Posts Tagged ‘Cobra’

CNN, police, and journalists involved in child sex trafficking connected to Washington D.C.

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on November 13, 2016, 9:20 A.M. CST

Bombshell wiki-leaks emails have revealed Hillary Clinton is involved in a satanic pedophilia operation through her campaign chief John Podesta.

According to news reports, Hillary Clinton blames FBI Director James Comey for her loss to Donald J. Trump during the 2016 presidential election. Clinton believes Comey’s announcement of an investigation into a second batch of emails found on the personal computer of former congressman and pervert Anthony Weiner shortly before the election tainted the public’s perception of her.

However, the wiki-leaks emails exposed a satanic pedophile cult involving Podesta, Clinton, and many others – that’s what the voters didn’t like.


The explosive revelation has been followed by media reports of an affidavit filed in a Maryland court by the FBI that reveals the FBI has officially operated 23 child porn sites.

Radio talk show host and PI Ed Opperman conducted an informative interview regarding the Wiki-Leaks on The Opperman Report with William Ramsey and Kurt Richard Haskell

Write Into Action’s seven year investigation shows the international satanic child trafficking operation operating involves collusion between the FBI, CIA, police, and the media.


Write Into Action is now going to show the international public a face and name of an FBI agent that procures children for rape, torture, and murder by the elite. The kidnapper is associated with CNN and members of the legal community.

I (Timothy Charles Holmseth) was interviewed in person by Special Agent A.J. Eilerman of the Minneapolis FBI in 2010 and everything you see here – the FBI already knows.


HaLeigh Cummings, 5, was reported missing on February 10, 2009 from her father’s trailer home in Satsuma, Florida.

An Amber Alert was issued and HaLeigh was never located.

Amber Alert

The kidnapping of HaLeigh Cummings occurred 75 miles north of Orlando, Florida and was carried out by a group of child traffickers that were involved in the murder of two year-old Caylee Anthony.

The search for HaLeigh Cummings involved a strange man dressed as a pastor named John Regan that identified himself as an FBI agent and CIA agent to multiple witnesses.

John Regan told Wayanne Kruger, an author and advocate from California that was staying with Crystal Sheffield (HaLeigh’s mother), he was an “undercover pedophile” for the FBI. He also told Kruger the FBI already had HaLeigh in their possession but wanted to keep it quiet. Kruger said John Regan told her he reports to “Washington”.

Background records obtained by Write Into Action show John Regan was convicted of a felony sex offense.

John Regan told Donald Knop, a staffer on Sheffield’s legal team, he was with the “CIA”. According to Richard Grund, case witness in the Casey Anthony murder trial (and admitted Satan worshipper), John Regan boasted to him that he used a fake badge to fool security in the Jacksonville airport.

Kruger told Holmseth she attempted to report the information John Regan told her about HaLeigh to the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office but was prevented by John Regan and his son, Jeremiah Regan. Kruger said after she attempted to contact law enforcement the Regans and a private investigator named William Staubs (a.k.a. Cobra) threatened her with a gun and tried to kill her with poison in a Palatka, Florida motel room.

Holmseth later learned from Kruger she knew first-hand that John Regan is a pedophile that rapes little boys and is involved in a child sales operation being staged out of Florida. The procurement of babies involves Florida Department of Children and Families and the name of an attorney involved.

Kruger said she can place John Regan and Staubs traveling together from state to state because the two were pulled over by a state trooper of which there is a record. Kruger said they were on their way to one of the houses used to hold the children (possibly in Virginia).

Kruger said John Regan and his son, Jeremiah Regan, were seen going into the home of HaLeigh Cummings with a camera shortly before the little girl vanished.

Holmseth provided the FBI the entire child trafficking blueprint (actual recording of Wayanne Kruger explaining the operation and naming the participants) provided by Kruger of how the babies and small children were kidnapped and moved through the U.S. Embassy with fake documents.

During the interview Kruger mentioned children in Belgium and Russia.


During recorded telephonic interviews, Timothy Holmseth obtained evidence from multiple operatives in the kidnapping and child porn operation. Holmseth ultimately captured the operatives, including a Florida DCF social worker named Bonnie Warner, on recording, discussing child rape pornography photos of HaLeigh Cummings that were being passed around by the missing child’s mother’s legal team including John Regan’s son, Jeremiah Regan.

In June of 2009, multiple members of HaLeigh Cummings’ mother’s legal team telephoned the police in East Grand Forks, Minnesota. Police records show the callers spoke with Lt. Detective Rodney Hajicek, the ranking officer at the EGFPD. Despite Hajicek’s written incident report that states Holmseth was committing no crimes, Hajicek telephoned Holmseth and suggested he stop writing about Donna Wagoner, Xentel, Inc., Florida.

Holmseth had come across Wagoner and the company Xentel through photos of the missing child that been emailed to him by a web developer working for Crystal Sheffield’s legal team that showed the thread began with Wagoner.

Police records would later show the operatives that contacted Lt. Hajicek were associates of CNN and included Nancy Grace’s reporter Art Harris, who stayed in contact with Hajicek as they discussed how Holmseth could be stopped.

Records show Hajicek approached Polk County (Minnesota) Attorney Greg Widseth and EGF City Attorney Ronald Galstad about possibly finding something to stop Holmseth.

In 2012 Hajicek and his rogue officers fabricated probable cause to seize Holmseth’s computer and then attempted to destroy Holmseth’s evidence by ruining the hard-drive before returning it (Holmseth had back-ups).

There was a specific reason Holmseth was being targeted.

In the summer of 2009 Holmseth turned over actionable evidence about photos of HaLeigh Cummings to the FBI, which resulted in FBI agents in Florida visiting Donna Wagoner at Xentel, Inc, Florida.

Following the FBI visit to Wagoner, Art Harris, CNN/HLN/Nancy Grace, contacted Hajiek about Holmseth and was irate Holmseth was assisting the FBI.


The Jacksonville FBI requested the Minneapolis FBI personally interview Timothy Holmseth.

In February, 2010, FBI agent A.J. Eilerman interviewed Timothy Holmseth at the federal courthouse in Grand Forks, North Dakota. Eilermann requested Holmseth turn over recordings he made of various players in the case.

Holmseth and Eilerman discussed a private search for HaLeigh Cummings that was conducted on March 22, 2009.

On March 22, 2009, John Regan (the undercover pedophile) was involved in a search for HaLeigh Cummings with Private Investigator William (Cobra the Bounty Hunter) Staubs at a remote location near San Mateo, Florida. The search was staged with fake evidence being planted in advance that included HaLeigh’s toys, bloody glove, suit case, map, nebulizer fluid, male sock, and car keys.

Judy Lucia, a local resident that had been asked to bring her dog to the search said John Regan told her he was an FBI agent. Lucia said that as the items of ‘evidence’ were located, John Regan would ‘clear’ them for removal.

Eilerman told Holmseth that the search for HaLeigh Cummings on March 22, 2009 was staged to make the public believe HaLeigh Cummings was dead so people would “stop looking for her”.


Oddly, during the interview, Eilerman asked Holmseth if he was recording him.

fbi-inventory-1 fbi-inventory-2



Write Into Action captured hundreds of photos on a website operated by John and Jeremiah Regan. The photos are very disturbing and show John Regan was taking pictures of little kids without their knowledge. Other photos show children sheepishly posing for him and trying to cover their private area.



FBI Director James Comey knows all about this.


For more information on this case use the search bar on the home page of

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on March 8, 2016, 9:45 P.M.

Robert Fields, the attorney representing Misty Croslin, planned on filing multiple lawsuits on Croslin’s behalf before she was suddenly arrested in a drug trafficking sting.

The revelations of Fields’ plans to file lawsuits have become significant in light of the post-conviction motion filed by Croslin in July, 2015, where she asserts Attorney Fields never raised the defense of “entrapment”.

Attorney Robert Fields and Misty Croslin

Attorney Robert Fields and Misty Croslin

Timothy Holmseth, Write Into Action, has submitted an Amicus Brief to the Florida Court demonstrating Croslin was in fact entrapped by members of a drug, child, and porn trafficking syndicate that strategically orchestrated her into her involvement with drug deals.

Evidence shows Fields had ample evidence to know Croslin was being entrapped by members of a criminal syndicate that involved her boyfriend Ronald Cummings, and even discussed it with her.

Field’s knew Croslin was in danger.

Fields told Holmseth he was approached by individuals that wanted to take Croslin out of the country.

“I’ve gotten calls from high profile investigators; high profile bounty hunters; only to realize they are in it for themselves. I got to take Misty out of State, or I got to take Misty to Canada,” Fields said, explaining what he was being told.

“I have targets that I think that I, that there’s legitimate lawsuits for libel, defamation, and slander,” Fields told Holmseth.

Fields told the Court the same thing during a court hearing today.

“As a matter of fact, before the drug cases took off – were around – I even advised her, we discussed this, I said ‘Misty you can get away from Ronald you can get away from all this, there are no charge on you – why don’t you go to Europe – why don’t you get out of here,’” Fields testified.

Fields’ statements raise the strong likelihood that he did in fact have information about Croslin’s situation that he never offered as a defense.

“Her life has been threatened, she can’t get a job, she can’t do anything, and I’ve got everybody from Nancy Grace on down that has just slandered her in the press,” Fields said.

Holmseth believes one of the ‘bounty hunters’ referred to by Fields is William Staubs, also known as ‘Cobra the Bounty Hunter’.

In Holmseth’s Amicus Brief he provided evidence to the Court that Staubs is involved in drug and child porn trafficking, and that Staubs is the mastermind behind the kidnapping of HaLeigh Cummings.

“There are a significant number of people who have made statements and written word that I will consider going after, after  consulting with Misty when something comes out to help us,” Fields told Holmseth.

The information Fields’ was looking for is contained in Holmseth’s Amicus Brief.

“It’s almost like the Salem Witch Trial – she just can’t make a move,” Fields told Holmseth.

But now – Fields suggests Croslin, an 18 year-old girl with no criminal record, agreed she would be ‘lucky’ to receive 25 years in prison instead of 50.

Fields said he received a call about Timothy Holmseth from an attorney early in the case. “I remember, initially, when I got a call, back, when I got a call from another attorney about you,” Fields said.

Holmseth is the Plaintiff in Holmseth v. City of East Grand Forks Et Al – District of Minnesota – Civil No. 14-2970 (DWF/LIB).

Holmseth has evidence that the same crime syndicate threatening Croslin, has been threatening him and his children, and extorting his family with online sex attacks and threats of kidnapping his grandchild.


Bounty Hunter arrested during HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping investigation claims he prevented assassination

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on February 1, 2016 at 10:07 P.M.

The bounty hunter arrested during the national profile search for missing child HaLeigh Cummings says he told the law enforcement officials in Florida that were investigating the child’s kidnapping, he was affiliated with the U.S. Secret Service, FBI, CIA, DEA, and the U.S. Marshall’s service.

During an interview with investigative journalist Timothy Charles Holmseth, William Staubs, who also goes by ‘Cobra’ claimed to have prevented a presidential assassination.

“Did you know I saved Obama’s life? I saved Obama and I saved Bush, both,” Staubs said.


Staubs did not give the name of the man that made the threats but discussed the details.

Holmseth sent a letter to the U.S. Secret Service today describing the bizarre story Staubs told him.

Holmseth has been receiving death threats and warnings by telephone and Web to remove his publication’s website or suffer the consequences.

Holmseth knows the identity of some of the individuals making the threats and knows they are immediate associates of Staubs.


“He goes yeah that fucking nigger gets into office we’ll kill that son-of-a-bitch – I already know how to get him. And Bush – my momma – my momma’s going to kill Bush, believe that,” Staubs said, recalling what the man said.

“So fuck a call goes out to a U.S. Secret Service and they come there and they interview him a little bit then they fucking leave. Say okay fuck they got it under control. Then later on that night they hit this apartment that he’s rented – this hotel – and find guns, and blue lights and police radios and all kinds of fucking shit and he’s like yeah I got a boat stationed off Key West, Florida laden with guns, ” Staubs said.

Staubs said the man made the threats during a “class” he (Staubs) was teaching.

“They bring me in every once in a while to teach technique, handcuffing, liability, and what you can do and what you can’t do – that type of thing. There was a gentleman in my class – this was right before the HaLeigh case and all this shit broke loose,” Staubs said.

Staubs did not say who brought him in to teach the class nor did he say where the classes took place.

Staubs did say he attended a Ku Klux Klan meeting.

“Paul Addie is the U.S. Secret Service guy that comes in and thanks everybody – Cobra thanks for the heads up. And they rush this guy away and they lock his ass up for 18 months until Obama is elected president and they continue to hold him the federal prison someplace – they never convicted him of anything,” Staubs said.

Staubs said he met up with the man years later and spoke with him, which might seem odd considering Staubs suggested he was instrumental in the man’s arrest.


In 2009, Staubs was arrested for felony false imprisonment after using his bail-bondsman license to arrest a man under the guise the man was responsible for the murder of HaLeigh Cummings.

Staubs paid a former CNN journalist, Art Harris, to film the arrest and publish it on You Tube as disinformation and propaganda.

Staubs discussed his arrest by law enforcement with Holmseth.

“I went to each one of them and told them hey man I’m just trying to help and if there’s something I can do because I can get into other places that you guys can’t get into. I don’t need warrants, I don’t need probable cause, I don’t need a whole lot of things. There are things I can do that you can’t do. I’m GQ public and I know what to do with it, ya’ know and I gave them a laundry list of names, DEA, U.S. Marshall Service, FBI, CIA, fucking U.S. Secret Service, I mean a shit pot load of names of people they could contact say yeah Cobra’s the fucking real deal,” Staubs said.


Staubs was working with a man named John Regan during the HaLeigh Cummings investigation who told multiple individuals he was an FBI agent working undercover as a pedophile.


Holmseth captured of Staubs and others on the telephone disusing a child sex trafficking network, He submitted the audio to the FBI, Florida Department of Law Enforcement, and the United States Court.

The recordings including a Florida DCF social worker discussing a CD that contained secret naked pictures of five year-old HaLeigh Cummings after she had been sexually assaulted. The photos were secret and never turned over to law enforcement.

The photos were described to Holmseth by an employee of a South Florida law office that possessed and distributed the original copies.


The group threatening, defaming, and extorting Holmseth launched a Petition on the White House’s website that said, “We petition the Obama Administration to: Stop people like Timothy Charles Holmseth from scamming/ profiteering off of murdered children such as Haleigh Cummmings [sic]”.


Holmseth was contacted in December, 2015, and told the group accosting him killed a woman named Teresa Halbach and framed a man named Steven Avery for the crime.

* * * * *

Timothy Charles Holmseth
320 17th Street N.W.
East Grand Forks, MN
218.230.1597218.230.1597 (cell)

February 1, 2016

In Re: Threats Against Presidents / Ongoing Criminal Enterprise

U.S. Secret Service
Office of Government and Public Affairs
245 Murray Ln,
Washington, DC 20223

U.S. Secret Service,

I am contacting your agency because the information I possess involves statements made in regards to assassinating President of the United States, Barack Obama. The statements also involved assassinating former President Bush.

The statements were made to me by William Eugene Staubs, Weston, Florida. He is also known as “Cobra”.  He made the statements in 2011 during journalism interviews I conducted with him regarding the kidnapping of HaLeigh Ann-Marie Cummings.

I possess evidence William Staubs and his associates are operating a domestic terror group and pose a potential threat to the President and/or national security of the United States and/or the safety of the public including small children.


I first communicated with William Staubs in 2009. He contacted me. I then interviewed him regarding the kidnapping of HaLeigh Cummings.  I learned during my journalism interviews that he is directly involved in the kidnapping of HaLeigh Cummings.

I was interviewed by Special Agent A.J. Eilerman, Minneapolis FBI in 2010 after I began to report information regarding photos of the missing child (later linked to pornography of the little five year-old girl).

William Staubs was working with a man from Hastings, Florida named John Regan. John Regan told many people he was an FBI agent; CIA agent; and chaplain for the local police.

John Regan told Wayanne Kruger, Avondale, Arizona he was working as an “undercover pervert”. He said he was undercover as a “pedophile” to catch other pedophiles.

I captured William Staubs talking to a group that were distributing child pornography of the missing child HaLeigh Cummings. The group was comprised of law enforcement officers including State’s Attorney’s Investigator Chris Middleton, an [REDACTED] named [REDACTED], as well as a Florida DCF social worker named Bonny Warner.

Those recordings and information have been turned over to the FBI, Florida Attorney General, Florida Inspector General, Florida Department of Children and Families, and Florida Department of Law Enforcement.

William Staubs told me his inside man at the Putnam County Sheriffs Office is Captain Dominic Piscitello. He also said he was closely connected to Putnam County Sheriff Jeff Hardy.


I am contacting you today regarding William Staubs because the Organized Crime apparatus he is affiliated with continues to threaten me because of information I possess and publish.

I am the victim of documented death threats, extortion, and warnings to take down my websites or face the consequences, which includes the kidnapping of my grandchild.

On several occasions William Staubs told me an attorney from [REDACTED], [REDACTED], and her husband, [REDACTED], may send a “hit-man” to kill me. He has also made comments directly to me about “kidnapping” me.

Staubs told me he went to a Ku Klux Klan meeting to discuss the kidnapping of HaLeigh Cummings with members. He told me he knows the names of corrupt law enforcement officers at the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office in Florida.


I have evidence William Staubs and John Regan impersonate federal agents on a regular basis.

William Staubs is protecting the criminal enterprise by claiming affiliation with federal law enforcement agencies.

“I went to each one of them and told them hey man I’m just trying to help and if there’s something I can do because I can get into other places that you guys can’t get into. I don’t need warrants, I don’t need probable cause, I don’t need a whole lot of things. There are things I can do that you can’t do. I’m GQ public and I know what to do with it, ya’ know and I gave them a laundry list of names, DEA, U.S. Marshall Service, FBI, CIA, fucking U.S. Secret Service, I mean a shit pot load of names of people they could contact say yeah Cobra’s the fucking real deal,” Staubs said.

“Did you know I saved Obama’s life? I saved Obama and I saved Bush, both,” Staubs said.

“They bring me in every once in a while to teach technique, handcuffing, liability, and what you can do and what you can’t do – that type of thing,” Staubs said.

“There was a gentleman in my class – this was right before the HaLeigh case and all this shit broke loose,” Staubs said.

Staubs said the man in his ‘class’ was talking about assassinating the President. He told me the ‘class’ was “predominantly black”. However, it seemed he was actually describing a Ku Klux Klan meeting.

“He goes yeah that fucking nigger gets into office we’ll kill that son-of-a-bitch – I already know how to get him. And Bush – my momma – my momma’s going to kill Bush, believe that,” Staubs said, recalling what the man said.

Staubs then said the man talked about buying “specialty bullets” to kill the President.

“So fuck a call goes out to a U.S. Secret Service and they come there and they interview him a little bit then they fucking leave – okay they got it under control. Say okay fuck they got it under control. Then later on that night they hit this apartment that he’s rented – this hotel – and find guns, and blue lights and police radios and all kinds of fucking shit and he’s like yeah I got a boat stationed off Key West, Florida laden with guns, ” Staubs said.

“Paul Addy is the U.S. Secret Service guy that comes in and thanks everybody – Cobra thanks for the heads up. And they rush this guy away and they lock his ass up for 18 months until Obama is elected president and they continue to hold him the federal prison someplace – they never convicted him of anything – what they violated him on was he pled insanity at one time or they found him mentally unstable and he went and purchased firearms and one of the questions on there is have you ever been found mentally unstable or whatever and he said “no” he lied so they held him on that for eighteen months. But the real deli was he wouldn’t stop talking about “killing that nigger – that nigger aint going to be president no,” Staubs said.

William Staubs said he then met up with the man again years later. He said the man was “hiding out down in The Keys. He said he was assisting the man with something.

Very respectfully yours,
Timothy Charles Holmseth
Investigative Journalist/Author


“They’ve been sneaking babies back and forth in this family forever”
     -William Staubs

by Timothy Charles Holmseth on November 4, 2015 at 7:01 A.M. C.S.T.

HaLeigh related to Lonzie

William ‘Cobra’ Staubs told Timothy Charles Holmseth during interviews that the extended family of HaLeigh Cummings has been “sneaking babies back and forth” for years.

HaLeigh Cummings and Lonzie Barton are cousins.

Staubs said he couldn’t give HaLeigh back to her mother, Crystal Sheffield, because she was a drug addict.

Staubs is the same person that was captured on tape talking to Florida DCF social worker Bonnie Warner about a disc she received in a parking lot that contained secret naked photographs of HaLeigh that featured close-ups of her vagina. Warner admits to receiving the disc, which she says she could not show to her supervisor.



by Timothy Charles Holmseth

LISTEN – – –

Source: Governor Rick Scott’s office connected to FDLE black operations program of extortion, kidnapping, and murder

by Timothy Charles Holmseth

Write Into Action (Timothy Charles Holmseth) has obtained documents that capture a Tallahassee attorney admitting to an illegal meeting with Leon County Judge Karen Gievers.

According to a South Florida insider, Gievers is part of a secret criminal network, working in tandem with Governor Rick Scott’s office, to conceal the existence of a black operations program being run through the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) and Tallahassee Police Department (TPD).

On October 29, 2014, Attorney David F. Chester, Tallahassee, emailed his very own law client, Dr. Mark Hash, Georgia, and told him, “Pack your toothbrush”.

Attorney Chester then proceeded to threaten Hash. “I wanted to let you know that I am currently getting dressed to pay a visit to Judge Gievers this afternoon, and I’m bringing her a gift,” Chester said, adding he was going to show Gievers something that had been “handwritten” by Hash.

“It is unnecessary that you thank me; I’ll be happy enough just knowing that you will finally receive the recognition you deserve,” Chester said, threatening his own client.

“P. S. I know that the sociopath in you is telling you that I won’t do it, but–once again–he’s wrong,” Chester added in a separate email.

Chester’s threat was based upon Hash’s refusal to give him nearly a million dollars, which Chester claims Hash owes him in attorney’s fees.

Chester was retained by Hash in 2011 to file a lawsuit. Dr. Hash presently has a lawsuit against the FDLE for false arrest; his son, Alec Tomas Hash, has a civil rights lawsuit filed against the Tallahassee Police Department.

According to the South Florida insider, Chester is extorting Dr. Hash, because Chester knows where Alec Hash is hiding to escape the black operatives of the FDLE that are attempting to kidnap him.

Court documents support the extortion/abduction scenario.

On November 12, 2014, Chester, represented by Stephen Marc Slepin, Maddox Horne Law Firm, filed a lawsuit against Hash for $771,300.00. However, when Dr. Hash’s counsel, Attorney Steven Andrews, asked Chester to produce billing records to demonstrate the debt he claimed Dr. Hash owed; Chester produced nothing.

Attorney Slepin subsequently dropped Chester as a client.


According to the South Florida insider, Attorney Chester is actively working with a black operative for the FDLE.

During the same time-window that Chester was demanding money from Dr. Hash, a private investigator out of Broward County, William (Cobra) Staubs, who performed PI services for Dr. Hash, was also contacting Dr. Hash and demanding money.

Staubs chastised Dr. Hash for not paying Chester, and then demanded some twenty-thousand dollars for himself.

Like Chester, Staubs had no billing records to support the demand for payment. Staubs too threatened to make contact with Judge Gievers, and threatened to turn over secret video that would embarrass Dr. Hash.


William Staubs told Write Into Action (Timothy Charles Holmseth) during interviews that he met with Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi and (former) FDLE commissioner Gerald Bailey – he also claimed to telephone judges at home.

According to the South Florida insider, Governor Rick Scott and Attorney General Bondi know Staubs is involved in serious criminal activity, including the kidnapping of HaLeigh Ann-Marie Cummings, which was staged after the remains of the murdered Orlando toddler Caylee Marie Anthony were found.

According to the South Florida insider, the actions of Staubs and Gov. Scott’s office need to be immediately investigated by the Justice Department and Department of Homeland Security.

The assertion that Staubs poses a serious threat to public safety is well supported.

During recorded interviews, Staubs told Write Into Action the details of an intricate plan he had to travel to New York to “abduct” a female, and then transport her back to Florida against her will.

Staubs openly boasts about international operation he has run in foreign countries.

Staubs openly admitted to involvement with a convicted sex offender named John Regan. Multiple witnesses state that Regan impersonated an FBI agent during the HaLeigh Cummings investigation and told the child’s family’s advocate that the FBI already had HaLeigh in their custody.

One witness said Staubs and Regan orchestrated a fake search in San Mateo, Florida, that uncovered planted evidence, which Staubs then attempted to turn into the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office.

Wayanne Kruger, an author and victim’s advocate that represented the mother of HaLeigh Cummings, told Write Into Action that John Regan poses as a clergyman, but is actually a child rapist and human trafficker directly involved with selling infants through the United States Embassy.


According to a December 31, 2014 motion filed to the Leon County Court by Attorney Steven Andrews, Gievers has been presiding over an illegal “star chamber” that is violating the constitutional rights of Alec Hash.

The South Florida insider the target of the star chamber is Dr. Hash, and they are attempting to kidnap his son to protect their criminal enterprise.

‘Alec Hash may have witnessed something – that’s why they need to get him,’ the source said.


March 24, 2014

Seventeen year-old in hiding from state of Florida for 305 days

March 29, 2014

Florida Judge Karen Gievers accused of orchestrating elaborate deception

March 30, 2014

Florida Judge has no jurisdiction to pursue Alec Hash – Lawyer says Judge lost immunity and can be sued

April 3, 2014

Alec Hash is not missing – Florida Department of Law Enforcement lists emancipated married man as “missing”

April 5, 2014

Florida judge sitting atop the pyramid of a criminal extortion operation?

April 16, 2014

Alec Hash recognized abduction team shortly before he fled

April 19, 2014

Source: United States Senator Saxby Chambliss, Georgia, has formally requested the U.S. DOJ investigate Florida Judge Karen Gievers

April 26, 2014

Alec Thomas Has ‘Missing Child’ flyer removed from FDLE website – deemed “unfounded”

April 29, 2014

Missing person charade ends in Florida – Alec Thomas Has no longer listed as missing

May 10, 2014

Defiant Florida judge holds imaginary court hearing

May 12, 2014

Should Florida judge Karen Gievers be arrested?

May 19, 2014

Bush vs. Gore attorney involved in state-sponsored kidnapping plot

May 21, 2014

Alec Hash case: U.S. Congressman Steve Southerland II [R-FL] requests DOJ investigate the bizarre case of Alec Hash

June 5, 2014

Caught on Tape: Tallahassee Police Department operative stalks child witness

June 19, 2014

EXPOSED! Leon County Court concealed public court records in Alec Thomas Hash case

August 3, 2014

‘Missing and Endangered Person’ flyers used by Florida cops to stalk non-missing individuals – FDLE continued to publish photo of man that was not missing for an entire month after being told to remove it

September 3, 2014

National Crime Information Center used in attempted kidnapping AT&T records indicate court officers in Florida filed false missing person report

October 16, 2014

FDLE undercover agent involved in kidnapping plot? Did Special Agent use Facebook name “Jackie Cannon” to assist in kidnapping scheme?

October 19, 2014

FDLE attorney knew about kidnapping plot? – Florida AG email shows Georgia doctor’s son targeted for kidnapping by police

November 3, 2014

Florida psychologist Carol Oseroff coverd up gun use by psychotic parent during court-ordered Safety Assessment

November 4, 2014

FDLE agents falsley arrested Georgia doctor to protect criminal enterprise

January 1, 2015

Attorney: Florida judge operating “star chamber”

January 3, 2015

Florida governor Rick Scott knows what happened to Caylee Anthony and Haleigh Cummings

January 6, 2015

Florida attorney admits illegal ex-parte communication with Leon County Judge Karen Gievers

Evidence, facts, and circumstances shows Misty Janette Croslin’s rights under the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution have been violated.

The Equal Protection Clause of the 14th amendment of the U.S. Constitution prohibits states from denying any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Evidence obtained by Timothy Charles Holmseth, investigative journalist/author, demonstrates the State of Florida, via the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office (PCSO), Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE), Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF), and several licensed members of the Florida legal community violated Misty Janette Crolsin’s Fourteenth Amendment rights.

The violations were deliberate, malicious, with malice and forethought in advance and continuance of RICO.

The 14th Amendment is to apply “equal application” of the laws.

Misty Janette Croslin; in 2009; she being a child rape, physical abuse, and torture victim (child in need of protection) under Florida statute was, and has been, perpetually denied and deprived her rights and protections by the aforementioned agencies, as secured and guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution.

Evidence shows the PCSO, FDLE, and their agents selectively and illegally targeted Misty Janette Croslin; a minor child whose status was governed by Florida Statute – 39.201Mandatory reports of child abuse, abandonment, or neglect; mandatory reports of death; central abuse hotline.

Extremely powerful and equally disturbing evidence shows the PCSO, FDLE, DCF, and their agents had knowledge that Misty Janette Croslin was a victim of rape, abuse, and torture. Agents of the aforementioned knew or should have known that Misty Janette Croslin, at the time of HaLeigh Ann-Marie Cummings’ disappearance, had been a recent victim of rape, abuse, and torture that fell under Florida Statute 827.03Abuse, aggravated abuse, and neglect of a child.

Evidence shows the PCSO, FDLE, and their agents constructively violated Florida Statute 777.201 Entrapment. The aforementioned entrapment executed to clear the way for the agencies to:

(1) Arrest and incarcerate Misty Janette Croslin.

(2) Use Misty Janette Croslin as a prop during a national televised media event where she was made to stand on a dock by the St. John’s River in a prisoner uniform hand-cuffs while divers searched for HaLeigh Ann-Marie Cummings. This was done to create the false appearance Misty Janette Croslin was/is responsible for the disappearance and (non-existent) murder of HaLeigh Ann-Marie Cummings.

(3) Remove the Amber Alert status from HaLeigh Ann-Marie Cummings during the national profile media event.

(4) Conceal from the public the facts and circumstances of a murder of an adult that took place at 202 Green Lane, Satsuma, Florida (Ronald Cummings’ residence) shortly before HaLeigh Ann-Marie Cummings vanished.

(5) Conceal from the public the facts and circumstances surrounding child pornography (federal crime) and sexual molestation of HaLeigh Ann-Marie Cummings.

(5) Keep from public knowledge the fact HaLeigh Ann-Marie Cummings is alive.

(6) Protect a drug trafficking network that is in violation of RICO.

(7) Protect from prosecutions the child pornographers that exploited HaLeigh Ann-Marie Cummings.

Some of the names that will be revealed in the supporting evidence are (but are not limited to):

  • Putnam County Sheriff Jeff Hardy
  • Captain Dominic Piscitello, PCSO
  • Captain John Greenwood, PCSO
  • Special Agent Travis Smith, FDLE
  • Detective Peggy Cone, PCSO
  • William Staubs (a.k.a. Cobra), licensed private investigator in Florida

More names will be released in the future.

Timothy Charles Holmseth will be presenting the information and evidence in advance of a legal action by an attorney on behalf of Misty Janette Croslin.

Federal court action involves missing child HaLeigh Cummings

Timothy Charles Holmseth is preparing a civil rights lawsuit against the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office.

The lawsuit is related to the disappearance of HaLeigh Ann-Marie Cummings.

Timothy Holmseth is presently the Plaintiff in Holmseth v. City of East Grand Forks et al. – U.S. District of Minnesota (DMN) – – – Case Number: 0:14-cv-02970-DWF-LIB.

The lawsuit presently filed in Minnesota is a 42-U.S.C.-1983 civil rights (Deprivation of Rights / Color of Law) action that also involves matters of the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping.

Defendants in the case against Putnam County officials will be named at the time of the filing. How Timothy Holmseth’s civil rights have been violated will be set forth in the statement of facts.

According to a source from South Florida, the lawsuit filed last week in federal court by Timothy Charles Holmseth against various public officials actually contains the entire name of the anonymous publisher that operates

The x-rated cyber-stalk site was erected shortly after HaLeigh Cummings’ mother, Crystal Sheffield, closed down the ‘HaLeigh Bug Center’ in Satsuma, Florida, and cleaned legal house in 2009.

The anonymous publisher takes to the Web via the Radionewz blog regularly to desperately insist the ‘missing and endangered’ child HaLeigh Cummings is dead and viciously attacks anybody that says she’s alive.

“It’s obvious who it is,” said the South Florida insider.

The South Florida insider says the federal lawsuit explains who was hiding HaLeigh; and says it’s the same person that operates Radionewz. According to the source, the anonymous publisher will go to prison if HaLeigh Cummings is located.

The South Florida insider says documents will be released soon and that attorneys involved are rarin’ to go.

Read lawsuit at:

Biofuel investment  seized during Scott Rothstein RICO prosecution links Casey Anthony murder  indictment to HaLeigh Cummings disappearance

LEGAL NOTE: *** Signifies certain name(s) withheld pending legal actions

by Timothy Charles Holmseth

On July 5, 2011 Casey Anthony was found not-guilty of first  degree murder. Chief Judge Belvin Perry later told Today he experienced  feelings of “surprise “shock” and “disbelief” at reading the verdict.

Interviews of jurors later revealed they could not reach a  first degree murder verdict based upon the circumstantial evidence put before  them. Evidence is now emerging that demonstrates they were correct in their instincts.

The truth has been hidden in plain sight and links three  major criminal investigations in the state of Florida – Casey Anthony – Scott Rothstein –  HaLeigh Cummings.

On February 10, 2009 a little girl named HaLeigh Cummings  vanished from Satsuma, Florida – 75 miles  north of Orlando.  She vanished the same day as a nationally televised memorial for slain toddler Caylee  Anthony.

Coincidences were common. 

The exact same day Casey Anthony was indicted for first  degree murder, a biofuel company was created by a Fort Lauderdale attorney named Richard P.  Greene; an investment of Scott W. Rothstein.

The biofuel company was called Advanced Biofuel Technologies Inc. (ABT) and was used to  finance operatives on the ground in Northern Florida  and disrupt the efforts of law enforcement in the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping.

In March of 2009, a boisterous bounty hunter that called  himself ‘Cobra’ obnoxiously interjected himself into the search for HaLeigh  Cummings. He told news reporters he had been sent into the case by a “man of  God” named Rev. Richard Grund, Windermere,   Florida. Staubs, a licensed  private investigator, said Rev. Grund was his “client”.

And yet another coincidence.

Rev. Grund was on the Prosecutions list as a potential  witness in the Casey Anthony murder trial. His son, Jesse Grund, was once  engaged to be married to Casey Anthony.

Rev. Grund confirmed that he sent Staubs to Northern Florida. What was never clear, until perhaps now,  is just exactly why Rev. Grund felt he needed to retain a private investigator  to become involved in a kidnapping that did not concern him whatsoever.

Or did it?

Did State prosecutors in the Anthony case ever ask Rev.  Grund why he and ‘Cobra the Bounty Hunter’ suddenly got into the missing child  business – right at the height of the Casey Anthony case?

Why does it matter?

Here’s why.

Staubs, Rev. Grund, and a group of others that were working  for Crystal Sheffield, HaLeigh’s mother, were being financed by a man named  John Burgn, Plantation, Florida.

Why does it matter?

Here’s why.

John Burgun was the primary officer/director on the Articles  of Incorporation for the biofuel company Rothstein, Greene, and one other  ***person set up the day Casey Anthony was indicted.

On October 14, 2008, the same day Casey Anthony was indicted  by a Grand Jury for first degree murder; a shady disbarred Fort Lauderdale lawyer named Richard P.  Greene created and registered a biofuel company called Alternative Biofuel Technologies  Inc. (ABT).

The company was later seized by the feds during the RICO  prosecution of Scott W. Rothstein – yes indeed – ABT was an investment of  Rothstein.

John Burgun became the primary officer of ABT on January 29,  2009. Only a few days later, on February 10, 2009 HaLeigh Cummings vanished.

Why does it matter?

Here’s why.

As part of the transaction that made John Burgun the primary  officer of ABT, he and his wife, Maria Burgun, borrowed a very significant  amount of money to a person they ***knew. Several more loans followed. However,  nothing went well, and when it came time to pay the loan back as agreed the  Burgun’s were forced to file a civil lawsuit.    

But as you will see – this was no ordinary loan.

In 2012, Maria Burgun met with the FBI to discuss  information she said she had about the kidnapping of HaLeigh Cummings. Burgun  provided FBI agents the name(s) of those she believes are responsible for  HaLeigh’s disappearance.

Maria Burgun told the FBI she believed the money she borrowed to a  ***person was used to fund the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping. She said the large  sum of money was supposed to finance a biofuel company called ABT; but the  money was spent on the kidnapping instead. The Burgun’s say their money was  used to pay for gas, food, lodging, rent, electricity, junk food, car rentals,  cell phone bills, medicine, booze, and cigarettes.

Maria Burgun’s statements to the FBI place ‘Burgun’ money in the  hands of a group that interjected itself into the act of ‘investigating’ the  kidnapping of HaLeigh Cummings.

However – Major Gary Bowling at the Putnam County Sheriff’s  Office (PCSO) expressed frustration with the group that was meddling in the  case and possibly planting evidence.

The Burgun’s say that when they borrowed the money to the  ***person, they had no idea about the HaLeigh Cummings matter and did not  figure that out until later.


Many researchers are confused regarding this strange loan.  Although it was in fact borrowed to a ***person with a written contract to  secure it; it appears John Burgun received something in return; he received the  title of primary officer/director of ABT. It is also odd that Burgun could  dictate what the loan was to be used for; a fact that makes it seem more like  an investment.

Mainstream media covering the case at the time HaLeigh  Cummings vanished interviewed many of the major participants. William Staubs, (Cobra  the Bounty Hunter) told reporters he was working for Rev. Grund and was going  to locate HaLeigh within a specific number of days. He was seen running around  day and night with camera men, meddling, and was eventually arrested for a serious  felony by the PCSO.  

When a reporter with First Coast News asked Staubs how he  was paying his bills he said he was being financed by a drug dealer. When asked  to explain, Staubs said that ‘drug dealers’ wanted to make sure everybody knew  they don’t kidnap kids.


That means…

Rev. Grund retained a pro-bono private investigator to  travel to Satsuma, Florida  to defend the good reputation of drug dealers everywhere.

At this point, Staubs clearly has no good reason to be  involved, and could not even give a good explanation about how he was paying  his bills.


During recorded interviews, Staubs told Timothy Charles  Holmseth, investigative journalist/author (this writer), that a man named “John  Burgun” was paying for everything.

Staubs also told Holmseth the entire case would eventually  lead to a ‘biofuel company” and the “biggest Billy-bad-ass attorney” in Florida – a lawyer he  said was named “Rothstein”.

Holmseth later confirmed the involvement of Rothstein when  he received an email from an attorney named Pedro E. Dijols, Rothstein,  Rosenfeldt, and Adler. Dijols acknowledged he was representing a ***person  involved in the case.   

Just a cursory look at the Articles of Incorporation for ABT  is very compelling.  

On October 14, 2008 ABT was created and registered to Richard  P. Greene, a disbarred and disgraced lawyer with a terrible reputation that  includes pleading guilty to securities exchange fraud.

There was also one ***officer/director listed on the  Articles of Incorporation at that time.

The fact that the biofuel company was created and supported  by two corrupt Fort Lauderdale  attorneys (Greene and Rothstein) on the same day Casey Anthony was indicted for  murder cannot be ignored.

An interesting change was then made in the company. On  January 29, 2009 the primary ***officer/director of ABT was removed, and  replaced with John Burgun.

During this time-window, the Burgun’s borrowed out a very  large amount of cash in a strange loan that was secured by a written contract  and ‘filming’ of the money. The Burgun’s do not own or operate a lending  institution so this was a private matter.

Exactly what information and calculations the Burgun’s used  during their Cost-Benefit-Analysis regarding the large loan is not known. Because  they later sued for amounts in the hundreds of thousands of dollars – this was  definitely a personal financial risk for the Burguns.

Apparently it was acceptable.

Only a few days after John Burgun became the primary officer  of ABT – HaLeigh Cummings disappeared.

Ignoring the fact that the two little girls had names that  rhymed (Caylee and HaLeigh) – there were many dynamics that made this  kidnapping suspicious. For instance, HaLeigh Cummings disappeared the exact same  day as a nationally televised memorial that was held for Caylee Anthony.

Shortly after HaLeigh vanished, Burgun’s money began moving  around in the hands of individuals that were causing major headaches for the  Sheriff’s Office in Putnam   County.

The group being paid with Burgun’s money was on the ground  in Northern Florida; frustrating law enforcements efforts, planting evidence, tampering  with witnesses, and creating ‘suspects’ that would then be trotted out in the  media.

There are too many links to ignore.

For instance…

Staubs regularly appeared as guest on a weekly Web program to  discuss the HaLeigh Cummings case. He repeatedly told the public that the “similarities”  between the Cummings case and the Anthony case were amazing. He often suggested  that Misty Croslin was the new Casey Anthony.

Remember – Staubs is working for Rev. Grund when he is  saying all these things.

Even before the bombshell revelations made by Maria Burgun to  the FBI in 2012 – Holmseth already had information that suggested Caylee  Anthony may have died at the hands of somebody other than her mother.

The State of Florida  never proved what actually occurred to cause the death of Caylee Anthony; that  is why Casey Anthony was found not guilty.

The jury’s verdict was wise.


One need only look at the HaLeigh Cummings disappearance,  and assess its similarities and connections the Caylee Anthony disappearance  (and subsequent homicide) to be enlightened. 


Casey Anthony originally told law enforcement that her  daughter was kidnapped.

That is the same story Misty Croslin gave about HaLeigh Cummings, folks. Misty Croslin never changed her story despite massive pressure put on her by law enforcemnt.

Casey Anthony behaved the same way when being questioned by law enforcement. It is very possible Casey Anthony was simply sticking  to the story she was told to give (just like Croslin).

Evidence shows Caylee may have died during a botched, staged  kidnapping that was intended to be what is known as a ‘rescue mission’.

The catalyst character is Rev. Grund.

The evidence cannot be ignored.

On February 10, 2009 a small memorial was also held at J.  Blanchard Park in Orlando  for individuals that could not attend the televised memorial for Caylee Anthony.  The smaller memorial was arranged by Rev. Grund (online pastor and real life demon  warrior), William Staubs (Cobra the Bounty Hunter), and Wayanne Kruger  (sex-victim’s advocate).

Wayanne Kruger is a well-known child sex victim’s advocate  and author. She was once featured on the ABC television news magazine 20/20, as  well as by People. In Kruger’s book about child sex predators, she discusses a  rescue mission where she helped hide a child on an Indian reservation.

Kruger is well known for performing illegal changes of  custody through planned abductions to protect child sex abuse victims.


Emails obtained by Holmseth show Staubs, Kruger, and Rev. Grund  were coordinating with each other and in extensive communications. In one  email, Grund actually asks Kruger where she is going to “hide” them.

It is here you might began to ponder the idea that Grund,  Kruger, and Staubs were instrumental in the disappearance (and subsequent  death) of Caylee Anthony.

Consider the facts.

Rev. Grund’s son, Jesse Grund, had once been engaged to be  married to Casey Anthony.   

Rev. Grund and Kruger were both known to George and Cindy  Anthony and had been placed on a ‘do not enter’ list for the televised  memorial.

It is rather interesting HaLeigh Cummings vanished the same  day a nationally televised memorial was to air.

While Rev. Grund appeared to be on very bad terms with  George and Cindy Anthony, he expressed softer feelings for Casey and Caylee. Grund  expressed that he loved Caylee like a grandfather loves his grand daughter. He said that when he knew  Casey she was not the demon-possessed girl she is now (he believes Casey’s body  is indwelt by a demon god named Baal).

Staubs too, continuously described Casey Anthony as demon possessed.  He was so desperate to assign this label to her that he said her ears stuck out  like an elf and referenced some ancient demon he claimed she resembled. Staubs  launched the same type of character assassination campaign against Misty  Croslin; the primary person of interest in the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping.

Staubs and Grund said that both Caylee and Casey had been  molested by George Anthony and his son, Lee Anthony. Grund insisted to Holmseth  that Caylee was actually Lee’s child from incest (hence her name Ca-Lee).

So – would Rev. Grund have been compelled to arrange a  ‘rescue mission’ that included the assistance and complacency of Casey Anthony?

If that is what happened – Casey Anthony did not committ murder.

Consider the facts and evidence.

Although Kruger was at J. Blanchard Park on February 10,  2009, she quietly exited Florida,  and re-emerged in March of 2009 to be the victim’s advocate for HaLeigh  Cummings’ mother, Crystal Sheffield.

Rev. Grund told Holmseth that George and Cindy Anthony had a  special team that was targeting him and his family. He said they hacked his  computer and stole photographs from him. He called the team the “A Team”. He stated  on several occasions the Anthony’s were attempting to obtain DNA from his son,  Jesse Grund, to be used in a frame-up.

Rev. Grund repeatedly, and proactively, said specific things  to Holmseth that made Rev. Grund a ‘suspect’.

Holmseth sensed Rev. Grund seemed paranoid, because Rev.  Grund continuously suggested somebody was trying to place Jesse Grund’s hair on  Caylee’s body. He said Casey Anthony tried to obtain pubic hair from Jesse  Grund’s shower, and attempted to have him “touch” the trunk of her car (that trunk  that would later smell of a dead body).

It is Rev. Grund himself that keeps making his son, or  possibly, himself, a ‘suspect’. It is Rev. Grund himself that kept talking  about Grund DNA being found at any potential crime scene.

During an interview with Staubs and another investigator in  the Anthony case, James Hoover, the latter confirmed to Holmseth that Jesse  Grund had once been followed by operatives to Atlanta for the purpose of covertly obtaining  his DNA.

Rev. Grund was positive somebody was trying to frame his son,  and multiple witnesses supported the basics of what he was saying.

But then – Kruger said something that shed an entirely new  light on Grund.  

During an interview, Kruger suddenly blurted out to Holmseth  that she hoped Grund did not kill HaLeigh Cummings in ‘one of his frickin  exorcisms’.

That is a very powerful statement.

The statement troubled Holmseth because the National  Enquirer had published a story that suggested Caylee Anthony may have died in a  religious ritual performed by Grund.

Kruger told Holmseth that Rev. Grund did not believe HaLeigh  Cummings is completely human because she has Turner’s syndrome, which affects  her reproductive system.

What in the world?

This type of assessment of a child is off the charts.  Why was Rev. Grund discussing HaLeigh Cummings in this way? Why was he  discussing her at all? Moreover – did he discuss Caylee Anthony the same way?  Did he believe these little girls needed a demon to be extracted from them?

Did Caylee Anthony die during a ritual?

Caylee Anthony died in the summer of 2008. If the child had  been the subject of a ‘rescue mission’ due to sex abuse by her uncle and  grandfather, and subsequently killed (possibly accidentally) during an exorcism  or ritual, Kruger would have reason to believe the same thing happened to  HaLeigh Cummings after she was ‘rescued’.

Holmseth often felt Kruger was trying to cryptically tell  him what happened to Caylee.

Grund told Holmseth he once worshipped Satan but is now a  Christian. He told Holmseth he once had a direct encounter with a “fallen  Watcher” (i.e. a fallen angel – referred to as the Nephilim in the book of Genesis:  Chapter 6).

Rev. Grund is obsessed with religion and the occult. He is an online teacher and has students.

Rev. Grund told Holmseth that Casey Anthony was no longer  the “Casey” he once knew. He said her body was now indwelt by a demon god named  “Baal” (the ancient demon god Baal demanded the lives of children).

As one digests these realities it is important to remember that Rev. Grund interjected himself into the HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping case, and his operatives received money from John Burgun and a Scott Rothstein investment.

Rev. Grund  said the  home of George and Cindy Anthony was filled with pure evil. He said that when  he visited their home once with his wife, the demons in the house began to make  things fall off the shelves.

The cynical suggestion that Rev. Grund was responsible for  Caylee’s death was asserted by Cindy Anthony, Attorney Jose Baez, Wayanne  Kruger, and the National Enquirer.

Staubs told Holmseth, that while he was searching for the  missing child HaLeigh Cummings, he was being followed by a private investigator  named Dominic Casey that worked for George and Cindy Anthony. Holmseth asked  Staubs why Investigator Casey was following him; a question Staubs avoided many  times. After Holmseth persisted, Staubs, clearly irritated, said Investigator  Casey was following him because Staubs was working for Rev. Grund.

Thousand upon thousands of dollars, generated by a Scott  Rothstein investment, were channeled to a team that traveled to Northern Florida and interjected themselves into the  HaLeigh Cummings kidnapping.

Now – to state the obvious.

The team was not a team, per say – it was a human  trafficking outfit. Kruger explained the details about houses across the United States that Staubs was involved with. She also named all the people involved in an illegal baby-selling scheme that involved forged documents to move babies through the United States embassy.

If nothing else – the latest revelations show that the  American system of justice really does still work. The jury on the Casey  Anthony case did not succumb to public pressure or blindly follow the  story-line presented by the State of Florida.

Much less the despicable Nancy Grace.

The wisdom and courage of the Casey Anthony jury is to be  commended.

1 + 1 = 2.

Casey Anthony + Scott Rothstein = HaLeigh’s Cummings.