Posts Tagged ‘Santa Rosa County’

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on August 17, 2017, 10:14 P.M. CST

In United States law, federal question jurisdiction is the subject-matter jurisdiction of United States federal courts to hear a civil case because the plaintiff has alleged a violation of the United States Constitution, federal law, or a treaty to which the United States is a party.

Murtaugh claims that Thomas Norman Olsen, Milton, Florida is requesting a ‘stalking’ order against me (Timothy Charles Holmseth).

According to Murtaugh, documents authored by Olsen, a convicted felon and self professed (he literally boasts and brags on the Web) cyber bully, said, “I ask that you rule for not only this injunction, but for the respondent remove all mention of me online dating back to August 2015. I also ask that he keeps from mentioning me on line or anywhere from now into the foreseeable future.”

If such a Petition has been filed in Florida State court, there is going to be a ‘Federal Question’ for the U.S. Court regarding the Constitutionality of Olsen’s claim of stalking.

Here’s why.

According to Murtaugh (who is not trustworthy) Olsen asked the Court to force me to retroactively remove all mention of him dating back to August 15, 2015.

Take a look at this.

Santa Rosa County blackmail scheme linked to HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping – Evidence turned over to FDLE attorney James Martin
by Timothy Charles Holmseth on September 2, 2015 at 1:51 P.M.

Olsen is colluding with an attorney (and Murtaugh) to hide from the world what is revealed in the article by falsely claiming he is being stalked.


by Timothy Charles Holmseth on August 17, 2017, 3:48 P.M. CST

Timothy Charles Holmseth
320 17th Street N.W.
Unit # 17
East Grand Forks, MN
218.230.1597 (cell)

In Re: Holmseth v. City of East Grand Forks et al

August 17, 2017

Federal Judge
United States Courthouse
316 North Robert Street
STE 100
St. Paul, Minnesota

Dear Federal Court,

I am requesting permission from the U.S. Court to re-open HOLMSETH V. CITY OF EAST GRAND FORKS ET AL – in a limited scope.

If I am not able to obtain immediate relief from the U.S. Court I am at risk of suffering irreparable damage to my entire life.

I am presently the target of an active and imminent assault upon my First Amendment rights by multiple members of a interstate group that are retaliating against me for filing a Motion to Vacate in the 9th Minnesota District Court Family Court which is set for hearing on September 13, 2017 in Polk County, Minnesota (Court File Number 60-FA-13-468).

I am under siege by several members of a group who were named in the Affidavit of the Minnesota action.

I filed the Motion to Vacate because I obtained new evidence that was not available at the time of trial. The evidence proves members of a group operated by Tina Church, president, Specialized Investigative Inc., Mishawaka, Indiana, and REDACTED REDACTED Law Office P.A., Fort Lauderdale, Florida, conspired with Lt. Detective Rodney Hajicek at the East Grand Forks Police Department to violate my rights.

I acquired emails from the personal/private Gmail account of Lt. Rodney Hajicek that show in 2009 he began secretly conspiring against my rights with REDACTED REDACTED and her agents, after the Minneapolis and Jacksonville FBI began acting upon information they received from me regarding the kidnapping of HaLeigh Cummings.

Lt. Hajicek hid a 22-page FBI report that was emailed to him by REDACTED REDACTED’s agents. The FBI report was authored by me. The FBI report contained the names and activities of a group that had contacted my publication. The group members told me about their illegal activities in the search for HaLeigh Cummings. The FBI report included the names of REDACTED REDACTED, her media consultant Art Harris, and others. One private email from Harris to Hajicek dated July, 2011 said the FBI in Florida was using information from Timothy Holmseth and said, “He’s got to be stopped”

I also obtained new information that proves a police report made to the East Grand Forks Police in July, 2011 by Tina Church, who told police I claimed to have HaLeigh Cummings in my apartment, was a planned operation by the group that involved planning in advance with somebody at the East Grand Forks Police Department.

The whole thing was a set-up.

I’ll explain how I know that using new evidence.

In October, 2016, Tina Church abruptly telephoned me after many years of no contact and told me (call recorded) she did not make the police report in 2011. She claimed she was impersonated by a woman from Interlachen, Florida named REDACTED along with a man from Dover, Tennessee named Levi Page (call recorded).

Tina Church also told me in 2016 that although she did not make the July, 2011 police report, the East Grand Forks Police had telephoned her on occasion and they discussed me, and what she called my “obsession” with HaLeigh Cummings. There are no records of those conversations between Tina Church and the EGFPD. Tina Church said REDACTED talked to the EGFPD and there are no records of that either.

In May, 2017 I went to the EGFPD and filed a police report. I gave the officer a CD with the phone calls from Tina Church wherein she claims she was impersonated on the false police report.

This week I obtained the records regarding my May, 2017 report to the EGFPD and it shows the EGFPD did not take one step beyond receiving the report from me. The officer did not note in his narrative anything about the calls or even that I gave him a CD. That is greatly alarming if for no other reason – it involves information about a kidnapped missing child.

In August, 2017, after I filed my Motion to Vacate, Tina Church telephoned me and asked me for the name of the judge on the Minnesota case. I told her it was Tamara Yon. She called me back a few hours later and told me she “called” and talked to Judge Tamara Yon. Tina Church said the judge “wasn’t too impressed” with my court filing. Tina Church kept telling me she was trying to give me the opportunity to withdraw my court filings.

In August, 2017, Tina Church told me she had been recently calling the EGFPD, Polk County Attorney Greg Widseth, and East Grand Forks City Attorney Ronald Galsatd. She said she put the “City of East Grand Forks” on “notice” that if the City did not involuntarily commit me into a mental institute she was going to have her attorney from “Chicago” sue the City of EGF.

Tina Church told me she has advised everybody that I named in my Minnesota case to file restraining orders against me.

Tina Church is blackmailing the City of East Grand Forks because she has officers on tape and she can prove they conspired with her, REDACTED REDACTED, and others against me in private.

After I filed my Motion to Vacate in Minnesota, a publishing agent and law client of REDACTED REDACTED named William Murtaugh published an article that announced Thomas Norman Olsen, Milton, Florida, who too is a law client of REDACTED REDACTED, had petitioned a Florida court for a “stalking” order against me and showed screenshots.

REDACTED REDACTED is using her friends, and law clients, to file bogus court actions and publish articles that say Timothy Holmseth needs to be investigated for the kidnapping of HaLeigh Cummings.

Thomas Norman Olsen, Milton Florida, and REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED, Fort Lauderdale, Florida are conspiring against my rights in a ‘restraining order’ scheme, which utilizes Florida state courts, to subvert my First and Second Amendment rights.

Thomas Olsen is a convicted felon from Milton, Florida. Thomas Olsen is a personal friend of REDACTED REDACTED (she bailed him out of jail when he stole money, a car, and a gun) in Santa Rosa County, Florida. REDACTED REDACTED is also Thomas Olsen’s lawyer. REDACTED REDACTED is a licensed divorce attorney in Florida (no criminal law license).

REDACTED REDACTED and Thomas Olsen are BOTH named in my Affidavit supporting my Motion to Vacate (Court File Number 60-FA-13-468) that I filed on September 24, 2017 in the 9th Minnesota District Family Court, which is set for hearing on September 13, 2017.

The Motion I filed in the Minnesota court details facts that show how REDACTED REDACTED, a civil divorce attorney, (fraudulently) obtained a domestic violence protection order against me in a Broward County Divorce Court (DVCE) in 2011, despite my never having met her in person (much less being married to her).

The Order for Protection against Domestic Violence ordered by the Florida Divorce Judge in 2011 required me to retroactively remove everything from the Web that I ever wrote about REDACTED REDACTED – and ordered that I never write about her again.

My recent Motion is filed in the Minnesota ‘Family’ Division because in 2009, after I interviewed REDACTED REDACTED and her staff about her involvement in a kidnapping investigation that involved REDACTED REDACTED possessing child rape pornography of the missing child, she and her agents began contacting my three year-old son’s mother, REDACTED, and encouraging her to file motions against me in Minnesota Family Court. It was an improper/illegal way to gain Venue against me and my publication in a court – through a ‘Best Interest of the Child’ scheme.

I was not able to attend the Florida protection order hearing in 2011 because I was warned by REDACTED REDACTED’s private investigator, William Staubs, that I would be murdered my “mob boys” if I showed up. I reported the death threat to East Grand Forks Police Department Lt. Detective Rodney Hajicek who took no action whatsoever.

The EGFPD has willfully and deliberately withheld evidence from me that I would have used at the time of trial(s).

I would not be in this position if it were not for the misconduct and illegal actions committed in an individual capacity against me by Rodney Hajicek at the EGFPD.

Each new out-of-state protection/harassment order against me is being used to piggy-back new ones by new petitioners and are going to be continuously filed until I appear to be a criminal.

The EGFPD refuses to investigate any crimes against me which include threatening telephone calls from people using telephone numbers of Former President Bill (and Hillary) Clinton (Clinton Global), President Donald Trump (Trump Organization, Mar-A-Lago Resort, Doral Resort), and many others, as well as voice changer messages that threaten my grandchild is going to be taken.

There is Federal Question concerning multiple areas of this illegal scheme against me that involves persons in several states.

I humbly request the U.S. Court allow me to obtain relief.

Respectfully submitted,
Timothy Charles Holmseth

Attached: Hajicek email


by Timothy Charles Holmseth on August 12, 2017, 9:45 P.M. CST

I am preparing an Affidavit for the Minnesota District Court regarding coordinated extortion being committed against me by persons in three different states that are associates working together to violate my rights.

My Affidavit will accompany a report I will be filing against Thomas Norman Olsen, Milton, Florida, to the State of Florida for the crime of Extortion.

On August 11, 2017 I legally published a press release entitled Threats reported to Minnesota and Florida courts

The press release details the legal and proper steps I took with the Minnesota and Florida courts regarding threats made against me by Thomas Olsen.

Thomas Olsen is a convicted felon that began to threaten me after I filed a Motion to Vacate a prior order with the Minnesota District Family Court. My Motion was filed pursuant to Minnesota Rules of Civil Procedure that allow a judge to vacate an order based upon new evidence that was not available at the time of trial and/or evidence of fraud.

Olsen’s name was mentioned in the Statement/Affidavit that accompanied my Motion.

On August 11, 2017 Thomas Olen published the following letter on my website.

Holmseth, you seriously have issues. You need to be committed. I have absolutely no clue where you keep getting these crazy ass conspiracy theories from stating that every official and citizen in the country is out to get you. Your ramblings are those of a sociopathic, psychotic, lunatic that deserves nothing more or less than incarceration or commitment into a mental health facility. Keep going, and keep putting my name is your stupid fucking court documents and crazy ass conspiracy theories, and you will end up with so many fucking civil suits on your doorstep you will be homeless. In the process I will start filing suits against WordPress and your ISP, Wiktel, if they continue to host these websites without taking action.
– Thomas Norman Olsen / 08/11/17

On August 12, 2017, after reading my press release, Thomas Olsen published the following letter on my website.

Exactly what I wanted you to do. You took every last action I expected, and already planned, for you to take. See you in court dumbass.
– Thomas Norman Olsen / 08/11/17

Olsen’s threatening letter that warned he would cause very bad things to happen to me if I ever named him again in a court document meets the elements of extortion as set forth in Florida 836.05.

Olsen has never accused me of lying about him and has never issued a claim of damages; he simply warned me that he would cause me to be “homeless” and destroy my business relationships if I ever exercised my rights again.


836.05 Threats; extortion.—Whoever, either verbally or by a written or printed communication, maliciously threatens to accuse another of any crime or offense, or by such communication maliciously threatens an injury to the person, property or reputation of another, or maliciously threatens to expose another to disgrace, or to expose any secret affecting another, or to impute any deformity or lack of chastity to another, with intent thereby to extort money or any pecuniary advantage whatsoever, or with intent to compel the person so threatened, or any other person, to do any act or refrain from doing any act against his or her will, shall be guilty of a felony of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

The following screenshots were originally published by William Murtaugh, Florida. The screenshots feature postings by Thomas Olsen who used the name “Popadopolous”.

These images may provide some insight into how I knew to identify Thomas Olsen in my court filings.


by Timothy Charles Holmseth on August 11, 2017, 10:39 P.M. CST

There has been a dramatic upsurge in threats against me since I announced my court filing on July 24, 2017.

On August 10, 2017, I published a press release ‘Kidnapping and child rape porn cover-up center stage in Minnesota District Court – Affidavit is a blueprint to a child sex trafficking ring operating in U.S. and abroad’.

Today I was threatened in writing by Thomas Norman Olsen, Milton, Florida.

Thomas Olsen is a convicted felon on probation for larceny which included stealing a motor vehicle, money, and a gun.

Thomas Olsen was mentioned in my court filing to the Minnesota Court.

Today, I submitted an Affidavit to the Minnesota Court regarding Thomas Olsen which included the name of an attorney, and business colleague, that bailed him out of jail when got arrested.

The Affidavit contains exhibits and information that illuminate an extortion scheme Thomas Olsen ran on Santa Rosa County after he was arrested, which included a threat he published and disseminated regarding law enforcement corruption in Santa Rosa County, Florida that he was going to expose through a lawsuit.

Extortion and blackmail is a common tactic used within the cult of career criminals where everybody has something on everybody else – including compromising information about rogue police, correctional officers, and judicial officers.

The extortion and blackmail of government officials by Thomas Olsen closely resembles threats recently made by Tina Church, president, Specialized Investigative Consultants Inc., Mishawaka, Indiana, to Ronald Galstad, Galstad Jensen and McCann (the private attorney that contracts for the City of East Grand Forks, Minnesota).

Galstad and the City of EGF are compromised.

Church said she recently telephoned Galstad and put the City of East Grand Forks on “notice” that either the City involuntarily commits me (Timothy Holmseth) into a mental institution or her attorney from “Chicago” is going to sue the City of EGF.

That would be called ‘kidnapping’ but in the cult of career criminals it is regular talking point.

Church also claims to be talking in private with police officers at the East Grand Forks Police Department and Polk County Attorney Greg Widseth.

Church claims she gave the East Grand Forks Police investigative information about me pertaining to a kidnapped child named HaLeigh Cummings. However, the EGFPD categorically states they have no “record” of the conversations that Church says took place.

That’s because the conversation were not official and were done in the course of a criminal conspiracy by government employees in a personal capacity to cover up a kidnapping and production of rape porn of a five year old girl.

I submitted a copy of the Affidavit to Thomas Olsen’s probation officer.


Denver FBI contacted informant three days before shooting to avoid another “Dr. Tiller” incident

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on January 15, 2016 at 1:04 P.M. C.S.T.

The man that killed three people and wounded nine at the Planned Parenthood facility in Colorado Springs told KCNC-TV he was being followed by the FBI on November 27, 2015.

Robert Lewis Dear said 10 FBI agents were following him and contacted the facility and warned them he was coming.


“When I got there, of course, those guys knew I was armed, knew everything about me. They slither off like snakes and they get the local cops to do their dirty work, so that’s why the shootout was there,” Dear told KCNC.

“When I busted in that door on the side, all the people were gone,” he said. “So they had been tipped off by the FBI or somebody. All the employees, everybody had gotten out the back,” he said.

Dear said the FBI had been harassing him year after year. He said they broke into his trailer in rural Colorado and cut holes in his clothes.

Dear said the shooting was not planned, but he feared the FBI was going to get him so he chose the Planned Parenthood facility to make his “last stand”.

Denver FBI spokeswoman Deborah Sherman declined to comment, citing a gag order in case.


Exclusive information obtained by Write Into Action indicates the Denver FBI was aware that something was going to occur.

On November 24, only three days before the shooting in Colorado Springs, Kimberly Milka, Denver FBI, interviewed Danielle Kekoa, Northglenn, Colorado.

Write Into Action had been running a expositive series since September, 2015, featuring Danielle Kekoa and her husband, Curtis Kekoa.

The Kekoa’s are former pro-life abortion activists that worked on Operation Rescue when they were members of Denver Bible Church, Wheat Ridge, Colorado.

Milka said she had received Kekoa’s contact information from Planned Parenthood. “They provided your name and number,” Milka said.

“We need to find somebody – well, I was wondering if you would be willing to talk to me about some of the stuff that you observed while you were a member of the Denver Bible Church,” Milka said.

Danielle Kekoa told Milka that Rev. Bob Enyart, the pastor of Denver Bible Church, is a “serial killer” and “shot caller” running a “satanic cult” while impersonating a pro-life Christian abortion activist.

Milka appeared to be concerned about violence occurring at an abortion facility. “If there’s any move to harm people, like you said, we don’t want another Dr. Tiller on our hands,” Milka said.

Danielle Kekoa told Milka “you can expect it because Bob Enyart has been found out.”

Three days after the interview, Dear opened fire at Planned Parenthood.

Danielle Kekoa told Milka that Enyart is involved in kidnappings and murders on a mass scale, including the murders of JonBenet Ramsey, Jessica Ridgeway, and Dylan Redwine.

The FBI has a copy of a written Manifesto authored by Enyart declaring his own ‘Shadow Government’ and there is strong evidence Enyart’s ‘shadow government’ is connected to organized crime responsible for kidnapping and murders in Florida.


Curtis and Danielle Kekoa have suffered extreme online retaliation after cooperating with the FBI regarding Enyart and his possible connection to Dear.

The Kekoa’s, as well as Timothy Charles Holmseth (this writer), have been sexually assaulted online by operatives believed to be publishing content for Enyart on a website located at

Evidence submitted to Judge Tamara Yon, Minnesota State Court, included police reports from a police investigation of Levi Page, Tennessee, and demonstrated threats against Holmseth’s children and un-born grandchild had been published by Page and others.

The website has been used to stalk and threaten both the Kekoa’s and Holmseth for years – always placing a cynical focus on the children of their targets. In one video published against Holmseth, the voice warned Holmseth if he did not remove all of his websites, his grandchild would be taken as soon as it was born.

On January 12, 2016, the website published an article entitled “Dani Kekoa Is Pregnant With Bob Enyart’s Baby? Whut? Lucky #7?” (the reference to ‘lucky number 7’ was regarding Kekoa’s children – they have six children).

Other articles and comments describe vile sexual relations and orgies of all kinds.

One article features a photo of slain Colorado teen Dylan Redwine’s father, Mark Redwine, with feces filled underwear in his mouth. The article contains a comment saying Danielle Kekoa is pregnant with Mark Redwine’s baby.

James Martin, senior attorney, Florida Department of Law Enforcement, possesses information about the identity of the website’s publishers.

Evidence, which will be presented to a federal court by Holmseth, shows Martin, Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi, and the Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) Inspector General possess audio evidence obtained by Holmseth that exposes a child kidnapping and pornography ring in Florida that distributed secret naked photographs of the missing child HaLeigh Cummings after she was kidnapped.

The trafficking ring involves law enforcement officers, attorneys, and social workers.

Holmseth was recently threatened with arrest by William Wheeler, an investigator with the Santa Rosa County States Attorney’s Office in Florida. Wheeler warned Holmseth not to provide any more information to the Santa Rosa County State’s Attorney or face arrest.

Holmseth possesses evidence (medical charts) of Florida government officials from nearly every government agency (Judges, Attorneys, politicians, police, etc.), including the Florida Inspector General, obtaining prescription medication by fraud at a Tallahassee pill-mill.

Florida Governor Rick Scott has first-hand knowledge of the evidence.

Holmseth will assert in federal court the State of Florida is allowing organized crime to stage operations within its borders to intimidate and threaten him and his family.


by Timothy Charles Holmseth on November 1, 2015 at 8:12 A.M.

Thomas Norman Olsen, Milton, Florida, is charged with felonies and wanted by police.

According to Florida Department of Corrections: The offender is in willful non-compliance with the following conditions of supervision and the Department is removing the offender from the PTI program effective this date: 10-19-2015; has moved couple of weeks ago from parents house and whereabouts are unknown – failed to report to officer for appt. date of 10-05-2015.

Thomas Norman Olson


On August 17, 2015, Timothy Charles Holmseth emailed States Attorney Jason English in Santa Rosa County, Florida and reported Olsen.

“The purpose of this correspondence is not to provide you with every single piece of evidence I possess, as it would be extremely voluminous. Therefore, I will provide you with prima facie evidence that THOMAS NORMAN OLSEN is in violation of his probation,” Holmseth said.

“I have information that Mr. Olsen is the individual; or is directly involved with a group of individuals, that has published three videos targeting me and my children. The videos contain patently false allegations, and constitute sexual threats upon my children, including my [REDACTED]-old son; one video suggests that my un-born grandchild will be immediately taken (kidnapped) after he/she is born,” Holmseth said.

Holmseth explained to English why he is being targeted.

“I recently published audio interviews I obtained as an investigative journalist. In the audios, members of a child sex trafficking underground are captured discussing child pornography depicting the sexual abuse of the missing child HaLeigh Ann-Marie Cummings. SEE/LISTEN ATTACHED AUDIO FILE,” Holmseth said.

Olsen had been previously charged with serious felonies that included theft of a firearm, but inexplicably placed in a Pretrial Intervention Program.

An investigation by Write Into Action discovered how Olsen was assisted by organized crime in Florida to blackmail the Santa Rosa County States Attorney Office into letting him off the hook.

On March 26, 2015, Olsen boasted on the Web “Pity, some thought that I was finally going to be put in jail or have something done to me by the legal system. Well, think again haters. I’m free and will remain free. And I’ll remain on the internet and remain out of jail to make sure I’m here to continue putting fuckers in check”.

Olsen specifically named a member of the Florida judicial community that assisted him in getting the special deal as a “favor” from the prosecutor.

The aforementioned member of the Florida judicial community has been reported to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and FBI for physically handling secret naked photographs of the missing child HaLeigh Cummings after the child was reported missing.

Holmseth addressed that connection in his report to English.

“Apparently, Attorney English, my [REDACTED}-old son; my pregnant daughter; as well as myself; are among the “fuckers” that are being put in check by Mr. Olsen as result of your special little deal with [REDACTED].

“The reason my law abiding family is being “put in check” is because I acquired evidence that [REDACTED] possessed and distributed naked photographs that featured the vagina of a missing child named HaLeigh Cummings. Witnesses I interviewed, including Wayanne Kruger, told me HaLeigh Cummings had been raped and was hemorrhaging.”

“The FBI is actively requesting information from the public on their website regarding the missing child HaLeigh Cummings. I responded to that request with the child pornography evidence and information that I possessed. THOMAS NORMAN OLSEN, and his cohorts, then attacked my children, including a threat to kidnap my unborn grandchild after he/she is born, and the threats continue to this day.”

I should point out, that although [REDACTED} was [REDACTED] Crystal Sheffield (HaLeigh’s mother) [REDACTED] in 2009, [REDACTED] never actually [REDACTED] any custody action whatsoever in the Florida courts.

“Rather, everything [REDACTED] did regarding [REDACTED] so-called ‘custody’ [REDACTED] was done through underground rogue officials including a DCF social worker.”

“In fact, if you listen to the recording of William Staubs talking to Bonnie Warner (starting point 17:06 on audio) you will hear that [REDACTED] had a meeting with the “State Attorney” and people were getting “throwed under the bus”.

“Very strong arguments could be made that what happened in the HaLeigh Cummings underground rape pornography blackmail scheme was repeated here. “

HaLeigh Cummings is the cousin of the missing child Lonzie Barton.

Thomas Norman Olsen DOC Revocation Letter



by Timothy Charles Holmseth on September 2, 2015 at 1:51 P.M.

The criminal extortionists that targeted Santa Rosa County have been directly linked to the case of the missing child HaLeigh Cummings.

The information has been submitted to FDLE attorney James Martin.

On September 1, 2015, the extortionists sent a message to Timothy Charles Holmseth via Twitter containing a link to a webpage located at – the link notified Holmseth he was being sued by a man named Jeremiah Regan.

Jeremiah Regan is the out-of-town drifter that appeared out of nowhere to become the Administrator of a facility in Satsuma, Florida called the HaLeigh Bug Center where cash donations were accepted shortly after HaLeigh Cummings vanished – he also erected a website called where cash donations were encouraged.

Regan later supplied a sworn affidavit to the Florida Bar Association regarding an official complaint filed by Crystal Sheffield, the mother of HaLeigh Cummings.

Today, Attorney Martin was provided audio evidence of Regan telling a young female witness in the HaLeigh Cummings investigation that he was working with law enforcement. In the audio, Regan tells the female he has been authorized by law enforcement to promise immunity to anybody that will sign a piece of paper saying Misty Croslin was not home the night HaLeigh disappeared.

Regan is not a law enforcement officer.

Criminal background records show Jeremiah Regan’s father, John Regan, is a convicted sex offender.

Judy Lucia, Interlachen, Florida, told Holmseth during interviews that John Regan told her during a ground search for HaLeigh that he was an undercover FBI agent. Donald Knop, Florida, told Holmseth that John Regan told him he was a CIA agent.

Wayanne Kruger, the advocate that traveled to Florida to represent HaLeigh’s mother, told Holmseth that John Regan dressed as a pastor. He told her he was a CIA agent and claimed the FBI already found HaLeigh but wanted to keep it quiet for the time being. She said John and Jeremiah Regan prevented her from going to the police with information she had about HaLeigh.

Attorney Martin has also received evidence that shows Jeremiah Regan was involved in the acquisition of photographs of HaLeigh Cummings that were placed on a CD. Some of the photos were secret naked pictures of HaLeigh that featured her private parts.

On August 31, 2015, Write Into Action featured a detailed analysis of a criminal extortion operation used to blackmail, threaten, and intimidate witnesses.

The group has threatened to take Timothy Holmseth’s unborn grandchild after he/she is born, and recently contacted his employer with false and defamatory statements.

The anonymous group publishing the messages demand Timothy Holmseth removes all of his websites from the Web or they will irreparably harm him and his children.

The FDLE and FBI know the identity of the attorney representing

In Timothy Holmseth’s letter to Attorney Martin he stated in part:


Jeremiah Regan worked for REDACTED during the national profile Amber Alert and search for HaLeigh Ann-Marie Cummings in 2009.

  1. I possess audio evidence from that time period that proves Jeremiah Regan either (1) impersonated an agent of law enforcement in Florida and/or (2) was used as an agent of law enforcement in Florida. Note: I am also attaching an MP3 of the audio
    1. I possess evidence that Jeremiah Regan was involved with secret naked photos of HaLeigh Cummings. The following transcription is from audio interviews I already turned over to law enforcement.

    (DONALD KNOP / REDACTED) – Yea, well I know Jeremiah (Regan) had gotten some pictures too.

    (STAUBS / PI – (REDACTED) – Yeah

    (KNOP) – Like, you know, that was before he became the official driver for REDACTED. So, riding around with what’s her name? And, ehh, shit, I’m sorry my minds all over the place –  riding around with Crystal – and they had to go get pictures from somewhere, or he was going to email, I don’t remember, I kind of turned my mind on to focusing on to…
    * * * * *
    (HOLMSETH) I wonder if it has something to do with those photographs. What was the chain of possession on them? Who did you get them from? Of HaLeigh?

    (KNOP) It was either REDACTED or Marie (Griffis). I think it was literally we were all in the room together – Jerri Greene, me, maybe Jeremiah and, it was either Marie, or Crystal, they had to get them from somewhere. They got the pictures – they handed them to REDACTED – REDACTED looked at them – she handed them to me and she said get these on a disc for Peggy (Cone), eh, shit, Bonnie Warner.


    Timothy Holmseth will be turning all the aformentioned information to Federal Judge Donovan W. Frank when he seeks federal relief for Constitutional right violations visited upon him and his family by the state of Florida.



Extortion plot details turned over to FDLE attorney James Martin

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on August 31, 2015 at 10:30 P.M.

An organized criminal judicial extortion operation that blackmails government officials and subverts the legal process has been identified and exposed in Florida.

The implications may be international.

Evidence detailing the elaborate scheme, and how it was apparently used to blackmail the States Attorneys Office in Florida’s First Judicial Circuit, has been turned over to Attorney James Martin at the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE).

Evidence indicates the extortion scheme was used to blackmail States Attorney Jason English and/or other attorneys in the States Attorneys Office into accepting a ‘Deferred Prosecution’ deal for felony defendant Thomas Norman Olsen, 23, Milton, Florida.

Olsen was booked on February 4, 2015, and charged with three felonies including theft of a firearm. However, his serious situation soon changed into something that he joked about as he mocked the judicial system and vowed to continue his menacing behavior.

Thomas Norman Olson

On March 26, 2015, Olsen boasted in a press release published on that an attorney, that was not legally representing him, had obtained a “special favor” from the prosecutor on his behalf called ‘Deferred Prosecution’.

However, a prior press release made by Olsen on February 22, 2015, tells a much different story about what was going on behind the scenes. It reveals he was deeply involved in an extortion scheme against officials in Santa Rosa County using threats of a lawsuit involving abuse of prisoners by correctional officers.

But – there is unique twist to the published threats of a lawsuit.

The reason the published threats of a lawsuit rises to the level of criminal extortion is because Olsen was threatening a lawsuit against Santa Rosa County on behalf of unknown and/or un-disclosed third parties – not himself.

Olsen himself had no Cause of Action – but was publishing that Santa Rosa County was going to be sued for abuse after his arraignment.

There was no lawsuit.

It was a blackmail scheme that involves a Web underground that specializes in extortion through online threats, intimidation, harrassment, stalking, and worse.

The ability to run the blackmail scheme involves a model for extortion that uses multiple Twitter accounts in conjunction with an anonymous website on an off-shore Web server.

The Twitter and website are the public information delivery system critical to the extortion scheme.


The FIRST step is for the extortionists to publish threats online that would cause great fear to the intended target. The published threats may include true events or completely fabricated lies (in this instance the target was Santa Rosa County). The threats may warn of impending disaster or promised doom.

The SECOND step is to contact the target (this is sometimes done by an attorney) and casually mention what is appearing online; note the unsightliness of it all; and suggest perhaps something could be worked out to make it all go away.

Other times the target is contacted by anonymous emails or direct messages via Twitter. The target is provided links to videos or photos or other media that convey the threat.

The THIRD step is – if the extortionists succeed – is for the extortionists to get what they want. This might be having criminal charges dropped against a dangerous criminal, or an active criminal investigation halted. It might be the illegal removal of records from a public records database, or a website being taken down. It may result in murders going unsolved; evidence vanishing; missing children remaining missing; child pornography crimes not being investigated.


On February 22, 2015, Thomas Norman Olsen, 23, Milton, Florida publically announced on Twitter that a lawsuit was going to be filed against Santa Rosa County for prisoner abuse. He also implied that police in Santa Rosa and Escambia counties would be brought into the fray.

Olsen announced in a series of tweets:

“Yes, this is a scandal. Yes, I plan on taking all this public. And yes, I have hard evidence WITH dozens of witnesses to the brutality”.

“Again, more information on all this will be released in my statement after my arraignment on Thursday”.

“And the Correctional Officers at Santa Rosa County jail apparently have a huge history of misconduct and brutality, beating inmates”.

“Let me tell you, when it comes to Police in Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties, they’re far from ethical. Known by anyone who lives here”.

“I will explain the details of said lawsuit against SRC in the statement I plan on releasing after my arraignment on Thursday”.

Thomas Olsen Break News on Police Scandals

The tweets were then re-published on a website located at

Olsen’s announcement made it clear that Santa Rosa County was going to be sued with hard evidence and dozens of witnesses to support the claims.

However – Olsen never actually stated that HE was/is the victim.

That is because Olsen was/is NOT a victim.

That means Olsen had no legal Cause of Action upon which to file a lawsuit against Santa Rosa County.

Therefore, at the very most, Olsen was professing to KNOW about a lawsuit that was going to be filed against Santa Rosa County.

The aforementioned fact-pattern becomes a key element to proving it was a blackmail scheme, because Olsen claimed he KNEW bout a pending lawsuit.

However – there is NO known record of any such complaints or lawsuit ever being filed.

Therefore – just exactly where Olsen was getting his information is something he would now have to explain to law enforcement.

Olsen was represented by a criminal defense attorney on his felony charges, and that attorney is not known to have filed any lawsuit, or filed any formal complaint on behalf of Olsen regarding abuse or police misconduct of any kind.

Olsen made it clear that somebody had information about prisoner abuse and police misconduct that was scandalous and a lawsuit was forthcoming.

Therein lies clues to the criminal extortion and who is behind it.

Olsen began making announcements using the information delivery system to announce the involvement of another attorney – a civil attorney – known only to legally represent the website

Note: The name of REDACTED is known to the FBI, FDLE, and Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi

Olsen stated in a press release on March 26, 2015:

“This is an update on my case. One that I’m sure everyone will be happy with (except Murt of course).

Had a meeting with my lawyer this morning to get an update on what was going on. The prosecutor HAS accepted the deal put forth by my lawyer and the assistant prosecutor. This is the first time I will be able to go into full detail on what my deal entails. The prosecutor also stated that this WILL be settled before my next court date, which means no more court for me. Keep in mind, REDACTED was HUGE in securing me this deal. Call it a personal favor for her from the State Attorney for my circuit.

The deal is this. Deferred Prosecution. This is kind of like probation but not really. It’s extremely rare in my county that this sort of deal is offered or even considered. Basically if I keep my nose clean (no arrests, piss tests once a month, complete community service, etc…) then at the end of the time frame of the deferred prosecution (in this case it’s 1 year) ALL charges against me will be dismissed and my record will remain clean.

Pity, some thought that I was finally going to be put in jail or have something done to me by the legal system. Well, think again haters. I’m free and will remain free. And I’ll remain on the internet and remain out of jail to make sure I’m here to continue putting fuckers in check”.

Thomas Olsen REDACTED Good News On Case

The involvement of the third attorney in the plea bargain process – the civil attorney – is something that would need to be explained to the FDLE by the Office of States Attorney William Eddins.

And other questions arise.

Has there been abuse of prisoners by correctional officers or police in Florida’s First Circuit that has subjected the States Attorney office to blackmail and extortion?

Has the States Attorneys Office or any other law enforcement in Florida’s First Circuit engaged in misconduct or behavior that has exposed the county to blackmail and extortion at any given time?

How many cases have been affected by this blackmail operation?

Has this blackmail operation been used to suppress law enforcement in active missing child cases across the United States and abroad?

Sources tell Write Into Action the FBI is actively reviewing the names of all the missing children regulalry focused on by the anonymous authors of and