple people during the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping investigation that he was an agent with both the FBI and CIA.

Holmseth provided evidence to the FBI and Florida Governor Rick Scott’s Department of Children and Families that John Regan and a group of public officials secretly photographed HaLeigh Cummings naked.

“You are to delete all reference to them on your website and you are hereby forbidden to mention them again,” the caller said.

* * * * *

Timothy Charles Holmseth
320 17th Street N.W. 
Unit# 17
East Grand Forks, MN 
218.230.1597 (cell)

In Re: National Security / JonBenet Ramsey

September 26, 2016

Michael D. Cohen 
502 Park Avenue 
New York, New York 

Attorney Cohen,

I am an investigative journalist and the Plaintiff in HOLMSETH V. CITY OF GRAND FORKS ET AL. – District of North Dakota – 3:16-cv-303 – – – this Memo is in reference to:

  1. Threatening telephone calls I have received from telephone numbers listed to ‘The Trump Organization’ ‘Mar-A-Lago Club’ ‘Florida Governor Rick Scott’ ‘Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi’  ‘Republican National Committee’ ‘CNN Denver Bureau’ among many others.

  1. Written confession I obtained that was authored by the person that tortured and murdered JonBenet Ramsey in 1996.

Whoever is making these calls and online communications, which are recorded, have threatened to kill me; harm my children; and kidnap my grand daughter. The callers taunt me online with assurances the local police will never help me.

I contact Mr. Trump today to alert him to these facts and circumstances because the people using Mr. Trump’s name are connected to the murder of JonBenet Ramsey. Children in our country are being kidnapped, tortured, and murdered by operatives of this satanic shadow government cult and escape prosecution based upon ‘National Security’ (such as in the JonBenet Ramsey case).

Enclosed is a disc containing the confession from JonBenet’s killer, which was published online at Barnes and Noble under the title “Two Is Too Young To Die” before it was removed. I provided it to the Boulder Police Department and Denver FBI.

I am asking Mr. Trump to read “Two Is Too Young To Die” in advance of a Trump Administration and new U.S. Attorney General.

Respectfully yours,
Timothy Charles Holmseth

Enclosed: Disc / Two Is Too Young To Die / Letter to Denver FBI







Trail of ‘Cobra’ leads to kiddy porn and Gov. Rick Scott’s Administration

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on March 31, 2016, 11:10 P.M. CST

The ‘bounty hunter’ involved with a CD containing secret naked photographs of the missing child HaLeigh Cummings has been exposed by the Broward County Sun- Sentinel.

Sun Sentinel Cobra Staubs

The February 28, 2016 story entitled“The bounty hunter, the drug dealer, and the downfall of a Broward Sheriff’s sergeant” is only the beginning of revelations.

William Staubs, a.k.a. Cobra’s trail leads back to organized crime and Fla. Gov. Rick Scott’s administration.

The Sun-Sentinel story reveals how a Broward County Sheriff’s sergeant, Matthew Baldwin, was fired for activity he engaged in involving William Staubs – a.k.a. Cobra.

“Sheriff’s office investigators found Baldwin routinely misused a DMV database by running license-plate tags and looking up personal information and photos for the bounty hunter who in turn sold the information to a “violent” drug dealer,” the Sun-Sentinel reported.

“The bounty hunter, William Staubs, known as Cobra, has an arrest history. The drug dealer, Jaime A. Cruz, is currently serving seven years’ probation for a 2011 cocaine trafficking conviction,” the Sun-Sentinel reported.

However – Staubs’ improper involvement with law enforcement and government agencies to advance a criminal enterprise has been occurring for decades. His trail leads to federal agents, FDLE agents, judges, states attorneys, and DCF agents involved in child trafficking.

Timothy Charles Holmseth, owner, Write Into Action, was interviewed by the Minneapolis FBI in 2010 after Holmseth reported information to the feds about photographs involving the missing child HaLeigh Cummings. The FBI asked Holmseth for some of his audio interviews with Staubs and others that had interjected themselves into the child kidnapping case.

In 2009, Staubs and a group traveled from Broward County to Putnam County, Florida where they were impersonating FBI agents; planting evidence; and attempting to frame multiple innocent persons for the missing child’s abduction.

Staubs told Holmseth that Captain Dominic Piscitello was his inside man at the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office.

Staubs was arrested in 2009 for felony false imprisonment of a man his ‘team’ attempted to frame on camera through an operation that involved disgraced former CNN journalist Art Harris and Nancy Grace.

During a journalistic investigation, Holmseth captured evidence proving Staubs’ group possessed secret naked photographs of HaLeigh Cummings.

Holmseth was told by Donald Knop, a staff employee of a South Florida law firm, he was given copies of naked photographs of five year-old HaLeigh Cummings, which he has told to place on a CD along with other pictures and data and give to a DCF social worker.

However – the exchange of the CD was not offcial DCF business.

Holmseth captured Staubs talking to Florida DCF child protection worker, Bonnie Warner about the CD, which she said she received after hours in a parking lot from Knop.

Warner said the pictures ‘could not be shown to her supervisor’. Warner was talking to Staubs about the case after hours on her home telephone.

Write Into Action’s investigation uncovered troves of evidence that Staubs is a mercenary career criminal involved in drug trafficking, child sex trafficking, and kiddy porn.

On one occasion Staubs put Holmseth on the telephone with a man he called “Sammy the Bull” that talked about spreading out plastic on the floor and torturing a 17 year-old girl named Misty Croslin with power drills to make her admit where she really was the night HaLeigh Cummings disappeared.

Staubs told Holmseth he attended KKK meetings and sometimes telephones judges at home.

Holmseth and his children have been threatened with kidnapping, mutilation, and death. He has received countless threatening telephone calls and videos have been anonymously published on You Tube warning him to remove all of his websites or suffer severe consequences.

The audio regarding the HaLeigh Cummings pornography and threats were all sent to Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi. Official records from the Office of Gov. Rick Scott show the information was passed to the Inspector General but nothing was done.

The Scott Administration is attempting to cover-up the DCF child porn sex trafficking scandal.

Staubs told Holmseth during a recorded call that he personally met with Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi.

Holmseth believes Gov. Scott and AG Bondi are being blackmailed by Staubs and Scott will never be the VP pick to Donald Trump because Scott poses a national security risk.



Web blogger admits knowledge of porn pictures of HaLeigh Cummings – Scott a blackmailed, national security liability?  

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on March 27, 2016, 8:31 P.M. CST

Florida Governor Rick Scott’s knowledge of child rape pornography created of the missing child HaLeigh Cummings has taken a disturbing new turn.

Rick Scott Porn Investigation

An anonymous Web blogger that goes by the name “Radio” has openly professed direct and intimate knowledge of the pictures.

In the bizarre twist, the reputed pedophile Web blogger has attempted to push a narrative that although the photos exist, the child’s sexually assaulted vagina was only “Photoshopped” to appear that way.

On March 8, 2016, published a detailed analysis regarding his/her direct knowledge of the photographs.

“The pictures of subject – were taken by Haleigh’s maternal family before they took her to an ER to get a Dr. to say she had been sexually abused. The ER Dr. found no evidence of that and would not document such. These are the pictures Holmseth is trying to push as valid. They are not. The whole thing was a plan to get custody away from Ronald Cummings, which would have been a good thing, but photoshopped pictures were not the way to go and didn’t work. Holmseth is beating a dead horse and tarnishing the memory of Haleigh Cummings,” the Web blogger said.

Radionewz Holmseth Rick Scott HaLeigh Cummings

The admission by the anonymous blogger clearly requires an investigation by the FBI.

According to Wayanne Kruger, the author and victim’s advocate that traveled from Arizona to Florida in 2009 to stay in the home of Crystal Sheffield, HaLeigh’s mother, following the child’s kidnapping, said the little girl had been raped.

Kruger told Timothy Charles Holmseth during an interview that she feared HaLeigh could have died from “haemorrhaging” from the rape.

Kruger said she was working with a ‘pastor’ named John Regan who claimed he was a CIA agent. Kruger said Regan told her he was an “undercover pervert” and the FBI already had HaLeigh but wanted to keep it quiet for the time being.

Kruger said she telephoned Capt. Dominic Piscitello, the chief detective at the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office and tried to report John Regan and his son, Jeremiah Regan. She said Piscitello became belligerent and aggressive and suggested perhaps he arrest Kruger.

Kruger’s statements regarding the child porn pictures match the scenario Holmseth reported to Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi. Holmseth detailed to Bondi that HaLeigh had been “strategically” raped; her vagina then photographed; in an attempt by Crystal Sheffield’s legal team to secure a change of child custody ruling through a recommendation from the Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) without filing a Motion in the Florida court.


Kruger also told Holmseth that law enforcement’s primary person of focus in the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping, Misty Croslin, was present during a child porn shoot and was ‘the older girl used to keep the little girl calm’.

In yet another bizarre twist, the website published a promotional article requesting the public donate money to pay the fees of Croslin’s new attorney, Tonya D. Cromartie.

Cromartie abruptly appeared on the scene to represent Croslin, only after Croslin, personally filed a Post Conviction Motion from prison. Croslin argued in her Motion that her first attorney, Robert Fields, should have argued entrapment. Croslin received a bizarre and nearly unprecedented 25 year sentence for selling pills. It was the first time the 18 year-old Croslin had ever been in trouble with the law.

Why Cromartie is associating with an anonymous Web blogger that has knowledge of naked photos of a missing child being sought by the FBI is a question.

Tonya D. Cromartie

Tonya D. Cromartie

The pedophile Web blogger “Radio” published multiple videos and sex articles about Holmseth and his children and committed criminal extortion by demanding Holmseth remove all of his websites, or suffer more false sex stories that would be written.

In one video, which targeted Holmseth’s daughter, the anonymous publisher threatened to take her baby away from her as soon as it was born.

All of the videos were submitted to Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi.

Holmseth receives regular threatening phone calls from various telephone numbers including several from the Office of the Florida Governor by a person talking into a voice changer.

The situation became so dire to Holmseth’s family and children that a Minnesota District Judge in the Family Division set forth a course of action for dealing with the threats being visited upon the children.

The situation appears to be a crisis for Scott, who appears to be blackmailed in a child sex ring pornography scandal and would never be able to serve as Vice President of the United States due to national security issues.

Holmseth has been contacted by the Trump Organization.

Timothy Charles Holmseth believes Donald Trump is a fearless and un-afraid family man and looks positively forward to him intervening on this burgeoning national tragedy.